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Russia is going to invade Ukraine and I hope it turns into the next world war

The world needs a correction and its people need a readjustment of their priorities. I wish all able-bodied men and women are forced into a draft in order to separate the wheat from the chaff. Only 1% of the United States have served in uniform this generation yet the entirety of the nation reaps wealth from its global power over the past 20 years. Of that 1%, only 10% have been sent to a combat zone during these past two decades. Yet 99% of the nation dares to have an opinion on something they lack the knowledge of yet speak as if they are experts in something they cannot even fathom. Those of you with opposing views may say that I am a warmonger or ironically call me some childish internet term with parentheses around its title. These same people would rather our adversaries gain world dominance and create greater suffering of innocent people if it meant they could live their lives in comfortable cowardice. They would rather sit down and ignore what is wrong instead of standing up for what is right. These are the people who have witnessed ISIS systematically murder Yazidis and Shiite civilians while smugly stating it isn't their problem. Yet they complain over trivial problems because their minds are filled with selfish, worldly consumerism. They gleefully cheer at the destruction caused by riots in their own country because it's entertainment for their side. They roleplay as patriots while wearing MAGA-sloganed hats and feel proud when a police officer abuses someone's constitutional rights as long as the victim isn't one of theirs. These soft and fat times have enabled the greedy, selfish, cowards to spread like a malignancy and infest our society with their divisive platitudes.

They are no different than the draft dodgers and hippies that evolved to become the despised "boomers" we know of today. They squandered their parent's goodwill and sacrifices and when their country asked them to do as their parents once did, they fled to Canada, pretended to be unfit for service, or used their parents' money to stay perpetually in college. These selfish cowards did everything they could to avoid recognizing the need to become something greater than themselves. When their country no longer needed them for the draft, they gloated with glee that they dodged it while looking down upon their fellow countrymen whom some gave the ultimate sacrifice. Today they are the grandparents and great-grandparents of the modern generation but act perpetually like children because they never shed their childish idea that the world revolved directly around them and that there is nothing greater than themselves. They are a generation of fools and proudly adorn their heads with jester hats in pink or in red without a care of how they are perceived because no one can be greater than themselves therefore anyone who disagrees with them is less than. Millenials hate them but for the hypocritical reason that they are exactly like them; selfish, cowardly, and only focused on worldly consumerism.

We as a society find it taboo to call these people cowards because we live in an age where only 1% of our nation serves their country. This active service is only meant for peacetime efforts and overseas operations. Russia is trying to take over Eastern Europe, threatening western hegemony. Ukraine is the door to Western Europe and if we allow Russia to step over its threshold then what stops them from raping the rest of Europe? If you believe Russia will merely request a regime change in Ukraine and then return to Moscow then you know nothing of Russian history. Russia pretends to adhere to the rules set out in the Geneva Convention while allowing its own soldiers to commit atrocious war crimes against civilians. They blow up civilian airliners, purposely target hospitals, and laugh as they use sledgehammers and shovels to decapitate Syrian Army deserters. These are the people you want to give our world power to in order to avoid a sacrifice for the greater good?

The world is becoming smaller every day. Every time the World Bank refuses to give a loan to a fledgling African nation, China swoops in and steals their port through a predatory system of loans. That port then becomes a monetary and soft power gain for China. When we pulled out of Syria, Russia stepped in and helped our adversary while also building themselves a permanent military base in the Middle East. Before we pulled our forces out of Iraq and Syria, Russia had no bases in the Middle East. Leftists, libertarians, and the far-right complain about the military budget, deployments, and military base placements around the world for their own selfish reasons. They cannot seem to understand that every time the US steps back, China and Russia step forward. There are no untouched power vacuums in global policy. Diplomacy only goes so far and when that fails, you either show your military prowess or lose soft power. War is inevitable with Russia and China and the longer we as a country hold off on this conclusion, the worse it will be for us all. We cannot be like the "boomers" and pass on this task to future generations until Russia and China become our military equals. Russia is China is Iran. They are all enemies to Western society and the longer we allow them to continue their proxy wars, constant threats, and annexations, the weaker we become because of it. War is the answer.

