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Hi there. I’m a trans parent of a trans kid.




I found an interesting reddit user.

Hi there! I just turned 38, and the first date I ever went on was when I was 36. The first kiss I ever had was at 36. The first time I ever had s*x also was at 36. All were with the same woman.

incel to :marseytrain: pipeline confirmed?

Women can orgasm???

Speaking as a gay woman; oh my, yes. A lot.


Many gay women realize they’re gay like this too. Sadly we’re taught to believe that relationships are supposed to be hard and unfulfilling, and so don’t realize that the reason for that is because we’re gay.

Maybe your were never told you were gay because you've always been a man attracted to women?

I’m disabled, and my wife supports us.

Holy frick

Yeah, my fiancée gets terrible period cramps. I’m so lucky that mine are much less severe.

Hmm, wonder why your "period cramps" aren't bad?

My wife and I are Humanist Jews, and have a lovely congregation we belong to.

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He frequently posts in r/AreTheStraightsOK r/latebloomerlesbians r/actuallesbians and r/lgbt

I highly recommend further investigation, he seems very easy to bait.

Also, if this doesn't get updoots, I'll delete it and repost it with some slight alterations. I have a theory I want to test.

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  • chinchilla : Some R-SLURS on twitter think this is real in 2023
  • Dahl_Fook : >6 august 2021 shit are :!marseytrain:s really not being disgusting enough you have to post this AGAIN jfc
  • YappingCat : Hello twitter r-slurs in 2024 :marseyxoxo:

swomweonye pwease snyap up /r/twansparenttwanskid swo it can be fwiwwed with stwories abwout hwow our real/adwoptive childwen magicawwy learnyed they were alswo twans after fwinding out abwout their parents.

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hope the cheap laugh was worth the harm youve caused

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youre pathetic

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Penny 'Bardfinn' Oaken is cute, valid and she'll beat the shit out of any cis-females or kids who say different.


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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

Reset the counter. Current counter was: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes

Record is 0 days, 21 hours

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Tariq can’t be replying

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Yeah, all of our gaslamping subreddits are undermined by usernames like basedracist88 and sneedrightsactivist

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This deserves its own post(s) btw

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Now we just need a well timed r/cringetopia post to get the seethe flowing in.

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Lol this comment was linked to by Reuters

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(((We))) know :derpthumbsup:

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HIII lurking twitcels. You need to post butt to interact with this website. Our groomercord in on maintenance so you can just reply here

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If anyone is here reading this comment from any newspaper or politifact etc, send me pictures of your bussy i pay 75dc per unique bussy sent

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This is a scam. My comment is legit

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Hi there! I just turned 38

That greeting plus exclamation mark is strangely common on the posts of these types of people

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They're trying to fake happiness to hide how close it is to 41%ing

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I'd hate to see him 41 himself.

Seems like a prime lolcow.

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Most likely will be a failed attempt for attention. Just like a real woman

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Trains are the only thing more drama obsessed than foids.

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another thing men are better than women at

Dudes keep rocking

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Dudes rock

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💥 🎸💥

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Trans women are better than women

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Everyone always confuses 41 with the number who actually do it. 41 is just for an attempt. The gay mafia will never let the percentage for the successful ones get out.

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>fail as a man

>fail as a woman

>fail at death

Goddamm it never even began for 🚂s

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fail at death

This is succeeding as a woman

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Succeed at coercing sympathy out of everyone

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They’re just trying to better larp as a foid.

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Drama has taught me that no happiness is sincere or organic.

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Happiness is a myth

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I thought it was something like some way of putting forth an authoritative image. Like hi there, here I am, the answer to your questions.

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exclamation mark

These creatures are trying to imitate foid nonsense. B-words love their exclamation marks.

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Seriously though, why is that? I noticed that if there's an exclamation mark somewhere in a comment, there's a 99% chance it's from a w*man. Even in texting they sound fricking annoying

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Foids love being melodramatic/overhypying shit and exclamation marks help them convey their straggy intended emotions across.

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The only times I use exclamation marks is for exclamations.


Not on the end of sentences. It makes you look r-slurred!

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The first kiss I ever had was at 36

This is also the sacrifice Reddit moderators make to help keep your Reddit experience free of bigotry. Next Veteran's Day make sure to thank them.

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So how long until he gets outed as a libertarian?

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Does he even need to be outed? He's been an incel most of his life, he's "disabled", he's trans, and he has a "trans" kid.

It's like seeing a white woman walking a pitbull and trying to out her as a dogfricker. Does it really have to be proven?

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I don’t think white women take the dog pill with pibbles. I think even they know that the breed of peace would quite literally tear that kitty up. I think the preferred dog of white women is the German Shepherd. Strong but gentle.

