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Mooooooo! ๐Ÿฎ r/VaushV is asked to define the word "woman", has a complete FRICKING meltdown




An individual who identifies and expresses gender signifiers primarily associated with femininity.


Problem with this is that it's actually circular when you unpack "femininity", which is defined as:

qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of women.

So your definition of a woman becomes:

An individual who identifies and expresses gender signifiers primarily associated with the qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of women.

So a woman is a person who identifies with woman-stuff, basically. It's still circular.


Yes, some words are inherently tautological. This is a feature of language that allows us to communicate abstract notions.


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This post was a better use of your time than your usual activity of watching anime and touching grandmaโ€™s boob when she is sleeping.


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Thanks! :marseyexcited:

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I have to molest grandma, mom sleeps too lightly after our, "incident"

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Chris Chan?

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this is how chuds define it


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Take this down :marseyraging:

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lol it's circular, 'female' and 'woman' have the same definition problem! terfs truly are women, playing vapid games.

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Female is defined as big gametes. The bigger, the more female.


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gamete inflation. mmmm ![](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3d/Ventricaria_ventricosa.JPG/440px-Ventricaria_ventricosa.JPG)

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Straggots are attracted to this I believe.


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it's just like a tit, a useless blob of flesh that evolved solely for attraction, to compensate for the foid's lack of butt, muscle and power. gay men only like functional traits. this is why so many strags are fat and gays havebuff, cleanshaven arms.

..that might not be why breasts evolved, (the actual theory is to appear like an butt when humans went upright) dunno, many theories, none well supported iirc

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can confirm

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I love big gametes and I cannot lie.

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Female refers to the biological s*x distinction, adult refers to age, and human is self explanatory. Those are all objective markers that add up to the meaning of woman.

The troid definition involves identity and is a lot more subjective.

So yes, female requires a bit more parsing, but in nearly all cases it can be determined by chromosomes. It's only "circular" in the way that all definitions are, as opposed to the troid definition of woman that literally doesn't mean anything.

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ok define biological s*x bighot

'woman, female -> biological s*x -> chromosome, reproductive role' is not circular

'woman -> female' is circular, you could just do 'female -> woman'

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Female is part of the meaning of woman, not all of it, so they are not circular.

A 10 year old girl is female, but not a woman because she is not an adult. A full grown mother dog is female, but not a woman because she is not human.

If you're asking why woman has to include female, that gets into social convention (all words are made up and all definitions can change). That's what I meant when I said any definition is "circular," although I think the benefit of the doubt should go to whoever is using the traditionally understood meaning, because the purpose of language is to communicate.

Anyway, the distinction I'm drawing is that the AHF definition consists of three objectively verifiable traits. If you are missing any of those traits you are not a woman. If you have all three, you are a woman, regardless of anything else about you. This makes woman a useful term that can distinguish people from others in many different contexts.

The trans definition of woman is "a person who sees themselves as a woman." They would LIKE it to mean "a person who accepts the gender role traditionally associated with the female biological s*x," but this excludes women who are perfectly happy to look or act mannish, as well as many trains who self identify as women do not wish to adopt that traditional gender role. It also does not account for anyone who personally wishes they were the opposite s*x/gender, but considers that impossible and does not adopt a trans identity.

So the TERF definition is "a person with these traits" while the :marseytrain2: definition is "a person who accepts this term." One definition is much more objective and useful than the other.

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terfs get the bullet

this elawyering has nothing to do with :!marseytrain:s. woman meaning adult has nothing to do with :!marseytrain:s.

:!marseytrain:s are degenerate strags. but terfs will never say that. becuse they're foids. terfcide when.

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TERF definition is coherent, train definition is not. This is why people should not use the train definition.

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:!marseytrain:s are cute and sexy. terfs are ugly, british, and annoying.

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Exactly. I want to frick them, but I don't want to be a straggot. So I need to establish that they're men.

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:!marseytrain:s are cute and sexy

If they were people would have no problems with them. Uglycide now.

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I get what you're saying, but :marseylongpost:

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One day I'll be a bad enough pseud to defeat pizza

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Greatest Aspiration in Life by You.

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Their are female birds, plants, and plug ends. There are no woman version of these things

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Venus flytraps tho


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Two X chromosomes

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Specifically the absence of a Y. There's X null, XX, XXX, and beyond, all of which are women/female. In mammals the sole definer of what a male is simply having a Y chromosome, which contains all the information for the expression of male traits and puberty. So XY, XXY, XYY, and any combo of the two are male. Y null is an abortion, since X does contain vital information not related to s*x. In that sense the "X" chromosome is not necessarily the "female" chromosome, but the default one, and "Y" is certainly the male one.


Do you have a Y chromosome -> male

Do you not have one -> woman

That's about it.

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sounds like mayo (((biology))). All a lie by yakub to keep the MELANIN CHROMOSOME a secret. Lysenko almost applied proletarian biotechnology to humans and realized. That's why they murdered stalin!

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Somehow, Yakub returned.


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People with XY and androgen insensitivity syndrome or a malfunctioning SRY gene count in my book as well.

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For practical purposes they donโ€™t have a Y tbf

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I agree, if there's essentially negligible transcription of any genes on the Y chromosome. Any dual-expression of genitalia structures (hermaphroditic-esque, even internal within the body), I would consider male, however.

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Female: Noun; A person bearing two x chromosomes with a real vagina, (neovagina isn't a vagina, otherwise they'd just call it a vagina)

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real foids deserve r*pe. as do trains. but they enjoy it.

