"Straight men with more 'gay genes' tend to have more sexual partners than those with fewer. Being a little bit gay makes a man more attractive to women. But being too gay? Women might still find you appealing, but you won’t care because you’re only interested in men." pic.twitter.com/WFihAICyyG
— Rob Henderson (@robkhenderson) March 7, 2025
"Straight men with more 'gay genes' tend to have more sexual partners than those with fewer. Being a little bit gay makes a man more attractive to women. But being too gay? Women might still find you appealing, but you won't care because you're only interested in men."
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The main limit on how many sexual partners you have isn't your attractiveness. It's how low your standards will go and how hard you try.
The (straight) guy with the highest body count is the one who is non-stop trying to bang every single possible woman.
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There's some truth to this. Some guys confuse a lack of motivation with a lack of ability to succeed. Every one of us guys would love to be a 6'7" jacked famous dude who can just walk into any social environment in the world and have women throw themselves at him. But most of us aren't 6'7" jacked famous dudes. We can still get laid, but it takes effort. And we rebel at the notion. It's unfair! Why can't I just walk into any room and have women throw themselves at me consistently, rather than just once in a blue moon? Well, it is what it is. The reality is, any guy who is average looking or better and has decent social skills, if he is hyper-motivated, can probably leave his house in the morning and come back home with a pretty girl within the next day or so. Pretty girls are everywhere and it's not really that hard to get laid. It's not like climbing Mt. Everest. Most guys get laid. Guys demotivate themselves, they sit at home jacking off to porn, they bemoan their existence instead of feeling grateful for the qualities and abilities that they do possess, they approach s*x from a perspective of seeking ego validation instead of from a place of pure lust - and women on average respond better to lust than to ego desire, I think - they try to use women to fill emotional holes in their hearts from bad childhoods and so on, to try to prove themselves as "real men" instead of just coming from a place of desire, they complain, they grumble, they moan... and I myself have done all this myself, so it's not just "they", it's me as well, which is why I know this... they do everything except throw themselves at the world with a deep powerful motivation to actually frick real women. When you do have that motivation, things tend to happen.
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that's literally the reason why dudes will consider spending hundreds on dates for a girl as normal while paying money to bang a hoe directly as weird and abnormal
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There's certainly something to that, but s*x is just generally more fun with a chick I've gotten to know for a while than it is some bimbo I met at a party or bar or whatever that night. I've never hired a hooker or anything like that but I just see that as even further down that spectrum and I imagine the whole thing would just be awkward. I won't completely deny that ego has anything to do with it but there's more to it than just that.
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You gotta Patrick Bateman ego maxx to get into the upper double digits of partners.
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I agree with you on that, I was more talking about guys who'll take a woman out just with the goal of fricking her, while not being that into her personally or enjoying the other time spent with her. At that point I'd say just go to a hooker, that's better value for money.
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You could literally increase your attractiveness to women by fricking hoes without ever admitting to fricking hoes?
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Doesn't everyone? If you just wanted sexual
pleasure jerking off is always available.
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men have s*x for social validation, women have s*x for personal validation
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Good Kitty is to a man what a high value bank account is to a woman.
Man's ego need needs as much filling as a foids security need.
A man feels powerful when he has a woman. A woman feels powerful when she has a powerful man.
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Jerking off doesn't replicate the feel, the smell of a real woman, the small surprises, the fun intimate talk in between going at it like two love-lorn wounded sailors floating on debris, the galaxies in each others' eyes, the playfulness of touching her in new ways and seeing what happens, the animal skin on skin healing of lonely wounds... I think that wanting to heal lonely wounds can lead to many bad things, but it's not exactly the same thing as seeking ego validation. Seeking ego validation is more of a mental thing, seeking to touch someone is raw and visceral and emotional. Pure lust without weird Freudian issues is better than that seeking to fill a hole in your heart, but even seeking to fill a hole in your heart is better than the sort of detached "I want to frick a woman to prove that I can" thing that guys who haven't gotten past that American Pie stage of sexuality sometimes get stuck in psychologically. I was a frustrated incel back in the day, and I put in the work to become a s*x-haver, not as often as I would like, but more than my wildest hopes from when I was 16 or so, so I can understand both sides of it. What I did not understand back then is, once you start having s*x, the journey has only started. The wild intimacy of s*x strips you raw to your core, at that point you might have to face all kinds of issues of attachment and so on, where you are seeking to use your partner to provide you with healing to old family and childhood wounds and so on, and then it doesn't work if you don't transcend that plane and figure out how to live your relationship in a way that isn't hyper-psychological plugging each others' wounds sort of thing. That's where I'm at right now, I know I can get laid, but now I'm trying to figure out how to get laid and then have a successful relationship where I don't sperg out.
