Cryptobros just keep losing

All this to stand in a half empty room devoid of bobs and vagene.

I hate cloudflare so fricking much

Can't access frick all from behind tor or a VPN anymore without getting 20+ "checking your connection is secure" (And frick off with that, you're literally just doing anti-spam checks against my browser, the connect doesn't come into play at all.)

And of course being a "sEcUirTy ProDucT" no errors or useful information of any sort is presented to me the user, lest I you know solve the fricking problem

For the last weeks you could work around this with an autoclicker and just spam the frick outta the spot where the captcha would appear until 1 made it thru. Now you seem to have to wait for the page to have loaded for a minute or more before even moving your mouse or you get rejected without even seeing a captcha.

At this point I just never close my browser because I know it's going to take upwards of an hour to log back into my various accounts and even if I do half the users of CF are massive r-slurs who do shit like put their API end point behind it so all their javashit calls fail and there's no way for me the user to ever fix this because cf will never accept a request made from javascript as being "legitment" (which is why you aren't goddarn meant to put your godarn API behind it)

And don't get me started on the tards who use a million different "cdn" subdomains each with their own cloudflare checks. "Oh you passed the challenge for Well now you need to do the same for,, ect before the site becomes usable

cloudflare has ruined the internet and I was right to publish all those bypasses on github back in the day


AT&T Future Technology Predictions from 30 Years Ago

What all did they get right?

The tech looks cooler in the ads as opposed to what we ended up with. These were directed by David Fincher, so maybe he's just good at making shit look cool :marseysadge:


Get ready for :marseylongpost:

Lazygit Neovim plugin :marseyspitmoji:
Best place for $20 :marseyairquotes: real :marseyairquotes: Windows 10 Home keys?


Apparently the laptop I'm selling is either corrupted or never had a windows key to start with.

Reported by:
  • Snape : windows is as r-slur friendly as it gets, if you're too r-slurred to use it then keep yourself safe r-slur
  • 89wc : majority of mods to #makewindowsgreatagain actually involve reintroducing XP behavior lol
  • SPRINGWRWR : Bing isn't that bad!
Dramatards discuss

more stupid cryptocel shit that nobody actually cares about. apparently the "contract" that issues MOON is now (or will eventually be) unusable even by reddit (its issuer). this causes a run on the token (pathetic because its STILL under a dollar and STILL useless).

i genuinely dont understand why anyone other than thirdworlders would ever give an actual frick about this, but a lot of people are still mad and some are speculatively hopeful for some reason???

Reported by:
  • Snape : who cares, use adblock
It's true. Your devices are listening to you :stoningpills:

It's True. Your Devices Are Listening to You.

With Active Listening, CMG can now use voice data to target your advertising to the EXACT people you are looking for.

Imagine This...

What could it do for your business, if you were able to target potential clients or customers who are using terms like this in their day to day conversations:

  • The car lease ends in a month- we need a plan.
  • We need to get serious about planning for retirement.
  • A mini van would be perfect for us.
  • This AC is on it's last leg!
  • Do I see mold on the ceiling?
  • We need a better mortgage rate.

Active Listening can make that happen for you!

We know this sounds like something from the future, but we are there! We can customize your campaign to listen for any keywords/targets relevant to your business. Here is how we do it:

  • Create Personas

We create buyer personas by uploading past client data into the platform.

  • Identify Keywords

We identify top performing keywords relative to the type of customer you are looking for.

  • Tracking

We set up tracking via pixel placed on your site, so we can track your ROI in real time.


Active Listening begins and is analyzed via AI to detect pertinent conversations via smartphones, smart tvs and other devices.


As qualified consumers are detected, a 360 analysis via AI on past behaviors of each potential customer occurs.

Create a List

With the audience information gathered, an encrypted evergreen audience list is created.


We use the list to target your advertising via many different platforms and tactics including:

  • Streaming TV/OTT
  • Streaming Audio
  • Display Ads
  • Paid Social Media
  • YouTube
  • Mobile Precise
  • Google/Bing Search (PPC)

We know what you are thinking...

Is this legal? YES- it is totally legal for phones and devices to listen to you. That's because consumers usually give consent when accepting terms and conditions of software updates or app downloads.


orange cight discusses:

Not only are NFTcels blind after their little conference, but now they don't own their jpg files anymore.

They just opened a big pharma plant in China so they clearly dont seem like theyre downsizing.

:marseypoor: Beg Bounties :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak:

Orange site discussion:

In the last decade there has been a rise in bug bounty programs where people report bugs they find for money. Along with that though, comes beg bounties, usually 'bug' reports sent by third worlders (mostly from india) who report bugs, like minor misconfigurations in DMARC or a missing CSP which have no impact on sercurity, or just something as low effort as saying they can view the source code of your website...

A typical beg bounty email will look something like this

And all these low effort bug reports to website owners demanding money end up drowning out any which might be legitimate.

:marseytrain: :marseytrans2: Train has an interesting theory on why there are so many trans-women in tech. :marseyhacker: :marseybardfinnsbiggestenjoyer:

Gay people are rich apparently

100%. A lot of older gay people went for well paying jobs and careers as a way to cope with the shame that came with being gay. They strived for success so they could feel like it made up for all the hate they got for being gay.

This is also why you see a lot of extremely muscular and attractive gay people. The shame pushes them to be better than others in some social field people really care about.

This isn't a gay exclusive thing, this is just a shame thing and how some people cope with it.

Yep. Trans community has a semi similar thing.

Because a lot of trans gals are self conscious they spend more time around electronics and other media. So the “trans girl coder” meme is kinda an actual thing. I also kinda fall into this as I have 2 degrees in game design/art, >>> yeah I wasn't a smart kid choosing that… (why do we trust teenagers with that much debt?)

NOTE: this doesn't apply to everyone and there are other things that end up as the focus if they have one, look at the gals who made the matrix for example.

:#marseysurejan: Are you sure that is the reason my friend? :#marseyautism:

The rest of the thread is just disadvantaged groups sucking themselves off, but one comment stands above the rest. I have sectioned it off from the rest of this post since it is not tech related, and I always respect the rules of online forums.

Edit: Added the missing link.

Reported by:
  • W1P4W8W8 : ITT: Carp discovers us neurodivergents have been right the whole time. :marseyautism:
  • whyareyou : LOL carp is a privacy schizo
Usually I :marseysmug2: at muh data privacy schizos but what the actual frick is this



i dont rly have any use for source releases like these :marseyunamused:

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