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you should remain ideologically consistent

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you believe in the bible yet you participate in society. Curious

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You are being dishonest and do not hold the values you claim to support, but merely appeal to them when it suits your interests

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you support the value of compassion but not because space wizard said so, one's own values don't even matter when calling out others for being ideologically inconsistent

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you should let skilled laborers in so we don't have a dependency ratio problem in 20 years

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Anyways here's ahmed and his 17 brothers who worked at a grocery store and have the equivalent education to an elementary schooler.


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you deny that you have any responsibility to be compassionate or kind, claiming that following a dumb book substitutes for that

well, said book also requires that you be compassionate and kind, so there

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I hope you beg for water and the demons of your dreams offer you heaping cups of dust and sand. I hope they watch and laugh as you choke and are denied the relief you seek from death.

Bet that sounded real bad butt in her head lol. Major douche chills :marseysnoo:

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Showing your compassion for fellow humans by wishing death on your fellow humans.

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I hope they watch and laugh as you choke and are denied the relief you seek from death.

But he's not seeking relief from death, he's seeking relief from thirst because he's begging for water. Fricking idiot couldn't even stay consistent in their own insult.

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Saying mother should get baby formula is more evil than hoping someone starves, bigot! For one saying mother is evil and for two not everyone who needs baby formula is a mother!

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Buddy that's Thursday

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I don't think saying burger lives matter is reasonable

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Eat the burgers franchise war now

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It’s objective fact. Burgers have the biggest military, if burger lives are affected, the rest of the world is affected reactively.

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Yea you’re right but I hate it because burgers are r3tarded and I don’t want them influencing my politics

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If you didn’t serve in your countries military you’re part of why it’s like that

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All our country’s military does since WW2 is support burger missions so that’s no help either- the war our politicians seem to want is defending burger interests against China and I do not want to do that- once a war starts if and only if the Chinx land in Queensland or something I’ll join up (but only reluctantly cos Queenslanders deserve Chinese occupation)

Like it’s either grumble and refuse to celebrate Halloween like I normally do or die for American business interests

I’d join a militia but we banned guns so there aren’t any

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Without America, your nation would look like Malaysia. The only reason your nation matters is because Americans are so charitable they care about their r-slurred anglo brothers who were too stupid to leave the empire earlier. Australian politics is just an extension of American politics because American politics is the only thing keeping you ozzies relevant. Once America wises up like England and leaves you in the dust, Indonesians, Malaysians and Chinese will flood your country and soon enough it will just be one more middle-tier Asian nation with too many people.

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Look ngl Chinx in our country are actually really good at assimilation- I know Americans and Vietnamese who have lived in this country for an equivalent number of years and the Asians become more Aussie than me who’s family has been here 200 years and the burgers (and Poms tbf) stay the way they were, and even convert some of us to their own idiosyncratic culture war via Twitter

Put simply the Chinx are not a threat to Aussie culture, it’s way more likely to see a Chinx singing β€œup there Cazaly” than a burger

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Well hoping for too much too soon from such a cucked start point won’t help. Burger interests don’t always but more align with euro interests more than anyone else. And euro militaries that can pull more of their own weight get more say if and when the roided up op us military deigns to take opinions from our auxiliary allies.

(There’s a reason that 300 resonated so hard with the burgers, we have an underdog fetish but then at the end when the whole army shows up, obvs that’s us too)

Shit talking aside I cross trained with the Royal Marines and they could pt and drink like ungodly amounts, but their actual shooting and moving, especially in urban combat was hella mid.

It’s maybe not something to be proud of, and there’s a lot more to war than just room clearing, but for room clearing specifically, Big city Swat teams are beating most of the worlds military units in the ranking there.

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I should explain I’m not a euro I’m a boomerang. Put simply we don’t have any say in any conflicts ever, and honestly no real gains even (China owing Taiwan means nothing to us), and one of our best security scholars (Hugh White) recommends either becoming a regional power without burger supervision (he doesn’t like this idea but ngl I do) or surrendering to China (which he likes but I don’t); TLDR my country is screwed by the modern economic order of things

I did consider going down the ADFA route (but that seems too regimented, I mean ADFA people aren’t allowed to go around and frick strangers I mean wtf) but I instead decided to get a degree that guarantees me becoming a :marseyglow: so hopefully I can help make my country an actual sovereign nation with real culture instead of a yank colony

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I think I hear a dingo eating the prawns and abo meat off your barbi, but you don’t have guns so you just have to hide inside and pray he doesn’t decide he prefers fresh meat and eats you instead.

