F:NV creates gayboys.

These people are homos too the 1000th percentile.

This game vid felt creepier than a bunch of AAA horror games

On that note, why do so many horror games frick up the horror aspect, or make the horror feel like it pops out for a minority of the game. Why do so many horror games suck at creating a creepy disturbing atmosphere?

They all feel like soulless worlds.

The one in this video at least feels actually creepy even to watch. You don't know what's going on, the monsters look disturbing, you are feeling fricked up, you find other victims of the place and they are as clueless as you are. No over the top acting, just horror. Good shit.


@ 1:51


Song is not that bad either

A strategy for Europe to guarantee future expansion.

5% of all people living in the EU are currently immigrants. Honestly that is a pretty low number overall. The EU takes in 2 million immigrants a year from non-EU nations. Currently due to this Ukraine and balkan nations have been in population decline for years now.

The EU has managed to stop the flow of immigrants from Africa, and the middle east. It's primary source of refugees is now Ukraine which it considers to be acceptable and provides support to these people.

As previously mentioned the EU requires 2 million immigrants every year. The EU also can expand its territory further by weakening its bordering nations until they are small enough to be easily assimilated.

To this end the EU can work towards minimizing immigration from far away geographical territories and limit immigration to border nations.

In this manner the population of border nations is in constant decline, which allows the EU to assimilate these territories far more easily when the time comes. Smaller populations are also far easier to control in general and easy to push around.

To this end, the EU needs to start taking in 2 million immigrants from these territories:

Belarus, Hungary, Turkey, Morocco, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Serbia, non EU balkans.

Of these Serbia is the easiest to break down. They barely have 80,000 births every year. Their number of deaths is already higher than number of births. If EU started taking in 100,000 Serbians every year, Serbia wouldn't really exist as a major Balkan nation anymore down the line. Easy to control. Easy to assimilate. Thus solving the Balkan issue once and for all.

In conclusion: Any country that the EU is thinking of assimilating they must first increase the amount of immigration from that country to a level where the population of that country is declining at a high rate. Thus weakening it enough internally as to be easily influence and assimilated by the EU.

The EU has enough openings for immigrants every year to be able to pull this off.

Based on current declining population trends, the next EU member should be Bosnia & Herzegovina, followed by Serbia in the next 5 to 7 years.

Mayo Chud (as expected) charged in murder of Muslim Men
UnoTheActivist - On The Moon

She's trying to pull a nikacvoaodcanikovavcacodo and it's baffling.

Everything Comes In Waves - YouTube :marseyvibing::marseyjam::marseyjamming:
Better Call Saul Spoiler:

Yup.... Yup.... Yup... Yup... YUP...


Why arab civilization is so underrated ? : AskMiddleEast

Live footage of Carp at the rDrama blackjack tables.


I know what Israel is going to do.

They have maxxed out their defense capabilities. Nobody around them can invade them and win. Which means that they are going to be one of the primary defense system sellers in the world.

Their neighbors are Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Cyprus.

Egypt is too big to invade so they will leave it alone.

Israel will invade Lebanon in a few years time to be finally rid of the Hezbollah problem once and for all.

It is 10x times wealthier than Lebanon and has far better military capabilities. Once Israeli defense systems achieve 100% defense capabilities, they will move on to improving their attack capabilities and field testing the same.

Lebanon already has a sub replacement fertility rate and a far smaller population than Israel. Taking over Lebanon would be a piece of cake. If all of Lebanon was to escape into Saudi Arabia, the bigger nation could easily assimilate all of the people without any real losses. This is what would likely happen.

Conclusion - israel will take over lands of Lebanon and Jordan and Palestine. Its final land area will be 128,000 sq. km. It will become a trillion dollar economy.

This guy is Asian Danny Trejo
Getting karma on a new account

Anyone figure out how to get karma on a new account? Seems like most subs automod you away if your karma is too low


tl;dr Californian law applies to your pathetic little country too. Keep your seethe to yourself hillbillies or we'll be forced to drone you in a peace-keeping mission next.

The edges of the western empire; Challenges ahead

An empire either breaks from within or without. For the moment the western empire is wealthy enough that it is very unlikely to decay and break apart from within for decades to come if not a century. Which means that the primary challenges for the western empire lies without, at the edges of its borders. Let us take a look at these territories and the challenges ahead:

  1. Turkey - While Turkey is within NATO and is to a degree dependent on and follows the direction of western policy, it does so with a lot of protestation and tries to keep an independent position for itself as a middling empire. The primary challenge that lies with Turkey is to break apart its nationalistic fervor and to make it believe itself part of the larger western empire and a natural extension of it. For that to be possible Turkey must be moved towards more liberal strands of Islamism, and along with it its economy must be made completely dependent on the west. Time period - 20-30 years.

  2. Balkans - less problematic that Turkey, for the Balkans are busy fighting between each other with no sign of respecting each others independence and sovereignty. Even so, EU has made good strides in assimilating parts of the balkans whenever it gets the chance and although not good at dissolving problems between territories there, gives them the inspiration to do so based on a chance to increase in wealth and status by one day becoming part of the EU if they only listen and behave themselves. Time period - 30-40 years. Long enough for later generations to forget about the violence of the past completely.

  3. Ukraine - Less a problem and more a territory being used to solve the problem of Russian aggression. Will likely be funded and provided as many arms and ammunition and training as is required to defeat the Russian military in the Ukrainian territories. Ukraine has been doing pretty good for itself so far in comparison to expectations. It is likely that Ukraine will be turned into a permanent fortress nation in the years to come. Something akin to Israel with its iron dome system. or South Korea with its militarized border. Time period - 1-3 years.

  4. Egypt - Again, another weak part of NATO. Egypt also is not completely dependent on the west in terms of trade and sees itself as another independent middling empire. Its population has already crossed the 100 million people threshold which makes it difficult to control the territory and its people. Also more Islamic than Turkey. Solutions to Egypt would require making it completely dependent and connected to the west in terms of trade. Having its fertility rate drop below replacement level. Having Egypt completely align with the west in terms of geopolitics. Improving its relations with Israel. Time period - 60-70 years.

  5. North Africa - North Africa should be developed economically to show the benefits of being Europe's backyard. The region has huge amounts of trade with Europe but has not profited enough in turn. Most viable country to maximize development is Morocco, followed by Libya. Time period - 30-40 years.

  6. Mexico - Mexico needs to be encouraged to have a Latin American identity which is in sync with an American identity. Mexico also needs to solve its internal violence and drug problem before it can be taken seriously as a US partner equal to Canada. Until that day comes Mexico can only ever provide cheap labor to the US. Mexico also needs to solve for its corruption levels. If Mexico can fix these things it would be well valued and celebrated and even embraced fully by the west. Time period - 15-20 years.

  7. ASEAN - Yes, ASEAN the organization not Asia the continent. The west needs to increase its influence within Asia by increasing its investments into ASEAN nations. It already has strong influence in Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore. The west should focus on increasing its investment into Cambodia and Malaysia as the next two Asian tigers after Vietnam. Indonesia will be the one too big to invest in until a later time period. Time period - 10-15 years.

That's the list. These are the challenges for the western empire at its borders. Beyond this there are actions that need to be taken in regards to Saudi Arabia, India, and Ethiopia, but that is not within the scope of this article.

Thank you.

Plagued Moth Vs Pedos

:gigachad2: child

From the comments of this Quandale Dingle meme


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