I said we gay today
A few thoughts on “Confessions of a Mask” :marseyseppuku: :marseyhomofascist:

I finished “Confessions of a Mask” yesterday, BUNCH OF SPOILERS AHEAD.

I found this book to be much better than “The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea”, the beginning was kind of weird with Mishima describing his fetishes like masturbating to a St Sebastian painting

This one to be more specific, and I giggled when he had an erection at school after seeing his older classmate show his hairy armpits during a physical education class while describing the pits as “black bushes” with fascination :marseybooba:, not to mention his suicide fetishes.

Then by halfway the book became increasingly sad.

This an honest confession written by a man tormented by his homosexuality, he desperately tries to blend in and fails, at some point he holds on the idea of war and dying in battle or during an air raid, he even says he wishes his entire family would die as well trying to act as emotionally robotic as possible. Then we see that's just a coping mechanism as he cries after his sister dies and cries again after realizing his mates mocked him for not having being able to have s*x with a prostitute. You can also tell he wishes he was in love with Sonoko and kind of regrets not having married her, at the same time he knows it wouldn't have worked, or at least he wishes he was “normal” enough to be sexually attracted to her.

All in all this is a well written book and I wonder what sort of reaction it caused on mid 20th century readers.


New toss
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Trudeau has inspired another generation to carry on the proud Canadian tradition of black face.

“Last summer, I disguised myself as a Black man and traveled throughout the United States to document how racism persists in American society,”

“I recognize that my independence bothers people, but I think it produced a tremendously important and historic book,” he added.

“Nobody has an experiential barometer with respect to race, for that matter,” he writes. “Nobody except for me.. My barometer is better than anyone else's.”

Just when you thought Canadian leftists couldn't get more out of touch this banger arrives. Do we have an /r/Drama book club?

I found a video about it and it's even stupider than I imagined:

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Orange man is the new mlk


One of the moids gets with a light skinned kween.


Full comments:

History doesnt repeat but it does rhyme -Mark Twain

Hello operator I would like to report Justin Trudeau for Jeetface and Pocahontasface


So she was pump and dumped her whole youth by Chad and now at 30+ she is getting pump and dumped by Chad that's married :marseyclappingglasses: flabbergasted

After 5 years of not dating, I thought I'd “get back out there” only to realize that if I was going to meet someone, they would have to wander into my living room. So I tried a dating app.

Yay! I had a match! We chatted a bit. Then a little more the next day on a separate app. Everything went okay, we were going to meet and made a plan, then I went to bed.

Holy moley did I wake up to a mess. This person kept texting late into the night. Invited a second person, who was their spouse, into the conversation. This wasn't a date, this was an invitation to a threesome. But throughout the night (while I was asleep) the messages became vulgar. Then accusatory. Then mean. Then at the very end I was removed from the group chat.

Then the wife started messaging me separately asking if he said anything about her. They broke up. She wants a friend to talk to about all this. Now I'm her new best friend and confidante? That's a big pile of nope from me.

Welcome back to the dating world! Everyone's lost their minds

:marseyclappingglasses: benumbed

I've been off of dating apps for a while but one time I had a match and he said, “My wife thinks you're really hot. Would you want to meet both of us?” I deleted the app. wtf people.

:marseyclappingglasses: astonish

My sister had a similar situation. He was super sure that if she only met his wife she'd be down for a poly relationship.

Worst part was I recommended him. He was a long time acquaintance. You think you know a guy

That's why I deleted mine! I am still on Hinge, but I'll probably delete that soon as well. Honestly, I feel like these apps are useless. I swear they figure out your type and then stop showing them to you on purpose to keep you on the app. I can't even remember the last time I had a match on bumble. It's been months. Sometimes I get likes on Hinge and went on a date a few weeks ago. But even hinge is not great.

She is 38 talks about “her type” :marseyxd: yeah why bumble doesn't show her 40+ year old men that are 6'4 full head hair and six pack ? :marseyrofl: also why they don't match with her ?

