EU shitter account lies so plainly and openly that everyone calls them out for it

God i hate being right :marseygiveup: I wish I could be wrong sometimes but instead I'm cursed with being right and innocent people have to die for it

As you might have heard, entire Christian and Alawite families and villages are being slaughtered in Syria right now, by le moderate rebels that the west and israel supported against d1cktator assad

but instead of being honest, the eu claims that the victims are actually the perpetrators??

meanwhile, there are countless accounts and images of random university students being slaughtered by le moderate rebels

the decadent disgusting jewropean union wants you to believe that these are the aggressors

and these are the dindu nuffins

compare the peaceful eu to the evil ruzzians :marseycricket:

meanwhile, netanyahu gets to rub his little hands while the usual cuckservative scum get to say :quote:oy vey look at those nasty brown people always killing each other:quote:

meanwhile, the "brown people":

the exact (((very same people))) who spent years crying assad must go, despite being warned that he's protecting his civilians from literal jihadists, now acting smug that literal jihadists are killing people

anyway, it's very sad

and I wish I was wrong, but here I am being right:

there's still time to be wrongabout this tho :marseybegging:

ALSO ik this post is a mess but there's also a huge contingent of people saying YOU CAN'T BLAM3 THE ZIONAZIS THIS TIME!! when uhhhh actually you can and should. jewlani is an Israeli asset, and netanyahu claims full responsibility for what's happening in Syria

jewlani jihadi forces also let Israel annex syrian land with literally no fight at all, meanwhile they have all the energy to kill innocent civilians :surejan:

Anyway it's a nice sunny day and I refuse to edit this post but death 2 Israel, death 2 the eu, death 2 turkiye, death 2 jihadists (but i repeat myself :marseysmug2:

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What do you think should actually happen? From an outside perspective, it seems like the whole region is full of groups that intensely hate each other - sometimes for very good reasons - and they will never stop killing each other in sectarian violence. Are there any good examples where this has been stopped somehow? Rwanda? Northern Ireland?

Weirdly in the one region where I almost agree with Trump's isolationist instincts he instead seems determined to keep sucking Bibi's peepee.

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i think westoids should stop arming/funding anyone in the middle east and cease all involvement

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ok we agree, then. But no fair swimming to Lesbos when the next shiite/sunni purge drops.

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But no fair swimming to Lesbos when the next shiite/sunni purge drops.

Vast majority of the refugees were fleeing the instability caused by westoid intervention.

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maybe if you limit that to actual refugees, but most of them are just Africans who realized Europe is way nicer than most places in Africa.

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>But no fair swimming to Lesbos when the next shiite/sunni purge drops

>but most of them are just Africans


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I mean, the Shia and Sunni have been beefing since the 600s, so you can't blame that on westoids.

And yes, huge numbers of migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa transit through the MENA region and arrive places like Lesbos.

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Those are two different things. And besides, trying to make the whole MENA conflict about Sunnis vs Shias is silly when most of the violence is extremist Sunni on regular Sunni. And those extremist Sunnis were empowered by westoids going over and destabilizing the local governments in power there.

Sunnis and Shias have been beefing for centuries sure whatever. But the mass exodus of MENA refugees into Europe happened after westoid interventions where wars destroyed their infrastructure and economy. Before there would be occasional violence but they mostly just lived in separate villages away from each other while the government kept things relatively stable. Westoids fighting wars in those places directly lead to the refugee crisis and the rise of Islamic extremism.

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The West has plenty to answer for in the history of colonialism, but laying blame for the Syrian civil war/the recent wave of refugees entirely at the feet of the West is a little too convenient for me to accept. At any rate, I am far from an expert at any of this - you are surely better informed - but I think we agree that the West should GTFO out of the sandbox.

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stop funding people who start wars and there wouldn't be any legitimate claim for fugee status, even under the most cucked liberal policies

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I don't think that's how the UN convention on refugees works, but I take your point.

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why is a greek island so close as to be swimmable anyway

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it's not: the traffickers take them on shitty little boats that are always sinking.

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i can clear this

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Israel would be wiped off the map, there would be a decade or two of scrambling before a hegemon is established and then peace.

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Wouldn't it be best for the West to prop up dictators like Assad, who might kill a few dissenters or whatever :marseyjerkoffsmile: but prevent large :marseykilldozer: scale :marseyjustice: chaos :marseyshadow: and genocide?

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The US hoped that Assad would :marseymight: be different :marseyvenn3: from his father :marseyjohnson: and would :marseymid: work with the United :marseyeaglerider: States :marseyflagtennessee: instead of against them. Assad made the wrong :marseydisapprove: decision and now his people are getting slaughtered by Muslims.

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if they cared about preventing chaos and genocide then yes

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But the oil...

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Bad example as that's a fairly recent and entirely European cauaes conflict

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But people here are claiming it's all yt's fault the sand people hate each other, too, so that would make Rwanda a good example?

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It's Yts fault for them killing each other en-mass, but they've hated each other for thousands of years

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