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Tbf at least like the mother country we know how to use a knife :#marseybackstab:

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(China owing Taiwan means nothing to us)

You never buy anything with electronic components made in Taiwan?

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one of our best security scholars (Hugh White) recommends either becoming a regional power without burger supervision (he doesn’t like this idea but ngl I do) or surrendering to China (which he likes but I don’t); TLDR my country is screwed by the modern economic order of things

Huh? Just continue being a useful port for the NATO-Japan-Taiwan alliance. It's significantly cheaper, and... you don't need to surrender to China? (Why should Australia choose the path of Tibet, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang? I don't get it).

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You guys could try getting strong enough to at least be more trouble than it’s worth to take over unless things get really serious. Anything beyond just choosing which daddy to get buck broken by.

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Have you tried not being a historical loser?


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You shouldn’t have been a cuck and refused to pay for your own military then.

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The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute has estimated that Australia's defence spending in 2017 was the 13th highest of any country in real terms.

This from a country of 25 million


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13th place isn’t even first loser.


The typical Australian. At least it’s not an emu.






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Agreed. American exceptionalism is r-slurred

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How is it r-slurred when we're actually the best in the world?


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Best at eating

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What you think our starving Great Depression grandparents would want us to let all this food we produce to go to waste?


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Real burger mothers produce enough milk sweaty.

Only ones needing formula are vegans and immigrants.

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Babies need to eat no matter what piece of dirt they or their parents were born on.

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Then the government responsible for their piece of dirt can fricking feed them then.

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I agree. The CIA should stop topping left wing leaders in Central and South America who try to make sure their people have their needs taken care of. The government responsible for their piece of dirt should be allowed to fricking feed their people.


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That did happen...In the 1970s and 1980s. Central america is a shithole because they cant fix their own fricking problems

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Yes, because the CIA is known for being transparent. If they were to try that more recently we would of course know about it. Many reforms were put in place since the 80s to prevent that from happening again. They certainly haven't attempted coups in Bolivia, Venezuela, and Cuba within the past 5 years.


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None of those places are in central america. Central america has been pretty stable.

Look fella i hate CIA meddling as much as everyone else. My extended family was literally persecuted in the 60s in monkeyland. But this is leftoid cope with the fact no one wants to live in socialist shitholes

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none of those countries are in Central America

Wrong. The map says that you are wrong. I certainly did not misread your original comment as "Latin America." And my opinions on foreign policy are always 100% accurate



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Lol upsorend

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Bolivia, Venezuela, and Cuba

All countries famous for taking care of their citizens' needs.

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This but unironically


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Suck my peepee, gringo.

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Does marsey know about this?

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How many Venezuelans do you know? I work with three. Wanna know what they think of their government's ability to feed their citizens?

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The opinions of the diaspora aren't generally reflective of the countrymen they leave behind

Of course Maduro has his flaws, but the sanctions we put on his government have done nothing but make the situation worse



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muh russian CIA interference

You guys will do everything to blame anyone but the people actually responsible

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I'm not a Democrat, and the glowies talking about Russian interference in US elections (aka buying a handful of Facebook ads) are the same ones who orchestrate those coups in Latin America, and did everything they could to shaft both Bernie and Trump in 2016 and again in 2020


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This is the real radical centrism that the rightoids on this site are afraid to hear

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Socialism with Trumpian characteristics


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Yeah :marseymerchant:

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No, you don't understand are entire armed forces conspired to end our Democratic regime for months and in the last moments before pulling off the coup we asked the CIA if it was ok. Basically means it's totally America's fault that are Army can't be trusted. Are own citizen's are too stupid to be responsible at all for the coup that was 99% their own doing.

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Yeah south America and africa are shitholes due to the fact that nearly every country is socalist. It has nothing to do with the location.

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Capitalism is when developed country

Socialism is when shithole country


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Yes...? Can you name a first world socialist country? Scandinavia isn't socalist

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Finland and Sweden are both third world countries



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Am I being trolled or is this the stupidest map ever produced

It's clearly got post-soviet borders (and even Sudan is split) but it applies Cold War era labels

Was this made by a fricking dot head or som- oh.

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This image amuses me

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We are so back my Angolan comrades

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This but unironically

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Take them back to their piece of dirt and then feed them, if babies gotta starve to death, id rather they be a different countries babies.

Also proud of you for living up to your name schizoid

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The same companies that back the policies driving them north are the ones employing them in the US for sub minimum wage. There is a reason why Bernie called open borders a Koch brothers fantasy, and why many on the left see NAFTA as hurting Central and South Americans as well as American workers. Illegal immigration is generally not beneficial to the immigrants coming here nor to the Americans whose jobs they are taking. Your failure to understand the systemic factors causing this only plays into the hands of the people you oppose


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That image disturbs me almost as much as this one


(Edit: he ate me coins :marseycry:)


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Illegal immigration is generally not beneficial to the immigrants coming here nor to the Americans whose jobs they are taking.

