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r/Seattlites threaten hunger strike by uninstalling doordash


Never understand why people use these delivery services if you are capable of getting it yourself. You are paying way extra for the food and also the restaurants have to pay the fee for those services on top of merchant fee.

If you are rich, this comment does not apply to you :))

Maybe because in some situations - WE CANT.

Like nearest place to eat to my work is a 20 minute WALK and I DONT own a car - but I'm relegated to a 30 minute lunch.

Just easier to order it before said lunch so it arrives on time in those situations. Though super expensive to do because those folks gotta eat too.

Why didn’t they pack their lunch? They simply thought that way because they can afford those expensive meal.

Maybe due to lack of time because of working multiple jobs?

Yes everyone is so busy and productive they can't handle the 10 minutes it takes to pack a sandwich or salad


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A piece of advice about doordash and uber eats: If you go to fast food places and yell "Uber eats," sometimes the lazy wagies will just give you the food without even checking anything.

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:marseykneel: i will try this at some point

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It works if you:

  • Are in a not so busy city, far away from city center

  • Are not stupid enough to do this on a daily basis

  • Are able to fake an "uhhh I left my phone in my car" when questioned and dash

  • Have worked for a service like these before and are wearing your gear

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  • Aren't black
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Why is this reported as rightoid? I read it as a profound commentary on the discrimination plack people have to suffer from daily (unironically though)

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Probably want to make sure to not look directly at any cameras. Both to not look suspicious and so they dont have a clear shot.

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Wear a mask

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They would put more effort into it if they got a proper 18$ an hour :marseywagie:

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This but without irony

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just bring a sandwich to work?

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You expect them to eat food that doesn't have corporate logos and costs 2% of their yearly paycheck?

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Work an extra 4 hours at the cuck tent store for $10 an hour

Spend $40 plus tip on DoorDash every day because I don’t have time to make my own lunch

I will continue doing this; I see nothing wrong with it.

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Getting a pre-made sandwich at the supermarket is oppression

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they are rarely good in the USA

unless you live near a Publix

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Not having a 4 hour lunch break like based Mediterraneans do :marseyflagspain::marseyflagitaly::marseyflaggreece::marseyflagfrance:

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None of these people work full-time.

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The easiest thing to (not) do is just skip your lunch and save some money while losing weight. But Americans are so pathetic and weak they think they will literally die if they skip 1 meal. Countless excuses while they conveniently overlook their meme soylent which was designed exactly for helplessly r-slurred wagecucks like them.

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I lost a lot of weight eating only one or two meals a day. and because it's only one meal a day, i can eat out more often and still not spend too much. just like, eat until you're not hungry lol

edit: also remember restaurant portion sizes are designed for :marseyscooter: so never eat more than half. one order becomes 1-2 days of food. so now you're eating like a king, not being a lardass, and not spending too much money. fatties really have no excuse

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Let's see this cute twink body of yours.

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Probs a smol foid, thems healthy intake is 1500 calories - can be fed literally 1 yogurt bottle a day.

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I mean seriously if you really have to, just get a 1$ protein shake to substitute a meal.

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Jerk off in it for extra sustenance

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I’ve done the crazy thing and just pick up my food now like a well-adjusted person. PNWcels are certainly a different breed.

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why would you eat at a restaurant if you lived in seattle

all of the restaurants there are shit

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Bizarros, Ephesus, Sinbad's, and proletariat pizza are all amazing. There's also a really good gas station sandwich in West Seattle and a Cuban sandwich place I can't remember the name of.

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i should mention i've never actually been there

but i've had two different people tell me that the food scene is sad, or at least not commensurate with the hassle of living in such an expensive city

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i should mention i've never actually been there

A true drama Chad.

There's a lot wrong in Seattle but I don't think the food scene is. If you just hang in Capitol Hill or by Amazon it's disappointing, but some of the other areas have baller food.

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well that's nice to hear because i'd like to eventually see the pacific north west

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Seriously, have you ever lived outside of Seattle? Their food scene sucks, that cuban place was ok but no where near as good as the reviews make it out to be.

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I've lived all over the country at this point and traveled to the majority of it. Seattle has a good food scene. The Cuban place changed owners about 7 years ago and was better before that switch. Maybe you had it afterwards.

