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I found the most pathetic sub: /r/HSP, a subreddit for "highly sensitive people"




Holy crap what a gold-mine. A group of people with so little resilience they formed it into an identity and congregate in the same place. This is REAL.

From the sidebar:

>The concept of HSP was developed by Dr. Elaine Aaron based on her studies described in her book 'The Highly Sensitive Person'. You can learn more at https://hsperson.com, but the Cliff Notes version of her theory is that for packs of mammals to survive, they developed a macro-evolution where 15% of the pack members have a highly sensitive nervous system and the other 85% not so sensitive. The is the proposed 'ideal' ratio for pack survival, such that if you have too few sensitives, then the pack will figurative plow forward off a cliff like (stereotypical) lemmings, while having too many sensitives means the pack may accomplish very little.

Sounds like bullshit.

Some highlights:


>Title: Why am I treated so negatively all the time ? OP: /u/buttercupp888

>Today I went to a store with my sister and both my sister and I wanted to pay separately, so I let my sister line up first . The lady at the cash register was super sweet to her asked about her day, made her feel welcomed and called her a "sweetheart" . When it was my turn I thought I'd get the same interaction and I smiled and said hello ☺️ just being extremely polite and the lady with a horrible attitude said " want a bag ? Here " and I kindly said "yes of course may I get 2" . Not even joking she rolls her eyes and gives me my change . Felt like such a slap in the face .... ?¿

Imagine a wagie having this much power of you.


>Title: I'm a HSP and I get harassed daily⚠️Trigger Warning OP: deleted

A self-confessed lolcow vagueposts.

>I have no defenses. Everyone sees me as a "lolcow" and an easy target for bullying and harassment. I have to deal with this all day every day, I'm barely functioning anymore. I can't do this. I can't do this for months to come. This is all I'm known for

In the comments, OP doesn't find the standard /r/HSP hugbox and argues with commenters, downmarseyd massively.

>If you argue with people, they will argue with you. Is that what you want?

>OP: People provoke me and try to start arguments even when I try to be normal…

>What does normal mean to you?

>OP: Like being nice to people. I commented on /r/gaming that i was looking forward to a game and someone commenting "not trying to start arguments huh?"

...revealing that inciting incident for his post was a mean comment on /r/gaming.


In the above link, OP's (/u/Immediate-Panda-4555) wondering is highly sensitive people can attend orgies safely. Imagine making a HSP cry at the orgy because he perceives you preferring to eat someone else's butt over his.


OP (/u/curiositycat96) states that being a HSP is a reason for his NEET-hood

>Sometimes I just feel so sensitive, overwhelmed and stressed so easily from work. Really any job I've had but some have been worse than others. I'm only 28 and I feel so exhausted and burned out from having to continue being strong, sucking it up, and doing things that suck the life out of me. Is it being HSP, just not made for "traditional" or mental illness?


Here we a redditor bingo. Self-identified "highly gifted child". OP (/u/Kodicave) theorises that they're not actually highly-sensitive, but instead just better at noticing patterns than others.

>I think people don't realize their "attitudes" are completely visible. We can feel when someone is being condescending. We can see the tone in someone's text when they are secretly making fun of you. the looks your fremenies gives to each other when you arrive

Some of these posts border on /r/gangstalking levels of conspiracy and delusion, in terms of their shared belief that everyone in the world is seeking to harm their delicate sensibilities.


Absolutely useless loser of an OP (/u/daisyfloweruwu) is traumatised because they failed their driving test six times (lol)

>Whenever I came back home after a driving test, I couldn't stop crying. Literally, I was crying for long hours and I didn't get out of bed for the rest of the day. Also, my mood was broken for the next few days. I felt so down and humiliated

My parents want me to try again, but I will rather be dead than try again. All I see is the examination center just showing you that you're a piece of shit, not a human.

