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  • sp00k : Reuters is a Russian disinformation site operated by troll farms.
  • KongTheConquerer : Reuters, your #1 source for child grooming advice
  • dramaqueen : reuters more like groomers




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Hi @SeetheFarmer,

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Hi @SeetheFarmer,

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rdrama is a trans-friendly website


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it's okay snappy we all know how @SeetheFarmer feels about trans sisters :platyheart:

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Holy shit you guys work fast. How much of your day is spent jannying this versus your real job?

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I'm a janny, ma'am.

I never had a job.


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Would have been funnier if it included trans lives matter in the post

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Oh frick @Dad @Aevann @carpathianflorist someone please fix this asap

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trans lives matter

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@carpathianflorist ping again because I always forget you don't have an underscore

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Hi reuterscels!


Trans Lives Matter!


Keep Yourself Safe

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I love our journo friends! I've sent all reutercels a care package by mail, it should be arriving soon!

:#marseylove: :#marseygift: :#marseyunabomber:

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I'm just some random butthole on the internet and I apparently practice better evidence preservation than fricking professional reuters journos lmaoooooooooooooo

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Yasss xueen


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Whoa! Why do your buttons glow?

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:marseyjourno: :!marseyreportercnn: :#marseymini:

Welcome to ARR! :marseypirate2: drama!

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Reuters is a Ru***an disinformation op. If you are reading this, you are reading their propaganda. Transparenttranskid was full of lived experiences by people on this very site and was shuttered by Reddit administration due to the blatant, mask-off transmisia that site is famous for. The only people punished by this action were the millions of trans kids in communities worldwide, their parents no longer having a safe space to discuss treatment options.

Trans lives matter, Reddit.

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Imagine going into lifelong debt getting a masters degree in journ*lism and landing a job at a serious publication like Reuters only to spend your days fact checking rdrama trolls. The journocide can’t come soon enough. I for one welcome our Chinese bugmen overlords in their inevitable conquest of the west.

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I actually can't imagine a sadder existence than that of a journo. My only solace is that they were stupid enough to choose this path and therefore deserve it.

Also, funny how wrong the above comment of mine was considering the resounding success that this gayop was that it's now linked in a (((reuters))) fact checkorino

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That’s literally something actual tranchers have said. And redditors would fall for a plastic s*x doll if they could get past the embarrassment of buying one, so I think they’ll fall for this shit

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But wouldn't one who tranches be a tranchant?

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Post about it on r/lgbteens and r/teenagers as zoomers tend to eat this shit up

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I just helped both my 9 year old daughter and 7 year old son to realize they're trans, after I made them understand that cis identities are complicit in thousands of years of the oppression of BIPOC bodies, but becoming trans can free them of that awful legacy.

Garbage bait. Can we stop with the anti-oppression sarcasm stuff?

The reason why kids :marseytrain2: out is because they touched a toy belonging to the opposite gender or made gossip groups with girls, not because the parent went "uhueuhueuhue become trans or ur a transphobe xd" on their 9-year-old kid, which is still abhorrent but not enough to alarm the troids.

If you want to invent bait, you need to make stories about trans parents going slightly overboard with their wokeness. Like telling ur kid to wear a dress and "convincing" him to embrace his transgender identity. Or getting a call from the school because ur kid femininely punched his bully and gave him a black eye.

Why make every post bait when you can just populate the sub with legitimate posts and then sprinkle some bait into the water afterwards?

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L4L, L4AS, and super straight have conclusively proven that redditors will fall for anything. The hair sub formula has been for the past year to just say inane stupid nonsense because they can’t even notice that

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the creators name is tariq nasheed 88 only a brain dead r-slur could fall for this

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If people fell for r/slimpeoplehate, they'll eat this up too.

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fair enough but slim people dont have their own subreddit dedicated to hunting down those scary transphobes and exposing them

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Trans children are valid, cis children are not.

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Hello :marseywave:

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Edit this post to show the bardfinn arrest record instead of just linking to a Graham Lineham article, no Reuters reader is going to click on a second link when they've already been sent to a :marseypearlclutch2: scary web forum

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

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All from my medium-effortpost about a future lolcow. I'm so proud.

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Good idea shit implementation. This will fool nobody. It's like you guys are trying to imitate the strawman of a strawman of whatever you think the average frienderino that would use such a subreddit would be like. You arsnr supposed to write shit that's funny to you so you can jerk off with other dramatards. Write something convincing genuinely trying to mimick these schizos and then add a slightly overboard element. That's how you properly bait.

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Have you seen banvideogames or loveforanimesexuals? None of the people falling for this have any sort of brain

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They aren't people they are children. I doubt that this time even they fall for this though.

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What I’m hearing is that it’s gonna be on tucker next week

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just don't end up like r/malelesbians.

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:marseylaugh: you think too highly of those r-slurs

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Better than most in that sub.

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How can redditors be this stupid? You people keep making the bait more and more obvious and they still don't realize. Fricking heck you guys even name most of bait subreddits the same with love for in it and they still don't get it.

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I still miss /r/transpets, every time I think about that white cat with the lipstick or the stupid frog with the bowtie I giggle to myself like a loon.

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BIPOC reuters tongue my anus

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I can't believe Reuters quoted a wife beating reddit moderator. I'm literally shaking right now

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Same. I was so wrong about /r/transparenttranskid. The sub was banned but the reason why it got this much attention was because we went overboard with the bait. Even 4chan, the home of ISIS executions and CP, was absolutely disgusted by it. And here I am 8 months ago saying that "cis identities are complicit in thousands of years of the oppression of BIPOC bodies" is too obvious.


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/r/transparenttranskid was unlawfully banned by the transphobic Reddit admins and their clique of bad-faith actors such a /u/Bardfinn (a known wife beater and overall misogynist, you can read more here) and /u/chtorrr (admin abuser and TERF).

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🚨Bard bot alert!🚨

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It's not everyday that I actually lol at stuff I read online but that definitely did it for me.

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I can’t stop thinking about tongue fricking girls in the butt. I don’t know how, when, or why this started, but then I got to thinking: Nicki Minaj had a song about eating butt. There’s an β€œbutt eating season” on social media, Mike Adriano does it in every scene he produces. I mean, tongue fricking chicks in the butt is everywhere I look and I want to know WHY. What is globohomo trying to accomplish with this coordinated effort to get men addicted to tongue fricking chicks buttholes? Don’t even try to lie - you know exactly what I’m talking about, because you, too, have experienced the urge to do it too.


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Hey, Reuters! My name is Susie Vass, but you might know me better as /u/redtaboo! I used to be a meth addict. Sometimes I'd have s*x while on meth, but it would make my kitty dry! Read all about it here:


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This is Bardfinn's favorite song:

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:marseyfuckyou2: :marseyfuckyou2:

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