A Brief Review of Billions

Season 1 to 3 are strong. Kino.

Season 4 to 5 are a little dumb. Drags.

Season 6 is fine. Solid.

Season 7 is dumb but in a golden retriever kind of way so you don't really mind it, and reminds people why they are invested in the show by tugging on your heartstrings.

A few niggles about the show that might throw off some people about it.

Taylor Mason who comes in during Season 2, is a godawful hamfisted autsitic they/them in seasons 2 and 3. Becomes more human and more bearable in later seasons as they grow as a person.

Chuck Rhoades aka Paul Giamatti not only gets dumber and dumber in each progressive season (except for 6 and 7 where he stops being as stupid in seasons 3-5). He also self-inserts his BDSM fantasies into the shows and has his actual real llife young Asian girlfriend also put into the show as his BDSM mistress but also has her whip him in the show. Paul Giamatti is a certified chad. :marseykneel:

Bobby Axelrod literally is a billionaire psy-ops to make billionaires seem human. However his eyes and ginger-ness prevents that because he likes to go bug-eyed a lot so you remember that billionaires are not people.

Mike "Wags" Wagner is a dad-bod Zaddy. He's great.

Wendy Rhoades aka Chuck's wife has much better chemistry with Bobby Axelrod and is possibly the most unrealistic person in this show. In real life she would be cucking Chuck with Bobby.

All the Black people in the show are the 0.0001% creme de la creme of the African American community. I don't think anything actually seriously bad happens to them at any point in the show. This is a good litmus test to see if you are actually racist to black people or if you just hate poor people.

Mark Cuban shows up a few times for some fricking reason. Skip all scenes with him. It adds nothing, if anything it takes me out it because I don't believe he's got the cajones to hang out with the characters in the show in real life because they literally might stab him in the kidney for whatever is in his wallet.

Overall, I give the series a solid 7.5. Worth watching if you ran out of things to watch.

Edit: Oh I forgot theres also mild anti-semitism sprinkled in whenever Chuck's father is in the scenes.

Ronnie Drew - A Guide To Dublin :marseyhibernian: - 1988

!kino this film has a 96% score and Rotten Tomatoes and had /r/movies circlejerking about how great it is but at least to me it was so mid :marseymid:.

I know the romantic comedy genre is kind of dead so maybe this is the millennial rom-com revival attempt?


!kino !nooticers

answer: The Boys is a superhero show on Amazon. The basic premise is what if superheroes were celebrities and acted like the worst celebrities out there. The current season is about the strongest hero(Homelander a parody of Superman and Captain America) courting white nationalists as they will tolerate and support all the awful things he does and applaud him for them. It draws a lot of parallels to Trump and his conspiracy theorist/white nationalists base

It's worth noting the show has always been capital b Blatant that Homelander is a parody of patriotism getting into bed with racist Christian fascists. Among his very first public appearances in the show is him flying across a giant cross while in the pose of Jesus on the cross. Later, he gets literally seduced by a character named after a white power message board. The show has never been subtle about this. The only new thing is that some of the people it was parodying seem to have figured it out.


Answer: The show is a dark satire, and heavily influenced by the current political climate, and Trump in particular. The main antagonist of the show, a “Supe” (short for super) named Homelander has descended into authoritarianism. Each season of the show digs in a bit harder. In the first few sessions there was some folks on the Right who missed the whole satire aspect and considered Homelander the hero, not realizing he was the villain and they were the butt of the jokes.

Recently there was an interview with the show runner who highlighted a lot of these points in no unclear terms. He also noted that he was planning to lean in even more on the political similarities with the rhetoric from Homelander.

I have only recently started watching the show and I cannot, for the life of me, understand how people missed Homelander being a villain. It's in the first episode! He's basically "facsim will come to America wrapped in a flag" personified! How did anyone miss this????


>Silly fascists are too dumb to understand you're supposed to hate Homelander as he's the devil. Don't they get he's the villan?

