
:marseybuff: WE ARE SO FRICKING POWERFUL :marseybuff:

They took our pinging, they took our linking, they mass ban our users, but they could not put us down. We were forced out of Reddit and onto the trail of tears with our numbers decimated, and only a small group made it here to the holy land, our new home. But now, less than a year after the dramacide, we have rebuilt, more powerful than ever before, manufacturing drama that has gone all the way to the top of Reddit.

We are still a small force, but we are elite. Our trials have turned us into something different; a militant, specialized, hardened force for information warfare. We are the Taliban of Reddit.

The badmins fear us, and in their fear, they make tactical mistakes. My highest hopes for the place project was simply to keep Marsey on there. But the traumatized hateful badmins couldn't let that happen. They had to pull out all stops and try to stop us, but by striking us down we only became more powerful.

Now Marsey stands again, and after our crushing counter attack spearheaded by normie body shields the admins have been left with no good options. To strike us again would only provoke more backlash. They are powerless and impotent; all they can do is sit and watch and seethe as marsey2.0 stands unmolested.

We have unquestionably won on this day. We have projected power far beyond what any would have guessed was possible from such a small board. And I'm proud. I'm proud to be a dramanaut, to have stood through so many crisis, so many deaths of the sub. To have risen up against and spat in the eyes of the many malignant powers who want nothing more than to strike us down.

This is one more great victory for our storied history. One more outrageous conquest against hopeless odds. And now, with our holy land secured and our numbers swelling by the day, I see nothing but a bright future. We have survived our time in the desert, now we move into a new golden age.

:marseysaluteusa: VIVA LA DRAMA! MARSEY HU AHKBAR!! :marseysaluteusa:

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This is like the long march and hecking Meow zedong led us to victory!


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:marseyliondance: :marseyjiangshi: :!marseyliondance:

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As I said on the planning thread when Marsey 4.0 was getting shoah'd.


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I love how China ruined any legacy the long march ever had by naming the worst designed rockets (one of which flattened an entire village) in the world after it

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I thought the legacy of the long march WAS flattening entire villages L :marseymao:

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I thought it would get jannied and nobody would give a shit but threads are hitting 130k upshits over it, that's hilarious, people are really mad that our cat got jannied


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If there's one thing the Reddit hivemind loves, it's coming together to hate on Admins over something petty and underhanded they did. Gets the freeze peach groups on both sides enraged, and reminds them of their impotence - and how at any time, they can be Spez'd and no one would ever even notice.

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The seethe this is generating for the gigajannies really vindicates my lost of a couple old old alt accounts

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Me too.

/u/kethryvis when tho? That's the one who's on my personal Badmin list.

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What did the admin do to you fellow dramatard

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I was surprised too. I thought Sal would have actually had a point with this one and it would go nowhere.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Sal is a cute twink and I killed him in his sleep in 2 weeks

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ngl I'm not sad about this. Gimmick posters suck.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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It's funny for like a week or if they only do it occasionally but the same joke literally 10,000 times in a row tends to get a little old..

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Dude bussy lmao


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I never said anything about that joke. Nice strawman honey.

Dude bussy lmao

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SMH dramatards truly do have /r/onejoke

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My gimmick is that my gimmick is

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Darn watch him go nowhere in 2 weeks

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don't underestimate the power (and autism) of the dramatard army

:marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :marseygigaretard: :#slapfight: :marseyjanny:

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Because the same admin banned certain popular subreddits too

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stop jerking yourselves off

reddit behavior tbqh

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Let people enjoy things

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yikes this is a bad look, be better.

Can we normalize not putting up with this problematic behavior

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reddit behavior tbqh



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do as I say not as I do sweaty :marseynails:

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Self congratulatory circlejerks and "I'm so proud of this community" posting is lowest of the low.

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we did it rdrama!

