is a disgusting pedophile
3yr ago(text post)2,012 thread views#6159
Evict every MDE parasite who posted that the gay singers were libertarians
First of all, gay s*x at a young age made me the man I am today. Second of all, they aren’t libertarians. None of the middle names match, nor do locations or images.
3yr ago#55345
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Let’s say, hypothetically, that you were an MDE refugee. Would you try and assimilate to your new community, or just perform the same routine of defecating in your living space?
Internet Retirement Home Secretary 3yr ago#55201
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It was such obvious bait too. The song being about "converting children" to be more fair and tolerant is a good bit and predictably got the rightoids malding.
Feel the drama, think about drama, know the drama and accept drama
Marco 3yr ago#56310
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Haha let me groom your kid?? Omg sorry that was just my friend lol...but what if it wasn’t? Haha just kidding.. nah but what if?? Sorry.. but what if it was me who sent that?? Just forget this happened.. unless??
They’re low resolution copy paste profile photos that are matching between a hundred choir singers and several hundred potential name matches (if you look at the doc or search yourself, many names have 10-20 s*x offender matches) and there’s no way to tell which name in the video is which photo. They’re basically all wrong.
None of the middle names match, nor do locations or images
That's what they want you to think. The infograph has been posted and is irrefutable. Any attempt at photoshopping or gaslamping will be immediately disregarded as shilltalk.
Sorry, sweatums. The battle has been lost before your forces stomped onto the field.
Join !friendsofsnappy 3yr ago#55130
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And then %90 of the reason for my negative review: It makes me feel self-conscious about how much I can nut at once. The game, as hentai normally does, makes me feel bad for that I can't ♥♥♥ enough to replace a 4 litre jug of milk. Stop setting unrealistic standards for peepeees.
So fricking what if they're not? It's funnier if people believe they are. Like it's funnier people believe that a bunch of trumpet r-slurs playing dress up were actually violent insurrectionist.
They are truly the greatest threat to our burgeoning young drama site, although we are free from the Reddit uber-jannies we are no longer under their protection from the baying MDE hordes.
Ok hypothetically... If you were gay and knowing that gussy is the absolute most repulsive thing imaginable but you wanted pass on some semblance of yourself, if not genetically, then in spirit, how would one do that?
every name had multiple entries in the libertarian registry. If there are five libertarians with a certain name, there are naturally many more of that name who aren't libertarians. if a singer has that name, it is therefore more likely that they are one of the non-libertarians.
Every name that’s slightly common has multiple entries in the libertarian registry. So those multiple names suggest that there’s no close tie between one name being present in the registry and the singer being that guy. How could you tell? Only if it was a rare name would it be some potential evidence and even then no. Doesn’t matter though, as evidence directly proves they’re all wrong identifications, either middle name or location or otherwise
yahweh gave us human faces to spare the Jews the distress of having servants who look like animals
3yr ago#55981
spent 0 currency on pings
TBF, reddit is just as bad about this except maybe less wrong (but way more smug). They constantly are saying something they once remembered reading at the top of a TIL post they never read the article for first as if it was gospel. Now that I'm actually old enough to know a lot about a few topics, it's hilarious how often reddit can be wrong.
At least check first ... David Eugene Wallace != David Shawn Wallace ... none of the ones for “Raymond mark Gonzales” have the middle name mark, and their locations aren’t near SF... Luis cuadra lives in LA, which is a bit far from SF... Lawrence earl friedberg lives in LA too, as opposed to earl friedberg of SF
yahweh gave us human faces to spare the Jews the distress of having servants who look like animals
DELETED_USER 3yr ago#55987
spent 0 currency on pings
Did you like my men’s gay choir names? Here’s a few more
No sexualizing minors, even as a joke. This includes cartoons.
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Treat 'em like deer. Keep enough around for us to shoot, but track their population and cull them if they start breeding too quickly.
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This is literally the idea.
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This, but unironically
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u/carpathianflorist yo watch this guy he doesn't have profile music and posts in le reddit updoot speak. MDE meter is over 3.6 roentgen
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why the fugg would I have profile music? is this myspace for neurodivergents now?
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>is this myspace for neurodivergents now?
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I love you argybargy
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Lol and right on cue, a cope comment. The badmins really do live rent free in your head, huh?
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Blah blah blah more seriousposting
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Good morning I hate MDEcels
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Be gone MDEmons
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Nicholas Fuentes is looking for a home. Can he join?
