Average Fedi Chud 2023 :marseychud::marseypedo::marseyfediverse:

The changes have been about more than just broader support for different inputs, outputs and languages, however. Some of the most fundamental concepts in programming language design are deeply colonized. The ideas and the words ‘true' and ‘false', for example, stem from the strict logic of the nineteenth-century mathematician George Boole and discrete mathematics. Ideas such as false don't always translate cleanly to other languages or cultures. Even choosing symbols to represent these concepts risks giving primacy to one culture over another. The selection of symbols with no widely recognized meaning (⊤ and ⊥, from logic) seemed more inclusive, even at the expense of clarity in a particular language.

This reads like a very on-the-nose parody, something like C-plus-Equality.

There are some comments on /r/emacs, they didn't like it:

Reported by:
Coders: I am interested in purchasing a custom program

Hi all. I'm a real estate developer in Houston. We buy land and turn it into neighborhoods.

I would like to find or purchase a program that will allow me to scrape the listings of a number of land sites for Houston area listings of parcels between 150 and 1500 acres, and deliver them to my inbox every Monday. I have some stretch goals, including cross referencing those parcels by school district and county using Google Maps and address from the listing, and auto compiling all of this information into a spreadsheet. If you know or can recommend someone that does similar work it would be greatly appreciated.


Playboy, September 1987

Reported by:
  • Corp : SNAAAAAPPY!!!!!!



Next step in total janny death.

Now the mod overlords will be robutts.

Reported by:

It was well understood that this is what was happening when Kiwis were continually banished off host after host, but :marseynull: didn't have any way he could prove it until now. He's pondered legal action against :lizfongjones: in the past so here's hoping for a court case sneed.

"Katherine L. and I invited Nitasha Tiku to see the work that our multi-disciplinary, all-volunteer team has been doing over the past year as Kiwi Farms was de-platformed from over 32 providers located in 22 countries that found it in violation of their Acceptable Use Policies. By our count, we set in motion more than 24 of those terminations with our abuse reports and our professional follow-ups to ensure that they were actioned. Because of needing to repeatedly find and change to new providers, the site achieved approximately 50-60% reliability as observed from US consumer ISPs over the past year, as opposed to the 99.5% or higher reliability a typical law-abiding website with competent administration will offer.

Thousands of hours of thankless work went into taking this single site offline; even then, hopping to a new "shithost" provider takes merely hours of work, and then following up to show the new provider is in cahoots with the abuse and unresponsive to complaints can take dozens or hundreds of hours and weeks to months of wall time. This is not repeatable, nor should it _have_ to ever be repeated. There is no slippery slope here, least of all because the vast majority of sites on the Internet comply with their upstream AUPs.

Even when there is blatant breaking of both private contracts and the law, if it takes hundreds to thousands of hours of volunteer to time to get it actioned, there is no real enforcement accessible to the average victim. And governments _already_ can skip all of this and raid or order sites offline if they so choose. While I hope that one day there will be criminal consequences for those who perpetuate harassment online, I'm not holding my breath waiting for the government. Not to mention, which government? Companies in 22 countries were involved in this international takedown effort.

I'm protecting myself, and future generations of transgender and neurodivergent people. Don't just be a bystander, take action if you see injustice (and clear breaches of contract!). A huge huge huge thank you to everyone on our volunteer team, and everyone in the tech community who listened to us.

Katherine L. and I are going to be taking a break from this work for a while, as it's extremely burnout inducing. "Clay" is well positioned to continue this work, and further blackmail or intimidation against me is not going to deter Kat, me, Clay, or the rest of our teams from finishing the job." (:lizfongjones: LinkedIn Post)

He announced this his Telegram as well:


A significant vulnerability in the WebP Codec has been unearthed, prompting major browser vendors, including Google and Mozilla, to expedite the release of updates to address the issue.

⚠️ Important: Let me make it perfectly clear that this vulnerability doesn't just affect web browsers, it affects any software that uses the libwebp library. This includes Electron-based applications, for example - Signal. Electron patched the vulnerability yesterday. Also, software like Honeyview (from Bandisoft) released an update to fix the issue. CVE-2023-4863 was falsely marked as Chrome-only by Mitre and other organizations that track CVE's and 100% of media reported this issue as "Chrome only", when it's not.

The root of the issue lies within the "BuildHuffmanTable" function which was first introduced in 2014, the function is used to verify if the data is accurate. The vulnerability can occur when more memory is allocated if the table isn't sufficiently large for valid data.

Hope you updated your browser before loading rdrama today, bros.

TacoBell meal < 1000 calories
None[email protected]/posts/AZhIzgyFsW45a6rLoO

None <- this thread is lit atm

:chudsmug: TLPD :chudjakbaldspin:
USBchads :marseyitsoverwereback:

Informal announcement on their chat community that was locked by jannies

RedditAlternatives discussion


9/12 was an inside job

Sorry kings I've been slacking on the Iris LK-99 updates. Main point is it's still real and happening and here's a thread on how soviets discovered some superconductivity stuff

shun the nonbelievers shuuun


Thank God, finally someone is doing something to fix one of Wayland's biggest problems.

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