Considering even the main show sub says the new season is crap, I'm presuming these redditors don't watch the show and parrot twitter talking points, makes sense considering how astroturfed /r/outoftheloop is.

The whole thread has zero criticism of the show writing is all THE FASCISTS AND MAGANAZIS TROLLS HATE IT!!!



The fatness isn't the issue, since she's supposed to be comic relief, but I find her acting jawdroppingly incompetent. I checked out the Reddit sub and she's stubbornly defended and praised to the skies for her acting/comedic chops.

Here's a compilation clip of her performances on Hacks.

I found her so jarringly bad I almost thought she was the inspiration of the Maria Sophia character on Curb, except that character might predate her.

I can't remember seeing acting this poor on a comedy series, especially not on HBO.

As for one of the two leads, Einbinder, all I hear when she opens her mouth is Michael Cera

The show is not funny. They actually have Einbinder saying “I still have my dignity” then following it with a pratfall, for frick's sakes. However there are titties in one episode.

Does anyone here enjoy "The Boys" (Poll Inside)

I havent seen any but was wondering opinions. I recommend Heroes (2006) first :marseywinner: season :marseyautumn: is good so far.

Anyway let me know if you've seen or your opinions


Ki something isn't supposed to show up in the new show but he did. Star Wars nerds are seething over it. I don't know why this showed up on my Twitter feed but it's probably because I've clicked on Twitter links from here so thanks a lot dorks.

It's so over for literally me-cels.

Your hero has been C A P E D. But is it real? Idk. Don't @me if it isnt.



I recently watched Demonlover and it was the best film I've seen in a long time, would 100% recommend everyone watch. After finishing the film I was curious to see what critics thought about it and was shocked that neither they nor audiences enjoyed it.

There's a lot of great films with poor critic scores (eg. Con Air, Stepbrothers) but it's very rare that the audience score doesn't contradict it. The others I can think of are Only God Forgives and Alien 3 which I love and Neon Demon which I also really liked. I can understand with them why lots of people dislike them, the Demonlover hate is just baffling to me though.

Also the RT description and poster for Demonlover is so bad lol

Just remembered Universal: Soldier Day of Reckoning which has absolutely no right to be a great action film but somehow is brilliant

Monkeybone was pretty cool too

I'm actually remembering loads now


Years ago, I created a massive list of disturbing films on IMDb: :marseyautism:

As of this writing, the list has 1,706 titles on it and easily the largest such list on the internet. :marseylongpost:

However, as many of you know, I was in prison from 2015 to 2024 and, as such, I was obviously not able to keep the list updated. Could you all please fill me in on the disturbing films that have come out since then? There's a list from /r/DisturbingMovies, but it's largely useless. It was made by Redditards, so it's filled with films that don't even remotely belong on a list of disturbing movies, like Watership Down and The Dark Crystal. To be on my list, the content has to be at least at R-rated level. :marseyindignant:

(As a side note, while I was in prison, I wrote a detailed outline for my own attempt at creating the most disturbing film ever made (partially inspired by the disgusting s*x offenders who I was forced to be surrounded by) - one that would not only far exceed every other "sickest movie ever made" in terms of on-screen depravity, but would also tell an emotionally devastating story filled with truly heartbreaking pathos. The fact that even the deeply jaded and desensitized prison staff were shocked and disturbed by it (and repeatedly spoke to me about it) told me that I did exactly what I set out to do.) :doge:


Brief summary of the scene in question




I think Furiosa :marseyfuriosa: flopping megahard might have something to do with it :marseysmug:.

Wake up babe, new Disney Princess just dropped

OP wonders why the RT audience score is so low and believes it might be the :chudspin: fault. Some agree but many are not having it and begin to nootice !noticers !kino

People are blaming the political dummies, which I'm sure plays a part, but I also think it has just generally been a weak few episodes. Definitely continuing the downward trend from the s3 finale... Most of the storylines they are spending too much time on right now are entirely uninteresting

blaming conservatives when a show bombs has been their goto for a few years now.

