
EFFORTPOST [EFFORTPOST] :marseyrage: :marseycrucified: How to Enrage Redditors by LARPing as a Christian: The Definitive Guide :marsoy2: :chadjesus:

TLDR: Be friendly but passively condescending

Hey dramatards, have you ever wanted to make redditors seethe by your very existence? Wanted to pretend to be a Christian, but got called out for being too on the nose? Well, follow this simple set of steps, and you too can become incredibly annoying and seethe inducing! Come, follow me, and you will become fishers of redditors. :marseyjesus:

Full disclosure: I am not a Christian, but I once was a very devout Protestant. This isn't meant to preach to you that Christianity is true or dunk on you if you are a Christian, but merely how to be super annoying while larping as one. The character I will be describing is based off of my personal experiences with Christians, and my interpretation (and creative mis-interpretation) of the Bible. Also note that the character I am describing does not describe all Christians, in fact, it really doesn't describe most Christians. Your average 2022 Christian has learned that arguing with atheists online is a complete waste of time.


if you ever feel dumb, just remember someone typed this out unironically

The Basics :marseyorthodoxsmug:

I'm just going to assume most of you have an at least workable understanding of the Bible. The basic story, for review, is that Sin enters the world through Adam and Eve, Jesus dies on the cross to save us from our sins, and at some point in the future Jesus is coming back to kick some Satanic butt. obviously there is a lot that I am skipping, but this basic understanding should be good enough for you to at least pretend to be a Christian. In fact, there have been various studies that have shown that atheists know more about the bible than christians, so actually a lack of biblical knowledge is somewhat realistic :marseysmug:


pictured: most biblically literate redditor

Killing them with kindness :marseyangel:

One thing that I see a lot of people get wrong when larping as Christians is that they lean really heavily into the Fire, Brimstone, and Holier-Than-Thou aspect of Christianity. And, yeah, that is a part of Christianity as a set of beliefs, but in general, that's not how most Christians act. I would actually say that the opposite set of behaviors is both more realistic and more seethe-inducing.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - 1 Corinthians 13:13

Atheists don't realize just how much of the Bible is about love, because they generally have a viewpoint that God is an evil Hitler-esque dictator. And while an argument could be made that this is true, an argument could also be made that this is not true:

[16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 3:16&version=KJV) - John 3:16

After all, if God just wanted to toss us all into Heck, why send Jesus? :marseyshrug: Anyways, you might be wondering why being loving could induce seethe. Well, remember that redditors are absolutely fuming about Christianity as it is. You don't have to do anything else to make them angry - they already are extremely mad. So, how can you make them even madder? Well, the Apostle Paul explains the art of seethe:

[But If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. For in so doing you will be heaping fiery coals on his head.](https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/Romans 12:20) - Romans 12:20

Being friendly and charming when someone is already angry at you causes people to go absolutely ballistic. For one thing, you are completely ignoring their complaints, and acting like nothing is wrong. For another thing, it causes them to look like buttholes, because you aren't being mean to them, they are being mean to you. (of course, you are subtly egging them on - more on that later). It's also just really funny to watch someone get angry over someone literally not doing anything.


Egging them on :marseyeggirl:

Now, while being outwardly friendly, we start to passive-aggressively tease them. Remember, the impetus behind your character talking to the redditor is on the one hand out of obligation (Jesus said to), but more importantly, pity. You (subconsciously) view them as a broken, pitiable thing that needs help, and you see sin as a symptom of the disease of sin.

One thing a lot of Christians do that inadvertedly causes seethe is blaming mental illness on the problem of sin (and, tbh, in some circumstances, they are right). Most notably, depression and anxiety. People are depressed because they keep trying to fill their soul with something that can't satisfy, but as a Christian, you aren't depressed because you have the love of Jesus in your heart. People are anxious because they don't have the certainty of Jesus - etc, etc. It's a pretty good bet that most redditors think they have muh depression, so you can just whip that one out anytime you want for a good bit of anger.

