- Kaczinsky : eww
- GeorgeFloydSoulLeftHimNah : Reminding that this is not OP, xhe're is larping as some random transwoman on twitter. Trans lives m
- TouchFluffyTails : surely we have enough uggos to fill this "ugly person jumpscape" role internally
- melgibsonsDUI : kinda looks like my brother in drag
- WayOut : What's your brother's number?
- asdfqwer : Transphobia in comments 🤮
- _riemann1413 : skinwalker posting please neck yourself
- 25
- -47
I have now essentially lost another account that I very rarely accessed to consistent downmarseys within 15 seconds of commenting.
Who has the time to track these multi year accounts with high karma and then use an auto downmarsey bot? It’s apparently not somebody intelligent enough to set up a bot farm as they can’t seem to get my posts below -5 within 15 seconds but it fricks up my plans to create drama
- JoeBiden : Trump supporter
- Aevahn : antisemistim
- hunglol : basedposting, well folx rdrama is confirmed a nazi cesspit, change my mind
- 61
- -47
this is not an April Fools post
- SaveUsUncleTed : Taymisia
- SpaceMilk : I love Taylor Swift I have all of her albums up to 1989 and RED is my favorite
- Stoicpeace : More like Soymilk ^^^
- dramasexual : why stop at 1989? at the very least you should also enjoy Lover if 1989 is ur jam
- Awoo : Never really got into her because I'm not a 14y/o girl. Blank space is the shit though.
- RichEvansOnlyfans : Thank you for ruining the joke by explaining it
- GOLEM : straightest dramanaut
- increasepower : It's great seeing high 4 digit user IDs try to explain rdrama culture.
- whyareyou : someone with enough DC to buy a ban, should ban this lying liar who told lies
- 103
- -51
The joke is that she's the blandest and most inoffensive looking white woman possible. Certainly not ugly or even below average but also not someone whom you would obsess over. Hence, some thought it would be "fun" to shill her among 4Chan-lite users who usually sneed at having normie taste.
Hope you got the inside joke newfriends
- smolchickentenders : Libertarianism
- KangThaConqueror : yeah rdrama it was libertarianism the first 50 times cirno was posted too im glad you caught on
- THOMAS : Can someone unban me from yiffinhell
- GoySloppySeconds : ban
- SpookyFartMan69 : Donate to me and ill grass OP
- Russia : anti russian, pro NATO sentiment
- box : can we not
- Saitama : permaban
- Yabssor : Ayy lmao
- Shenron : get the frick out
- Losercel : permaban anyone tagged in this for terminal groomercordism
- George_Floyd : This BIPOC right here needs to 41%
- 29
- -52
join https://rdrama.cc
- ACA : should we tell him?
- MOUTHFEEL : This report is a middle vote
- YourMom : Mansplaining
- bballbelle : DO NOT FALL FOR THIS PSYOP!!! Xe just wants the DC!
- RichEvansOnlyfans : We couldn't stop newstrags from doing that on the old sub either
- free_palestine : stay strong queen i already upmarseyd
- 119
- -53
Too many people are downmarseying people they believe are lolcows, and I just want to inform everyone that downmarseying makes you the lolcow.
It's always been a rule not to downmarsey a lolcow, and this site has too many newstrags who don't understand the culture. I mean, I saw people downmarseying pizzashill and saw one of his posts with -19 downmarseys, that isn't acceptable.
- Igor_Konashenkov : WARNING: pro-NATO propaganda
- BigSeethe : Vaccine misinformation
- prrk2 : straggot
- DrSandeepGupta : This straggotry happened
- PsyopEnjoyer : super downmarsey
- CrayolaCrack : but you're a girl
- Salamander : Everything about it
- neoliberalism_is_punk_af : Gussy 🤢
- Tonberry : Bestiality
- 50
- -54
I was doing some full body weight deep thrusting and I hit the angle just right and my peepee smashed right onto the donut of her cervix and pushed thru. She yelled but then she clenched her legs around me gritted her teeth and her eyes rolled back from a super big orgasm. She said it was the most powerful she ever felt like she was being electrocuted. The whole time her womb was spasming and clenching on my peepee head. She said she will never go back to smaller guys because she always will want the deepest cervical orgasm.
What do you think?
- 22
- -58
- 35
- -58
upmarsey if you agree/disagree
- Hansolf_Grettler : Cheating on bussy
- Blackpokemon : We dont like your kind around here
- FunkyDuffy : 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈YOU SEE THIS? 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈 It means NOT WELCOME 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
- SpaceMilk : Keep yourself safe you disgusting straggot
- KinoBushido : Keep yourself safe
- SouthAmericanIncel : Incel erasure
- 38
- -58
i have nothing to post, i just want dramacoins so i can buy little shields, so i can be part of your community & prove i'm doing something with my life
- Saint_Nicholas : GUSSY
- Gayor_Brandon_Johnson : transphobia
- nokke : How is this allowed?