A lot of you will disagree with me and that is understandable because many of you are what I described in this post: feckless, selfish cowards who only care about making their opposing team "cope and seethe." You are the chaff just like all the Redditors you believe to be below you.

TL;DR: Blood makes the grass grow

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I’m not reading this unless you post some marseys in the middle btw.


Black lives matter

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Translation with Marsey


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Holy shit this guy is crazy!

:marseyohno: :marseyscared: :marseyworried: :marseypearlclutch: :marseypearlclutch2: :marsoyhype:

Black lives matter

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here's the tl;dr


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Where are the Marseys, I can’t read funny colour

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Hard times create strong men :marseygigachad:

Strong men create good times :marseycapitalistmanlet:

Good times create weak men :marseypoor:

Weak men create good times :marseyflamethrower:

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Give me back my coins


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Yeah I didn't read this either but I sure hope a world war happens so I can be one of those "war suicides" who r-slurred social scientists spend years of their lives sperging about in the future

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>not realizing the world is wrapped in a nuclear blanket putting constraints on conventional warfare between nation states


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Seriously. Traditional warfare is long dead. At least between important countries.

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This is exactly what people said in the 1930s because of bomber fleets. They found a way to make it work.

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That's because we had Bomber Harris, no one these days has the guts.

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Do it again

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You could carpet bomb a nation from now until time stops with conventional weapons and it wouldn’t effectively end humanity as we know it though

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It's possible to use nuclear weapons without destroying humanity as we know it either. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are still there, after all. You may live to see the era of 'strategic nuking'. After all, we're not trying to destroy the world, we're trying to end conflict as quickly as possible by destroying war industry and lowering morale — in a way, nuclear weapons create peace! (Sound familiar?)

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Japan didn't have 10 nuclear subs circumnavigating the globe along with the threat of countless other nuclear missiles pointed at every major city of our us/allies that they could launch in retaliation though. We might see strategic nuking for countries that have little international ties that don't have access to nukes, but that comes with so many geopolitical negatives I cant see why a country wouldn't just drone strike major cities without prejudice before doing that.

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I'm going to piss on your nuclear blanket so you come out and fight me like a man

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(((Our))) adversaries

Frick The Ukraine 🇺🇦.

This post glows.

If the US expects other countries to abide by international law then it needs to do the same.

Rich man's war, poor man's fight as always.


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International law is for kitties

-Sigma Tip #798

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US foreign policy reflects the interests of our (((billionaire))) class, not the interests of the vast majority of the American people who don't know where Ukraine is on a map. Of course it is a alpha move if you're part of that (((elite))). But for most Americans, their interests are opposed to our interests, which are more closely aligned with the Russians than with the neocons in America, or the neonazis they're supporting in Ukraine.

International law is created by the UN, which represents the interest of nations, not people. But it is hypocritical for the same (((elites))) who refuse to abide by international law to criticize other countries for doing the same. Bootlicking for those (((elites))) doesn't make you an alpha, it makes you a cuck.


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makes sense

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Ok u were right


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  • AyyLmao : This is targeted harassment at me or someone else.

Those of you with opposing views may say that I am a warmonger or ironically call me some childish internet term with parentheses around its title.

like clockwork

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Shit like this doesn't fly on here, chud. I've reported you to the moderators. It's almost as if saying stupid shit while being aware of said stupidity doesn't safe you from getting called out. Continue with this misinformation and I will be forced to downmarsey your comments. Be better.

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The only thing that's going to happen if Russia invades the Ukraine is a strongly worded letter from the UN

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Pretty much.

I have Russian and Ukrainian clients and one of them spends $$$$ with me so this will make me mad if they fall out of my client roster.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Whatever. Society says I'm too hormonal or something to get drafted, so no skin off my bones. Guess I'll grow victory radishes

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I’d like to point out that since orange man banned tranners from active duty there would be a huge wave of super girl pill draft dodging :!marseytrain:s. Shit, I might be one, I’m the right age and will sooner swim the pacific to Asia than go get exploded for some literal lizard((persons)) in DC

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More grateful ukrainian booty for me :marseyagree:

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Plus they won't say no because of the implication.

