
bitchute link

Highlights staring @duck, DSP, Peter Griffin, Phoebe Bridgers, Billie Eilish, Brian Family Man, George Floyd, Darrell Brooks, Jinx, and Taylor "Jihad" Swift

DSP is an aspiring streamer/high school student. Jinx, the new girl, beats up Taylor Swift

DSP tries to ask Jinx to prom and fails

Epic Family Man humor with the Family™

Jinx becomes DSP's 50th follower on Twitch

Overall I'm very sad not to see Hollywood royalty like Alec Biden or some diversity (chiobu) as villains

!jinxthinkers five seasons and a movie?


Showed no signs of weebness till his breakdown. @As_an_rdrama_jannie guess since he was posted in Tokyo during his "incident", he just chose too do whatever bullshit his scrambled brain came up with the fastest.

He's also become more forthcoming about his life experiences too @As_an_rdrama_jannie out of all people. How his corpo life sucked so much and in this new job he gets sucked off so much. Frick off old man, @As_an_rdrama_jannie don't want too hear about you're hentai coom stories.

@As_an_rdrama_jannie don't even know whether they are true or he just forgot his medications and started hallucinating he was having s*x while humping a watermelon or something.

Oh yeah, he has become a proper s*x maniac too. Didn't have a wife beforehand so in that respect was pretty lucky that his life choices didn't bankrupt him through the divorce settlement.

Btw Amazing girl too guy ratio. No wonder he's getting so much puss on the reg (if too be believed).

@Redactor0 @HardIsLife see anyone from your family?

!chuds how many of you are afflicted with enough yellow fever to teach here, if the foids were throwing themselves down at you.

@As_an_rdrama_jannie I love sucking peepee


Let's check in on some previous posts from @Poj's Ex:

Disney should pull out of Florida

Some choice quotes:

They totally considered moving their entire empire out of Florida guys just trust me.

They're also totally going to own DeSantis in court.

Oh, wait

Oops, Desantis just keeps winning.

Maybe he had better thoughts later:

Texas totally begged them to come and gave them a totally real offer!

Oh wait.

It wasn't texas, it was some random tweet from some county judge (really). This might surprise you but Pizza didn't even attempt to defend this one further.

Other random sneedfests he had over Disney totally owning DeSantis:


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :epat:


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

These people are so hypocritical. (14)

Calling people fat and baby peepees is literal middle and high school bully tactics. It's so jockish, unsophisticated, and stupid. The funny thing is they don't even realize r/memes, r/starterpacks and similar places also hate Kathleen Kennedy, they just find people like you to be losers for hating her too much and being obsessed. I have respect and love for Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson and will defend them against lies. Hence I won't align myself starterpacks which don't even defend her just saying "you hate her too much". (-15)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

The people who create memes like this haven't seen their Peepee/Vagina in years due to their massive stomaches. (25)

Neither have the people who spend time on reddit hating on everything and calling it woke (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

if you dislike the flag? i dont care but i hope you dont mean you just hate gay people. (2)

If you are the kind of person who doesn't make your entire personality about your sexuality then I couldnt care less but If you are gay and incapable of having a personality outside of that then yea..I hate. (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

These people are so hypocritical. (14)

Calling people fat and baby peepees is literal middle and high school bully tactics. It's so jockish, unsophisticated, and stupid. The funny thing is they don't even realize r/memes, r/starterpacks and similar places also hate Kathleen Kennedy, they just find people like you to be losers for hating her too much and being obsessed. I have respect and love for Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson and will defend them against lies. Hence I won't align myself starterpacks which don't even defend her just saying "you hate her too much". (-15)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Neither have the people who spend time on reddit hating on everything and calling it woke (-12)

You get downvotes for speaking the truth. Most anti-wokists are pathetic basement dwelling losers who can't hold down a job who b-word about how women, blacks and gays ruin media while parasitical draining the life from everyone who bothers to stay in their life. To put it bluntly the world would be better off without them. (-4)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

if you dislike the flag? i dont care but i hope you dont mean you just hate gay people. (2)

If you are the kind of person who doesn't make your entire personality about your sexuality then I couldnt care less but If you are gay and incapable of having a personality outside of that then yea..I hate. (-1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Prudent-Incident7147

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Collection of funny-looking guys from r/bald

Baldy 1


You guys should I shave my head?

Yes, king! Absolutely!


I did it you guys am I handsome now?

Baldy 2

Guys, is it time? I'm frightened to be bald!

Fear is irrelevant. You are already there buddy.

Baldy 3

:#marseyquagmire: + :mar#seysmoothbrain: =

Baldy 4

Very impressive commitment to the denial here.



Token Negro Baldy 5

I just really want to punch this ugly cute twinky face with a rock.

Baldy 6

You guys am I going bald?

Nooo buddy definitely keep that nobody can tell.


Moids, if you're going bald there's a 99% chance that's it's over for you already.

Would you declassify. 9/11 files? Yes JFK files? Yes. Epstein files? WOOOAH there partner, let's not get too crazy :marseysus:

[SFM] Who Touched My Pepsi™? - YouTube


Chuds lost

!nonchuds won

!vampires won


Red are countries that recognise Taliban

Gray are countries that pretend to be clueless

Blue are idiots

PAKISTAN LOST TO THE USA IN THE CRICKET WORLD CUP :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

The absolute state :marseyemojirofl: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyxd: :marseylaugh: :marseydicklet: :marseyrofl: :marseygiggle: :marseydarkxd: :taylaugh: :mjlol: :marseylaughwith: :marseygossipsmug: :marseykekw: :marseylaughbothsides: :marseyghostlaugh: :marseygossiplaugh: :marseymonstercocklaugh: :marseylaugh2: :marseylulz:

!bharatiya !burgers get in here!


