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[suggestion] Bear spray award

An award for belligerent rightoids that fills their screen up with annoying orange graphics to simulate being blinded by antifa at a portland riot.

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Trump made a sound of satisfaction, hand already down his silk boxers. @pizzashill could see the fabric move as Donald touched himself. God help him, it was hot. Donald pulled him by the collar of his button up shirt towards the bedroom, shoving him towards the 538 king bed. @pizzashill was used to the rough treatment by now, and only worked to pull his shirt off over his head. He pulled his belt off, tossing it to the ground. His hands froze on his zipper when Donald said “Stop. First, you’re gonna listen to what I have planned for my inauguration. I’ve decided that when I’m president, we’re not gonna do any of that worshipping the bussy shit.”

@pizzashill flinched. “I knew you weren’t a smart guy. You’re fooling the r/Drama illiterates.” He managed to say, peepee hard. ' Donald sneered. This was just how he liked it. As though he was dominating him on a front-page post on r/EnoughSandersSpam.

“I’m very literate, I read all the time. I’d say I’m the most literate guy around.” He said, advancing towards @pizzashill, his belt on the bed.

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Write part 2. :marseyclapping:

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ping me when the next pizza post happens and i'll give you part two sweetie

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No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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