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Many Christians believed that Jewish people were responsible for Jesus Christ's death, a belief known as Jewish deicide.

>Jewish deicide

Lemme guess: it's anti-Semetic to say that Jews killed Jesus.


Jewish deicide is the notion that the Jews as a people will always be collectively responsible for the killing of Jesus, even through the successive generations following his death.[1][2]...... The notion arose in early Christianity, the charge was made by Justin Martyr and Melito of Sardis as early as the 2nd century.[3] The accusation that the Jews were Christ-killers fed Christian antisemitism[4] and spurred on acts of violence against Jews such as pogroms, massacres of Jews during the Crusades, expulsions of the Jews from England, France, Spain, Portugal and other places, and torture during the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions.

Oh, so not quite antisemetic but responsible for causing antisemetic attacks. Maybe they shouldn't have killed Jesus if they didn't want a bunch of Christians kicking them in the face? :marseyshrug:

n the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), the Catholic Church under Pope Paul VI issued the declaration Nostra aetate that repudiated the idea of a collective, multigenerational Jewish guilt for the crucifixion of Jesus. It declared that the accusation could not be made "against all the Jews, without distinction, then alive, nor against the Jews of today".[1]

If we can't say Jews killed Jesus, then we can't say that Christians killed Jews during these pogroms. Christians also didn't go on any crusades nor are they responsible for the colonization of Africa, and so on. Surely, the Jews would return the favor and stop talking about collective white guilt, right?


:#marseyviewerstare: :!marseymerchant:

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The Jews were only following God's plan and the prophesies. You can't really blame any group or individual for that. Jesus had to die to save man from his sins and begin the new covenant.

That's why I view Judas Iscariot as a tragic figure. His betrayal of Christ was begun by the Lord, a means to the greater good. He took his own life because he felt guilt for something he was not responsible for.

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>The Jews killed Jesus so that Christianity could exist


!jidf is this true? :marseyconfused:

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Truth is Jesus was just one of many many people crucified by the Romans and not the first or last Jew to claim to be messiah. The passions was probably just another Thursday for the Romans and a minor event for Israelites but if you believe in the Bible then yes Jesus's death was predetermined and necessarry.

1 Peter 1:20

He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake

Revelation 13:8

And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life that belongs to the Lamb who was slaughtered before the world was made.

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Who else claimed to be the Messiah after Jesus? I mean in a 'hundreds AD' way, not a 'David Koresh' way.

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:george: :!marseyfacepeel:

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oh someone watched the last temptation of christ, frick off

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I haven't seen the film. I base my faith on the scriptures.

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you type like a queer

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I certainly hope so. :marseyshy3:

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They treat it like some sort of original sin accusation when it's obvious and true that today's jews think and behave exactly like the ones who sealed Jesus's fate

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Surely, the Jews would return the favor and stop talking about collective white guilt, right?

/pol/'s paradox is the funniest shit.

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What's that? :marseyexcited:

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>If the Holocaust was real, Jews should be grateful for white people saving them and fighting WWII, therefore collective white guilt being pushed by them is proof Hitler was right.

>If the Holocaust wasn't real, Jews propagated a massive myth and lie to strongarm their way to power, and therefore Hitler was right.

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The time limit on when collective guilt is inheritable is nebulous. You might think it's on purpose, but how would it benefit anyone to not be consistent in their beliefs about who can be held responsible for the sins of the father? Who could ever stoop so low?

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