More driving test drama: https://old.reddit.com/r/hsp/comments/1d9lew3/driving_examiner_yelled_at_me_and_i_cried/

>I truly think driving instructors are some of the most miserable people. My driving instructor was super chill but he just seemed so nonchalant and blah. I was 16yo nearly leaping up and down when he told me I passed and yet he just stared at me so awkwardly that it stole my joy and I got kinda sunken and serious.

Oh my fricking god these people are so incredibly useless - if the evil driving instructor is not actively harassing and attacking them, then the issue is that they don't immediately scream with joy when they pass. This poster is an adult but they're still seething years later simply because a driving examiner wasn't excited enough for them when they passed.

Anyway, if you search the sub by key word you can find these highly sensitive specimens seething about a social slight in almost any situation.

I can't believe I've discovered a group of people so ripe for gay ops and bullying.

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HSPs and s*x parties ? !

The government needs to fund research on the ugly people who frick like rabbits phenomenon.

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Nowhere near fat enough.

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I liked reddit's cope about that pic.

:soysnoo2: UHHH, actually I'd prefer to be the people on the left. They look a lot cooler, and I bet they have a lot of fun while the people on the right are a bunch of stuck-up rich a-holes.

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I'd still frick the chubby quirk chungus, but I'd have to kill the dude first

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Pretty sure he'd let you, while he just watches.

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no he'd want to rub ice on your nipples while you do it

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number of days since i have had to see a fricking r-slurred reposted image. it was funny the first 20 times i saw it, do better you dumb gook

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Keep yourself safe BIPOC :marseydmx:

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Spend less time on internet

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going to make my kitty dry up so fast if they see me, I'll have to use my kitty cream.

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huge upgrade

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It's surprisingly easy to get laid if you have zero standards.

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we should sterilise the uggos


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Frick the 1/10 meth heads with rotting mouths

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!chuds !dramatards

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my mental health isn't great but my pussy is

Oh, we're not in RSP talking about the hosts?

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I assumed the female friend is either fat or peepeeed

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We have it's called India.

It ended up terribly.

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Here we a redditor bingo. Self-identified "highly gifted child". OP (/u/Kodicave) theorises that they're not actually highly-sensitive, but instead just better at noticing patterns than others.

I bet there are certain patterns he willfully ignores. !nooticers

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Oh gee gilligers all these people calling me a white devil are illiterate BIPOCs.


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why does the new generation have to take simple concepts and make up no longer word phrases for them? Instead of saying anecdote, they say "lived experience". Instead of saying crazy they say "neurodivergent". Instead of saying kitty they say "highly sensitive person". Fricking dumb as soft handed skibidi b-words :zoomertears:


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Because pathologizing everything is the easiest way to worm out of being classified a useless r-slur

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They get classified that anyway.

Pathologizing everything is how you sell self help books, keynote speakers, guidance courses, 1 on 1 life coaching, energy realignment regimes (deep enough in facebook groups, there's hundreds of them and the're $100+), watch time for adbux, and even T-shirts.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741556412n6y22DmcNETnYQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741556412jLFePnWHlIufwA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741556412CT9Kwxh4w225Ng.webp

now they can be classified and someone else gets their money

acronym industrial complex

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Yes and classified r-slurs worm their way out of being reviled

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where im from we dont do that fancy talk go back to the city u fricking cute twink

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I promise you that sub is 90% millennials lol

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euphemism treadmill. but you know crazy, kitty, and anecdote were also created by a previous generation who asked exactly what u are asking!

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Therapy culture and science loving makes millennials need to insert fake technical jargon into every aspect of their pathetic lives.

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It's honestly underrepresented how badly therapy and this whole third-wave feminist "deconstructionist" mindset has ruined critical thinking. It's funny how people will talk about anti-intellectualism but use the same rhetoric but packaged in college doublespeak or therapy jargon.

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Sounds like someone is having some big feelings.

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Wrd flters

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What subreddits these users also use


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They had this concept in the late 1700s already.