Mb it's just her not so great ? :surejan:

I met my ex on Tinder and just left him because I found out he was cheating on me the whole time, but I also found out that when I met him and started dating him HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND OF THREE YEARS!!! wtf is wrong with people? I feel like I can't trust any men at all and that they are all s*x addicted perverts

Omg are you me?? I worked with this guy years ago, matched with him on Tinder 3 months ago, spent forever in the talking stage bc he was always “busy”, dated him for 2 weeks before finding out TODAY that he has had a gf for 3 years that he's been taking to family functions from his sister's insta. The girlfriend's insta was private but the pfp was the 2 of them together embracing. Thank god I wanted to take it slow and didn't sleep with him yet 🤦🏻‍♀️

Of course you are her since you have hive mind

I gave up on all dating sites last year. Either they are married, fwb, threesomes or one night stands. Im 48f no kids and would rather sit at home with my cat Emmie than date again. I've never met a decent guy on Bumble, Tinder, pof, FB dating etc. Its the same men same bs whatever site you go to. Why would I waste my money on these sites just to be used

Are there any decent men out there? I can't seem to find one who's serious as they have been in crappy relationships and now don't want to give a good hearted women a chance because their ex messed with their heart and head

If I meet someone thru work or friends that would be ok but I've come to terms I will forever be single. I own my home and suv fully and don't want just want anyone trying to get a free ride either. I work hard and refuse to be used as a sugar momma....for once I'd like to be spoiled and loved unconditionally. I'm also not dating as I have HPV from one of my cheating ex's and just had surgery to remove the abnormal cells. I'm unable to have s*x for a while and really not interested as fighting this virus off is focus right now. S*x is what these men want, they don't want to talk and hang out as s*x is their main agenda. Last guy poutted because I didn't give him s*x when I was sick and after that I was just done. Unfortunately their aren't men out there like my dad...I was married and it was to be for life but my ex always had divorce in his heads after his parents split and remarried

Wishing you the best of luck. If you ever want to chat just message me anytime,🫂to you!!

MSTOW alternative WSTOW (women send their own way)

The decent men have also usually given up on the apps.

Yes, because this app doesn't have you choosing for decency, it has you choosing for looks. Then you have to figure out if they are decent. This attracts the scum to come take advantage.

Where else can you meet women you know are interested and have a chance at tricking them?

If you want to find a decent man to date, go sit/ work at a coffee shop and see who holds a door open for someone, or buys someone a coffee when they forgot their wallet, etc.

Everyone here complaining is looking in the wrong place.

Yes Chad who has no shortage of women that are ready to be loyal to him don't uses dating apps because decency :marseycope:

My last ten matches were married men on tinder. I've given up now on them. Tinder is more like Ashley Madison these

Dating apps absolutely became breeding ground for predatory men. Us women are simply prey. After being dumped by 2 guys after s*x, I went into a severe depression. I wasn't looking for a ons, I was genuinely looking for love. Most women really just want to love and be loved back. These guys just want our holes. I can't look at men the same anymore and absolutely cannot go on any dates.

Men tried to talk about women getting insane numbers of likes

Yes, totally. I saw a video which actually broken down this in terms of men. The problem is also women, who tend to swipe and want to match with 1% ( the hot men) and so the rest are left with nothing.

Its a sad sad world.

Can confirm. I was blown away when I borrowed my female friends phone and matched with every single person I swiped on. As a man I get a match once every 2 weeks lol. Maybe I need to improve my pictures, but honestly it's not good for the ego.

Did you also see what kind of messages she received? Quantity is not quality

I am literally shaking getting once in 2 weeks a like from bot is so much better than 1000 messages a day from real people. Quantity is not quality

This post has even more L but me lazy, but it never stops being funny how women fail on easy mode. Everything on dating apps is made for them and their comfort, at age 30+ there are more straight women than men yet they get tons of likes and still are single because they all go after a 30+ year old chad that comfy dates 20 year old girls :marseythumbsup: and that's men fault

The west truly fell with this one

!germs how will Mannheim recover (it wont)


Today's mission was by all accounts a tremendous success. Just imagine how much data was learned by NASA's brilliant scientists. Really, it was a tremendous test of the launch abort system. I cannot imagine operating in good faith and yet being unimpressed by this technological feat that thousands of people have worked diligently to create.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Breitbart lol. (21)

What's wrong with breitbart (-16)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Using the Trump method, I am only going to judge Biden by his first three years. (-9)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

My favorite thing about "everything is Trump's fault" is that it shows that that side has no intention on ever taking responsibility for anything. Even if it was actually Trump's fault somehow Biden and Pals are in charge now and promised to make everything better. When your administration takes over everything becomes your responsibility for better or for worse. They've spent the entire time failing at everything but blaming somebody else. That's a complete failure of leadership. When shit goes wrong an effective leader doesn't look for somebody to blame they look for a solution. Instead the only thing this administration has done is waffle around like "well what the heck do you want us to do about it?" (15)

