We can make our own chocolate Marseys soon
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:marseylaptopangry: :marseynouautism: :!marseylaptopangry: OP says RAID6 is r-slurred and is dogpilled by other r-slurs. (120 comments, 47% updoot)

I honestly think the OP is basically right. I believe RAID10 is the only topology that makes sense with the size of current drives though. Rebuild times are just too much with RAID5/6/etc. and everything in his post is good.

The main reason for a RAID is availability.

The main reason for a backup is data safety.

An SHR2 can increase availability (or better reduces the risk of a non-availability). It will not do much to increase data safety, because most szenarios that apply to a SHR 1 apply as well to a SHR2.

The discussion between SHR1 and SHR2 is borderline relevant, and relatively cheap.

The discussion about a backup (and how) is fundamental, and especially in the multi-TB-range pretty expensive. Only loosing your data is even more expensive !


This dude is smug but I don’t think he really responds to OPs point. Extreme reddit moment of sounding smart without saying anything at all.


SHR2 is for when one fails and it takes me a week to get a replacement. In that week I’m not freaking out about my datas.

Your points are valid but don’t forget about the time factor.

Also my 4+TB drives are like $70, not 300. Datapoints.

If I’m an IT shop with backups and spares, then yeah SHR2/raid6 doesn’t buy much. For that matter, R5 is also not great. R10+ hot spares all day.

But in my house where there’s snail mail and laziness and … Many times I don’t even know there is a problem, I need that extra hot redundant drive just to avoid having an emergency. To protect my cat videos.

This neighbor is buying 4TB HDDs :marseypoor: :marseylaugh:

He also doesn’t make sense, like a week neighbor? Amazon will have a 16TB here tomorrow.

Well, you are whistling past the grave yard here. If all of your drives are a certain vintage and a drive fails, the remaining drives are put under greater than normal strain in butter fs. So all of your fancy math aside, it’s actually much more common that a second drive goes down while you are waiting for the Amazon guy. Having said that, I’m a SHR1 guy on my Synology … but then again again my main NAS is raid-z2.

Based ZFS-chad dunking on Synology buttercels :gigachad:

Sorry, but you’re full of shit. My time is worth more than having an extra drive to protect my system. Drive failures are more likely to happen during the rebuild of the array, and even more likely with the larger drives. Saving myself hours of time to not recover my shit from backup and set it all up again is worth a bit of money and it’s not like an extra 10TB drive is going to break the bank.

Not losing access to my stuff and not having to waste my time on shit that could have been avoided is priceless. I’ve got better shit to do.

I feel like this is a flaw in most posters here. RAID10 is the objectively best topology for modern drive sizes (16TB being widely available) and I don’t know why you’d frick with RAID5/6 shit.

A lot of the other seething seems to be thinking the OP said don’t use backups??? In the post he literally said use the money you save on backups lol.


lol i didn't know about this

i also didn't know that people installed antiviruses anymore even on windowez

Nostalgiastrags and Piratechads stay winning

Asian nerd's article dazzles some with facts and logic

But others immediately notice the problem. What about black people.

Stupid Asian nerd forgot about (willfully ignored) black people.


1 hour old thread, no drama yet but there is still potential for drama



Orange Site:


Certified :marseykey:ed thread :marseycertified:

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  • free_palestine : the free one you drum
[Not news] Which VPN would you suggest?

I fricking hate surfshark, need to switch

4chan user leaks Facebook's LLAMA, leaves personally identifiable information in the torrent


Orange website does what it does best

:marseynerd:: In case it's not clear what's happening here (and from the comments it doesn't seem like it is), someone (not Meta) leaked the models and had the brilliant idea of advertising the magnet link through a GitHub pull request. The part about saving bandwidth is a joke. Meta employees may have not noticed or are still figuring out how to react, so the PR is still up.

(Disclaimer: I work at Meta, but have no relationship with the team that owns the models and have no internal information on this)

:marseynerd2:: It's not even clear someone has leaked the models. A random person has put a download link on a PR, it could be anything.