"Sense and Sensibility" -- "Sensibility" refers to a mental illness they imagined back then about upper class women who were so doted on that they went crazy from it.

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The worst part of being my age is that half the population won't even get this joke.

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In the 1700s a mental illness, in the 2000s just a regular foid :marseydepressed:

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Edit ; I also feel like it's my fault because I have a habit of scanning every interaction I encounter, and if I get treated badly and I notice it , I know it'll sound horrible but I will keep the same energy and become 10x rude, which I know i shouldn't be but , internally it hurts .

Help help! I'm a feisty ladygarden who will blow up the second people don't treat me exactly how I imagine they'd treat me!


He needs to be in the hysterical woman sub.

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So he's Jerry Seinfeld

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A remarkably unfunny comedian. Not sure how he made it.

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Very disappointed to find out this sub isn't for Halal Snack Packs


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The concept of HSP was developed by Dr. Elaine Aaron based on her studies described in her book 'The Highly Sensitive Person'. You can learn more at https://hsperson.com, but the Cliff Notes version of her theory is that for packs of mammals to survive, they developed a macro-evolution where 15% of the pack members have a highly sensitive nervous system and the other 85% not so sensitive. The is the proposed 'ideal' ratio for pack survival, such that if you have too few sensitives, then the pack will figurative plow forward off a cliff like (stereotypical) lemmings, while having too many sensitives means the pack may accomplish very little.

Sounds like bullshit.


Dr. Aron earned her M.A. from York University in Toronto in clinical psychology

Yeah, bullshit

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HSPs and s*x parties ? !


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As a Highly Sensitive Person, I demand that it'll be made a bannable offense to bully me :marseyill:

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Kitty butt BIPOC lol

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Mods, please ban this bully :marseycrying:

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nchuds get in here. We have a victim of cyberbullying.

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the Cliff Notes version of her theory is that for packs of mammals to survive, they developed a macro-evolution where 15% of the pack members have a highly sensitive nervous system and the other 85% not so sensitive. The is the proposed 'ideal' ratio for pack survival, such that if you have too few sensitives, then the pack will figurative plow forward off a cliff like (stereotypical) lemmings, while having too many sensitives means the pack may accomplish very little.

Like they'd ever speak up

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Humanity would nuke itself if we didn't have people who break down crying when they pass their drivers test :marseysurejan: I wonder why a government babysitter who gives out thousands of these wouldn't always be enthusiastic :marseyhmm:

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Imagine trying to be a driving instructor to modern zoomers. Unlike teachers, you actually HAVE to make them put the tiktokbox down

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I like the idea. I shouldn't have a job because I'm a Highly Sensitive Person and working hurts my soul

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This just makes me sad, because when someone with actual mental problems shows up these kinds of people are always the first to start screeching about their trauma or whatever. Highly sensitive person my butt, you're just a kitty :marseyshrug: life sucks, deal with it or keep yourself safe

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Tbh I prefer this framework to classifying every difficult personality as a mental illness. Mild anxiety, depression, cluster B disorders, non-combat "ptsd," fake internet autism, etc. could all probably just be called "highly sensitive" as a personality trait.

I suppose the issue is getting these people to understand that their sensitivity must be controlled sometimes, that it will sabotage or undermine them.

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Isn't this like the entirety of reddit?

Anyway sounds a bit like gang stalking vibes

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:donkeykongi: :donkeykongs::donkeykongr::donkeykonga::donkeykonge::donkeykongi:















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The concept of HSP was developed by Dr. Elaine Aaron


Aron is married to SUNY-Stony Brook psychology professor Arthur Aron

Of course she is

What is it with doctors and "psychologists" in particular that pushes them to marry each others all the time

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Wh*te womxn, every time :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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They're the only people immune to each others' mental tricknology

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gosh ur a loser

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because he perceives you preferring to eat someone else's butt over his.

I'm adding this to my flair.

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