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No we have a strict height requirement
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Manlets BTFO
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Let’s say, hypothetically, that you were an MDE refugee. Would you try and assimilate to your new community, or just perform the same routine of defecating in your living space?
My vote is on the latter.
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Like with all terminal rentoids, the answer is eviction, the question is only "how soon"?
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Similar solution to Israel.
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Sorry you were groomed :-/
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As a trans woman I believe that it's time we excluded gay men from the queer community. You are diaper wearing libertarians at best.
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What's wrong with diapers? We don't need that kind of s*x negativity here.
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Gay men are the straight whitoids of LGBT 🤢🤮
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It was such obvious bait too. The song being about "converting children" to be more fair and tolerant is a good bit and predictably got the rightoids malding.
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Haha let me groom your kid?? Omg sorry that was just my friend lol...but what if it wasn’t? Haha just kidding.. nah but what if?? Sorry.. but what if it was me who sent that?? Just forget this happened.. unless??

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Why are you seetheposting about "the truth" when you could be chadposting about how dramacels reproduce by raping facts and logic?
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They’re low resolution copy paste profile photos that are matching between a hundred choir singers and several hundred potential name matches (if you look at the doc or search yourself, many names have 10-20 s*x offender matches) and there’s no way to tell which name in the video is which photo. They’re basically all wrong.
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>gay people found out to be libertarians
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That's what they want you to think. The infograph has been posted and is irrefutable. Any attempt at photoshopping or gaslamping will be immediately disregarded as shilltalk.
Sorry, sweatums. The battle has been lost before your forces stomped onto the field.
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And then %90 of the reason for my negative review: It makes me feel self-conscious about how much I can nut at once. The game, as hentai normally does, makes me feel bad for that I can't ♥♥♥ enough to replace a 4 litre jug of milk. Stop setting unrealistic standards for peepeees.
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So fricking what if they're not? It's funnier if people believe they are. Like it's funnier people believe that a bunch of trumpet r-slurs playing dress up were actually violent insurrectionist.
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They are truly the greatest threat to our burgeoning young drama site, although we are free from the Reddit uber-jannies we are no longer under their protection from the baying MDE hordes.
MDEcels must be bullied on sight
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Ok hypothetically... If you were gay and knowing that gussy is the absolute most repulsive thing imaginable but you wanted pass on some semblance of yourself, if not genetically, then in spirit, how would one do that?
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You wait until you're 50 and then frick himbos half your age while teaching them your Chad ways.
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But on the really real tip... What percentage of us are actually gay? Seems like upwards of 50% (including yours truly hehe)
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arrdrama demographics when
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every name had multiple entries in the libertarian registry. If there are five libertarians with a certain name, there are naturally many more of that name who aren't libertarians. if a singer has that name, it is therefore more likely that they are one of the non-libertarians.
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Every name that’s slightly common has multiple entries in the libertarian registry. So those multiple names suggest that there’s no close tie between one name being present in the registry and the singer being that guy. How could you tell? Only if it was a rare name would it be some potential evidence and even then no. Doesn’t matter though, as evidence directly proves they’re all wrong identifications, either middle name or location or otherwise
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Your flair is literally kinks for kids of course you would defend you fellow libertarian make sure to dialate
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You can just call me NightMaster
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By grace of god, we can save this place from the MDEstrag. God speed.
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Inb4 California stops publishing this info to keep bigots away from an at risk community.
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This, so much this!
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MDEfugees are based. I'm not one, sadly.
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TBF, reddit is just as bad about this except maybe less wrong (but way more smug). They constantly are saying something they once remembered reading at the top of a TIL post they never read the article for first as if it was gospel. Now that I'm actually old enough to know a lot about a few topics, it's hilarious how often reddit can be wrong.
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I really love the 10 paragraph essays they write about some shot that's hilariously wrong.
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At least check first ... David Eugene Wallace != David Shawn Wallace ... none of the ones for “Raymond mark Gonzales” have the middle name mark, and their locations aren’t near SF... Luis cuadra lives in LA, which is a bit far from SF... Lawrence earl friedberg lives in LA too, as opposed to earl friedberg of SF
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Lol chope then cheethe. First image. Same exact dude in the video. Banged a child.
Whoops my narrative lol
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Keith pepper of s*x offender also lives in LA... sensing a pattern here
Being gay just sucked the blackness right out of him. Broken buck!
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What the frick happened
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Would you kindly explain for those of us that aren't terminally online incels?
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Did you like my men’s gay choir names? Here’s a few more
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