I can't prove this, but it is my feeling that part of the reason redditors hate Christians so much is because they are intimidated by how they perceive them to be, in general, better people. I mean, think about it. Christians don't smoke or jack off, two things that losers do. Christians have a reason to be friendly and charming, as opposed to your badass basement dweller. Christians do more for the community than Atheists, in terms of helping out (will an atheist bring you dinner when you are sick?) They tend to be hard workers, and be fiscally conservative. All this combined makes them, ironically, more sexually successful than your average redditor, because those are qualities that are attractive to women. Indeed, a lot of Christians get married young (no premarital s*x) and start pumping out babies ASAP (no contraception needed).


Annoying stereotypes/arguments :marseymati:

Here are some plausible stereotypes to embody that are sure to get a rise out of our euphoric brethren.

I Fricking Hate Science :sciencejak:

If there's one thing redditors love, it's their hecking science and rationality. Well, the Christian has the perfect, seethe inducing answer to science - faith. Now, faith is a tricky word to define, but it can be summed up as "believing in something because you believe in it". IE, a refusal to change your beliefs. Christians may disagree with me on the specifics (there is this debate over "blind faith", ie I have faith that the sun will rise but I have reason to believe it) but I don't really care, I'm not here to preach a sermon.

The fact that Christians have no proof that God exists usually seems like the strongest slam dunk to atheists, which makes Faith so seethe-inducing. You completely refuse to acknowledge their strongest argument, while also invalidating their entire belief structure.


thank u based @Dramarama

You're only mad because you know I'm right :marseyrage:

This one is a fun one. The bible says that everyone actually secretly knows that God is real, they are just in denial.

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[a] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. - Romans 1:18-21

Humorously, this verse reminds me of subs like /r/egg_irl, where people "figure out" that they are trans and just in denial. Atheists are akin to transphobes irl? Anyways, this verse is great for seethe because there are two possibilities. They either seethe because you are claiming that they are something they aren't, or they seethe because the verse makes them very worried (more likely). The intended effect is that people ask - am I in denial?


Jesus: Living Rent Free in your Heart :marseyrentfree:

Okay, so this one is going to be trippy. One thing a lot of Christians experience is "the presence of God". It is, in short, an altered state of consciousness, in which a Christian "experiences" God. In fact, I have a theory that this experience, which is invoked by a variety of things, ie music, intense concentration, etc, is similar to the experience of LSD, without the hallucinations. Specifically, the concept of "Ego Death". I am not a druggie, so I have never done LSD, but it is a theory.

Anyways, a lot of people take this experience as absolute, 100% proof that God exists. This is funny for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it is bad evidence - it's a personal anecdote, and impossible to verify. Secondly, and more humorously, atheists simply cannot relate to what is being said, so they feel like they are missing out. Christchads take home another W, leaving atheists seething.


Apologetics for Trolls :marseyreading:

Okay, so the bad news is that there are a lot of good critiques of Christianity. The good news is that your average redditor probably doesn't know these good critiques, and will mostly parrot what Rick and Morty says about it. There are a lot of resources for snapping back at easy atheist talking points. The best is probably CARM (The guy running CARM is a bit of a lolcow himself, but that's another story for another day). For HECKING SCIENCE, Answers in Genesis is pretty r-slurred, which makes for some good trolling.

