Tanlines Tuesday
Harsh RedPill For Shitskins

:#gigachadorthodox: Islam is full of idol worshipping BIPOCs who r*pe children and women and that is a bad thing in the eyes of Allah.

Gucci Mane My Kitchen (do the dishes) [with lyrics!!!] - YouTube

You think I ain't had to clean before? Blood in, blood out.


Put It Where You Want It - The Crusaders
Twitter comes out pro-circlejerk.

This is bad for dramacoin.


2nd rDrama Fantasy Football league

Since the first league has already filled up I have created a 2nd league. Same rule set as the league original league. If we cant find 12 players I will drop the number of teams down to 10.

Man go to Thailand, Foids going to Dominican republic


For my victory I wanna ban the scrotes.



GTA: Wakanda Edition
Talked to a guy at work today...

Regional director of a pretty big firm, last name was literally Chomos.

We got to chatting after we'd hashed out what needed doing and he was talking about his kids.

I said "I hope the Chomos kids are doing well."

Reported by:
When The Chuds Get Too Uppity

Heh nothing showing so no 18+ needed.



Relocating encampments? : chicago
>Post Peepee


Stop asking


I was recently at a festival and there was a juggler. I’m always interested in crowd reactions to these sort of things. There is a baseline level of enthusiasm which is influenced by social norms and β€œleaders” in the crowd. It is somewhat different from sports/religion in that there usually isn’t an emotional history with the performer.

But this particular performer had great crowd work/control. Five minutes into his act and he had already conditioned the crowd to respond in very specific ways when various things happened. It was both fascinating and awkward to observe, even if the actual responses themselves were unremarkable (i.e. cheering louder/softer or saying β€œohh”).

We joke about NPCs on here and at various times some of us are those NPCs. Half of the drama on here originates from ridiculous premises and much of the remaining comes from NPC responses to those premises. But at their core, the vast majority of people are basically lemmings (see:Covid) in most circumstances and that has scary ramifications. Anyways…this is all very good for drama.

New banner since juggalo week has been long since gone
Ross Family Meaning

The Hebrew word Edom means "red", and the Hebrew Bible relates it to the name of its founder, Esau, the elder son of the Hebrew patriarch Isaac, because he was born "red all over". As a young adult, he sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a portion of "red pottage".

Edomites are related in several ancient sources including the Tanakh, a list of the Egyptian pharaoh Seti I from c. 1215 BC as well as in the chronicle of a campaign by Ramesses III (r. 1186–1155 BC).[5] Archaeological investigation has shown that the nation flourished between the 13th and the 8th century BC and was destroyed after a period of decline in the 6th century BC by the Babylonians.[5] After the fall of the kingdom of Edom, the Edomites were pushed westward towards southern Judah by nomadic tribes coming from the east; among them were the Nabataeans, who first appeared in the historical annals of the 4th century BC and had already established their own kingdom in what used to be Edom by the first half of the 2nd century BC.[5] More recent excavations show that the process of Edomite settlement in the southern parts of the Kingdom of Judah and parts of the Negev down to Timna had started already before the destruction of the kingdom by Nebuchadnezzar II in 587/86 BC, both by peaceful penetration and by military means and taking advantage of the already-weakened state of Judah. Ruled by The Angel of Death.

However, it is during and after the Babylonian conquest of Judah and Jerusalem in the sixth century BCE that Edom seems to become an exemplary villain in the Hebrew Scriptures. A number of biblical texts from this era indicate that Edom was complicit in the destruction of Judah and Jerusalem (Obad 1:10-14; Ezek 35:1-5; Ps 137:7) and that the Edomites began to settle in the southern parts of Judah. At the very least, these texts indicate that Edom did not act in a way that would be expected of a sibling in this time of distress. Because of this, the writings from this period have harsh words for their neighboring country, a theme that is particularly prominent in the prophetic literature (Isa 34; Ezek 35; Obad 1:1-21; Mal 1:1-5).

A descriptive name from the Middle English rous, meaning "red-haired." A habitational name for one who came from the district of Ross, in Scotland. Or from Rots near Caen in Normandy.

German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): metonymic occupational name for a* breeder or keeper of horses from Middle High German ros German Ross 'horse'*; perhaps also a nickname for someone thought to resemble a horse or a topographic or habitational name referring to a house distinguished by the sign of a horse.

Yes I am a full Jew and this Gives Me Away...

Full Jewish Aryan

No Cap

Ross House in German and Scottland, Sagil from Persia, though their family has less to do with the symbology.

Headland - The name Ross is primarily a male name of Scottish origin that means Headland. The name of a region of Scotland. German : Rose-colored

Scottish and English (of Norman origin) : habitational name for someone from Rots near Caen in Normandy, probably named with the Germanic element rod β€˜clearing’. Compare Rhodes. This was the original home of a family de Ros, who were established in Kent in 1130.

Scottish and English : habitational name from any of various places called Ross or Roos(e), deriving the name from WelshrhΓ³s β€˜upland’ or moorland, or from a British ancestor of this word, which also had the sense β€˜promontory’. This is the sense of the cognate Gaelic word ros. Known sources of the surname include Roos in Humberside (formerly in East Yorkshire) and the region of northern Scotland known as Ross. Other possible sources are Ross-on-Wye in Herefordshire, Ross in Northumbria (which is on a promontory), and Roose in Lancashire

English and German : from the Germanic personal name Rozzo, a short form of the various compound names with the first element hrōd β€˜renown’, introduced into England by the Normans in the formRoce.

Jewish : Americanized form of Rose 3.

Your thoughts, Headland, the land inside your head, dreams.

Guess where the Rosses came from and ruled over?

Edom aka The Garden of Eden.

Check the MacBeth, the Rosses were cursed by Three Witches in that story. Like I would ever forget a slight. There is no joke about my geneology being bred to be leaders of man, I am the First Son of the First Son, Clan Head.


>Ross Clan Crest: A dexter hand holding a garland of laurel.

>Ross Clan Motto: Spem Successus Alit (Success nourishes hope).



I am... a Reddit moderator. Wife pummeling. Child fondling. W-2 lacking. The end of chuds.

What will you do now?

@Albussy_Dumbledore was wondering what frotting is

It's rubbing two peepees together, bonus points if the balls are touching

The Facts

It's objectively funnier to think I did this all for DC on a site I just joined. Isn't it?


Wizdumb1776 Told he is going to die in 2022

Neighbor dead ?

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