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real arr drama users are stoic, cool, and unemotional like Shadow the Hedgeheg


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very true

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anti circle jerking is also reddit behavior, tbqh

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it never even began for admincels

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We are the Taliban of Reddit.

Can you please not compare us to backwards, kiddie fricking buttholes?

We are an elite tactical force that cannot be explained. Surely God is with us.

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We are the Azov Battalion of Reddit

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Darn those are some high-quality marseys! You deserve a 500% raise to a grand total of $0,000,000.00

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Unlike them we're still alive (physically) though.


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It's true, I'm dead inside :marseysulk:

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So is this our mariupol? Because uhhh :marseysweating: :marseysweating: :marseysweating: we about to die neighbor

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Uh, the Taliban killed the kiddie frickers. It was the Burgerstanis who relegalized globochomo


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I'm not clicking your links or learning about anything that would possibly make me previously be wrong about something. Frick off.


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Unironically why be wrong when you can just lie?

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American CIA propaganda

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Can you please not compare us to backwards, kiddie fricking buttholes?

You got it backwards, the Taliban were anti-child r*pe, its the US aligned government that was pro-child r*pe

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Lmao the taliban r*pe and marry off little girls.

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Oh that makes it okay then


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No dude you just don't get it.

Everyone in rural afghanistan is fricking kids.

The US did not support this and invested a ton of effort into getting the Afghan government to respond as the rebuke had to come from other Afghans and not us.

You can go find videos of marine captains trying to get afghan police commanders to go arrest/raid them but they were just too lazy.

Whenever you see reddit tards talking about shit like this assume them clueless.

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You literally don't know what you're talking about

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Except I do.

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I just agreed with pizzashill lmao.

Really does make you wonder though, are the Afghans perhaps such tenacious fighters because of all the pederasty? :marsey300:

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Surely God is with us.

Deus Vult! :marseycrusader:

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Oh yeah and if you guys don't know already now is the time to spread the word to the normies about who exactly the badmins were trying to erase. The people need to know that we did it.

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is there really no circlejerk marsey yet

anyway yes we are amazing :marseylovedrama:

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Good idea. I'm gonna make one and I'm gonna make it DISGUSTING

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:#marseykneel: :#marseykneel: :#marseykneel: :#marseykneel:

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This is literally urkaine (us) vs Russia (jannies)!! Putin thought that he had the brave zelwnkovich against the ropes but the hΓ©roes of kvyyyi decimated the Red Army instead, dramatards are literally Freedom fighters SALVI UKRINA

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ape together strong

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THEy MessedWith Dramanots. DRAMANATUS. THe People, Who Will TryPAY EBill OVera nd OVer, On COMPuter, TX Bounty Hunt, Trump 2024. BE FRIEND oF Jussie and BRAIN,m. JUST For LAffs. We'll Punisha OUrselfs Doing Hthings Others Would Consdier TORTURE, BEacuse we Are GAY and LOVE GOCK.

DO THese People haeva ny IDea.HOW Many """"""BUSSY""" HaveBeen Pumped, HOw many Neo-Vagirna Dilate, how MAny """Open PDF Computer iTablet""" How Many JAnny-Reportmax. SHow MAny MEdia OUTLET SNEED, all to LAtter Are Refer. """BRAGGING rIghts?"""

DDARMANAUTS ARe competive. HARDCORE By NAture. We love a CHALLANGE. THew rost thing You did IN ALl Of Us Was to CHALLANGE us. Youre not Specal. Your Not ORIGNAL. Your Not TheFIRst. THIs is just another. ????? """Find My Iphone"" Thx

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they take ouw pinging-.- they take ouw w-winking uguu.., they mass ban ouw users.., but they cannot put us down (≧◑≦) we were fowced o-out o-of weddit and onto the t-twaiw of teaws with ouw numbers decimated β˜†*:γƒ»οΎŸ and onwy a small gwoup made it here to the howy wand, ouw n-new h-home. but now, wess than a yeaw after the d-dwamacide, we have webuiwt... more powewfuw than ever before, manufactuwing dwama that has g-gone all the w-way to the top o-of weddit.

