Posting this ancient classic because the recent Antiwork shitshow gave me sudden déjà vu of this old dramatic happening. EncyclopediaDramatica also seems to be dead again so I figured it'd be nice to re-archive all this somewhere.
Way back in 2009 when the culture of the "old internet" was on its last legs with the advent of social media, a Washington furry couple known as Tomcat and Chewfox
decided that it was a great idea to accept an offer to appear on the Tyra Banks show, which for the uninformed non-burgers here was pretty much a televised lolcow viewing session. Their segment only lasted about three minutes long, but in that time managed to completely spill the beans regarding the truth about depraved furry degeneracy to a massive audience of normies - causing previously untold levels of sheer seething within the furry fandom. Highlights include the host asking if they get turned on at Disneyland, an explanation of "strategically placed holes" (SPHs) in their fursuits that allow them to do the dirty, and awkward denials of bestiality.
This is the only clip on the internet I can still find of the interview, so forgive the 90's VHS tape levels of quality and the hilarious asshurt furry commentary dubbed over the clip:
The comments are also full of angry furries to this day lmao.
Similarly to the Antiwork initial reaction, the wider furry community was out for blood when this brutally honest interview was broadcast on national daytime television. Furries tended to close ranks and at least make an attempt to pretend it wasn't a "sexual thing" back then to avoid being bullied (or "fursecuted") by those darn normies, so it was seen as a complete stab in the back that Tomcat and Chewfox would expose them like this to such a massive audience.
Chewfox took to FurAffinity to write a blogpost in the immediate aftermath of the segment being aired - which seems to be totally wiped from the internet now, but it was pretty much just an attempt at trying to explain to the angry mob why she did the interview and why she thought it would bring more people into the fandom. It didn't do a great job of placating the crowd however, since the post got so many angry replies and views that it crashed the whole site for an hour. Incensed by both the interview and the subsequent DDoSing of his website, FurAffinity's libertarian owner Dragoneer AKA Neer decided to personally step in and janny Chewfox off the site completely. The following message is what would be displayed when trying to view her profile:
This account has been closed due to the following reason: User has brought shame to the entire fandom for their own personal self gain. Trolling shouts or otherwise harassing comments against this user will result in action being taken against your account. What happened has happened, but further trolling and attacks against the user will not be accepted. Please refrain from shouting on her shoutbox at this time. She is not able to defend at this time and it's considered spam.
This was later rescinded however once the drama had temporarily lulled, with Dragoneer putting up the following apology post.
It was claimed that her appearance on the show supposedly cost a few furries their jobs to due being outspoken furries in the workplace (and assumedly who's bosses weren't aware of what that really implied until then), but this was never verified. Outside of that though, it seemed like the drama was pretty much over.
Moving into 2010, Chew Fox was suddenly banned yet again from FurAffinity a few months later, with the following reason provided:
Banned Mar 27, 2010 - threatening legal action against Fur Affinity, harassment, intentionally causing drama. -Neer
The reason for this? Chewfox was spotted wearing a shirt at an Atlanta furry convention bragging about their involvement in the previous year's drama, pictured below.
Her account has remained permabanned to this day after this incident (which unfortunately has very little information still available outside of the photo itself), but the contents of the account has remained open to the public view, leaving it nothing but an ancient relic of internet drama to gawk upon. If you really like looking at furry diaper porn, I guess.
It wasn't until 2016 that Chewfox and Tomcat would resurface yet again, this time in the award winning documentary (no, I'm serious) Fursonas, which I pirated and suffered through just for the sake of finding interesting drama to post about here. They don't really add much to the story, except that A. they now have a kid together who they're already trying to groom into being a furry and B. she still has zero remorse for what she did. One interesting thing that was talked about here though was this ventpost from Dragoneer where he literally calls Tomcat and Chewfox worse than libertarians because of how much they damaged furries' reputations - this warped line of thinking isn't really a surprising position for Neer to take though, given that he himself enjoys and has commissioned furry child porn art involving his own digimon fursona.
