

Tldr: A doctor gets this pateint who is a topless stripper who has a kid and abusive boyfriend but no money (lmao). She becomes a regular patient of his. She develops cancer and tries to get a breast augmentation surgery with her money on medicaid. Based doctor stops this medical fraud and stripper leaves and is never seen again. Doctor soys out and wonders if he did the right thing and asks some libshits on the NYT for advice

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I'm a family physician. A young woman expecting her second child came to me for obstetric care. She had a black eye β€” not the first one, she told me. She worked as a topless dancer, but her boyfriend was so controlling and abusive that she did not have money of her own; he didn't even let her have much gas in her car. We developed a relationship meaningful to us both.

Meaningful relationship?

About a year later, she told me that she was getting breast augmentation, at a cost of thousands of dollars, which she intended to pay for in cash from her earnings. Around the same time, I discovered pre- to early cancer in her reproductive tract, and treatment was imperative to prevent progression of the disease, or risk dire consequences. She was insured by Medicaid, which is paid for with tax dollars. I think she probably didn't report her entire income to the I.R.S. or Medicaid, or she probably would not have been eligible.

>Poors spending money wisely


I told her I didn't think I could ethically bill Medicaid for the diagnosis and management of the potential cancer while she was paying cash for breast surgery. (I was also not willing to risk my medical license, though I did not say this to her.) I told her we'd need to look at payment options and discuss them at her next appointment. She never came back. I still wonder what happened to her and pray she found a new, self-respecting way of life. I wonder if I handled it as well as I could have.

Guarantee she's either still a whore or got killed by her scrote boyfriend

From the Ethicist

Your relationship with this young woman was not that of an accountant or a tax auditor but that of a health care provider. True, she chose to disclose something that gave you grounds to believe that she had been misreporting her income. But there are people whose job it is to deal with that issue (although fraudulent claims submitted by providers are a bigger problem for Medicaid than ineligible recipients are). You say you didn't want to risk your medical license. Has anyone you know lost a medical license because a patient misrepresented her income to the state Medicaid program? Whatever your personal opinions might be about this woman's livelihood, your job was to keep her healthy, not to keep her honest

Listen sweaty, if some poor is leeching resources from our healthcare system its none of your business :marseydisagree:

Here's another question. Would society be better off if doctors were known to refuse to process Medicaid claims when patients gave them reason to suspect that they had underreported their earnings to the government? Under those circumstances, surely, such patients would learn to be more discreet around doctors β€” which might mean refraining from providing medically relevant information. I understand that you didn't want to be a party to fraud. It's still best if doctors aren't in the business of assessing their patients' income tier and policing eligibility. Burdening someone with high out-of-pocket expenses can be just as limiting to patient care as overt refusals to provide treatment.

>Would society be better off if doctors were known to refuse to process Medicaid claims when patients gave them reason to suspect that they had underreported their earnings to the government?


That's especially true in this case. Because her abusive boyfriend controlled her money, you were leaving it to his discretion whether to pay for her cancer diagnosis and management, and he doesn't sound like someone who could be trusted to look after her best interests. Given your specific duties of care, your priority wasn't to look after the government coffers; it was to look after your vulnerable patient.

But she was paying for it anyway? She was on medicaid lmao


:marseygeisha: When I was 23 a doctor denied me BC pills because I was a stripper and drank alcohol at work occasionally. I told her I was celibate but she insisted that bc of my job & drinking sometimes I would have s*x with random men regularly w/o condoms and get an STD if she gave me BC

:seethejak: This really cements my idea that doctors dont see us regular people as their peers. I've heard too many stories of doctors making decisions for their patients as if they were their guardian or parent, and it's almost always because they think they're smarter than everyone

:marseyrage: dawg i fricking hate doctors so much

I love that we stop trusting the experts when they dont cater to whores. Its :marseychefkiss:

:marseynerd3: It is not appropriate and probably actionable for a provider to speculate about whether someone really deserves their insurance and threaten to deny care. The use of 'self-respecting' says it all, their unexamined bias is the issue

:coomer: And anyway breast augmentation is a work-related expense for a topless dancer. Through-and-through his excuse for not providing life-saving care is hypocritical.

:marseysoylentgrin: being on medicaid doesn't mean you don't have any savings, wtf

:marseyrage: in fact it does require it in most states, but WHO THE FRICK CARES. most people will elide details for patients all the time, and no one's license is at risk for not reporting a patient.

:marseyeyeroll: It's a good thing he included things like the abusive boyfriend and the fact that she's a dancer, those are important to the ethical analysis of denying her medical care.

:marseybeanangry: Right? Curious the dr is so fixated on denying this patient CANCER CARE while painting her as frivolously prioritizing augmentation - she & indeed, her children - are victims of a coercive manipulative abusive man -obvs HE controls πŸ’° but ABUSE is of no concern bc πŸ’ƒπŸ»??

:marseyeyeroll: Plus, like, the implication is that the boyfriend will pay for plastic surgery but won't pay for her cancer treatment, and the doctor is taking the treatment away. The thing he won't say out loud is that if she won't--or more likely can't--leave her abuser, this doctor would rather she die. I wish I believed in heck so I could hope he would burn in it.

:marseybeanangry: YES. It's vocationally an ethical violation of the hippocratic oath "first do no harm" & additionally the ethical principles of (what I feel defines) humanity. Sick fkin COMMON cruel heck world scenario, wonder how the answer goes addressing that

>heck world

More like clown world


:marseybrainlet: "which is paid for with tax dollars" Not tax dollars!!