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the food scene is sad

Too many whites.

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I assume the azn food is good at least?

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Make that three. Worst restaurant scene out of any major city I’ve visited. Allende prob has never lived outside of Seattle minus whatver bumfrick town they’re from.

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Mimic disagrees :marseylaugh:

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How on earth are they not profitable if the only costs they have to pay are for the app and the drivers? Do they burn the entire rest of the budget on marketing?

The delivery fees alone should easily cover their costs. What are they doing over there?

Guys in starting to feel like redditros have no idea how much it costs to do shit

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Fast food is not cheap, i saved a lot of money by doing meal prep. If you ave to work to jobs to live, its over for you, forever.

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It’s also not fast

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can americans hurry up and invent couchdash so they can skip the strenuous effort of walking to the front door

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If you have to work multiple jobs then you shouldn’t be ordering doordash. These people are dumb. Who cares what they have to say lol.

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Wait DoorDash actually costs more than going to the restaurant and buying it yourself? Its the opposite for me. I get it cheaper than the MSRP at the restaurant and I don't have to pay for gas in my car for travelling.

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You should experience the delivery services in the motherland


Actually cheaper than going out to eat thanks to coupons lel I've saved thousands thanks to them and thinking its all coming out of some dumb VC investor's pockets makes it even better.

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yeah, I am talking about zomato, should have mentioned lol, got zomato pro plus free from airtel/paytm (dont remember) and all deliveries are free, plus coupons lmao


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How are people in India even poor if it costs 2€ to have food made and delivered to your house lol

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our official minimum wage is around 100€ per month, some people earn even less and thats why many are still poor sadly


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All these service apps gouge you with service fees and shit and the restaurant has to increase their prices on the app because they're getting gouged too. For me, it's only worth it if I get emailed a promo code. I used to make a ton of accounts and use the sign-up promo codes to get a free meal. For the next orders, I'd call up their customer service and yell at them about how bad the food was until they gave me a refund. Easy 3-4 meals per account for free.

Nowadays they've cracked down on that and its not worth my time to create a burner CC/burner number/verify identity/ all that gay crap and still run the risk of not getting refunded The hack was nice while it lasted tho.

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For the next orders, I'd call up their customer service and yell at them about how bad the food was until they gave me a refund.

Literally begging for bread. Based.

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The Jew fears the begmaxxer

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It’s not begging, it’s making use of the refund system they have. If the prices and fees were reasonable, I’d have no problem paying full price

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If the prices and fees were reasonable, I’d have no problem paying full price

I'll distribute cardboard signs with this to all the local bums.

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working multiple jobs

That's like single digit percentages of the population and most work like 42 hours compared with 38 hours for 90+% of the US. Teachers electively working the summer is the biggest category of 2 job holders.

Why do these people always trot this shit out, the likelihood of them even actually knowing someone with multiple real/full time jobs is almost non existant.

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I always see the comment that delivery apps rip off the restaurants. I don't get this, if partnering with the apps weren't a net benefit for the restaurants, why would they do it? :marseyconfused:

Could they just not offer delivery or handle delivery themselves? Seems like neither option is better or they would do those instead.

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It's about staying competitive. Either you cut into your margin by offering delivery, or else you lose out on customers with a strong preference for delivery. In some cases, the choice to offer delivery makes you less profitable than before delivery became standard, but more profitable than if you didn't offer it at all. That's what restaurants are annoyed about.

The first restaurants to offer delivery would have benefited from it by attracting more customers, but as it became normal the original benefit faded since you were back to competing with everyone again. The most successful restaurants could afford this shift, but less successful ones ended up worse than before.

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Part of the issue is some restaurants dont offer delivery for a reason. Like I come from higher end restaurants and to go orders we would always tell them up front it's going to be shitty and look even worse by the time you get home. These delivery services appeared and they would post our full menu, instead of the limited, less likely to be shit to go menu. Then people order fricking fish and it takes an hour to get to them and it's shit. Then they call us and complain and they're too fricking stupid to understand how anything works so it's our fault, and we get shit reviews.

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As if the chonkers so lazy they can’t get off their asses to get their own food would order a salad.

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free market? :marseystonetoss:

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