Chewfox and Tyragate
I really don't know what to say about chewfox that hasn't been said already. Suffice to say, she sold out the fandom for her personal gain. She got her 15 minutes on national TV by showing herself to be the very kind of person we all like to pretend doesn't exist, and she did it by taking a collective shit on the rest of us for a few dollars, and her moment in the limelight. I was less embarassed over the Allan Panda libertarian issue than I am this shit. [Editor's note: Allan Panda was found to be sexually assaulting children]
I hope it was worth it.
I thought about posting my thoughts about this to FA, but the grim reality is anything I'd have to say regarding Chewfox as "Dragoneer" would be laden with four letter words accompanied by my screaming. "GET THE FRICK OUT OF THIS FANDOM YOU RAGING !%#!%$!%$!%$!%$#!!" But there are reasons I do not resort to such things. There are only two people who could ever enrage me to even saying such things in public, and Chewfox doesn't (and won't) get the credit of being one of them.
There are many things I'd like to say to her, but none that I really could say without an overwhelming feeling of disgust.
Chewfox fricked over the entire fandom, and the sad part? She's proud to have done so.
There's nothing sadder than that, at all.
To inject my own personal take here, as embarrassing as what Chewfox and Tomcat did, it's amusing to see the zoophile and libertarian top dogs of the fandom come out of the woodwork to try and pin this couple as the reason the community has such a negative reputation, and not - y'know, all the zoophiles and libertarians.
Furry couple go onto a talk show, proceed to furpill everyone on national television, get exiled from the fandom forever for being too brutally honest about what furries are actually into. If nothing else, just watch the interview for yourself.
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I also omitted this from the main post because of its NSFW nature, but here's just a screengrab from the Fursonas documentary to give an example of the type of shit I had to sit through to research this ancient drama. Yes, that's "dragon lube" on the shelves.
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I liked it better when people with no skills collected Funko pops instead.
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Somewhere in this world there is a Funko Pop lodged in someone's butthole.
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Is it yours?
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I have never bought a Funko Pop how fricking dare you
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So you stole the funko pop that currently resides in your arse. Good to know
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The only thing I'm going to pop is your bussy
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This is older.
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Is that out in the open in their home? Their kid is going to grow up assuming that all families have their extensive animal dildo collections on display until an awkward moment of realization in like 3rd grade...
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This is a different guy who's an employee of the animal dildo company. I think that might be their office.
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Oh thank god. I almost commented that he got a lot healthier. Good post.
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We must find this man and kill him. For the children playing minecraft.
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Of course I keep Cards Against Humanity on the animal dildo shelf!
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I no longer like that game.
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I don't know if I should be proud of you or disgusted for being able to make it through
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I want to kill libertarians in minecraft and then in real life with my glock 18.
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Get a real pistol in a real caliber like a Barretta or HK and not plastic junk
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May st. Kyle guide your aim.
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Holy shit I forgot about this. Tyra did the same thing to the 'irl vampire community' too but somehow it managed to be less embarrassing than the chewfox debacle.
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The later episodes of the Tyra Banks show were basically a proto-rdrama and they were great viewing material tbh.
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The fact that furries are no longer the most degenerate group online really highlights how fricked the world is.
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Id wager that whatever other degenerate group you come up with furries have a significant overlap with them. For whatever reason, degeneracy seems to cluster.
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It's the neurodiversity.
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Autismos shouldn't have human rights because they aren't human, according to snappy
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A study was done a while back that shows very clearly that furries are something like 90% gay men. How's that for a cluster.
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Are they not? Furries are the bottom of the totem pole as far I can tell
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Ageplay is worse IMO. Also feeders, and groomers.
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All of which significantly overlaps with furries. Maybe not feeders, they'd have to keep making new suits. They pay thousands of dollars for those creepy things.
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Ah fair
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I'm serious:
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Don't worry, Snappy, that is a natural reaction to being assaulted with such cursed knowledge
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Least degenerate furry couple
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I would be more surprised if someone was a furry without any sort of sexual component
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I do wonder why you know so much about furries, Marco. DIdnt you say you arent one? Curious..
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It's my favorite kind of drama. No other online community will ever be as depraved or have a total collective lack of self-awareness that furries do and still yet manage to be an active fandom after all these years.
