Reported by:
  • JimothyX10 : Unfunny, uninteresting and unrelated to drama

That is all! What happens next? !codecels !schizomaxxxers !pings !dramatards !reportmaxxers discuss

  • They do it to pump up numbers for government subsidies and beating Tesla.

  • They have a Ponzi scheme thing going.

  • Environmental impact of the dead uhigur slaves mining the resources that never get used for anything.



Soon, all of you will have no choice but to use Groomercord for any useful advice. Groomercord is the future chuds, get used to to!

Keep calling it a groomer app, because soon you will have to use it when it finally replaces forums and Reddit. You will end up using Groomercord in the end as it provides a brighter future to the internet.

Download it today!

galaxy brain code from work today :marseymindblown::taymindblown:



Pay rent, Twitter rentoids!


  • buy a car, trusting the promise of a used car dealer that the manufacturer will replace the battery for free

  • manufacturer figures out the battery likely won't need replacement, gives monitoring software to be sure it's ok

  • OP cries about it :marseycrying:


I don't want to take a L on the vehicle and sell for less then what I payed

OP expects a car to increase in value because reasons :marseysmoothbrain:

Google codecel got sick of sharing a desk, no more mangos, and being present for attendance.
Reddit Damage Control has started

Pushshift Reddit Archive
Orange site discusses 4chan.
Reported by:
  • birdenthusiast : How did they even screw it up so much they don’t really need to do much other than security updates

Reviews are here (login required):


Management and leadership is horribly failing, no sense of plan in the company environment, people questioning why the heck they’re doing what they’re doing—like the darn transition from discrims to usernames. Lot of ex-FAANG/Meta employees are being hired.

With Groomercord rapidly burning down, Glassdoor reviews of the company further supports this "idea".

Shoutout to DexClem who even recognized the amazing feedback and reviews from Groomercord employees on Glassdoor. Here’s the link to their comment:

Some reviews from the Groomercord employees:

2 Stars out of 5; Current employee:

The environment is very toxic and the 1 and 2 star reviews are very accurate. I wouldn't be surprised if the recent slew of 5 stars were planted on purpose because Groomercord really cares about the ratings it gets on here. Over the past 12 months I've really seen company culture plummet. First, we have constant turn over of leadership (especially with woman) and strategy which means that everyone gets wildly mismanaged and it creates a dog eat dog environment where there is no set direction for where our strategy is going. A lot of the managers who come from FAANG (Meta in particular), Snap and Zillow, have no desire to actually manage those who report to them and spent a lot of energy reiterating insights about our customers that we have understood for almost 2 years. The focus has turned from creating a premium product experience to creating an identity-less app that can be replaced with iMessage.

1 Star out of 5; Current employee:

Leadership is green and have no clue what they’re doing. Everything is perceived as urgent so there’s always more work piled on with short deadlines without flexibility to deprioritize other work. So many employees are taking mental health leave because they can’t afford to not have a job but they also cannot work in an environment this toxic. Not a disability friendly culture - there is a general lack of consideration in all their people programs besides the events for people with disabilities especially those who are neurodivergent. Talent development is a joke - our performance management program is one-sided and doesn’t fairly evaluate all faces of an employees performance. You are not able to share your opinion and often times give feedback openly otherwise you’re considered to not have a “growth mindset” or you’re perceived as “not having good intent” yes this goes into their performance management. There is a ton of favoritism - other people who are under-qualified being promoted or being recognized/taking credit for other peoples work. You can’t trust the HR team especially the HR Business Partners at all. They’re practically useless and cover the tracks of their friends who are toxic managers. Anything you tell them is not confidential it’s actually used against you in your performance management. They say they have a high performance standard now (lollllol) but toxic managers are never held to the same standard. They say care about people but it’s all a talk track I don’t even think they have a clue what the first step for caring for people is. Stay away from this place if you value your mental health.

2 Stars out of 5; Current employee:

They laid off or pushed around 6% of the workforce to leave this year so far. The PIP and performance review process just doesn’t exist for some departments. You can think you are doing fine but still be let go for performance without ever hearing from your manager until it’s too late. WLB is getting pretty abysmal. The departments that need resources and headcount are just being told to work harder instead, burn out is real among many employees. We have been in this “hyper growth” crunch with no real growth to show for it and barely any recognition of quality work.

2 Star out of 5; Current employee:

The marketing department imported a lot of MBAs and ex-Meta brand directors since mid-2022, and their jobs seem to be: DDoS attack ICs with micromanagey demands, pile sudden landslides of work on people due to poor planning, and hiring their friend's agencies to do unusably shoddy work and write redundant market research that’s already been done before. The new folks don’t know internet culture or Gen Z or even what seems uncringey to the average young person, but they’re often delivering mini TED Talks about their insights in these arenas to literal Gen Z coworkers, longtime online community experts, and trendsetters. Don’t get me wrong, some of these new folks are nice and trying their best, but there are a few of these marketing directors who just see OG Groomercorders as competition that they must sabotage so that their own (very out of touch cheugy) ideas can shine through. They've made life in Marketing so miserable, and so Game of Thrones-level political, that no one who does tangible work can thrive.