He made two threads, one for each picture. This one is the most popular, but there's seethe in both

Redditers definitely do not approve

Nothing short of idiotic, given the state of things. What left boot, exactly? The one on your hand?


It is shocking how many trumpers don't realize all these laws will be used against them too. I can't wait for the outrage.

I think they only care that gays and minorities suffer more.


…unless you're a woman, Black, or LGBTQ

My lesbian sister believes in this also. OP

Then your lesbian sister is also a moron.

Yeah she knows. We have been called worse. OP


Very strong "I have a black friend, I can't be racist" vibes.

Assuming you aren't lying about having a lesbian sister to take some heat off of you (which you probably are), your sister is an idiot too.

Maybe you should go back to boys are quirky

Maybe you should sit down while the adults are talking.

Maybe you should go back to your video games.

Maybe you should comb deeper into my comment history for more meaningless ammo to show people how pathetic you are.

:!#marseypunching: :#marseypunching:

While true, it doesn't really fit the current situation. The “both sides” thing is something fascists rely on to gain power, as you can see cons trying to accuse democrats of doing everything they themselves are doing

Yes, only one side has ever done that.

Anyway I've got to go read some more about how Biden's new border order totally is good unlike when Trump did the same thing

Seems like just last week I was reading about how Biden's tariffs are good unlike when Trump did the same thing

Too bad there isn't a free trade & immigration candidate running. Maybe I'd vote for them

An unironic libertarian

"Both sides!" is the dumbest possible stance.

How does the left have a boot on your neck??

EDIT: Oh, it's just some moron who doesn't vote.

Remember, "both sides" means someone is so ignorant about the party's policies they think Dems and Republicans are the same.

I'd think the owner of this sticker was an idiot.

"Sure, one side wants some of my family, friends and neighbors literally dead, but the other side isn't perfect and unblemished.

I can't even tell the difference."

Not being able to work unless you get a government mandated vaccine is having a boot on your neck.

That was the left pushing vaccines that didn't even work, not the right. The right wanted people to decide their healthcare for themselves.

In hindsight the right was correct. Countries with the least lockdowns and mandates did much better than the countries with left wing authoritarian style lockdowns and mandates.

Africa did amazingly well, especially considering they have the worst healthcare in the world. By doing nothing they did much better than any other place. Who would have thought forcing people to stay at home and get experimental injections for a bad flu would lead to bad results?

The right did, we all predicted what is happening right now.

:#marseygigavaxxer: or you're fired

Oh dear god, an "enlightened centrist"; tell me, how has the Biden administration's support of abortion, student debt relief, and actually standing up to the fascist frick Putin in Ukraine made you feel like he's really bringing the boot down on you? Fricking idiot.

I have no say about abortion because I'm not a female. I didn't go to college so I don't give a shit about student debt relief. And I don't give a shit what happens in other countries. We need to mind our own business and keep our money here.. OP

It's Friday I'm just having fun with everyone. Lol OP

I would be a lot more LOL without the looming threat of clearly-defined actual dictatorship and collapse of my home country's inclusive government, regardless of its current state of oligarchic tendencies.

It's happened to a lot of counties, past and present and it can easily happen here.


I'm all for criticizing the Democratic party, but pretending like they're the same is disingenuous at best.

It is. the Democrats can dumb sometimes, but the Gop wants a dictatorship and to Genocide minority populations and LGBT people.

I forget where I read the quote but it was something like yea, both parties are clowns. But the democrats are like bozo and the republicans are like pennywise


This is right-wing propaganda.

We have one party that is happy to convince you not to vote.

We have another party that is actively trying to change the process enough to allow for more than two Parties

They are not the same.

The brainwashing is working!!


Wow, "I'm going to waste my vote on a non-viable third party to stick it to the government" isn't the flex you think it is.

I'm not even gonna do that. I'm just gonna go to work because I don't get paid to vote. Plus I don't like any of them anyway. OP

He's definitely grill pilled :marseygrilling2:

[20kMB Prize] The best contest ever. So Great. Wow. So great even you stupid dumb lazy bitches will do it. C*nts.

I won't lie - i've been so bored of this shithole site for a few months. I just couldn't juggle dying of cancer, being gorgeous, and being the perfect archetype of domestic gay beauty culture.

Life is hard without carbs y'all.

Unluckily for you I am no longer (offishally) dying of cancer. This is great for me, but terrible for you as that means I am going to be here to treat you like shit forever. How fun!

To celebrate my assumptive immortal-tenure as your forever-treater-like-shitter I invite you to just post whatever the frick you want


Just post whatever. The world is your stage. Submit something you think is interestingly submittable and worthy of the grand prize. it can be literally ANYTHING.

That's the contest.

Post whatever you want to.

Submissions need to be in by 6/9 12 am, and voting thread will be 6/9 6 am PST.



>WTF?! This little cult-hobby was one of the few TS free safe spaces in my life. Frick her. She doesn't need another market to participate in. She doesn't need to accumulate any more wealth. This cheap piece of shit adds nothing to the world except more opportunities to exploit workers in the Global South for capitalist benefit.


>wtf why does she have to plague every single sub i follow 💀


>I'm OK with her whining about how every man in her life is the problem and not her taste in men, as long as she does it at a distance where I don't have to interact with "Swifties." I'm just afraid there are going to be thousands of new users in the community showing off their stickers and talking about how this is the best pen of all pens. I guess it would convince me to leave all my pen communities if that happened which would probably save me a lot of money. Gotta look at the bright side.


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