I'm sick of capybaras.
What's so special about capybaras? Chinchillas are better than capybaras for a number of reasons. First, chinchillas are much cuter than capybaras. They have big, fluffy tails and cute little faces. Second, chinchillas are much cleaner than capybaras. They groom themselves regularly and don't stink like capybaras do. Third, chinchillas are much more intelligent than capybaras. They can learn tricks and are very good at problem-solving. Finally, chinchillas live much longer than capybaras. So, not only are they better animals overall, but you also get more bang or your buck with a chinchilla.
On the other hand, capybaras are ugly. They have big, bulbous noses and their teeth are always on display. They are also very hairy, which is not a good look for an animal. Additionally, capybaras are lazy. They spend most of their time sleeping and eating. They are also not very intelligent. So, not only are they ugly, but they are also not very interesting animals.
Take a look at the images, the chinchilla seems to be a very nice guy, you can go out for a drink with him. (https://c.tenor.com/P-CN_jmTyjkAAAAd/cheers-lahayum.gif) a nice mannered rodent. and then look at the capybara. (https://external-preview.redd.it/5AsUYq7gc95V_oTYvmeXPok-i-RiI33EfSprnezOCCw.gif?format=mp4&s=0e33fb62923ec1bcf4a98166cc8781a339fc1113) EEEKKK!!!! not such a nice rodent, the fact that they're even distantly related to chinchilla is just SHOCKING.
I'm willing to listen to and unpack your opinions, but I don't see how anyone could possibly justify being obsessed over such a mundane animal.
PS: Good luck making a capy do your housework https://grapee.jp/en/wp-content/uploads/41322_04.jpg
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I used to own a chinchilla, its a worse hamster.
Shit pet overall.
@Aevann this CHUD is capyphobic
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How is it worser, they live longer, have 7 cities named after them (Hamster has none) they like to play and they **bounce aloot. ** (SOURCE: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eAgHRTx7EtA, https://youtube.com/watch?v=5d60b22YRf8) they bond alot more than hamsters, they are way smarter, they are from the mountains, and they bathe in dust ( ) and hamsters dont bathe they only bathe in their own shit like the shitty animals they are. Honestly BOTH capys and chins are better than hams tbh
Let's just compare ok?
Chinchilla (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/91/52/dc/9152dc54c731bb9a7924549915050b41.jpg) VS Hamster (https://i.pinimg.com/564x/dd/6c/6c/dd6c6caa429956fa260a6f74eb9b8790.jpg) VS Capy (https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/baby-capybara-m-watson.jpg)
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lol I wanted to post that gif. How does that make them clean?
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"helps evenly distribute natural oils, clears away dirt and debris, and keeps their fur silky soft. In their native, arid habitats in the mountainous regions of South America, chinchillas use volcanic ash to keep clean."
Tldr: chinchillas are too good for water. They bathe in fricking volcano ash.
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I should adopt one. You think my dog would eat it though?
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Did you adopt one?

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