:marseylongpost2: Which is funny since most of the people who complain about welfare queens tend to be like this doctor, in offices that accept Medicaid out of "the kindness of their heart" (aka government grants, public service loan forgiveness, and many other benefits). Losers who are not there because they "want to help the poor" but because they were very likely rejected from competitive medical programs and now work in places that are desperate to hire anyone, so they carry a chip on their shoulder and take out their anger on the most vulnerable in society.

The real loser is the employed doctor


Boomerbook Drama

I found a picture of the doctor:

There's also a lot of comments on the NYT page but i don't have access to them :marseycry:. Either way, I hope you liked this post and have a wonderful weekend


The Fed is paying businesses to prioritize hiring thirdies :marseyxd: :marseyweeping:

!leafs We are NOT being replaced :marseydisagree:

If you're looking to hire in the coming months, get ready to apply for some grants! To maximize the support you could receive from the government, you may reconsider your hiring process. There are resources available for employers looking to hire newcomers. This includes:

Job Bank Canada

Newcomers Jobs Canada

New Canadian Jobs

List of Grants that Incentivize Hiring Newcomers:

BioTalent is a federal program that offers wage subsidies to biotech and healthcare employers hiring students in biotech-related roles. Applicants are eligible for 50% of wages up to $5,000, or 70% of wages up to $7,000 for newcomer students

Career Ready provides a wage subsidy for employers that hire post-secondary students in meaningful roles that promote tech skills development across any industry. Applicants are eligible for 50% of wages up to $5,000, or 70% of wages up to $7,000 for newcomer students

Surely the !tradies are safe though :marseyclueless:

The CLAC Apprenticeship Support Program (CASP)** provides $5,000 in funding to SMEs that hire new first-year apprentices in one of 39 Red Seal Trades**. This program is industry-agnostic and available in all provinces and territories except Quebec. For newcomer apprentices, applicants are eligible for an additional $5,000 in funding

This Career Launcher program provides $5,000 to help employers in the construction and manufacturing sectors hire first-year apprentices in one of 39 Red Seal Trades. This federal program offers an additional $5,000 for employers who hire newcomer apprentices. It's unique because the grant is not tied to the apprentice's wages, and can be used in a variety of ways.

List of Grants for Hiring Newcomers Only

The iAdvance program provides a wage subsidy to employers hiring skilled newcomers with technology-related backgrounds.

The Environmental Foreign Talent Development Program is a federal program delivered by ECO Canada and offers funding to employers seeking to hire newcomers for full-time environmentally-related roles

Skilled Newcomer Internships for the Bio-Economy Program helps employers in the bio-economy hire internationally educated professionals (IEPs) and newcomers to Canada by covering 75% of the employee's salary up to $20,000.

Good luck getting any job out there now. Why would anyone hire a citizen when you literally get paid to hire thirdies? Our own tax dollars are being used to keep us out of work. I'm sure it can't get any worse though

Would you like a Seal hug?

We have reached peak Startard.

!kino is this canon?

New Toss


I love sucking peepee !chuds :marseyxd:


The Daily Bard Digest

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins

Reported by:
The War on Medicare has been won :marseyrave: :marseyrave: :marseyrave:


Welcome to our hall of saints. You'll see St. Peter, St. Paul, and of course, St. xxx_noobslayer42069_xxx

Ngl tho this one actually made me smirk for a bit :marseysmirk: !catholics !christians

Popebro please canonize the Goron City homies pls, IIRC like all of them must be dead by now (half of them overdosed on drugs in real life not joking lol):



They are all narcissistic yet lack the drive or desire to stand out that male narcissists have they take a perverse pride in there soulless conformity.

They keep sneek insulting me and the other foids and simps laugh at me in the background.

I also hate the sound of a females voice it makes me way to commit a murder suicide every time I hear it.

Pack the bag boys :peperun:

So what about the /r/Buddhism sub? Well... Let's count the whites!

Top Jannie is Bertrancito. French speaking, been on Reddit for longer than your mom. Oldest post is 04/11/08 (ddmmyy). Just some boring French dude who practices Buddhism. 1 white man.

Next is Bodhiquest. Turkish r-slur who posted on for a long time. Asperger, claims to practice Shingon Buddhism, an initiatory tradition really not open to white people so I don't know where he goes from there. 2 white men!

Nyanasagara. Absolute white man who just 5 years ago posted "Can one attain the states of meditative absorbtion using buddhanusmrti alone?" Which is just white people drivel. 3 white men.

ChanCakes. :marseychingchong: in Australia. Super annoying writing style, claims to practice "Ekayana" which is just Mahayana speak for "originalism" AFAICT (my Sanskrit is awful, Panjabi is so much easier) not white

Lethemyr. White dude claiming to practice the ancient art of Huayan Buddhism, some Chingchong school that no longer exists. Super pretentious. 4 white men.

Bateeka HK chinki lady. Boring, barely posts.

Theicylotus. White dude who barely understood Buddhism 8 years ago. Really dense and pretentious in his posts. 5 white men.

Type_DXL. White dude, extremely meme-oriented and all about going vegan for Buddhism. 6 white men.

foowfoowfoow: new mod, Theravada from Thailand. Probably only for DEI tokenism. Bad English and worse personality.

So yeah /r/Buddhism is a joke if a sub run by white men babysitting other white men. Reject Buddhism, return to Sikh :marseytunaktunak:

Porn artists of X mad

additional neolib sneed:

That performance took him MONTHS to plan for lmao. It's like someone is purposely trying to crash the Biden campaign with no survivors :marseycia:

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