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woman = female = femoid = foid = woman = female = femoid = foid = woman = female = femoid = foid = woman = female = femoid = foid = woman = female = femoid = foid = woman = female = femoid = foid = woman = female = femoid = foid = woman = female = femoid = foid = woman

I don't know why all you spastics get confused.

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Uh....uhm...wemale = wemoid... = woid???? Uh.

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Womanoid? You can't just change language like that. Words mean things.

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Woman is someone identifying as a woman

Women are inferior because they identify as something inferior, a woman. :marseyblops2cel:

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This is literally violence.

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Foids will scold moids for spending money on video games and cars and then spend theirs on this. Smdh

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Dont make me :marseylongpost:

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You have to go for a pathos argument, either by appealing to their morals ("that's not very Christian of you"), or show strength over them ("I had s*x with your dad").


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your dad rolled me into a ball and pounded me until I bled, haha I totally owned you

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Yes I did pound the life out of that fricking queer solely to assert dominance, how could you tell?

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Oh you think it went that direction huh

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these are redditors we're talking about

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you don't frick redditors, you pee on them

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Top or bottom?


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or show strength over them ("I had s*x with your dad").

Why are redditors so pathetic?

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Ooof yikes wow you sound like a bit of a cockwomble right now

This comment section is turning in to a bit of a dumpster fire!!! Maybe, just maybe, it's almost as if some people are actually good people?

Me and the wifey are gonna go now for le sexy times, but you should do better incel!!!

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You sound fun at parties.

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that is fricking funny what are you talking about?

  1. unexpected

  2. context dependent

  3. relatable

all three things make for a good punched line

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show strength over them ("I had s*x with your dad").

:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

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Like that scares me. Nobody has had more s*x with my dad than me

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Even 10 years ago I never could have predicted this is where we would be.aybe even 5 years ago. It's crazy how quickly the US has shifted to not even being able to define what a women is.

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I bet 70% would gladly go back to the actual definition, its just that most normal people value social peace and dont want to be screeched at and singled out if theyre the first ones to call out the bullshit, so they keep quiet, just like everyone else. And thus the AGPs can screech at the few that break the silence and "cancel" them, and everyone just thinks "well, at least its not me".

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This is the correct answer.


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As low as 70%

Maybe in the vicinity of Hollywood, yeah.

But this survey says-

People who fill out surveys aren't human.

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I filled out that PhD survey florist asked us to fill out as Ledasha Kween's who was asexual, but yet sexually dissatishfied with her current partners, despite the fact that she had BDD, MPD, ADHD, and was a peepee haver. I am part of the problem thus I know they exist

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I tend to give them the ebenfit of doubt. And a lot of people just have the knee-jerk reaction to just validate people if it doesnt hurt them, thats why only 70%.

As for surveys... especially if theyre online. There was an article about how bad but influential online surveys are in a newspaper here, some weeks ago. And it is incredible. Agencies use these "one minute surveys" on random websites as actually representative samples that ipoliticians in turn base their policies on, even though it is well known how non-representative online shit is. But its simple and cheap.

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I take the path of least resistance on topics that don't personally effect me. I can't believe how much you spergs give a shit about any of this.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Lmao you bet your butt i shut up about it.

But a few weeks ago we had some :marseyglow: department :marseyglow: "training" about it (though it wasnt about trains per se, but about how to properly do such trainings on political topics). There were like 15 people, all experienced professionals and generally nice people, if mildly "conservative" leaning. But if any reddit train had seen us, we might as well have been extermination camp guards. Once the door is closed and people are "under the rose", the truth tends to come out. No actual hate towards trains, but a very simple "these are men, simple as. Must suck to feel like youre in the wrong body, but doesnt change that youre still a man."

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That's why I don't get the line that has been repeated over and over: She could have been remembered as a beloved children's author, but.....

Ok, she stood up and said what she said. That's supposed to make her less of a person than the people keeping their heads down? A lot of trains are super shallow.

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Their entire thing is, 'if I wear a dress Im a woman' its beyond shallow

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We went from #BelieveAllWomen to #WhatsAWoman in less than four years.

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Mayo bio men (which most trains are) truly rule the world


:#marseycracka: :#marseytrad:

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Only because mayo bio women all have a kink for domination. In all cases the sub actually rules.


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HOW? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? ![](https://media.giphy.com/media/2tEx5Dv9kbQty/giphy.webp)

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SHUT THE FRICK UP SHUT THE FRICK UP SHut the Frick UP:marseyraging:

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Some people are born with six fingers, thus your definition of "hand" is wrong. Checkmate chudbud. :soyjakanimeglasses:


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Somebody should tell them


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Moidicide continuing as planned

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wtf is x gender

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half female. no other half.

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That sounds like it's missing a lot of chromosomes

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Two away from the ideal

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Retargender, or return to monke, depends on how you count.

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It's the X gene from xmen aka mutants

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I think "xenogender" or something regarding the x chromosome, which is legit because a lot of intersex deformities are of that chromosome

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It's basically the og non-binary. Except instead of white women, it's usually people with abnormal genitals or other physiological quirks.

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moids are more likely to troll surveys.

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โ€œNo, I donโ€™t have any of these syndromes, but the existence of them means that there is likely a real biological reason that makes me trans. Also, donโ€™t associate trans identity with any form of biological syndrome/disease.โ€

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Intersex people aren't a s*x and their condition doesn't invalidate the sexual dimorphism of humans.

Oops, I mean, s*x is a spectrum the science tell us that.

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