- BernieSanders : im literally shidding right now mods please do something i cant
- JohnnyAppleSneed : liar
- ManBearFridge : Gay
- SouthAmericanIncel : elliot rodgers didnt die for this
- Kooky : haram
- Ahsgroomer : CHUD
- JusteLeblanc : Hateful content, where is AEO?
- AnalSex : Wrong
- hypernovasaiz : Permaban
- JDvanceisWEIRD : Its ellie rodgers, chud
- bigkong1984 : >gussy
- JefferyEpstein : Transphobic/gay/homoerotic/arousing/confusing/gussy/kitty/femoid
- Cute_Good_Friend : keep yourself safe
- WayOut : Still single then?
- Y : Best user imo, yall complain over free marsey coins and self improvement
- uwu : This post is a bannable offense
- Redactor0 : downmarsey harvesting
- Methanol : tried to criticize lawlz on rdrama! you can’t do that! out out out
- ZchiggyDiddy9 : Lawlzmisia
- FreedomforChristmas : BLATANT LAWLZMISIA
- Bruhfunny_Thrall : slavphobia
- SpaceMilk : #StopRussiaHate
- VladimirPutin : Racism
- Igor_Konashenkov : Hohol propaganda, nothing to see here move along.
- Lord_Vivec : Unoriginal
- whyareyou : blatant vote manipulation
- 116
- -66
!downmarseyrs nuke this shit, scorched earth style
- Arkham_Knight : Why is this post downmarseyd to heck?
- fuck : because OP is a serial downmarseyr.
- GlowieKong : i_only_upmarsey_good_posts
- CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Why does the thumbnail look like a horse peepee getting jerked off
- Battleloser : Rorshach test, congrats you passed
- Saitama : hat
- BushWasRight : horse
- 93
- -68
There’s schizo gibbering on the cord about how we should add a toggle to let users convert all Reddit links to Libreddit links.
Upmarsey this thread if you want that, downmarsey if you don’t.
• Something something something privacy
• Reddit problems with Tor or whatever
• Deprive Reddit of one of its 52 million unique users per month
• imo it’s a waste of time
• wildly unnecessary feature bloat
• catering to paranoid schizophrenics never ends well; slippery slope
- smolchickentenders : Sage
- mkultrasubject : coal
- chinchilla : Spam
- Horned_waifus_shill : <N-Word>
- TheUbieSeether : ________________ THE PEOPLE ABOVE THESE LINES ARE CUTE TWINKS ____________________
- whyareyou : cope nibber ping groups are meant to be abused
- zombiecel : ping abuse is the dramatard's birthright
- Lur : No
- nun01 : report #10
- ejrqiowae89q8h9 : the person below me is a breedable femtwink
- 99
- -69
!downmarseyrs vs !upmarseyrs vs !middlevoters
Also be sure not to accidentally downmarsey this post
Do not post the n word
- X : fake pizzashill
- MostRetardedDramanaut : Pizza is pretty r-slurred ngl
- Commujism : You stupid commies realize pizza is here to troll rightoids. Why would he stay on this site?
- TariqNasheed : Do not interact and feed dc to fake pizza
- BraveShill : Don't listen to TariqNasheed. Downmarsey and feed fake pizza
- realpatriotoid : If you thought this was pizza that's your fault. Piggies go squeal
- Platyfiend : Disgusting straggotry
- BrokeBackBuck : Anyone who fell for this for even 0.1 second needs to be banned
- pub_LICK : vote farming
- 84
- -70
Don't you like dem curves? Like their cute faces? Hate it when a fat hottie still looks better than your miserable stinky thin self? I love cooming at fat girls and their hit bodies.
You basement-dwelling incels that still live in mummies basement are just jealous that you can't get a girl, so you resort to coping and seething over your own pathetic miserable lives over at rdrama by punching down others that are more successful than you. You really aren't better than kiwicels and are the same stinky worthless husk of "human" beings. Eventually you will rope knowing you contributed less in society than the people you mock.
- Drippo : 🤮🤮🤮
: It's... marked 18+. I think I'm obligated to leave this post up
- Nixoncrats_for_trump : Gross
- Autismo : FRICK YOU.
- of_blood_and_salt : that's uhhhh... wow
- FamilyKongShill : probably gay neighbors twerking
- whyareyou : Blatant straggotry but at least she gotta cute face?