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This is the gayest thing I've ever read. I demand at least $100 be sent to me for reading
it and for you to commit ritualistic suicide
to spare
your family's honor.
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wow. s*x with women sounds fricking gay
trans lives matter
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How many peepees did you suck while writing that?
I can figure out that your wife's the top and you are the bottom, but I cannot precisely measure how many layers of gay men are there between you two based on your para.
( This is a joke. Please don't be saddened by it. I hope you have a good day. )
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I don't understand
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In the same sense that eating plain white bread is an option if I'm hungry, but that's not going to stop me from cooking something that actually tastes good.
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Incel award
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There isn't enough testosterone in the average man today to put effort into staying alive, much less chasing kitty like the Terminator pursuing Kyle Reese.
My recommendation would be to exercise half an hour to an hour every single day. Moderate exercise. Keep doing this until your sense of manliness and instincts rise high enough to instinctively make you chase after wealth power and kitty. Make sure you are exercising well, not damaging your muscles or working yourself to pure exhaustion every day like a dumb frick. If you still aren't able to get your spirits up high enough to get through life, then it is over for you and I would recommend going to a therapist because that really is your last option.
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Insightful, I think you're right
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Yes, I don't score with a lot of women, I'm too straight
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True intelligence is dropping the superfluous and time wasting o's so that you can fit more erudite elucidation into a smaller space.
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the epitome of masculinity is probably some fat trucker who never showers, not some metrosexual ripped fitness model
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Can confirm.
If you want to attract the ladies, have s*x with men.
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Didn't some decade long study into the human genome find very weak corelation between genes and homosexuality? I remember because it annoyed some gays and lesbians because it hurt the "born this way" notion and lent credence to the posibility of environmental factors.
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It's actually a combination of a genetic predisposition and getting molested by your uncle
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It's entirely based on exposure to Mediterranean men. I'm not gay but I will frick a male Spaniard, Italian or Gayreek when I get the chance.
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It is like how in marvel comics all inhumans have the potential but being exposed to the Terrigen mists is what activates it. Similarly all people have a potential to be gay but getting molested as a child is what activates it, and just like how inhumans cannot then just deactivate their power, you cannot ungay once a child has been molested.
( This is a joke theory )
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isn't it related to the acidity of the uterus or something? the more sons a woman has the higher the possibility of homosexual ones
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!tops they are really trying to pretend there are gay genes
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I mean the human body doesn't really work that way, individual things are the outcome of many many genes adding up. If you remove all of the genes that are over represented in gay people you might also end up with a human with 3 fingers.
Thinking humans are a blank slate is incredibly stupid, we are super diverse physically so why would everyone's brain be identical?
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Oh yeah sounds totally legit and not out of context or statistically meaningless or whatever. If genes cause you to have sexual success with the opposite s*x, those are inherently not gay genes
Does this mean that DDR is gay because he went whopee with a buncha broads?
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Foids just need to realize that loving relationships and procreation is what their husband will provide them. When a man wants to have sexual fun, that's with the boys. You don't have romantic feelings for men you frick.
It's that simple
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Similar to how if you have too many high IQ genes you end up r-slurred. The body can only invest so much in a trait before something breaks.
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source? sounds interesting.
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human behavior? driven by genes? nonsense
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Its actually gay to get kitty
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we got a fricking whole bunch of redpill philosophers. its nkt even like ur wrong. ut just shut the fricking frick up ur r-slurred talking about this shit on a fricking xrama webby u momo (joey diaz)
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