What did they fail at? Interest rates had to be raised because of inflation from Trumps massive rich tax cuts and record spending. Biden isn't great and he should be cutting the corruption from the MIC, but it is a heck of a lot better than Trump. Trump would have let inflation continue just to keep his rich buddies happy. (-9)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Excepting that keeping one's OWN $ isn't "expensive" as it's NOT govt's property.As for 'skewed'. No shit. The 'rich' pay a FAR more/unfair share of taxes. DuhOh, & the (D) stopped the tax-cuts for EVERYONE the (R) pushed. Joe's been out there PRAISING the end of the tax cuts (which will DEFINITELY 'trickle down', like the 88K new IRS agents) (1)

Oh, so you're a delusional libertarian based on the first statement.The weathly do NOT pay an outsized share. They reap the most in breaks (e.g. pass through and the 2.5% to 7.6% cut for 400k+ earners) and often pay an effective rate below that of earners at median.The 2017 law was way less progressive, adding burden to all but the top quintile.Add to that the massive corporate rate cuts and yuve basically thrown gasoline on the fire that is our country's descent into insolvency and ruin. The Russians, Chinese, and Indians are salivating.There were no tax cuts for everyone proposed by the GOP. And they added the poison pill as a hedge against the inevitable loss of the White House. And DTs followers lapped it up.The IRS agents are basically replacing the decimated that came before and are to crack down on cheats not satisfied with the handouts from the GOP. The entire 2017 tax law was a piece of shit. Deficit and Debt explosion, looking to cripple/maim the government's ability... (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Except that the Biden administration has accomplished a lot in spite of a GOP that has basically said “frick it, burn it all down to make Biden look bad”. Nobody actually says everything is Trump's fault. You're making that up. You're being told that, and you're buying in to a lie, but the sad reality is, by just about every measure Trump failed while in office. This admin is having to deal with a lot of mess Trump created. There is just no way around it. Every admin has to deal with whatever the previous one did. D's usually come into office and clean up a lot of messes left by R's. Look it up. Essentially all Trump's policies (can I call his rhetoric and name calling policy?) created more harm than good. They were seemingly based on enriching some while hurting somebody else on purpose. He punished blue states during COVID, tried and failed to build a wall to appease his base, so many of his hand picked staff were convicted of crimes that I've lost count, he invited the Russians to... (4)

"Look it up". No, I won't do YOUR research for you.How, EXACTLY, did he 'punish' Blue States during COVID?Yes, it's HIS & D.C. in general, job to protect/defend the BORDERLawfare, plain & simple. Nobody prosecuted (D) crimes (Hillary's illegal e-mail server, Joe's stolen classified docs+).Oh, NOZ, the Pres. hosted the Russians! Da HORROR facepalm. Alienated our allies? Again, Oh, NOZ. He told it like it is & they didn't like that (Russian gas vs. DE+)? Sorry, not sorry. He was the Pres., can declassify @ ANY time. Again, unlike Joe's 40yrs of classified theft/sellingInfrastructure Bill alone....which isn't an authority that D.C. has per A1S8 (outside of postal roads, forts, ports+). What, no 'praise' for his SCOTUS/Const. violating 'student forgiveness'?? (-10)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Biden is a disaster of a human being. If not more for the American public and tax payer....seeing how blatantly corrupt he is politically. and has careful throwing stones, calling pots black, not looking in the mirrorhad Covid not been released upon us, Trump would have won in a landslide. Coincidence? (1)

Hows that tinfoil hat doing?Youre just brainwashed by the orange man. Its sad really. Heres a fact about covid - had trump handled it properly, he wouldve won in a landslide.But guess what? He fumbled it terribly bc hes not a leader. Hes a fricking loser, as is anyone supporting his treasonous criminal butt today. I dont fricking care about joe biden. But if my choices are between biden and this ultra piece of trash, biden gets my vote everytime. 2020 proved theres more of me than you, thank god. Now go iron out that trump flag to wave from the back of your lifted pickup truck. Dont forget to rub one out of that 3 incher you got. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/FixYourOwnStates

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+3🐮)

Number of comments: 117

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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  • BussydoFollower : Screenshotposting
  • J_K_Rool : screenposting is the way since twitter got locked down for noaccountcels
You just indian goon caves must smell crazy

If you guys weren't aware crowded is a a not so cute, cute twink.

Think the performative part might have something to do with 99 percent of his "comedy bits" include him dressing like a women.

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Donald Trump: GUILTY

Trump is GUILTY of all 34 felony counts of falsification of business records.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go dunk on SO MANY people on Twitter. You have no idea.




Second best tally in records if polls are correct

Yeah bro he totally forgot




Chrome: Consoom
Most subtle kiwi farms user observes Chris Chan in the wild. Chris notices :marseycwc:

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