:!marseynerd2:: >Meta employees may have not noticed or are still figuring out how to react Given that the cat is out of the bag, if I were them, I would say that it is now publicly downloadable under the terms listed in the form. It is great PR, which if this was unintentional, is a positive outcome out of a bad situation.

:marseypirate:: Here is the magnet link for posterity: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ZXXDAUWYLRUXXBHUYEMS6Q5CE5WA3LVA&dn=LLaMA

:marseygigaretard:: Thanks not working for me... Not that I could run it if I downloaded it.

Based r-slur makes a PR about it on github to "save bandwidth"

:marseyneko:: lgtm *approves PR*

:marseynotes:: Good catch! This will save millions in bandwidth costs.

Mentally questionable :marseysnoo: makes a :marseypipebomb: out of a Samsung Phone, awaiting accidental :marseyakbar: soon!

They pulled Note 7 off production so this r-slur made his own.


>Google Sheets as a backend


Reported by:

I don't tip, ever. I've never done it in my entire life. I'm not legally obligated to. What are they going to do, arrest me? If they actually need the money, I'm sure they can bake it into the price of the product or service they sell me. I'm used to it, coming from a non-tipping culture. It works perfectly fine overseas.


dude rust lmao

If you're not using WebUI (not seedboxmaxxing) - this doesn't concern you tho.

Someone on alt reports a serious security vulnerability concerning qbittorrent WebUI instances, does so publicly outright in github issues without consulting anyone first, prompts hectic scramble for the creation of a security file :marseysmug3: and the race to figure out and fix the vulnerability (this took them 2 days)


:marseynerd2:: This is an important find, but you really should have disclosed this privately to the developer before going public with it (their contact info is in the README), especially considering this works without any authentication. Posting it here has it in the clear for attackers to potentially exploit before the necessary fixes are available.

:marseyneckbeard:: Security through obscurity is no security at all

:marseynerd:: thats not what he's saying, what he's saying is to disclose it responsibly. common practice is to report vulnerabilities like this privately so they can't be used by a malicious actor, then if nothing happens after a few months then disclose it publically. this is not the way to do

:marseyneckbeard:: That doesn't respect my freedom™ to use a better client.


As you may or may not know, the Godot Engine is a game engine created for and by people too incompetent, stupid or brainless to use a real engine like Unreal Engine 4 or LOVE2D with the ' BoiPushy' library.

And while it may have been created to entertain the manchild fantasy of one day creating your own videogame, in practice Godot is almost never used to produce any actual sizable videogames, and is almost certainly used by 30+ amateur game devcels with nothing else going on in their lives who really should have graduated to the Grown Man Equivalent of the game dev fantasy, creating your own programming language and kernel. But sadly, due to the IQ bell curve and other environmental factors such as Neurotoxic SocMedia.

At the very least, it can be stated that the Godotcel is more of a man than the Rustean, which needs to import a library called 'is-odd' in order to evaluate whether or not a number is odd. Nor are they as pathetic as the BSDcels, whom cling on to their sinking operating system like a rat at sea in an ocean of torment and obscurity. At least. But are these things really achievements worth caring about?


:marseyunpettable: RETVRN TO EDGE :marseyunpettable: RESTORE MICROSOFT :marseyunpettable: BECOME UNGOOGLABLE :marseyunpettable:

FOSS-cels eternally BTFO

!codecels discuss





!downmarseyrs discuss




orange sight:


Backstory: much of the darknet (including Tor, dread, I2P) has been down due to DDoS attacks for months, and the largest darknet market (AlphaBay) has seemingly been compromised by feds. We have reached peak darknet cope and seethe. If you don't have tor browser already, you should get it just so you can have access to darknet drama :!marseyxmr:

Okay, here is the article for you clearnet strags:

The Tor Times

The Tor Project is Trying to Fix Tor's Problems

Published by Elmer FUD on Tue, Feb 28, 2023 | Tagged DDoS, I2P, Tor | 40 Comments

In May 2022 someone posted on the Tor mailing list complaining about a Company called Team Cymru being one of the Host's of Tor's website.

