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Fartbinn thinks evil racist dramatards are behind the Reddit porn spam


@dramaqueen the 2m karma in 2 days guy is you right


My life’s arc has been to eschew that which others have satiated semantically

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Am I too low iq to understand what he is saying?

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You need to be in a very specific mindset to understand him, try thinking really hard about a woman you want to punch.

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I have to pick just one?

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Think about some children you want to beat

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HRT narrows the mind mimicking early onset dementia and osteoporosis of the frontal lobe. This causes all roads of “logic” to lead to only one conclusion. NAZIS

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Oh frick buddy, I thought you were joking


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I’m never joking ever I’m only coating the truth in a thin veneer of comedy and outlandish adjectives to help others to swallow the pill.

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Are you planning on posting more Mein Kampf excerpts? The one about telling big lies was pretty eye-opening tbh. Hitler of all people would know about it, and is proof that it works. And I think you can actually see the truth in those words in reality as well. From aliens over the CIA to rush b collusion to pizzagate to systemic racism. People believe it not because of evidence, but because it sounds too grandiose to be a lie.

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I’m going back to nothing but my struggle posts soon. I started getting downvoted and didn’t want to get banned. When you wake people up from the matrix they often turn on you and will defend the same systems that keep them enslaved.

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Hitler made the best choice when he pulled the trigger and killed himself, and all his lunatic fans should follow his lead.

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If you’re really Hungarian brother I suggest you visit the many museums they made out of the commie torture chambers and thank hitler for saving your country from that menace. And then thank the Americans for eradicating your countrymen who joined and fought with the nazis. The choices are not black and white they’re two sides of the same coin. Murderous ideologies that depend on the enslavement of the mind are the furthest things from living as a free human being in an all white utopia like Montana

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What do you mean hitler saving my country from that menace? The commies beat Hitler, and that's exactly why we had the commie menace. Him losing the war was one of the most important factors why the commie russians made us into a satelite state.

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rush b collusion

"rush b rush b rush b rush b" x100 in the team chat?

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That's basically the russian language in a nutshell.

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Becoming a woman makes you mentally r-slurred

Who would've thought

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It's cool you two are frick buddies.

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I can feel your jealousy thru the screen

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Now we know how you obtain your collection.

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Huh. I thought HRT just made them c*nty like teenage girls.

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You’re the same guy that thought Mengala picked you and your twin from the camp because you were gonna be saved

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"that which others have satiated semantically"

Something that fills people's lives with meaning, i.e. a romantic partner or wife


To shun something or someone, possibly by beating them

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I'm honestly more worried about the people who do

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bro this dude (man) is spending his time writing dissertations about fricking reddit.com (a porn and cat picture forum). I don't think you're the low iq one in this equation.

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He’s using the words wrong because it makes him sound smarter. The 40 year old wifebeater equivalent of Jimmy Neutron’s Sodium Chloride

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Yes. It's lzma compression of "words words words."

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It's a great example of a pseudo intellectual.

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You are just a cryptointellectualmisic.

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You have to be very mentally ill to understand what Tardfinn is saying. I'm laughing imagining all those addelpated mentally healthy people staring in confusion at his witty references to being a woman-beating male pervert

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It's just a really obscure way of saying he thinks this song is about him.

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Redditors that spam subs with porn? You mean AHS? That's their calling card after all.

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The AHS user cries opression while spamming your sub with CP. Why is it that so many pedos are SJWs?

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"Something something he doth protest too much"

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It's more to do with being terminally online than the exact ideology

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I've mentioned this before, but back in 2012 I worked 8 hour shifts at a gas station that got maybe four customers a day. I would spend most of my time there going into the top posts (back when the front page actually cycled through content) and I would hijack top comments with an unlabeled imgur link to a picture of an butthole. The fallout was the funniest shit I've ever seen, every single time. People would freak the frick out because they were at work, some were absolutely traumatized, and others were just mildly disgusted, but God it became addicting. When I got banned from subs I would send an appeal message with an inline link that linked to the same pic and those r-slurs fell for it every time. I spent a couple MONTHS doing this before I was ultimately gigajannied.

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Thank you for your service

But also you should probably be institutionalized

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Honestly that sounds about right for 2012 internet usage.

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My life’s arc has been to eschew that which others have satiated semantically

Omg go die in a fire

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These people all write like they were beaten as a child for speaking clearly.

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phedre is there too sucking Bard's peepee

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Also I didnt see her mentioning us by name

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Eschew on my butt.

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Bardfinn legitimately has delusions of grandeur. Like every post made is filled to the brim with overweighted self importance.

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He used "eschaton" to describe the end of reddit. Reddit might be the literal world to him.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17151063782028813.webp

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Without it he'd probably have OD'd under a bridge already. One more reason to hate reddit tbh.

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My life’s arc has been to eschew that which others have satiated semantically

God I want to bully this person so badly

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Take comfort in the knowledge that life has already bullied him far beyond repair.

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Honestly I don't see them living a happily ever after type of life.

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He lives with his parents (iirc), has by now about 4 years of outstanding child support, and has been in and out if prison. And he may or may not have cut of his peepeee and balls, dunno i just skimmed the 🥝👨‍🌾thread.

Also he's a (former?) druggie, unconfirmed if currently still. Probably meth, which would explain why he beat his wife and kid at like 1 in the morning.

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Wtf is leakgirls? Am I just not enough of a coomer to understand?

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r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and G*mergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

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No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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Gallowboob spent a lot of effort to get to know the tastes of a subreddit's audience, the sub rules, locates sources of fresh content, and had a system set up so that he wouldn't knowingly repost material that had previously been posted to a subreddit.

Gallowboob is just very, very driven to entertain and engage people. He's still a human being. He wanted communities to grow and succeed.

A gallowboob simp

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You might say "But how can you be sure?" and my answer is "I have my sources and off of Reddit, these folks don't make a secret of what they're doing".

Thou who shall not be named the great powerful dark menace rdrama.net

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The hacker Mr. Farms and the mob boss R. Drama

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Oops, I came to your sub and I made another mess 😏. Clean it up Jannie 😎.

Clean up the mess I made here 🤣🤣🤣


FOR $0.00.



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Of course tardfinn is pro-Gallowboob. All the repulsive power-jannies stick together. I wish they'd all get it over with and an hero already.

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Wtf is a leakgirl? A foid that pissed herself?

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It is the female form of "whistleblower"

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I think it's onlyfans content that has been leaked, I've never seen this spam or at least never clicked through.

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Ohhhhhh my God, imagine caring.

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Interesting to see Fartbin throwing some shade on Gallowboob who definitely profited in a real-life sense from reddit gigajannying. I actually respect Gallowboob for managing to do that but the mental illness that made it possible was also his downfall because his autism couldn't handle any criticism or comment.

All the pricks on that thread do it for free and I love the way they think their farts don't stink because of it. Frickers; you've been conned into permanent internship for a multinational corporation. What c*nts.

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God darn, these losers must have such miserable lives if they have the attention span to write a fricking thesis on Reddit porn spam bots. Any presidential candidate who pledges to force these "people" to go outside has my vote in the next election.

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Of course there’s a smug justcool393 post

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Somebody got an unbanned account and brave enough to drop bardpills in the thread?

I also think we need to start making normal posts again and editing them, should be much more efficient.

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So he's actually a schizo?

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