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I am posting this on behalf of my older brother, whom he tried to take his own life and now our family is now in shambles.

I always enjoy when people who can't write feel the need to try and be formal and instead just spew nonsense.

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Idiots think using ultra-formal language makes them more credulous credible because they're idiots and they assume everyone else is just as confused by fancy language as they are.

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credible :marseysmug2:


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It's a perfectly cromulent word.


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Frick me that gave me a good belly laugh take my updoot fine internet friend.

Real talk though I did fricking have a good laugh.



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whom even writes/talks like that?! this ain't ye olde english!

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Whom is just what you use for direct or indirect objects. Who for he/she/they, whom for him/her/them. The irony is that not only is the "he" unnecessary in her sentence, but she should be using "who", not "whom".

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yeah but whoms't even knows that kind of stuff

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Is "who" correct because the clause after the comma is independent? It sounds weird but isn't "I" the subject?

"he" is throughly r-slurred, though

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The clause is describing the older brother. If the clause were a sentence on its own, then "he" would be used instead of "who". I don't know the explicit syntax rules behind this but that's my reasoning for why "who" is used.

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I guess it comes down to subject of the clause as opposed to subject of the sentence. The bona fide subject of the whole sentence is OP making the post online.

Frick this. We should just retire the word "whom". Give me Spanish as a lingua franca instead. That would eradicate so many problems and we'd all be having so much more s*x and stuff.

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Asian family

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didn't expect the plot to thicken from this post - https://rdrama.net/post/40049/redditor-hodls-too-long-loses-life :!marseybooba:

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Oh darn, me neither. I was just reading that post a few minutes ago.

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Lol this post is better than mine cuz this dude faked a suicide attempt instead of just posting his L to mademesmile or whatever

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From the GoFundMe link:

The link is to the original post he wrote a few days ago on an online forum.


We don’t come from a well off family as we struggle to make ends meet. However, he is the type of person to always put others first before him and always wanted to make other people happy. He always showered our family with presents during events, and always helped my parents out with bills.

During this time, he was saving up for a house to buy for 6 years. When he was financially able in early 2020, he decided to pull the trigger, and purchase a pre construction that closes in 2022. However COVID hit, and he ended up losing his job within the next month. He was still contractually on the hook for the house and monthly deposits. He was able to make the deposits with what he saved prior to losing his job, but he was now dreading the down payment for closing. If he is unable to close, the builders stated they will sue him.

He was scared, but his mental wellbeing was strong. He ended up working various odd jobs that he really didn't like to make up some money as fast as possible. However the earnings weren't enough after he lost his original job, and each day closer to closing it was taking a toll on him, and our family, but we still remained optimistic.

Fast forward to the beginning of this year where he and the whole world hears about the stock (GME). He thought this was his chance to make up the difference to cover a year's worth of lost wages, and a sign from god. No one in our family really played stocks, and we did advise against it. However we saw the look of desperation in his eyes, and his need to do it. It was the first time I've seen him so excited in a while. So we let him, which was a decision that haunts us to this day.

He essentially then put everything he had saved up into the market on the same day it decided to tumble down, and it has been tumbling down ever since. We wanted him to take out what was left to cut some losses. But he didn’t listen as he kept repeating “everyone is saying it’s going to go up, just hold!” It didn’t, and every single day his mental health deteriorated further.

One morning our family wanted to go grocery shopping, we asked if he wanted to come. He didn’t want to leave the apartment which we assumed he just wanted more time alone. That is when we got a phone call saying my brother tried to take his own life by jumping off our balcony, and is now in the hospital. It was a moment I remember so vividly, that keeps replaying in my head every day, but I'm trying so hard to forget. All he left behind was a note taped against the balcony window with his last words.

As of this moment, he is still in the hospital, and will be seeking counseling soon as well after speaking to the police. This whole situation has devastated our family, we cannot stop thinking about what is going to happen to our brother, what will happen next, and what we could have done differently.

It’s sad to think that a few weeks ago we celebrated my birthday, and he bought me an expensive laptop for school, and everyone’s mood was happy. Now, all the positive energy and happiness is gone and replaced with sadness, despair, and an empty room where my brother used to reside.

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lol I saved up for a downpayment on a really nice house for the last 1.5 years and so many people told me I should take the $150k and invest. SOOOO many people lmao. In 5 months I'll be sitting in my custom mcmansion next to the swimming pool and outdoor fireplace.

The geniuses at r/antiwork say laziness is a virtue, but from where I'm sitting patience and not blowing your wad of cash on memes are better virtues.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Well the s&p 500 is currently at the exact value it was 1.5 years ago. So at worst right now you'd be breaking even, if you had decided to sell at any point in the last year and a half you'd be up pretty nicely.

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Yes, if I was a gamblin man, I could have but I am not. However, the "buy the dip people" are more annoying when they know you have the money to gamble and make it sound like you can't lose. Im an r-slur but they are angry I just sat on some cash for a specific reason other than gambling. I don't live on shoulda woulda couldas.

If we want to get technical, I could say I'm investing in real estate by building something new with the chance that it'll go up in the next couple of years, but I don't plan to sell anytime soon. I'll sit in this house for 10 years probs and enjoy myself.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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This is some Max level poor people thinking. Also, we're in a 2008 level real estate bubble with lumber and construction supply prices through the roof. Don't expect to sell this house for more than you paid in the next decade.

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Sure sure. I'm poor of course no frickin way the house will go up in cost. lmao

I'll sip my martinis by the pool crying about my regrets I'm sure.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I'm not saying you're poor. I'm saying you have the behaviors and habits of a poor person. And I'm sure you'll be able to drink by your pool, I'm just giving you very good advice not to count on the price of your house going up.

