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>Didnt you take in a bum and bang him??? pot calling the kettle black id say

How the frick do I find this story and its EVERYTHING

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i feel like What no kitty does to a mf

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i dug through her post history to try and find it but couldnt, regardless the only reason a woman has to post on tigerdroppfings is pickme/attention whoring

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Coonassess watch reality shows, even the men... Gen, and Canbys orders to our troops about them were right....

im literally screaming, :marseynotes:

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Who is Gen Canby??? *sips tea*

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He was kind of a big deal in that region in the civil war. Murdered by the Modoc. Canby, Oregon is named after him. My wigger bff lived there. She hung out at farm supply store.

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My friend lives in Canby Washington:marseyxd: but go off i guess

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thats not even a real place and you dont have a wigger bff there but go off

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Im from Seattle:marseyderp: but its whatever

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Exactly my point, and Tell me, bot, where do you work??? Boeing??? Ballistic missile submarines???

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literally, I work for a local business, selling drugs on the street:marseyrussian:

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That's an "altar" in only the loosest sense of the word. There's no way any of those reality show "marriages" last more than a year.

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i feel like Making or participating in marriage game shows should be banned on penalty of death

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Anyone who goes on these shows is unstable to begin with.

A village idiot. She did all of that to virtue signal on a TV show, thinking she'll be treated like a hero at work. It's mental illness crossed with stupidity and indoctrination.


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Thats not a truth nuke, its like just some rednecks getting unironically upset at (fake) reality shows

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:#marseyhesright: :#marseytruthnuke:

I just like using that emoji.

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why complain about status signaling??? she showing her status by being able to leave love on the table like just as your showing ur status by posting this for our gratification, and everything boils down to status

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Once you go white, you know it aint right!!! :marseydisgust: *sips tea*

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lol. b-word Ive been jelqing since preteens and take roids like it's my job. you do NOT know who you are talking too and i recommend you cease and desist



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