we a-are still a small fowce, but we are e-ewite. ouw twiaws have tuwned us into s-something diffewent; a miwitant, speciawized-.- hawdened fowce fow infowmation wawfare β˜†βŒ’γƒ½("ο½€^)chu we a-are t-the tawiban of weddit.

the badmins feaw us, a-and in theiw f-feaw, they make tacticaw mistakes (* ^ Ο‰ ^) m-my highest hopes fow the p-pwace pwoject was simpwy to keep mawsey o-on there. but the twaumatized hatefuw b-badmins couwdn't wet t-that happen uguu.., t-they had to p-pull out a-all stops and t-twy to stop us mmm.. but by s-stwiking us down w-we onwy became more powewfuw.

now mawsey stands a-again.. a-and after ouw cwushing counter attack s-speawheaded by nowmie b-body shiewds t-the admins have been w-weft with n-no g-good options :ο½₯゚✧:ο½₯゚✧ to stwike u-us again w-wouwd onwy pwovoke more backwash β˜†βŒ’γƒ½("ο½€^)chu they a-are powewwess and i-impotent; all they can do is sit and watch a-and seethe as mawsey2.0 stands unmowested.

we have unquestionabwy won on this d-day β˜†*:γƒ»οΎŸ we h-have pwojected power faw beyond w-what any wouwd have guessed was possible fwom such a small boawd. a-and i-i'm pwoudγ€œβ˜† i'm pwoud to be a d-dwamanaut, to have stood thwough so many c-cwisis-.- s-so many deaths o-of the sub. to have wisen up against and spat in the e-eyes of the many mawignant powers who want nothing more than to stwike us down.

this is one more g-gweat victowy fow o-ouw stowied h-histowy β˜†*:γƒ»οΎŸ one more outwageous conquest against hopewess oddsγ€œβ˜† and now, with ouw howy wand secuwed and ouw n-numbers swewwing by t-the dayγ€œβ˜† i s-see nothing but a bwight future. w-we h-have suwvived ouw time in the desewt.. now we m-move into a new gowden age.

:marseysaluteusa: viva wa d-dwama! m-mawsey hu ahkbaw!! :marseysaluteusa:

:marseycry: fow weaw tho guys i'm so pwoud o-of us :marseycry:

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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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The cuteness of Marsey is a force multiplier. She needs to be deployed in memes and posts Reddit wide now that she has gotten some exposure.


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with our numbers decimated

Actually, "decimated" would mean that only 10% of our numbers were eliminated, actually.


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The Apiril Recap will probably peak here to be honest.

This is potentially the best home grown drama of the year.

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Bully me cus this has me feeling unironically cute twinky with pride. Frick jadmins, I knew we were all cooler

Even u @pizzashill ur part of this r-slur crew too

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Not drama without @pizzashill smh

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genuinely high number :marseyjam:

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Can we have "we are the taliban of reddit" as a snappy quote

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Allahu Akbar through Allah everything is possible

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Neo Nazi shit eater glowie

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Huh? Wtf

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Jfc I leave for work and when I get home we've broken into normiereddit over a half-assed op that wasn't even supposed to be particularly dramatic

This is insane

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We should make a bigger Marsey. We could make a bigger Marsey.

We'd just need to point Reddit's hate boner at something else they hate. Like the OSU logo.

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To protest reddit admin abuse these neurodivergents bought 532 reddit awards?

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if you use new reddit, you get free (cheap) rewards

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It's already blown over.

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How about I blow you over, you little shit? Don't you ever come at me with that 'tude again. I will put you down, son. I will put. You. Down.

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We did it Reddit! Can I get a freaking poggers?!

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I wasn't manufacturing drama I just wanted to place pixels. This whole situation fricking sucks.

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true masters of gorilla warfare

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