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I won’t be drafted, I will do a Mohamed Ali

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go die half way around the world to preserve the economic interests of people who don't give a shit about you.


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just buy stocks so they become your interests too poorcel

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It's good to be boomer age. Can't wait until trains get drafted. I'ma drink boomer beer and cook some steaks and watch the world burn.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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My joints are starting to get sore and beef does some awful things to my intestines these days but it'll all be worth it to watch the war live on TV from the comfort of my home.

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I get acne from too much red meat. lol So yeah, I can do like 2 steaks and then I'll have to switch to chicken. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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We were told this was coming throughout our childhoods. Now 30 years after we thought the threat was over it's bigger than ever.

Let's just hope it isn't a letdown. .


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Now Desert Storm, that was a good show. :marseygrilling2:

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We just stay winning


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Yes, I am for drafts and transgingers should be allowed into active duty. In fact, only trains should be drafted to establish equity and represent marginalized groups in our armed forces.


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They'll never implement it. They've spent decades snuffing out any sense of honor, duty,sacrifice that burgers had or would have. If they tried this cities would burn and they know it

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Darn that reminds me of my grandpa.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I doubt there will ever be another major war. I feel I'm okay with that.

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You'll have to make do with near east skirmishes and african civil wars.

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Live footage of Russia invading Ukraine:


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The world needs a correction and its people need a readjustment of their priorities. I wish all able-bodied men and women are forced into a draft in order to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Right, so that anybody predisposed to taking decisive action dies on the front lines, and all the soys in support make it out. Because the population just isn't feminizing itself fast enough, darnit, there's still some small chance that some moids will do something about :marseysociety:

(Didn't bother reading past this sentence btw)

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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If I win this hand of blackjack WWIII starts next week.


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You will give me those coins if the war don’t start next week

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If I win this hand of blackjack it's going to turn out that I have a huge peepee and just didn't realize it


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If I win this hand of blackjack you were describing my peepee.


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Whatever this all means, it hinges on whether World War 3 starts next week.

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A draft would absolutely improve the country, but its not gonna happen.

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Why? All the fit neurotypical people will die.

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Take the McNamarapill and send the tards in as cannon fodder while the cool guys get to drop napalm on communists in sick jets

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McNamara's Morons V2 should be the only people drafted and sent to fight then

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rdrama website abandoned

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Only pizza remains, the site is now his personal diary.

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liar you could have hooked up with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and enjoyed Yazidi "wives" before getting droned by the Russkies, or go all moralstrag with the YPG

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I wish all able-bodied men and women are forced into a draft in order to separate the wheat from the chaff. Only 1% of the United States have served in uniform this generation yet the entirety of the nation reaps wealth from its global power over the past 20 years.

When war breaks out, it's the best who die first. The ones who love country, their families, their way of life. the successful ones. What are you left with? the limp wristed, hair dyed, walking mental illness basket cases. Modern war ruins countries. Europe became a husk of its former self after WW2, and after WW3 it's going to become Japan on steroids with Xhe's marrying their wafus in public displays of cringe, where any signs of masculinity will be punished publicly by cultural enrichment by black men with genetically modified engorged peepees which will make Catherine the Great blush.

in the good old days, if you didn't get on board with protecting your community you got steamrolled by the bad guys. You'd get murdered, your wife would be r*ped and your children would get both. This created a culture that got rid of the weak. It forced everyone to work together with a sense of unity and make everyone in your local community have a strong sense of comradeship where if there was a threat, you'd deal with it together.

Modern war is bullshit. there's zero positive pressure on society. Standing around guarding a fuel depot while computers fly drones overhead that do all the work. All the same time your kids at home are getting groomed by pedos on groomercord and changing their gender for the seventh time this week. When you get an call from home, they're screaming at you because you forget what bullshit gender they are this week.

