I have AIDS CoVid

I thought it was just allergies but then I got super nauseous and achy and feverish.

Worst of all it's the weekend, I might take Monday off out of spite.

Should I get a drawing tablet?

On the one hand, Ive thought about getting a drawing tablet for a while, on the other hand I literally only draw marseys and I dont really wanna spend 100+ dollars for something Id put to such limited use.

If you have recommendations for such tablets, feel free to drop them here (just in case).

!marseyartists @X @Dramarama

can you guys watch my chocolate milk for a minute


Some b-word boy errand runner told me he couldn't pick up a bottle of skyy and some red bull

I guess this is a quasi Friday night drunk thread. Drove into work and need to stay the night. My assistant was told get a bottle of skyy and a 6 pack of Red Bull. How fricking difficult is that? Probably would've been easier to just walk into town

How do you imagine the future?
Just got my first post-uni job :marseyparty:!

Nothing much else to say tbh, the UK grad market is pretty :crap: atm so I'm just happy I got a decent job tangential to my degree.

I miss Darrell Brooks


I'm worried that level of excitement and drama won't ever be achieved again. The romance, the tension, the outbursts, the Marseys, the short-lived subreddit, the Mommy Judge descending into Single Mom tiredness.


I hate (literal) cry babies

If you're older than 10 (and even that's pushing it) you shouldn't be crying unless you've lost a family member.

I know it's 2023 and that it's progressive to cry all the time but it's an incredibly unattractive quality. You're not “sensitive.” You just have infantile emotional control and/or you're crying as a manipulation tactic for a better outcome.

Toughen up, cry babies.

Urge to get fired is increasing

It's written into my contract I get 10 PTO days upon signing. HR and my manager denied my request to use a few of those days because I'm not intending to stay. They can deny those days but I'm still not showing up. I'm actively trying to get fired without being too obvious. The frick do they expect from me?

Can't buy a house because my grandfather was German.

He wasn't a Nazi and when forced gave poor healthcare to Nazis. I just want the property so I can tear it down and rebuild a decent home to rent out. They don't need to call my grandfather a Nazi just because we're German.

Edit: The message is going to be sent to our PI, the manager and the IRB of his university. I get being hostile but stay in your lane?

A mosquito woke me up, I got up and clapped it, now I hear another

I can't sneed sleep


Just thought I'd share this little accomplishment with you


Pedmas/bodmas/bedmas is pretty worthless IRL

I have literally never once seen anyone write an equation irl that they did not intend to be solved from left to right, but more and more calculators are assuming that your some soy unicel who wants fairy math

I had to do 12 * 5 * 6 + 3 * 30 the other day to count how many eggs I had collected (5 pallets of 12 stacks of 6 trays, plus 3 loose trays, 30 eggs per tray) and with bedmas that's 450. In reality it was 10890.

Unironically the reason my boss makes new hires use the dumb calculator she leaves in the barn instead of their phone/doing in their head

post your last few amazon prime orders

The fleet is ready to go tomorrow.

A follow up post from last weekend when a couple people were asking about the equipment my family uses on the farm. Ready to go combine soybeans tomorrow so Redditors can get their Soylent (actually our beans go down the Mississippi and eventually to China to feed their hogs).


Job Application Anxiety

Interviewed for a job last week. Was the third round of interviews, and each interviewer liked me and went 15+ minutes longer than alloted. My past experience almost perfectly aligns with the new role requirements.

Stressed the frick out because there were 119 applicants on LinkedIn alone. Final interviewer said they have several more candidates, but they are hiring multiple people for this role.

Someone convince me I'm getting this job. Perfect opportunity and a chance to go back to remote work. The number of applicants is crazy, does anyone know if they are inflated or bots? Will hear back by tomorrow at the earliest and next week most likely.


It's my 2-year anniversary here :marseyparty:

Today also marks 10 years since I bought my house

So I'm celebrating by being all mopey and sorting through all my backups, deleting all the duplicates and worthless stuff.

Reported by:
:marseysweating: Does my wife have a rdrama account :capyclu!eless:

She's saying that it looks like my mayo chinchilla prolly because of her asian eyes :marseychingchongpearlclutch#:

This is my room, what does yours look like?

It's good bread but goddarn, they don't mark prices very well in bakery part of store so didn't figure this out until checkout.

I'm getting French bread next time. That's $2 a loaf.

Greedy fricking Italians!!! :!#marseyindignant:

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