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I don't think saying burger lives matter is reasonable

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It’s objective fact. Burgers have the biggest military, if burger lives are affected, the rest of the world is affected reactively.

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Yea you’re right but I hate it because burgers are r3tarded and I don’t want them influencing my politics

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Have you tried not being a historical loser?


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If you didn’t serve in your countries military you’re part of why it’s like that

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All our country’s military does since WW2 is support burger missions so that’s no help either- the war our politicians seem to want is defending burger interests against China and I do not want to do that- once a war starts if and only if the Chinx land in Queensland or something I’ll join up (but only reluctantly cos Queenslanders deserve Chinese occupation)

Like it’s either grumble and refuse to celebrate Halloween like I normally do or die for American business interests

I’d join a militia but we banned guns so there aren’t any

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Without America, your nation would look like Malaysia. The only reason your nation matters is because Americans are so charitable they care about their r-slurred anglo brothers who were too stupid to leave the empire earlier. Australian politics is just an extension of American politics because American politics is the only thing keeping you ozzies relevant. Once America wises up like England and leaves you in the dust, Indonesians, Malaysians and Chinese will flood your country and soon enough it will just be one more middle-tier Asian nation with too many people.

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Look ngl Chinx in our country are actually really good at assimilation- I know Americans and Vietnamese who have lived in this country for an equivalent number of years and the Asians become more Aussie than me who’s family has been here 200 years and the burgers (and Poms tbf) stay the way they were, and even convert some of us to their own idiosyncratic culture war via Twitter

Put simply the Chinx are not a threat to Aussie culture, it’s way more likely to see a Chinx singing β€œup there Cazaly” than a burger

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Well hoping for too much too soon from such a cucked start point won’t help. Burger interests don’t always but more align with euro interests more than anyone else. And euro militaries that can pull more of their own weight get more say if and when the roided up op us military deigns to take opinions from our auxiliary allies.

(There’s a reason that 300 resonated so hard with the burgers, we have an underdog fetish but then at the end when the whole army shows up, obvs that’s us too)

Shit talking aside I cross trained with the Royal Marines and they could pt and drink like ungodly amounts, but their actual shooting and moving, especially in urban combat was hella mid.

It’s maybe not something to be proud of, and there’s a lot more to war than just room clearing, but for room clearing specifically, Big city Swat teams are beating most of the worlds military units in the ranking there.

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I should explain I’m not a euro I’m a boomerang. Put simply we don’t have any say in any conflicts ever, and honestly no real gains even (China owing Taiwan means nothing to us), and one of our best security scholars (Hugh White) recommends either becoming a regional power without burger supervision (he doesn’t like this idea but ngl I do) or surrendering to China (which he likes but I don’t); TLDR my country is screwed by the modern economic order of things

I did consider going down the ADFA route (but that seems too regimented, I mean ADFA people aren’t allowed to go around and frick strangers I mean wtf) but I instead decided to get a degree that guarantees me becoming a :marseyglow: so hopefully I can help make my country an actual sovereign nation with real culture instead of a yank colony

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I think I hear a dingo eating the prawns and abo meat off your barbi, but you don’t have guns so you just have to hide inside and pray he doesn’t decide he prefers fresh meat and eats you instead.

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Tbf at least like the mother country we know how to use a knife :#marseybackstab:

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(China owing Taiwan means nothing to us)

You never buy anything with electronic components made in Taiwan?

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one of our best security scholars (Hugh White) recommends either becoming a regional power without burger supervision (he doesn’t like this idea but ngl I do) or surrendering to China (which he likes but I don’t); TLDR my country is screwed by the modern economic order of things

Huh? Just continue being a useful port for the NATO-Japan-Taiwan alliance. It's significantly cheaper, and... you don't need to surrender to China? (Why should Australia choose the path of Tibet, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang? I don't get it).

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You guys could try getting strong enough to at least be more trouble than it’s worth to take over unless things get really serious. Anything beyond just choosing which daddy to get buck broken by.

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You shouldn’t have been a cuck and refused to pay for your own military then.

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The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has estimated that Australia's defence spending in 2017 was the 13th highest of any country in real terms.

This from a country of 25 million


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13th place isn’t even first loser.


The typical Australian. At least it’s not an emu.






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Agreed. American exceptionalism is r-slurred

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How is it r-slurred when we're actually the best in the world?


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Best at eating

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What you think our starving Great Depression grandparents would want us to let all this food we produce to go to waste?


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Eat the burgers franchise war now

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Real burger mothers produce enough milk sweaty.

Only ones needing formula are vegans and immigrants.

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