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What is with the oversaturation of BPD foids on Reddit?


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All on a 7 week old Reddit account. Every deranged (usually man-hating) post on this shithole website will hit half or more of the same flags I mentioned above.

What is with the ubiquitous BPD foid menace on Reddit? I demand answers!

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This is probably how mild-to-moderate autism manifests in women. For every shut-in weeb (aka "egg") you get a childfree witch.

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What an ignorant, sexist remark. It's not just "weebs" who are on the autism spectrum, it's people of all genders. And it's not just people with autism who are "childfree," many people without autism choose not to have children as well. Your remark is offensive and ignorant.

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Do people with autism count as people?

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You clearly don't understand what autism is, so maybe you shouldn't be asking questions about it. People with autism are just like everyone else, except they process information differently. So yes, they count as people.

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Why shouldn't i ask questions about things i don't understand?

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It's called being respectful. If you don't understand something, it's not polite to ask questions about it.

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But then I'd never learn and correct my behavior

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It's not about correcting your behavior, it's about not being a peepee in the first place.

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What if I asked in a non-peepeeish manner, in earnest?

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Shouldn’t you ask questions if you don’t understand something?

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If you can't understand my question, maybe you're the one who should be asking questions.

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I tried to ask a question

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Why don't you try again, this time using full sentences and correct grammar?

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Shouldn’t you be able to reasonably interpret the meaning without it?

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:marseyairquotes: process information differently. :marseyairquotes:

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Why are you so smug? everyone processes information differently, and you act like you're better than everyone else just because you do it differently.

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childfree witch.


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I feel bad for the husband, but also he deserves it for marrying her and also staying married to her


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Is it because she eats them all?

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BPD hoes are already appropriating ADHD, depression and PTSD. Don't you dare let them take our autism from us.

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The ones that say they have CPTSD are the ones who have doctor's that are afraid to tell them they are BPD nutcases

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Don't worry, no one can take your autism from you.

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They're foids.

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definitive and elegant answer.

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I think other women are better at spotting and ejecting bpd foids so they congregate on websites like reddit that are dominated by men.

just my hypothesis though

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Yeah, the only reason moids interact with BPD foids is that the s*x is good. Take that away, and there just isn't a reason to put up with them.

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It's true. My ex-wife had some sort of malignant narcissism (aka "BPD") going on and every group of female friends she had hated her and inevitably ended up rejecting her from their group.

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This is very true. Foids who have mostly guy frieds (because guys are just less drama lol I'm not like the other girls) are always cast out by other foids and have mental illness or bisexual

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Bpd is literally just normal foid brain when not kept in line by the firm hand of her father, husband, or inam

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It's extreme foid brain just like how tism is extreme moid brain

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Agree with this. BPD is simply a foid who hasn't the confidence disciplined out of her.

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It's amazing how many attractive western women who have been spoiled their entire lives have "BPD." Almost as if when you allow people to get away with unreasonable narcissistic bullshit, they will continue doing it and turn it into a habit.


And I guarantee you that if you start punishing these foids for "BPD episodes" (ie, malignant narcissism) they will mysteriously be "cured"... but it's best not to think about that.


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BPD is caused by genes or by being nono touched by your uncle. Scrotes frick crazies bc they're pathetic. Or create crazies by being p-dophiles. Then cry about it.

Death to scrotes :)

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multiple people playing, so I'm trying to keep up

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Every foid with mental illness has shifted blame to a daddy, bf, or uncle and refuses to deal with their issues. Un-based and accountabilitypilled

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No, that's just a story that "BPD" narcissists make up because it makes people more sympathetic to them. Narcissists are good at coming up with all sorts of victimhood stories to avoid punishment, that's why it's important to punish them even harder when they make up these bullshit fabrications - because the fact that they constantly make up these ridiculous lies to cover their asses proves that they have no remorse. When people have no sense of guilt, then the only way to modify their behavior is through fear.

For example, my ex-wife Kathryn told me a lot of bullshit about how her brother molested her and her mom looked the other way about the abuse, but in hindsight I suspect that she just wanted me to dislike him because he knew she cheated in her previous marriage, and if I talked to him too much and compared notes I might realize what a horrible person she was. So she made up some bullshit stories about how evil her family was in order to distance me from the people who could fact-check her lies.

