:marseylolcow: :!marseylolcow:

Amirite !male feminists !r-slurs and !metashit


Critic reviews are reliable insofar as if they say something is awful, it's probably good and vice versa. Also, critics are prone to being paid shills.

Not a movie but I remember when Dave Chappelle's somewhat recent specials came out and were bombed TF by critics... Widely regarded by fans as some of the best stand up in years and years. The sad reality is that critics nowadays are most likely going to shill political beliefs rather than give genuine critique.

Man speaks the truth and is downvoted


Most of you chads and kings long for the bygone era of a few guys sitting across the room, sipping scotch, smoking cigars, making random comments about women and also engaging in productive conversation.

Gone are those days, now all you get is huddling around pink haired bisexuals and :marseytrain2:s calling each other comrade in shrill pitched voices, (@pillowprincess suck my peepee) chastising your manhood and finding the most God awful books in existence, chanting it in unison as if to unleash some magic spell.

Well, fear not my friend.

Vote any book from below. I'll select the name with the highest vote. Then give you the notes on the essential facts for the first 100 pages 9 days from now (Friday next week) and on each Friday thereafter.

As soon as a book is completed, the book with the 2nd highest votes will be started or a new auction will be floated on the last day of the current book.

Books: [From Before]

New Additions:

!bookworms !classics !r-slurs

Aussie media tries to say "aren't women so oppressed :(", r/Australia and r/australianpolitics aren't having it :!marseyindignant: :marseywomanmoment2genocide:

CONTEXT FOR LINK 1- Aussie PM goes to foid protest about domestic violence, bitches about being told he wasn't allowed to speak. 23yo organiser calls him a liar and breaks down crying. Turns out the PM was right lol and the foid was just being hysterical :marseycoffee:

Maybe it takes a woman's brain to understand, but Crabb [article author, also confirmed woman] has left me confused by what this article was about.


If you watch the full event it's clear he was invited to the event being told he'd be speaking, then the organiser hosting the event decided she didn't want to let him until the crowed yelled to let him speak. Earlier in the event that same organiser was demanding albo commit to specific policy demands on the fly, without following any proper procedure. The main speaker was a bit of a shitshow in her own right, she wouldn't stop focussing on herself, what she's organised in the past and so on.

But sure Albo was the one making it about himself.

Yeah I watched the whole lot and couldn't believe that woman. Albo handled it about as well as anyone bloke could have I think, but it still looked terrible all round.

:#marseycoffee: :#marseycoffeemug: :#marseycoffeerecursive: second article, where people immediately get to nooticing-

If you go to the ABS and read the actual data on DV related offenses the facts are illustrative.

For the states that collect data on ethnicity (Indigenous and non-indigenous), the issue is much more a racial/cultural issue than a gender issue. But the narrative is that it's due to gender.

An uncomfortable truth is that if indigenous people stopped committing DV offenses (in the states that collect data NSW, QLD, SA, NT & ACT) the occurrence of DV in those states would fall by a third. WA is strangely absent, but you could infer that it's the same in WA.

In those states 25% of DV homicide are caused by indigenous people, and 33% of total DV offenses are caused by indigenous people.

If the campaigners wanted quick wins, they wouldn't be asking "tell your mates not to bash their partners" - as 98.5% of men don't commit DV offenses annually (per latest ABS data).

They'd be having massive interventions among indigenous people where the rates of DV are 10 times the national average. They'd have a no tolerance policy, locking offenders (both men and women) up and protecting the children.

Instead all we get are vague statements about how "men need to do better".

Want to know why Labor doesn't want a royal commission into DV? The uncomfortable truth would be made clear for all to see.

Full ABS details here:

Download the file at the bottom of the page: Recorded Crime – Offenders, 2022–23


[-14] All males need to be talking about this at all times. We males are the only ones that can fix this. Males need to stop "kitty footing" around and get serious about pulling their mates into line when it comes to treating women better. Don 't treat women like humans, They deserve far better treatment than that.

>Don 't treat women like humans, They deserve far better treatment than that.

[-33] are men gonna derail this post like all the other ones I do wonder

Replies are all men seething but in the most Reddit way possible :soysnooseethe:

Anyway I've had to deal with a bunch of Instagram inforgraphics over this shit, so now you all have to suffer too.

!strayans do better.


The last few days on Twitter people have been mocking women who think that they'd be safer lost in the woods next to a bear than a random man.