Housing prices being high is mostly coming from the 0% fed interest rate driving low loan interest, driving housing purchases. They announced already that they'll be increasing the fed interest rate throughout this year which will definitely drop the demand for housing purchases.

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I won't argue that there is a bubble. There was a bubble when I bought back in 2007 and I stayed there for about 10 years.

I've watched too many people go absolutely broke with tens of thousands of dollars in debt over "investing." People on the internet always show their gains but never their losses and never seem to get anywhere. If I invest, it'll be with an adviser not taking advice anywhere else. Also, I dislike debt and one thing that hit my credit score during pre qualification is that I have no debt. People in their 20s are pushed so hard to go into debt and invest and whatnot and then do shit like the OP.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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These are poor people tenancies. Go look at the history of the last 50 years of the stock market. There is no period of long term losses. The people that lost money on stocks were doing short term very high risk trades. You should already be investing in a diversified portfolio. As for debt, if the stock market averages 10% gains per year and you could get a loan for 5% for year then paying cash is the same as you losing 5% interest on that cash for the hypothetical duration of that loan.

If you bought a house in 08 then you should already have a very significant retirement fund going. If you're getting a super low interest rate now for this house then you should be making the absolute smallest down payment possible and investing the money.

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Housing prices at up because home building rates in the 2010s were the lowest it was ever in America for the last 50 years. It will take decades to build enough houses to start to meet demand. Add in strict sfh laws, and people making 100k+/millions from their tech RSUs that mean they can handle the home price.

This time it's different because the buying is sustained by people with money rather than the poorcels taking out loans they could never afford

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They're buying houses because those very same rock bottom interest rates means that there were almost no investment opportunities other than houses, cars, and stocks. Introduce rock bottom loan rates that allow more people to buy and boom you have sky rocketing home prices.

But sure it was lack of home building a decade ago that magically started affecting home prices across the country when those interest rates dropped.

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Oh my god what a fricking r-slur

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He saved up for a house for six years and then decided to buy one that wasn't even built for two more years, but he had to make mortgage payments in the meantime? ummmmmm

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I'm going through this now but maybe it's different elsewhere. You don't close until the house is built so I'm not sure what that is about. I just put $3k down as a "good faith" (forget what they call it) to hold the land. I'm pre-qualified up to a specific amount of money, so I can go buck wild on what I want up to that amount. The builder takes all the risk and builds the house and then I have to bring my down payment at closing.

So, I'm wondering if he took a loan and lied about what it was for, spent both the loan and the savings on meme stock and couldn't pay either.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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When I bought a prebuild condo in leafland :marseysick: a couple years ago you would put in a few thousand every three months or so so that when it was built after a couple years you had your 20% or whatever down when you moved in

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You're right that doesn't sound so weird. I retract my original comment.

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When you get a custom-built home it's not uncommon to make payments before completion.

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This was a ruse from the start. He try to turned his GME loss into a sympathy play on gofundme to get some of it back. I want pictures of his mangled bones or I won't believe it

One thing in life that always stays the same, addiction will make people go to great lengths

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poors trying to manage their money :marseylaugh:

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Didn't the whole world hear about GME before that one day when it topped out at 350?

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Why did anyone listen to the snake oil salesmen on GME & AMC?

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I threw a few hundred into GME for the meme and doubled my money :marseyshrug:

I drank the GME kool-aid and yolod 80K into GME at 350.

got what he deserved tbqh, that's unbelievable levels of r-sluration

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I bought GME when it was still 16 bucks lol. Unfortunately i wasn't a true believer and only grabbed 200 shares but exited at a good point. Anyone buying after the parabolic ramp up is an idiot. I also lost cash shorting amc later in the year because i thought it couldnt happen twice. Well frick me lol.

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the irony as well is that if he actually did just hodl for a bit longer, he could have almost broken if he was lucky with the sell timing

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It's like some forgot the only reason people we're buying it was because it was just kinda funny. If you bought a couple shares it was a funny story, if you put your life savings in you got what you deserved. They should be grateful it takes others a lot longer to learn a life lesson like that

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Last seen 7months ago

Seeing the price now he went long on $Rope

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Degenerate goomblers everywhere smh


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Shut your dirty whore mouth. !blackjack100

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I have a hard time believing an asian family from Thornhill isn't well off enough to resort to playing the stock market to make ends meet

Jarvis... do some digging

Oh, turns out he had a spare 50k to waste on meme stocks. Thank you, Jarvis.


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The meme stock Ls to grifting pipeline is real.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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When are redditors going to realise that they're the only ones trading these god awful shitpost stocks? They're not owning the hecking unwholsome hedgies they're just inflating random stocks and losing money this isn't a viable strategy.

Like, AMC is a TV network and a cinema company wow I'm sure that's going to go all the way to the moon. I don't know why they didn't at least try to go for $BB, which seemed to be at least kind of undervalued?

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They're not. Not to get into any details but market making these meme stocks is incredibly profitable for trading firms that do that sort of thing.

These morons are effectively paying my bonus. Bless them.

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If he got out shouldn't he still have ~30-40k? This seems like it was a partial grift, they still wanted to come out positive.

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Had it coming


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I kinda hope GME jumps to 500 the day after he sells for a loss.

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buying GME shorts monday

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i will never understand the poorstrag struggle

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There’s a reason nobody takes these small accounts. Robin hood will get sued by each individual user and in FINRA court theirs no just throwing the case out everyone will get their money back until robin hood files bankruptcy

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Poor guy probably had so much hatred towards Vlad and the Robinhood boys who crashed it. It's unfortunate that a man with nothing to lose didn't try and get revenge but when you're depressed you're thinking about pain and not revenge.

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