1 Star out of 5; Current employee:

Management is inexperienced with senior management being incredibly absent. Some departments are a mess — drowning in work that seems to have no impact. There doesn’t seem to be a single focus — no real solidified vision we’re working towards. We seem to work harder not smarter. Simple issues and under-developed processes have festered into deep wounds which have caused doing basic functions of my job seemingly impossible. Inexperienced managers who do not have the skills or experience to solve some of these issues can only provide the same 2 band-aid solutions that keep us in a perpetual state of insanity with no end in sight. No one seems to know what they’re doing and the people who do know or could make an impact are kept somewhat neutered. It’s become a struggle to come to work everyday. It’s not fun. The good people at the top seem to make decisions that make you look into the non-existent camera and wonder ”who asked for this?” “Is this the best you can do?” aka Jim from the office. Every comment made in these 1-2 star reviews are absolutely true. Whoever is writing these 5-star reviews with no cons are probably higher ups in marketing who get paid a lot of money to do — I don’t even know what or other overpaid individuals who are lucky enough to be in a position who don’t have to do any work.

2 Star out of 5; Current employee:

Over the past year we have seen our chief people officer leave, chief operations officer leave, and have stacked our recruiting leadership team with individuals who are all from the same former company. There has been no effort from leadership to understand our product or culture and they are actively looking to sanitize it to something familiar to themselves instead. Leadership has been missing meetings and has been absent over the past couple of months, which signals a lack of care and apathy. Recruiting leadership has created an environment where if you ask questions you are micromanaged and punished for speaking out. Middle management has been heads down and encouraging us to push through but the writing is on the wall. We live in a culture of fear.

Twittards discuss:


>site ran by former reddit admin turns out to be power trippers


Reported by:

Spoiler: nothing. Fricking nothing.


Because its supposedly a necessity for one to have s*x with their AI chatbot lmao

Amazon shuts down smarthome for chuddy doorbell

When I connected with the executive, they asked if I knew why my account had been locked. When I answered I was unsure, their tone turned somewhat accusatory. I was told that the driver who had delivered my package reported receiving racist remarks from my “Ring doorbell” (it’s actually a Eufy, but I’ll let it slide).

I reviewed the footage and confirmed that no such comments had been made. Instead, the Eufy doorbell had issued an automated response: “Excuse me, can I help you?” The driver, who was walking away and wearing headphones, must have misinterpreted the message. Nevertheless, by the following day, my Amazon account was locked, and all my Echo devices were logged out.


But what is hate, anyway?

Drama in the Tumblrverse as people begin using ChatGPT to finish abandoned fanfictions.
Google Maps satellite imagery quality

This is something I've been noooticing for at least a couple years now but it's finally bothering me enough to post somewhere about it. Back in, oh, I dunno, 2017ish, google maps satellite imagery would load to the highest possible quality at a given zoom level within the desktop web page. Image quality would update every time you changed the zoom level.

This is no longer the case, and has been so for some time. This is incredibly annoying: I can no longer distinguish between buildings at zoom levels above those extremely close. Take this screenshot of Miami for example:

So blurry that it's useless.

Why did they do this? Is there a way around it? Is there alternative software? I swear to God it was not like this in the past. Please advise.


Thread with "proof"


le orange site link:

Music is already one of the most extremely devalued art forms given how oversupplied it is. Boggles the mind to think of the consequences of technology like this reaching quality levels where the differences between it and professionally produced music are imperceptible.

make better music

As if the current music scene hasn't already plummed the depths of banality. At this rate the stars of the 70s and 80s will be in business until they expire.

maybe create more original and better music

Can you imagine what the HN front page will spit out in a few years?

A profitable startup? That might be asking too much though


I don’t understand what’s motivating certain types of people to continue working on these types of AI practical implementation projects. There’s nothing good for the world this (type of AI in particular) will offer. Maybe someone will say this will let people who aren’t musicians express themselves by creating music. That’s not true. It’s as true as hiring a musician to make a song for you, given a description. And nobody would say that the person who hired the musician was expressing themself.

it's called acceleration sweaty :marseynails:

before you ask, yes, it has an audio equivalent to img2img, yes you will be able to generate rock renditions of the 2 girls 1 cup theme in :marseysal:

Is WebP really better than JPEG? (No, not really :marseyshook:)


Guys please set up invidious instances I don't want to use Jewgle shit just to listen to classical music :marseypoor:

Is it ethical to get a fiat loan as a bitcoiner?
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