OK, so stop them from coming here, and stop the American oligarchs who back policies that drive these people north in the first place. Problem solved for everyone.

Or, even wilder idea, just take over these places and civilize them. Put them on a ten year plan where they start with an appointed governor who roots out all the systemic corruption and gradually transitions them to full U.S. statehood. After all, if we're ultimately going to be responsible for feeding these people, then we need the authority to be able to stop their self-destructive behavior. Also, it's a lot harder for an American corporation to exploit a group of people when those people have direct representation in Congress.

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Central and South American

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All Latinx countries look the same to me



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Illegal immigration is generally not beneficial to the immigrants coming here

Then why are they coming?

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Mind control spells?

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As someone mentioned in another comment, the immigrants coming are usually those who were relatively well off in their home countries. Most people cannot afford to immigrate to the US. Not only do open borders hurt the American workers they're displacing, it hurts those in the countries they come from when everyone who can afford to leave - typically the well educated professionals - does so.

>Be Venezuelan

>Go to best University in your country, become a doctor

>US puts sanctions on your country in an attempt to instill a neoliberal glowie plant who will sell your country's oil to American companies

>Country turns to shit

>Spend thousands of dollars getting to Mexico with your family, and then pay another 10k to a smuggler to bring you across the border

>Trek through the desert

>Wife sprains her ankle. Leave her behind to die of thirst because you haven't eaten in days, are not strong enough to carry her

>Arrive in the US

>Your medical training is not recognized in the US. Take a job picking berries for $3 an hour, that American workers used to make $20 an hour doing

>Try to unionize with fellow farm workers, your employer calls ICE and has you deported

Fake story, but something along these lines happens every day. Yet liberals act like illegal immigration is something that should be celebrated.


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Oh please, spare us your moralizing. The corruption in most of those countries is off the charts. 99% of their problems are self-inflicted. America is just a scapegoat that these people use because their leaders don't want to admit that they are responsible for their own countries problems.

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Imagine still blaming coups from 70 years ago for the problems of governments today. Such major cope wowza

Trans lives matter obviously

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The government responsible for their piece of dirt should be allowed to fricking feed their people.


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How did you find that photo of me? I have banned u for doxxxing



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Russian shouldn't have installed those left wing leaders in the first place. Why is their interference alyways fine?

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Well according to Chomsky it's only bad when we do it


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You have a really good point. Sorry for interrupting.

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South America should git gud then. America had to beat the worlds leading superpower. Twice. Before they could even be left alone, had to literally save the world from nazis to now sit on top.

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Those are just communists that will genocide them anyway.

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Left-wing leaders in latin america

People having their needs

Lmao r-slur.

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Based and moralespilled

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openly declare adherence to stupid, failed anti American death cult ideology

surprised when Americans kill you


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Homegrown leftist governments in LatAm have proven plenty capable of failing to feed their people lol

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Based and rightoids ruin everything pilled

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The omnipresent CIA is the real reason why socialism keeps failing


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CIA is not allowed to operate in the US.

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Governments dont feed people

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Redditors seething as they find out voters don’t care about trans lives or holding up their puppet regime in Ukraine as much as the economy and their children.

Feels fricking good man :#marseyinabox:

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The point is that no one said otherwise but they're all pretending like he said that we should starve all non-Americans you rslur

Politicians should prioritize their constituents and help strangers second. Nobody wants babies to starve but if some have to starve they'd better not be ours, and a politician stating this is doing their job properly but everyone is acting like he wants to holocaust the illegals. You've missed the point of the post entirely.

Btw, what's your Twitter handle?

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As a third-worldcel, something I notice never comes up in these debates is how most people who immigrate illegally are far from being the poorest demographic whever they come from. In Brazil, most people who cross the border have their head just above the water, so to speak. Odds are good they'd have been able to feed their own families in their home country.

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Nayib Bukele said something similar in this Tucker interview



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Probably just that the most poor are simply too r-slurred or unmotivated to try or to be able to navigate a foreign country.

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See also: money

Motivation alone doesn't get you across the Darien Gap


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The number of immigrants from south america is negligible. Airfare from ecuador to mexico can't be that much anyway.

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If only nature had provided a way to accomplish this.

Ted was right.

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Then their parents should feed them

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Make the rightoids seethe with facts and logic


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