The things you need to understand about "BPD" narcissists is that their pretense at being unable to regulate their emotions is a lie. If you were to hurt them every single time they behave badly, they would quickly stop, which is how you can tell that their condition is made up. A real mental illness doesn't only inconvenience other people and then mysteriously vanish when it would inconvenience the "mentally ill" person.

Unfortunately the past 10-15 years of psychology research is politicized bullshit and idiotic quackery, so nobody thinks to scientifically test these alleged "mental illnesses" to find out whether they are in fact real. So our society stupidly allows a lot of evil garbage to continue to roam free with "therapy" and "counseling" (which has zero effect because they're evil, not crazy) when really we should just be locking them in the deepest darkest hole possible and throwing away the key.

This is part of why I supported a narcissist like Trump for president in 2016: it was accelerationism. I figured that if the r-slurred pieces of shit in charge of our society aren't motivated to do anything about the massive narcissism problem in our culture, then maybe they'd be more inclined to take action when it negatively impacted them. After all, our leaders are selfish garbage, and selfish garbage never care about other people's problems, only their own. If you want these filth to care about a problem that impacts you, then you need to turn it into a problem that impacts them.

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"Noooo decades of cross cultural, replicated psychiatric research is wroooong bc me mommy was meaaaaaan to meeeeee"

Cope, r-slur. You fricked crazy. Cope β™‘

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>replicated psychiatric research

I agree with you, but let's not get ridiculous here.

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Fair lmao

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You should read his blog where he details his ex-wife was spying on him through his tv.

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If you want these filth to care about a problem that impacts you, then you need to turn it into a problem that impacts them.

Unironically a lesson I learned dealing with the public school system as a child.

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BPD is normally typified by abandonment of the father. "Daddy issues" isn't just a meme.

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You don't even need to be molested to get BPD, and there's not much evidence for it being genetic.

BPD is set of coping mechanisms that a person develops after experiencing abandonment early in development. Simple as that. You ever see that video of the study where the mom is told to not pay attention to the infant? The child cries, screams, and tries everything at its disposal to get mommy's attention, even if it isn't positive. The only thing it cares about is the attention, and its intensity. Whether its good or bad is secondary.

decades of cross cultural, replicated psychiatric research

What the frick are you talking about what genes have been identified as the primary cause of BPD?

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It's just a medical sounding term for crazy b-word.

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It's literally the same as moids who have been allowed to be basement dwelling g*mers turning out neurodivergent.

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This one seems extra nuts. She posts in /r/psychosis. As supportive as my husband is, he really misses the mark sometimes.

He sent me a video of a man clearly in psychosis who had just killed four people and was talking about mind control and shit like that. Comments of the video mentioned MK Ultra and I ended up deep diving because who can deny a good SpIn, right? I share something with him about it and he says, "Should you really be looking that deep into that?"

Frick, man. That video broke my heart as it was. I said "That could be me" multiple times like so incredibly devastated. He says "crazy". Cool. Eventually says "I'll go down with you" and I'm just thinking like frick off, man.

Then to ask me if I should be looking that deep... Felt like a knife in the chest. I am so fricking broken.

All of my time and energy goes into being hypervigilant that I don't slip back into psychosis, knowing it's pretty much futile because no matter what I do, it could still take me at any moment. My entire life and everything I have worked for - it could take it from me in a minute.

Then sometimes I think, what even is my life? What kind of life is this to always be so fricking scared all the time? Constantly waiting and watching for any little sign?

I'm so fricking tired, man.

Yikes and lmao :marseyyikes: :marseyxd:

Yeah, I hear you completely. I don't have schizophrenia. It's MDD w/ psychotic features and I took every single antipsychotic and physically could not wake up and was completely inhuman on all of them. I take Ketamine to control the depression, which in turn mostly controls the psychosis. But I have severe, chronic PTSD and GAD, so there's a lot of intersections and it can trigger the depression really quickly. It's scary. Every day is scary.

chronic PTSD = doctor afraid to tell her BPD

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It's insulting how PTSD was originally a diagnoses for people who'd been tortured or seen people die in horrible ways, and it's been coopted by reddit soys and munchie women to excuse bad behavior

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Bpd is literally just normal foid brain when not kept in line by the firm hand peepee of her father

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Normal women don't spend their time complaining on Reddit. Therefore you'll only find the schizos.