Here's a vice article about companies that buy what's known as "netflow data" from Tier 1 ISPs and sell it to third parties. Team Cymru is one of the biggest such brokers, and as such, a bunch of security industry reps lick their balls rapaciously.

Anyway, this May 2022 mailing list post complaining about Team Cymru hosting Tor's Website.

OP just gets shit on by everyone who responds. (paraphrasing) 'The CEO of Team Cymru, "Rabbi Rob Thomas," has been on the board of directors of the tor project since 2011, and they've operated bridges for years,' we learn. 'OP needs to remove his tinfoil hat,' they say.

Ok, skip ahead to Tor Browser Bundle changelog update in October same year (2022):

Bug tor-browser-build#40633: Remove Team Cymru hard-coded bridges

So they weren't just hosting bridges, but default bridges hard-coded into the Tor Browser Bundle itself. In other words, when you click the "give me a bridge" button in tor browser (this option not available in Tails, and I see the sense in it not being so now), at least two such default bridges were operated by Team Cymru.

Rabbi Rob Thomas still sits on the board of directors.

Three new board members added to Tor last month

I2P now getting the shit ddosed of it, as an inadvertent result of Tor's incompetence (assuming it's the same attacker). I2P dev on /r/i2p:

As you already know, the I2P network has been targeted by a Denial-of-Service attack for the past ~3 days. The attacker is flooding the network with malicious floodfill routers, which are responding incorrectly or not at all to other routers and feeding the network false information. This results in performance and connectivity problems, because the floodfills provide peer information to the participants in the network. The result is a form of sybil attack which is used to cause widespread denial of service. The attacker is changing specific characteristics of their attack as they carry it out. The focus for mitigation is to find general strategies which address the issue regardless of who is carrying it out, and which do not require the use of a fixed ban-list and which can provide long-term protections.

This attack has degraded the performance of the network but it remains intact and usable. Java I2P routers still appear to be handling the issues better than i2pd routers. Various mitigations should appear in dev builds of both Java and C++ routers in the next week.

BUT DONT WORRY! The Tor project is fundraising to fix the problem, they just hired two new onion devs! JUST HIRED!? THIS HAS BEEN HAPPENING SINCE JULY, AND EVEN LONGER AGO BEFORE THAT!

So the Poor folks at Tor just need another measly $155,000 to fix the problem guys. Funny if you split that in two you've got about two onion dev salaries and a handful of first class private jet flights to wherever the frick.

Maybe Rabbi Rob can chip in? No, no he's already donated so much money AND RESOURCES DONT FORGET THE HARD CODED BRIDGES.

If Dingledine wasn't still at the top of Tor, shit would be so much more fricked up right now. I am sure of it.

The Joseph Cox guy who wrote the vice article I linked earlier does some decent reporting actually.

From August 2022, a story none of us heard about in the mainstream im sure: Facebook and Twitter Take Down a U.S. Propaganda Operation Targeting Russia, China, Iran. The USA conducting a propaganda campaign identical to Russia 2016. Some of the accounts had been active since 2011.

Let's take a look at some comments:


have no idea what i'm reading frick feds


tl;dr: tor project worked with one of the biggest private data collectors

putin sucks balls:

i c*nt read


frick hugbunter and the FBI

I should mention hugbunter is the guy who runs dread, and DeSnake is the guy who runs AlphaBay


Millions of $ in funding and they still want more. Frick off


Stop funding TOR, you don't know where the money is going and you're dumb enough to trust anything with your money to begin with


Put me the heck off using tor default bridges as tvice says they are compromised




tor and i2p gone. freenet here we come!


jailnet there you go


hugbunter needs to stop ddosing the markets


Source: trust me bro

Jai Hind:

lol, Snowden, Satoshi and DeSnake are the same personas ddosing Tor. NSA is overlord!




Why wouldn't he my guy?? Now that his monopoly Alphabay is gone hugbunter needs a new cash cow (Incognito). Check /r/darknet you can see shakybeats leaked messages about all that dirty ddos shit.


>Three new board members added to Tor last month

they hired a NFT

This guy is a true dramatard:


I'm going to frick DeSnake in his butt and fill it with c*m.

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