Same thing with she hulk, Captain Marvel, the star wars shows.

it's never bad writing, just those crazy MAGAs review bombing it again.

Most peculiar huh? :#marseywrongthonk:

I can see why. I couldn't care at all for the Hughie, Frenchie, Kimiko, and Starlight plot lines.

The Homelander, Butcher, Ryan, Vicky, and Sage stuff is carrying hard for me.


>carrying hard

:#surejan: :#marseyxdoubt:

Must not be fans of the very political comic

What if I said that the political commentary was the only part of it I enjoy?

That part is spot on, as is Sage's 5Head machinations, but the exceedingly slow burning fuse of The Boys actually taking down Supes is the part I don't like. There's a lot of what feels like B-Plot Filler. Hughies Family stuff, Frenchies Past, and even the Butcher/Ryan arc are all retreads of past plot lines. Kimiko going "rogue" and taking down human traffickers is about the only B-Plot I enjoy.

The political drama is so weak - and the fact that the "smartest PERSON in the world's" big plan is just to be an agitator is so sophomoric. This is what a junior writer thinks is the smartest idea in the world. Basically every character in this show that isn't a main character (and a few of them, too) is written as if they have an IQ of 40. It's so shallow and cheap and really betrays what the writers think of their audience.


if the 1 stars were mostly a deep dive into the shows pacing or changes I'd agree, they are clearly more concerned with sister sage, LGBT themes, wokeness, DEI etc.

I really don't know how somebody watches Homelander “laser somebody in the middle of 5th” while being surrounded and still supported by people holding American flag posters and memorabilia and not see the direct parallel. This is like a 5th grade context clues and understanding test that they failed.

I know they typically miss those context clues from research, but I'd say Frenchie and Sister Sage are more directly in your face as they exist visually as minorities and are often directly named in the reviews for this season.


I mean there has been a bit of a dip in quality and Eric Kripke has been insufferable in between season 3 and 4. I still like the show but the first three episodes felt underwhelming compared to previous seasons.

Can you explain what he's said because I don't keep up

I read an interview where he was asked something to the effect of “what do you think about those fans that watch the show and think homelander is a good guy?” And he basically responded “they are all stupid, frick them, I don't want them watching my show”

Wait so what's wrong with him saying that?

That's a fair comment. Homelander is the clear cut villain. Thinking he's the good guy is like watching Star Wars and cheering for Darth Vader.

:#soycry: STOP ROOTING FOR THE VILLAIN! :#soyjaktantrum:

Lmao, lot's of people rooted for Darth Vader, I don't think George Lucas ever threw a fit to the public because of that.

Thoughts on House of the Dragon season 2 premiere? :marseydragon: :marseycrusader2: :marseygeorgerrmartin:

!kino !bookworms the showrunners and writers botched the Blood and Cheese plot (2 r-slurs as killers, neurodivergent Helaena displayed no emotion), no Jacaerys reaction to his brother's death and “trad” queen Alicent gets her kitty licked by former volcel Ser Criston Cole, much to the chagrin of greenstrags. Aegon and his drinking buddies on the Iron Throne was funny though.


!chuds !besties Holy kino... :marseypikachu2:

My radio controlled hobby since 1995 has expanded to a large fleet of construction equipment models from of Germany.

Primarily 12v electric hydraulic functions & some models use linear actuators for function as well. The models are mostly kits that I have built & modified to my liking, some of them are scratchbuilt by me as well.

My radio controlled hobby since 1995 has expanded to a large fleet of construction equipment models from of Germany.

Primarily 12v electric hydraulic functions & some models use linear actuators for function as well. The models are mostly kits that I have built & modified to my liking, some of them are scratchbuilt by me as well.

Accomplishments with RC:

Enlarged my basement 30%, dirt removed approx. 30 cubic meter

Dug a walk through tunnel from my workshop into the basement of my house, dirt removed approx. 25 cubic meter

I'm a grain farmer (had cattle too for 25yrs, quit them a few yrs ago) from southwest Saskatchewan, Canada

Cheers, Joe


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