Of course women will jump into these conversations and say "but men bad" and get flamed, then cry about how mean the internet is to the mentally handicapped.

Today, I saw this one, who seemingly proudly announces that she purposefully buzzkills parties.


The game is made by a guy called SigmaSuccour. Who is this young upstart you might ask? Well, here's what we know about him:

He was an up-and-coming RPG Maker dev much adorned by that community. This all changed when they found out that he's a Pakistani Muslim whose views on the LGBTQAWhatever community coincided with the views of most Pakistani Muslims. Shocker, I know. His views on gays and co. are actually probably more moderate than an average Paki, but that still didn't stop them from throwing a tantrum about him.

This guy properly summarizes the situation.

So, what did our boy Sigma do as a response when this came out? Well, of course, he did what he does best, he made a game addressing his critics.

The game, as you would expect, had a mixed reception.

Sigma Male, of course, didn't take this lying down, and he made sure to respond to these Islamophobic buggery enthusiasts.

Also, he's pro-AI.

Then, G*merGate 2 happened, and our boy Sigma decided to get on the bandwagon. He decided to make a game about G*merGate, a movement that he found fraternal ties to, I guess, and he was borderline spamming the /r/KotakuInAction board with updates to his game. At first, the Gaymers thought that the whole thing was kinda cringe, but even they eventually got charmed by his passion for the project.

And now, the game has been released on I hope you enjoy it, if for no other reason, than for the drama it resulted from.


Kerbal Space Program 2 is kill

I didn't buy it but apparently it wasn't very good even for an early access launch. RIP in peace.

Also Dean Hall, the creator of DayZ, is making a spiritual successor to KSP1?

Joe Biden did the impossible :marseybiden:
[poll] What are the Columbia protestors going to do when the semester ends in a couple weeks?

Finals end May 10th and commencement is May 15th.

I got to thinking about this bc U of C is on a quarter system so they've got another month of protests potentially but most schools are wrapping up the academic year around now.

Please vote below:


/r/grimdank: If you don't like it, then LEAVE!

/r/HorusGalaxy: ok

/r/grimdank: Wait, we're coming too. You can't just leave.

real h/communism is finally being tried :marseywholesome:

It's not about Palestine. It's about gay communism.

This is who Boseph Jiden is forcing the taxpayers to pay off their loans.

Death to America.


:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-05-01 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Clarification regarding additional features of different EFT editions/r/EscapefromTarkov (941K)34%2077
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜I shared the bear versus man dilemma with my boyfriend and didn't g.../r/TwoXChromosomes (14M)61%2158
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Saying you can't exercise because you are too busy is a complete ex.../r/unpopularopinion (5M)63%930
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Biden has the lowest approval rating on record of any president at .../r/ezraklein (14K)61%728
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜AITA for refusing to give my older sister a ride back home from phy.../r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC (36K)62%734
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Police need to carry guns in the UK, says ex-counter terrorism chie.../r/unitedkingdom (3M)50%500
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜18F am i ugly?/r/amiugly (496K)60%546
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Driving expensive cars doesn't feel much different from driving a c.../r/Money (504K)61%558
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜I killed my male feminist dad while he was violating my little sister. AMA./r/AMA (914K)49%390
πŸ”₯πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜What is it about your wife that keeps you faithful?/r/AskMen (7M)56%381

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜This is quite literally what is happening in the Warhammer 40k comm.../r/HorusGalaxy (3K)59%210
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜So glad there's a place without censorship for 40K!/r/HorusGalaxy (3K)55%154
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜The kids are NOT alright /r/altmpls (5K)53%264
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜You can tell by her peepee!/r/HorusGalaxy (3K)52%112
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Biden has the lowest approval rating on record of any president at .../r/ezraklein (14K)61%728
πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Do you think she is feeding Slaanesh ?/r/HorusGalaxy (3K)56%101
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Grimdank toddlers are using buzzwords to demonize to anyone asking .../r/HorusGalaxy (3K)53%86
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Yeah, we are getting popular/r/HorusGalaxy (3K)56%76
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜There is no uncertainty. These leftists are Neo-Nazis. /r/altmpls (5K)49%115
πŸ€“πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜πŸ”˜Liberals from the twin cities πŸ˜‚/r/altmpls (5K)47%94

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

finally, a pride :marseylion2: flag that represents ME :marseysatisfied:

!goomblers !grillers


Whenever a woman posts about being happy single and childless at 30+ y/o men are always in the comments saying something along the lines of β€œthis is cope, if you were truly happy you wouldn't be posting about it”.