- massive_fuckwit : can we not
- ACA : an average british bedroom
- Shreddedmanlet : Neighbor has a tiny peepee
- JimJones : Unironically keep yourself safe
- feeble-minded-floozy : fat
- kongus : OP is a cute twink
- Blackpokemon : OP delivered and everyone knows it
- babyjirl : BIPOC im at work BIPOC
- Mistofblackness : I made the right choice by not clicking that video. You can too.
- cirno : hai guiz
- TheRInWreathStandsForRoxy : Why are you on this site at work lmao
- botnet : NAS
- hunglol : frick I was at work
- Sneed : Where do you even find this?
- Shinku : Frick I lost my job because of this video
- Neon_Needles : Nnnnooooooooo!!! I was working at the childrens hospital when so clicked this link noooooooooooooooo
- jesus : ^^ lmao
- Sooko : I am living in your walls
- not_of_blood_and_salt : pls stop pinning this now
- FoidBlaster : Hi mom, I'm on rdrama!
- Impassionata : who the frick downmarseys this shit lmao
- neoliberalism_is_punk_af : /r/neovaginadisasters
- CaptainAlex : Holy frick this player should be B&
- Cusek : Hide mimw post, ignore mimw post, do not engage with mimw
- Kidyiller : Bypassing slur filter
- UraniumDonGER : :martycrap:
- MarseyIsMyWaifu : I'm not even clicking this to see if it's a shitpost and I advise you do the same
- ChungusEnjoyer : I agree with the marsey man. Do not click this.
- TedKaczynski : I clicked although I was behind 7 proxies. It was a sexy miner, of the gussy type though.
- iowa_hawkeye : Not clicking, downmarseyd+ratio
- Patriarch : Dammit, I wanted to read the reports and clicked the link. It’s really over for mobile-cells
- Deforested : Libertarian
- USER_HAS_BEEN_BANNED : haha the joke is subverting the expectation of jannies being libertarians
- Sylveon : Rule 2
- Lycoris : Ew
- uwu : Woodchipper time
- Hansolf_Grettler : Minorphobia from all these other marseys
- Kangaxx : i know this is clickbait but still not clicking on it. donvoted
- SubsequentlySneeds : 'ate nonces, simple as
- Yall : How neurodivergent must one be to think libertarianism is good bait? Holy shit
- BussyKang : OP is r-slurred
- Wegkerflurgler : Got my rocks off (get it? because miners hahahahaha I'm very clever)
- UnpackThisSweaty : Ironic paedophiling is still paedophiling sweaty
- DwaynesRockHardJohnson : Haram
- SouthAmericanIncel : kill your local libertarian
- Yabssor : Any gems here? :^)
- Broble64 : This joke is too edgy for me!!!!!
- DuckPioneer : lern 2 spel
- TrappyKong : Don't click on this. It really is child pornography how is this legal wtf??
- JoeBiden : BIPOC
- Chapose : I love circlejerks
- NobodyImportant
: Look how many heckin reports this got!
- ReturnOfYakub : 'ostin 'oal
- collectijism : This duck guy is a leftist p e d o that grassed me
- AllAmericanHomo : Bruh
- Junk : delete it
- Ayatollah_Sneed : Jahannam for you
- nokke : we srs noow
- boogiecat : literally crying please take this down
- dramaqueen : report
- BenisBepisBimothy : i also reported this post
- reptilia789 : NIIIGGGERRRRR
- Avalon : C'mon man. Do better.
- Trainspotter : Even we have standards for bait
- TraderOfSouls : PEE PEE POO POO
- ManBearFridge : I'm just here for the badge
- JohnnyAppleSneed : reported for being hilarious
- CantWakeUpJPG : Peepee
- Solzhenitsyn : Why yes, I do look up to see if gullible is written on the ceiling
- Israel : can we hit 50 reports?
- cirno : pee dough file
- Marco : 50th report get
- jew : I'm coooooooooooming!
- JohnMcafee : Reporting because I don’t want to get left out
: I dont get it
- poopman : dude get this shit out of here
- HailVictory1776 : Eat a bullet, cute twink
- Citro : It's bad when HailVictory is speaking fax
- FriedFish : very ugly head and unshapely body. 2/10
- JewishShrek : Drama?
- MikeHuntIsAnAsshole2 : Gross
- whyareyou : You guys realize these reports and bans play into his fetish, right?
- Thavel : nsfw
- Spiderman_2 : How come u are never smart enough to use a deflector?
- Chair : I still don't know what a wooper is.
- Horned_waifus_shill : TTD
- Spy6 : Actually it's John Lennon
- 72
- -80
!nonchuds !lgbt !cuteandinvalid What game should I play today???????/ Other that MTG