- Klenn_and_Back_Again : Is there a way to unironically report things this neighbor's into child porn
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I think we should have the following rules:
- no being mean to Furries because they identify as animalwoofs.
- no being mean to people that like shota and cub art because they like that art.
- FamilyKongShill : too rslurred to link a tweet
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You are so precious, you should never have to put on a costume, a mask, or makeup. You shouldn’t face violence and you shouldn’t ever, ever be ashamed. So I am glad that you’re learning about the amazing cowtools women have online and using for self-defense.
I can’t wait for [gender identity issues to] be a thing that is on the radar screen of teachers because so many of the children I see come out to me, especially in elementary school, they have nowhere to go - they feel they're lost, they don't know what to do about it but there’s no one here to help them and that's why I really think that this hashtag needs to spread and be around as much as possible because I think it’ll lead to less violence like this, especially in some rural areas.
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Go ahead, call the cops, they can't unpiss your bed. I had so much fun obliterating your bed with pee. It was like a pee tsunami, and was so great I also came a little.
And while you're weeping over your urine soaked fabric, I am already getting ready to pee in someone else's bed.
What are you gonna do? Tell your mommy? Do you really think that she'll believe someone else pissed in your bed. Good luck then. Do you think you can find me? Think again champ. Thanks to my black fedora, black minecraft shirt and black My Little Pony pants I walk in the shadows. Think you can catch me? Don't think so. Thanks to my roller skate shoes I am faster than wind.
But don't be sad that I'm leaving, hold on to that wet, yellow bedsheet, smell my glorious essence, and I have to say I had a good time. Relieving my tummy of all that pee.
So long, bussy cucker.
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>on the internet
>on a drama board
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never be a woman
>he will never have any friends
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- Arran : attention seeking NlGGER
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The fricking cwowld metwl slid owor my skin like silk sliding dwown a fricking banyister. It dwoesn't take much pwessure wen u have a fricking sharp
razwor. Bwood came pwouring immediatewy. That's a fricking gwood sign - the fricking deep cuts are fricking bwight white
and take a fricking minyute two start bleeding. I am onye with the fricking pain because I deserve it fwor being worthless and a fricking piece of shit and a fricking bad perswon.
Am I bwoken that my mind cwonstantwy instwucts mwe two self-mutilate, b-word? It feels like there's a fricking gwoblin in my head (the Gwueswome Gwoblin) cwonstantwy egging mwe on two dwo the fricking nyeedfwl and start slicing. Can anyonye relate, b-word? I knyow I'm gwoing two dwo it again twomworwow and it's gwoing two be wose. The fricking cycle's begun again.
- Impassionata3 : hmm strange I can't see this post
- whyareyou : title is a lie
- Slavsquatting : I'm bimothy, hecko
- TheUbieSeether : bomb crater vag
: straggotry
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- anime_denier : Spam
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- 3rdtimesthepharm : Not Cirno
- TheDunceonMistress : Disinformation, this is clearly NOT Cirno.
- elvisfuckingpresley : disinformation
- BrokeBackBuck : vaccisemitism
- sliminalcriminal : how dare you
- BussySlayer : Her peepee is ugly but her butt is good
- Yabssor : 3DPD
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- Iforgotmypassword : My dox
- 1 : Degeneracy
- bballbelle : House furry is a plague on this site. Also OP has never touched grass in his life come on!
- dirigismo : Clean it up
- SeetheFarmer : Agendapost
ask him about his refrigerator
: Downmarseyd
- Maqre : MDEfugee
- GuyOnABuffalo : upmarseyd
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What do you think the Rural White Working Class does during the slow seasons, when there’s no fields to plow or corn syrup feedstock to harvest? Just sit around and roll dice? Child molestation is a white tradition. This guy is more trad than you. Do you really want to get him fired? Have his kids sent to foster care?
And especially if it’s fake - this could cause his family to disown him for no reason. Really?
Plus, aren’t we pro bussy? How do you think new twinks are made? They don’t fail out of the stork’s mouth ready for peepee, they need to learn first. Smh. The guys keeping his kid safe from the predatory mayo gussies, and I salute him for that.
- TheUbieSeether : spambot
- CarpBanEvasionAlt4 : Got it thx
- jasongrace999 : Is this rdrama's first spam bot? 🥳🤗🤩
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