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legit everywhere is fully controlled by nazi p-dos. reddit/ruqqus/voat is the tip of the iceberg, that's why i have nowhere/nothing. they all just think it's ok to m-lest ch-ldren these days. biden/drumpf are both evil. obama's daughters get fucced. nazism is in control and ch-ldren now are being r-ped and no1 cares. these r-ghtwing scum gaslighting by pretending to be the victim when they're laughing about it bc they're in charge. communism is dead, long live marx

these stupid r-ghtwing scum believe it's all jewish conspiracy why they can't m-lest ch-ldren but they fuccing get away with it every single time bc the judges are all p-dos, the president is a piece of shit who r-pes k-ds and r-ghtwingers walk the streets after m-lesting ch-ldren without a care. they get to shoot blacc people with zero consequnce. it's fuccing open season on p.o.c. the racist piglice scum murder blacc people and chelsea clinton and biden are fuccing allowing it. I HAVE SEEN THEM ADMIT IT FOR MY OWN EYES u idiot c*nts

the kkkops are racist scum who commit murder and get away with it. dylan roof is considered a hero in modern day amerikkka. they give him a fuccing medal. he's fuccing free, i don't believe for a second he's legit in prison

r-ghtwing is the fuccing rulership of the globe, how big is drumpf;s peepee in biden's butt? they are currently engaged performing mass murder against indigenous people and these days it's accepted

these p-dos pretend they are the fuccing victims but they all live in mansions the size of cities and support multi-rainbow fascism/p-odphilia. it's happening now

if ur not a supporter of pro-revolutionary marxism/radical feminism u are a p-dophile r-pist fascist scum/c*nt but these days they throw u in prison for being against fascism/p-dophilia. bill gates is a wretch who supports mass murdering blacc people-he's a r-ghtwing fascist and a ch-ld m-lester. nobody cares come out against his clan

these r-ghtwingers are all 100% admitted self p-dos, everything r-ghtwing is p-dophilic

how do these r-ghtwingers dare pretend to be the victims? they are in control, they m-lest ch-ldren and walk the streets proud. it'z a r-ghtwing world and there's n1 out there who even cares

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why do r-ghtwingers think they are the victims? they are ch-ld m-lesters who are permitted to get away with bc they control the entire world. all the judges are p-dos, they let r-ghtwingers get away with it

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the ruling class represents the p-docracy, in ancient greece the p-docrat "philosopher" ideologue was plato who was a proto-fascist

in primitive/pre-modern era before agriculture, p-dophilia wasn't invented yet. p-dophilia arose later later concomitant with the class society. in a classless society, we don't have p-dophilia but r-ghtwingers cling to class collaborationism in fascist italy/modern amerikkka where p-dophilia is institutionalised. bernie sanders is a fascist

marx and engels were really the first 2 who questioned and atacced p-dophilia. marxism is the only tool to smash p-dophilia. bryan singer gets away with it, the famous p-do

p-dophilia is a social construct and the only way to remove it is thru communism. these days everyone is a p-do or a p-do supporter bc that's the engine that supports capitalist class society

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i love marx and engels but not sexually, how do they get away with p-do propaganda? r-ghtwingers think that "f-ggots" are the problem but nonp-do homosexuals have more in common with nonp-do heterosexuals than p-dophiles bc the only difference between them is the s*x/gender which is abolished under communism. p-doism is entirely class ideology

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