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This train sure does have a convoluted story about needing to go to the ER 3 times in one day. He broke his wife's hand "holding it" and then "slipped and punched his own ribs and broke them". Is he our next bardfinn? 👀

It was the middle of the night and I couldn’t sleep because my ear was sore and swollen. I tried to take the piercing out, but it was screwed so tightly I couldn’t.

After some time trying and making my ear worse, we decided at 3 AM to head to the ER.

I also have pretty extreme social anxiety, so the hospital let my wife come in with me (it was in the middle of COVID).

That was our first trip.

During the procedure to get the earring out (lidocaine injections in the ear are painful!) my wife gave me her hand to hold. We got home at 5:30 and went to bed. When we woke up my wife noticed her hand really hurt, and she couldn’t use it.

So we made our second trip to the ER. Turns out after an X-ray I’d fractured her hand 🤣

Between her hurting hand, my hurting ear, and both our lack of sleep, we decided to order dinner that evening. Since her hand hurt and she couldn’t drive, I went out to pick up food.

I got to the car and realized I’d left my purse and phone inside, and turned around to go back in and get them. It had been raining so my shoes were wet when I got back in…. And I slipped.

I should point out here that I’m also really clumsy 🤣

I landed badly. My hand was caught underneath my chest as I fell, and I landed on it… and essentially punched my own ribs and broke them…


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The consequences of the industrial revolution…

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Based and tedpilled. One day, the coronal mass ejection will achieve the things Uncle Ted never could

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Allah needs to do better better

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15$ on his "wife" being a train too

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Since the wife has a kid, I'd give even odds on being an actual female who is a doormat and just looking for any male attention and someone to help raise her kid. A woman so pathetic that she married the first kissless virgin with girl peepee she could find.

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But that kid is said to be trans, but would also be 2 years old.. Either an extreme groomer libertarian or a liar

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I thought the same at first, but then I thought maybe it's just a kid from previous relationship

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That kids chocolate starfish is about to get stretched.

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Back in my g*mer days (I’ve since repented) I knew this gay kid with two lesbo moms. There’s no way this shit is coincidental.

Oh and he was as fricked up as you can imagine.

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I knew a kid who's dad turned out to be gay.

But that dude was tight, and tbh getting a women pregnant then choosing to live your life as a gay man is absolute based

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He was tight? You hit that bussy?

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Only if he left without paying child support, that’s true 👑 shit

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I knew a kid whose dad ended up trans. That was like 10 years ago so I guess he was ahead of the curve? Me and the kid were the same age and in school, and he moved away after that. It was middleschool, so it was probably for the best he moved away. Imagine the bullying if someone found out you had a :marseytrain: parent. Now that I think about it, he was kind of creepy.

Maybe that's why I hate trains? I saw one derail the entire family of one of my friends. Either way, day of the Queen of the Sea Line tsunami incident when?

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Seems like a sad situation all around. An adult who felt so lonely and stigmatized that they hopped on the latest trend to get attention and praise, and then proceeded to teach their kid the same thing. I wonder when the dust finally settles, how many new members of the lgbt community were people discovering things previous repressed by society, and how many were instances like this.

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That quote about the LGBT reproduction strategy is so true

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p = 0.006 < 0.05

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I miss statistics class :(

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I’m disabled, and my wife supports us.

My disability is due to severe ADHD, so I have very little executive function. When I’m on meds, I can get stuff done - but planning is difficult to impossible for me.

What are the chances that they have the Most Seriously Worst Case of ADHD in the entire world?

Getting diagnosed as a woman is hard, because ADHD typically presents differently in us and all the diagnostic models used to be based on male ADHD.

Odd cope. They've got something else other than ADHD. Might be online-related.

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Definitively autism misdiagnosed as ADHD.

Source: they are train redditors so

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Good muslim jesus

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I like that he posts in r/menwritingwomen

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I really just can't wrap my head around homo-locos. It just comes across as trying to hook up with lesbians.

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No matter how inadequate you are as a male, you'd think it'd be difficult transitioning to a lesbian as:

  1. Het women might not have liked your before but they don't like ugly women either

  2. Lesbians like women- not ugly women with peepeees and dresses. Otherwise they wouldn't be lesbians

You'd think that would be the case but trans lesbians enjoy a certain level of sexual success they didn't have as straight guys. I think they are pursuing a tiny super-niche that validates them. If this niche is super small, it's still larger than the number of advanced incels that find love.

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Remember when the question of how locomotives reproduce was an offensive stereotype? Me neither

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hi twitter :marseywave2#:

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I'm guessing this is a wife's son situation, and hopefully not a transgender one year old 😬

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Actual photo of him and his son:


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