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Plus the whole hugbox mentality online encourages people of mental illnesses instead of bullying them and making them ashamed of it like normal people.

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Married men are always creepin on bitches.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp

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I pretended to be a 14 year old girl

Found Carp's Reddit account.

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calls people incel on /r/redscarepod

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I think reddit has more landwhales than BPD

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landwhales and BPD venn diagram is a circle.

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That's because BPD is really just unpunished narcissism. Of course those people buy into HAES.

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what about autism?

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I'm not sure. I don't have autism, I have mild sociopathy, which manifests as very low empathy for people who cross me. I don't hang out with many aut*stic people because they tend to be boring, so I don't know much about them.


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ah I see.

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Pretty sure you said you have autism at one point, no?

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Yeah, I made that autism thing up because sociopathy is unfairly stigmatized in our society. Stupid normie filth hear the word "sociopath" and immediately think that we're nutjobs ready to go on a killing spree at the drop of a dime. Most of us are law-abiding citizens who are productive members of the community: we simply have a much lower tolerance threshold for bullshit and are willing to take very vicious countermeasures when narcissists try to push their bullshit onto us.

The massive discrimination against sociopaths is the main reason why I try to pass myself off as an autist instead. The best route towards establishing equal rights for people like me is to first establish equal rights for neurodiverse people as a class and then to focus on specifically stigmatized aspects of neurodiversity, such as sociopathy. This is also why I have such contempt for BLM and third-wave feminism: these narcissistic filth think that they have a monopoly on oppressed victimhood, but they have no idea of what oppression really is. Thanks to Leftists, sociopaths are the most discriminated-against group in the world: we can't even admit our nature without either having a Twitter lynch mob try to get us fired or some well-intentioned but idiotic psychiatrists getting involved to pathologize our condition in a way that justifies them taking away our freedom.

This may help explain why I worked so hard to put Trump in power and spread the gospel of Q. As long as sociopaths are unfairly discriminated against and stigmatized - as long as we can lose our jobs or our freedom simply by admitting to a condition that we have no control over (which is not even a real "mental illness" but simply a different ideological viewpoint) - then society is effectively at war with us. And if intolerant bigots want to be at war with me, then I will do my best to make them suffer. Why shouldn't I? After all, I am a law-abiding citizen of the United States so I should be entitled to the same rights and non-discrimination protections as anybody else. People who try to infringe upon any of my citizenship rights are all evil filth who deserve to die. And just because I obey the law and don't attack these people directly doesn't mean I can't hurt these filth in indirect (but entirely legal) ways. You'd be surprised at how much death and destruction you can sow amongst your enemies simply by whispering secrets and dangerous information online. I'm very proud of that. Anybody can kill their enemies illegally with a gun or a knife but it takes a really special kind of person to do it with just a single whisper, in a way that is entirely legal.

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Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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:#marseythinkorino: :#marseyautismpat: :#marseyfacepat:

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I don't hang out with many aut*stic people because they tend to be boring, so I don't know much about them.

He said on a site which is a glorified otter day care

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They should date me

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the crossover of this place with /r/redscarepod still makes me do a double take every time i see it

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pedohunting is a time-honored tradition tho

but like, call the cops instead of his fricking wife? the actual frick.

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Because if they were normal they would a house wife making the kids and husband happy, not posting on reddit trying to convince everyone they're happy and empowered.


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The average mayo foid

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BPD isn't a real condition, it's just "entitled woman syndrome". There's no BPD men because the ones who do behave that way are either dead, in prison, or have turned their life around by age 21, but some women manage to just skate by with abhorrent behavior for way too long.

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It's a way to diagnose women with crazy b-word without them crying about it.

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Why wouldn't you report him to the police?

Police aren't going to do shit

Sign of a larper

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