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Is there any truth to the claim that most of it isn't sexual? Or is is safe to assume every furry is a degenerate?
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It's a complete PR tactic to excuse the fact that half the fandom are minors being encouraged to "explore their furriness" in private chatrooms with adults posing as saccharine cartoon animals.
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Follow where the money goes. Who makes more money, SFW furry artists or NSFW ones?
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Anyone who thinks anthropomorphic art is neat (a lot of people, frankly) aren't going to bother joining a fandom about it. They'll just think "wow, zootopia was pretty neat" and move on with life.
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Eugh, revolting and educational. Im glad i distanced myself with the fandom freaks.
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Good post. Why are u in house vampire tho? House furry seems more your speed.
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Because I'm not a furry and actively encourage the bullying of all furshitters here.
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Marco don't make me pull up those threads again
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Don't think I don't notice you two jackal frickers following me around and quietly upmarseying this fake news smear campaign in every thread where it comes up. The day of the pelt is coming.
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he pays attention to votes
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I'd grass award you right now if you were active enough to make it worth it
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great writeup in the op btw
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The craziest part is that FA has managed to last longer than a decade. Even E6 isn’t that old and E6 is actually good (on a technical level at least)
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Isnt that site owned by the same folk? I thought they were co-owned by the dildo company freaks.
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FA and E6 have different owners. E6 is owned by one of the BD founders though
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Don't even get me started on how Varka used to own a reptile bestiality forum.
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Marco how long have you been a furry? This is like decade old drama
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Ok sorry how long have you been
a furryjerking off to animal people in a totally nonfurry mannerJump in the discussion.
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Ever since I was exposed to a picture of Lucario getting bussy blasted as a teenager.
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Wait, so are you and
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Lmao it was gay too rough buddy
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Unless someone managed to r*pe a gator I'm not sure how it's physically possible.
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That’s not how gator wrestling is supposed to go.
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Is Raptorshy still one of the E6 admins? We used to hang out in IRC all the time.
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How do you people all know each other? It's like furry fandom is made up of 100 power users.
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Who’s responsible this?
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Furry drama is always funny. I remember watching some amateur documentary on the origins of the whole scene. The infighting between coomers and people who just liked the art started pretty much immediately. This was before the whole fursuit thing.
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Even the earliest conventions from the 90s had people walking around in fetish gear and fricking in the hotel elevators. It never even began for furcels.
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not a sexual thing btw
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For more drama here's a YouTube furry movie reviewer spending an hour explaining why he's not into bestiality.
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I never would have been able to guess which ones were the furries.
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You’re the prefect of our Vampire house why are you posting about furries?
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Know thy enemy, right?
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As a good leader should.
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Thank you, very informed.
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Wait what's wrong with beastiality? I for one hate furries because they're kitties who don't go all the way.
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Kaara mommy is that you?? >_> 😪
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Another post for the rdrama GOAT hall of fame
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Hard to say. Antiwork is more comparable to OWS and may end up faltering, again, due to poor leadership. Furry is about fricking and being a degenerate. Part of the reason they were costumes is too hide themselves due to embarrassment, so furries are actually more hardy than antiwork folx and have built in anti-embarrassment into their character sheets
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We must enforce the progressive stack for inclusiveness in our movement, citizen.
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Antiwork is supposedly trying to accomplish massive systemic change while furries are having orgies while pretending to be animals. The latter goal is far more realistic.
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Tbh, furries just need to wait to be picked up by another corpo's sexual liberation crusade - there scarcely any other fetish as monetizable and brand-happy as furries.
Antiworkers, on the other hand, are just neo-marxist NEETs, so they're not any more monetizable or relevant than the greater Che Guevara t-shirt wearing crowd.
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Oh god I hope so.
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Dashcon already happened
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Cons take work to host.
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(((They))) want you to work to control you
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Antiwork is a "movement". Occupy Wallstreet movement also was gone up in flames. It's degen but not furry levels of degen. I doubt it'll last that long.
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Nice try but thats not me. I'm not a girl and I'm not fat, and also my fur is black.
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Here is your daily dose of fluffiness courtesy of Noctis! To unsubscribe please send 100 dramacoin to
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It’s the devil!
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