WW2 created the worst generation ever. Boomers. They completely fricking ruined everything. when the GI generation fought hard and won the war, those who fought in the war made the best economic system in the history of humanity. they sent men to the moon, the modern motor systems, big homes, high standards of living. And then the boomers ruined it all, all for a small benefit for themselves. millennials are struggling to buy their own fricking homes.

WW3 will create something even worse. It will be a monster unlike anything else.

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I don’t want people to die

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Russian "People"

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I wish there was no need for war

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Why should white Americans fight for a country that oppresses them? All white Americans should either dodge the draft, defect to Russia, or commit sabotage against the state.

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Because white "people" need to atone for their sins.

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Black lives matter

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Didn't read your essay but I agree with the title. :marseythumbsup:

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Things are honestly really good right now. People just don't realise how bad things can get. With that being said, there's no reason for people to realise it, I'd rather live comfortably for the rest of my life with non-serious problems, thanks.

Also nothing's going to happen.

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holy heck I am not reading all of that shit

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Based schizo warmonger :marsey40k:

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Well worth the read though 🙂

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Did you read all of it?

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Those of you with opposing views may say that I am a warmonger or ironically call me some childish internet term with parentheses around its title.

Are you implying being a warmonger is bad?

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Biden's going to look pretty stupid if theg don't invade now.

But honestly, what do they have to gain from doing so?

The Europoors will never allow Ukraine into Nato now, whatever Burgerstan wants.

Point made, Mission accomplished.


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Unironically I agree. We need a draft or mandatory service. It will let people serve alongside those different from them and will help with our divisions.

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Sunny there won’t be a war it’s just Biden being nostalgic about Cold War, he is missing going under school decks

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this is pretty unhinged i give it a 10/10

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lmao I can't wait to die in some freezing european shithole

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War separates the wheat from the chaff in that only r-slurs let themselves be drafted.

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We needed one 15 years ago.

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Tl/dr death to russia

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I want to frick a triangle with the soul of a fat girl. I thin we should devote our resources has human beings towards stuffing the essence of fats into more attractive vessels.

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Infinitely based

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This “Soyboy” meme is getting out of hand, and honestly, it’s just REALLY fricking ignorant. I have been lactose intolerant since I was a child. I literally shit myself in 2nd grade once. I grew up eating loads of Soy and rice based versions of dairy products, soy milk, soy ice cream, soy cheese, you fricking name it! My parents didn’t force them down my throat either. I LOVED the Soy foods immensely. I am currently Six Foot fricking Four. I have a massive fricking beard, and a decently sized 7 inch peepee with visible veins. I am attending University, studying for a PhD in Math, any job I want, $300k+ starting fricking salary. Who is the SoyBoy now cute twink?

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I wish all able-bodied men and women are forced into a draft in order to separate the wheat from the chaff.

We could separate the wheat from the chaff faster if we drafted everyone. Send out the fats in human wave attacks, use their corpses for cover and fuel when the real troops move in.

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Drafted armies are corrupt, waste valuable time, and get themselves killed too quickly. See Taiwan and any regular US forces post-Tet until 1972.

Shiite dogs are muppets for a dwindling Iran. Yazidis don't stand up for themselves. Lebanon tier. They dodge more than the draft, they dodge economy and industrialization.

The future is Sunni. If Ukraine cannot embrace Islam to defend itself, so be it. Saudi Arabia will rule the world in 50 years, I guarantee.

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hodor lol go back to watching swordshit

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Didn't read lol but you're wrong, also an r-slur, also don't know shit about how Russia works, also keep yourself safe.

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I wish the big one comes quickly. Just fricking draft me, so I can become a canon fodder. This way I don't have to witness the collapse of international order, and the ascension of the PRC and Russia-led world.

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Im just here for the inevitable videos of Armatas getting stomped by Javelins and fresh turkish drone footage.

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Shut the frick up Sundowner

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