
It’s funny if you look down on foid nonsense degrees as much as I do.

Use google translate if you are crakkker and can’t speak non-white languages. :marseypipe:

Important context: BTK (Bölcsészettudományi Kar) is the short term for the liberal arts faculty at most universities.

My mom did a heckin' bigotry today

A dude walked by with a much taller girl but I wasn't really paying attention. My mom turned to me and whispered "that guys pretty girlfriend... was a man!"


edit: apparently he didnt even win so idk why hes mad

Comfy friday thread[OT]

Sike, you tought i forgot this week, no, im just late.

Its friday comfy thread, speak off topic, be nice, dont self doxx, tell us about your week.

Pakis post the greatest L
Best September Headline Contest Closes Today

The contest for who had the best headline in September closes today. The top comment and the person who submitted the post both get the satisfaction of taking 500 of my hard earned drama coins. Vote over here:

This month's winner are u/Tyler and u/Jew each of them receive a payment of 500 dramacoins from my personal poorcell stash.

All this guy posts about is capeshit, starshit, pokemon and funkopops, beyond parody
Carp CONFIRMED r-slurred

The Original source of drama, a seething AHS user, annoyed at antisemitic content on reddit dot com. Note: the original text reads "oy vey tone down the raycis goyim"

Note Carps completely r-slurred response, his brain melted by memes, confusing a normal word for a stupid internet joke he read on instagram once. "tone" after all, is a real word you fricking idiot. It seems you, @carpathianflorist, were the "incomprehensibly low quality" one all along. :marseygigaretard:

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I love Poland

Tldr; I smell like a cherry today

I have it worse than everyone. Your problems literally don't matter.

My beautifully written copepost got deleted yesterday, so I came back to cry about it. I was hoping I could snipe out for fellow Polishcels, so I can nag them everyday as if we were friends or something. If you are Polish, please give me your attention for free or get substituted by an Ukrainiancel, so you will remain useless forever.

I once saw a homeless Polish alcoholic man shouting at a loud group of Ukrainian youth passing past him "Frick off back to Ukraine" and it really made me think. I hope the kings didn't care and were on their way to steal more jobs from Poles, so they end up homeless and delirious.

Also, somehow the only concert I cared about going to has all its tickets should out. That would be my first concert ever, but I didn't know there were so many Icelander fetishists like me that literally bought ticket for this reason.

Should I harass them in their inbox, so they give their ticket back to me? They already have friends and I only have mommy.

New Snappy quote proposal

Mandatory Preface: I am not condoning school shootings. Rather, I am merely inquiring about female biology. We all know that women love attractive, dominant men. Within the context of a school shooting, the shooter is unequivocally the most dominant man (that is, the shooter transcends his current status in the dominance hierarchy and temporarily becomes an ultra-Chad). Given the females close proximity to this ultra-Chad during the shooting, one can reasonably conjecture that the females, although scared for their life, experience extreme sexual arousal and attraction towards the shooter, hoping that perhaps rather than shooting them, the shooter has sexual intercourse with them instead. Is my theory correct? Have studies been conducted on this?


Dude died 2 years ago apparently so probably nothing will come of it.

[personal drama] internet drama is boring. What’s going on in your life’s that satiate the need for drama?

We should use all this information to dox one another for funsies.

Sub for men discusses typical masculine topic

He was pretending to be a Saudi and made a long post about Saudi bad.

r/SaudiArabia seething

Then the r-slur wanted to pretend to doxx himself but forgot to switch accounts then deleted the post.

[Not drama] send me your best memes below

Bottom text.

Oh boy, I sure love tomboys
Unbelievable levels of rentoid seethe

1500 comments of pure seethe. Got posted around the place too. There was some Tweet with a few 100 thousand likes can't find it tho.

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The Church Of Robot Prawns

Be nice to know if you think these are any good?

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[Not Drama] the future of Elon Musk's works?

As we all know Elon Musk is currently one of the richest men alive and one of the most innovative people of his generation. He has taken great risks to revolutionize industries which today are everyday household names known by all. Let's take a quick look at what all things he has put his hand into then try to guess what's next for his multi trillion empire

What's currently there:

  1. solar panels for energy generation

  2. solar storage equipment research and development

  3. limited self driving cars

  4. medium wealth vehicles

  5. gigafactories for fast manufacturing

  6. starlink fast global satellite internet

  7. tunnel building company with its latest model 15x times faster than average tunnel diggers during initial rollout

  8. reusable rockets

  9. OpenAI research

  10. Tesla car insurance

What the future holds:

  1. a low economy user vehicle costing 25k

  2. space tourism in the coming years

  3. moon facility

  4. Mars facility

  5. fully autonomous self driving car capability

  6. ride sharing for self driving car owners

  7. getting the cost of launching a kg of material into space to around 12 dollars

  8. functioning brain chips

  9. high level consumer usage AI as evolution of GPT 3

  10. the humanoid robot announced by Tesla this year for development

  11. Tesla truck

What else the future could possibly have/ my predictions for what else could come up in the coming decade:

  1. development of Tesla planes

  2. development of Tesla mining subsidiary

  3. mass produced Tesla spacesuits

  4. Tesla hyperloop

  5. Tesla city

  6. Tesla autonomous stores just to frick with uncle Bezos

  7. Tesla online store to frick with uncle Bezos

  8. Tesla asteroid mining

  9. anything related to sci fi physical tech.

  10. Tesla VR/AR headsets

  11. Tesla Airport

These are my predictions. What are yours? Also I think Tesla is going to be the largest car seller in the world by 2030 cucking everyone else what do ya think?

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