And thing is a woman can't be happy single and childless together because women are social creatures and will get a huge depression if they have nobody near them and western women are home enough that they also often have distant relationship with parents and family

I guess by that logic women who post about their happy marriages are also secretly miserable and β€œcoping”.

That's also often true but women love to brag and dunk on another women so if it was man who wrote how happy married he is than that would been suspicious

Also, thinking that women are β€œexpired” at 30 is so delusional. You can definitely get married in your 30s and even 40s. Men who watch that redpill bullshit have really lost the sense of real world.

>You can definitely get married in your 30s and even 40s

She subconsciously shows she knows it becomes pain in butt to get married to a good man that β€œand even” is cherry on top :marseypipe:

I mean of course all women in the west can marry someone living in third world and bring them to the west it's not hard and possible at any age but that ain't happening because western equality loving women don't want to betabuxx a man. And in the west at 30+ there more straight women than men and successful men that those foids want don't care about their roasties asses.

After checking her profile*x/comments/1ccx4uc/having_sex_on_antidepressants_as_a_woman/

Her post about women being happy single would had more weight behind if she didn't had s*x after using antidepressants 6 days ago so she probably recently broken up :marseythumbsup:

She is having dreams about having bi son

Also she is pooping on Trump while she is apparently Russian living in Russia :marseythumbsup:

She also must be 24 or younger

So literally an r-slur

:!marseyparty: /h/fakecommunism has been created by @ACA :marseyparty:

!anticommunists !burgers !deadBIPOCstorage

We're back y'all!

Our last hole was sabotaged by reactionaries, but we're up and running again!! Reminder that NO anti-semitism, racism/anti-Blackness, misogyny, homophobia etc are allowed here and absolutely NO criticism of the CCP will be tolerated!


The blood libel isn't real

This is because true facts don't count as libel:marseyvampire:

Me in the wheelchair :marseydisabled:



Why would anyone care about how others eat their food?

I do not care if people break spaghetti because they want smaller pieces.

I do care if they break it to "make it fit in the pot".

Because it softens enough in boiling water to bend and fit after a few seconds. So people who break it for that purpose, are blatently lacking in basic critical and logical thinking, and they need to learn so they stop perpetuating that nonsense.

For people who just want smaller pieces, that's fine. Since that type of pasta isn't available in all stores, and might even be more expensive based on where you are because of much lower mass production numbers.


Because Italian food is the only thing left of the Roman Empire.

most historically literate redditor :#marseytomato:

If you saw someone wearing shoes upside down with their laces tied around their ankles wouldn't you say

"Hey! There's a better way to do that! That's not how you use shoes!"

This is the same concept but with chefs and Italians


I mean if I live with them and they waste a lot of food I might care a bit.

I know cutting crust off is a waste of food, but how is breaking pasta a waste?

If you really want to put it that way, when you try to break a noodle, you'll notice it always breaks into three pieces, the middle piece can be very small if you do it with your hands close to each other, but you will always lose a small amount of pasta by breaking it.

I just noticed you can even see it in the post all the lil pieces flying all around the photo lol


That's why you break them over the pot, angled so the broken bits go into the pot. It's an easy fix.


Almost like basic reasoning can answer his problem.

"You break da pasta and it flies forward!" Hmm, maybe break it into the pot?

But why breaking it in the first place?

I think to fit it in the pot so one half isn't undercooked vs the side that's not in water

... are you all out there just yeeting pasta into a pot and leaving it to boil unattended

If I wanted to attend my food I wouldn't be making spaghetti


I don't see any issues with modifications on food. Do whatever for you to eat. Who cares

yeah! let me eat my bananas with ketchup in peace

As much as an abomination this is, if someone likes it then that's on them

I put Nutella and mayo on meat lovers pizza it's such a great combo


in conclusion: italians lmao :#marseyflagitaly: :#marseylaugh:

P.S.: Pineapple is good on pizza :#marseypizzaslice: :#platypineapple:

you are all uneducated cretin and shouldn't have a right to vote






it scares me that people like you can vote. based on the fact that you so confidently espouse materially false information, i say we should require a 36 on the ACT or similar standardized test in order to vote. it would filter the lot of you out, and i would rest easy knowing that the opinion of cretins doesn't matter.

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