Here's a few very, very common atheist arguments that continually resurface:

  • :soycry: "but the bible says u can't eat shellfish, why are you eating lobsters? checkmate." :chad: "well soyjak, these instructions were given to the Israelites, who were under the old covenant, but as Christians we aren't beholden to that, instead we are under the new covenant".
  • :soyjak: "you know the bible talks about slaves. ha. you like slavery." :chad: "actually, soyjak, slavery in roman times was much different than in colonial times, and slaves were, in general treated much better than their modern counterparts. also, the bible neither explicitly endorses nor condemns slavery (IIRC), as Christianity did not have much political power in the Roman empire, instead instructing both master and slave to be good to each other in the system they operate in."
  • :soyjak: "if God is so good why do bad things happen to good people?" :chad: "it's because sin entered the world because god gave us free will"
  • :soyjak: "actually the bible is full of contradictions." :chad: "name one" (soyjak then looks up a list of biblical contradictions, and lists one. chad then looks up the same contradiction on a christian website, finds an explanation, and replies with the explanation. seriously, the bible is a finite set of verses, meaning that there are a finite number of possible contradictions - they've all be discovered and debated to death hundreds of years before you were born)

Again, the purpose of me telling you these isn't to convince you that Christianity is correct, but merely to demonstrate how to dab on brainlet atheists who think that they have a galaxy-brain. There are still some pretty good biblical difficulties - for instance, why did god order the destruction of entire states, including women and children? (tbh, they did live in a time in which such brutality was the norm and if they hadn't the messianic line wouldn't have made it to when jesus would have been born, but there are other ideas as well, and in general people nowadays aren't too keen on imagining less than ideal circumstances)

If someone really backs you in a corner with bible verses, remember that you can always just accuse them of taking it out of context and change the subject. This is a pretty foolproof technique and also generates seethe.


Beyond Reddit :soyjakmaga:

It wouldn't be a HeyMoon post if I didn't dunk on the rightoids, so I will. There is a trend among the alt-right to claim to be BASED Christians. The thing about these BASED Christians is that they generally don't act like Christians or have any real understanding of what Christianity is outside of "Red Man Bad". Be sure to ask these people if they go to church, how often they read the bible, and how often they pray. Also be sure to ask them what they think about the fact that they literally worship a JEW. Also ask them why they hate [PEOPLE GROUP] if the Bible says to love their enemies.



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Exmormon here. This sounds like a fun project.

Jesus didn't come to end the law, he came to fulfill it.

Further, Jesus was a hardline Pharisee who built a hedge around the Mosaic law, and added thoughtcrime as equal in nature to acted sins.

  • The law says that you must not commit adultery, but now you aren't even allowed to think about it.

  • The law says you just kill but now you must not even get angry or call someone a fool in anger.

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Hence why christians arent allowed to look at porn lol

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So Leviticus says a man isn't allowed to lie with other men as he would lie with a woman.

I'd never date a woman with a peepee, so is it OK to blow dudes in the alley behind the dumpster?

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>mfw it is biblically appropriate to suck off dudes


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Further, Jesus was a hardline Pharisee who built a hedge around the Mosaic law

This is a very weird way to read Jesus considering how hard he dunks on the Pharisees in all the Gospel accounts.

He agreed with them on most theological points (especially on bodily resurrection, which was a hot button theological issue in Second Temple Judaism) but he wasn't really a member of their "group".

and added thoughtcrime as equal in nature to acted sins

I don't know if Protestants believe this, but Catholics absolutely don't, having moments of temptation where you consider doing something wrong temporarily isn't a "sin", seriously entertaining the idea and fantasizing is what's actually problematic. But you don't even need the Bible to tell you this, virtue ethics is its whole own branch of ethics.

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Be Jesus: dunk on Pharisees for making a hedge around the law

Also Be Jesus: make a hedge around the law

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Be Jesus: dunk on Pharisees for making a hedge around the law

He dunked on them for being strict with their interpretation of the law when it came to having others follow it but being complete hypocrites behind closed doors. While Jesus tacitly endorsed the opposite, try to go easy on others but demand a lot from yourself.

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: "The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on men's shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. "Everything they do is done for men to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long; they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues; they love to be greeted in the marketplaces and to have men call them `Rabbi.'

You could use this exact same verse to criticize a lot of modern priests, it's a perfect demonstration of the timelessness of human failure and vice.

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I like to think Jesus was a good kisser

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Average foid.

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