
Mossad leaves amusing trail of hints/trolling on their fake website/profiles associated with selling Hasbombla the beep-beep-booms :chadjew!::marseysmokealarmbeepgenocide::marseyakbar:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267148440386798.webp :marseylaugh#:


So long story short, the "BAC consulting" company was some mossad shell company they used as a front to import the beepers or something before stuffing them full of RDX PETN and sending them into the pants of terrorists. The company was complete with a website with filled with nothing but gobbledygook and a number fake employees as well. The CEO/owner, Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono Ph.D, appears to have been magic'ed into existence by spooks about 6 years ago and is somehow an expert at literally everything from physics to economics to art blah blah blah and makes Bardfinns larp look like childs play as she lists fake credits for published papers on positrons and shit dating back to 2005 lol.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267148449889472.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267148451089993.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267148451820207.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/172671484889704.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267148494332652.webp


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267148438304174.webp :marseyemojilaugh#: Savage

Complete w/an instagram which terrorist lovers already found and bitching at

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267148479473557.webp https://instagram.com/p/Csg4bD8KQgb/


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1726714845243959.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267148459308374.webp

More info:





Oh yeah and in looking into this I found she was also listed on some other website that looks like a generic Mossad website front too but no ones really caught on to this yet:




They already took her off or disabled the about us page, but this website is really funny too though because it all reads as gibberish meant to mimic boring corpo-speak

Also they got some real cutie to pose as the CEO who I'm not sure if shes actually a spook or an unwitting patsy, but the videos associated with this gibberish company are equally nonstop word-salad:




You can tell they had some fun with this :marseyxd#:


Edit, more misc funniness from their second glowy shell company:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267774183553746.webp looks like they figured out this part was too obvious lmao

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267774189980028.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267774192213185.webp totally legit comments :marseysurejan#:

also found this person in their employees:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267774196168768.webp :marseyinvestigate!#: Looks legit

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267776514483.webp Looks like their still active! and one of you named the jew tsk tsk :marseysmughips:

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Mossad is so fricking cool and I want to have s*x with the shill girl :marseybiting:

Black Lives Matter (jk)


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!kino how many DeviantArt degenerates has this film created? :marseysadge:

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Probably ground zero for giantess fetish.

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Simping for virgin Mossad agents with sideburns who post BBC porn on /agif in their spare time is extremely pathetic even for the standards of this shithole

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Awww you're mad some hezbs got blown up in a literal cartoon fashion? If you can't see how funny this is then please please please go back to Jew-posting on pol about interracial porn (while jerking it to :!marseytrain:s like I know I love)

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It's about ethics in looney toons plot points :marseyindignant:

dude bussy lmao

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LOL antisemites are genetically inferior

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True but your butthole is sandblasted

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btw carp is from israel

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The next time I see one of these websites full of meaningless corpo babble, I'm going to assume it's a Mossad front. Previously I just assumed money laundering.

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I think Mossad's goal was to set up the fronts to appear under the operation of useful idiots: people willing to do business without too much red tape involving sanctions. In this sense, I think the word salad bios and general scrappiness were intentional.

Hezbollah doesn't want to do business with firms that seem too polished.

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I think your giving them way too much credit

They didn't even need pagers if they'd just followed the classic solution to scrambling mossad intelligence which was already introduced by the the late and great Trevor Moore more than a decade ago

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so cringe

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And sometimes it works. In the 80s North Korea found a not very careful Dutch aviation broker, that with the help of shell corporations, was more than happy to sell them a shipload of Hughes 500 Littlebirds so they could impersonate South Korea border patrol and SF units for deep incursions.

Of course, a lot of people went to jail, the US and South Korean forces had to pull all their Little Birds out of service in Korea for fear of friendly fire/infiltration, and it was very embarrassing for everyone involved

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While yes it might be, you also haven't worked for a marketing firm that did websites for these sorts of people back before you can just make your own.. Like 2010 to 2016

These people would literally have a company that did something and yet you wouldn't have ever known what it was from the website and the copy that they gave you.

They're mostly real, and they're mostly legit businesses, and you'll never have any idea what they actually do

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I love Mossad so much it's unreal

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The Jews don't control the world (yet) but I wish they did :marseysaluteisrael:

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Genuinely do not understand why anyone could be against Israel at this point. I used to hate them but this op was so freaking good and Twitter leftoids' reaction to it is incredible.

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They're against Israel because Israel is aligned with the West, and to the average leftist the West reminds them of their dad and that time he made them get a job and move out so naturally they hate it.

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Ted K had the best dissection of the leftoids mindset: "they do not hate the west because it is imperialist or violent- they hate it because the west is strong and successful"

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Genuinely do not understand why anyone could be against Israel at this point.

Because they do this shit with our money. We should be doing the cool psyops instead of enabling them.

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They spend a lot more on US hardware than they get as freebies. It's closer to those D.A.R.E. stories about drug dealers getting you hooked for free than it is to charity.

We give them just enough for them to standardize and depend on our stuff.

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Yo dawg I heard you want some fighter jets. First batch of F-16s are free- but the SNIPER pods and HARMs are gonna cost you

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The advantage of this is threefold:

  • Giving them a little 'free' cash now means they can afford to grow dependent on expensive western technology, and over the long term we're selling that technology to them at a considerable profit

  • The stuff they're doing aligns generally with our interests and it's good to have someone doing the dirty work in a way we can deny having anything to do with

  • Funding for Israel is contingent on them sharing, or at least selling their own high tech toys exclusively and at a discount to us, conveniently battle tested and everything.

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Plus you gotta have export customers to drive down unit cost. There's a reason the F-16 is absolutely dirt cheap for its capabilities while the Saab Gripen is wildly expensive

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>do cool shit

>make you pay for it

This makes them even better.

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>Genuinely do not understand why anyone could be against Israel at this point.

Because they aren't cucks??

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You got your balls blown off by a pager didn't you

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There was that whole "USS Liberty" thing. Or the Lavon affair.

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And don't forget 9/11

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And the titanic

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Apparently they killed :marseybloodpuddle: Jesus :marseymormon: too

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show nose

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martin luther read his books u will find ouy

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There has to be a glowie 101 course they teach for mossad and at Langley that includes a part devoted to not putting batman villain troll shit in your psyops. Not that it mattered here.

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It's all necessary. The trolling :marseytroublemaker: makes your enemy :marseycruisemissile: look especially stupid, demoralizing them and asserting your own people's superiority :marseybigbrain:

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It's called 5th generation warfare


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An artist has to sign their work, otherwise they are just a craftsman, and this was actual art

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Holy shit the MOSSGODS have outdone themselves here. The little troll touches and fake business websites with the hottie model spewing AI-script gibberish are just :#marseychefkiss: Hezbollah looks legitimately r-slurred for just buying a bunch of papers from these people

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yeah the technobabble part was one of my favorite finds, there were also some clues hidden there too after I remembered reading about misc stuff like phones and solar panel battery units exploding too, you can see the seeds of the ideas on the eden asdlkjfadslkhjgds website:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267189823171167.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17267189821286054.webp


:marseyhesright#: volume warning :marseyhearnoevil#: :marseyearrape#:

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lold hard at the thought of them paying extra for damage insurance :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

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john le carre books taught me epsionage is all about the long plays. You invest in these legit sounding backstories for years just to pull off one big heist 5yrs later

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And thats still childs play tp what slaviggers did. They had foids live entire lifes, marrying and having children, either with other kgb glowies or with the people they were designated to compromise.

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For example, Lee Harvey Oswald's wife https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Oswald_Porter

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I just want to see more naked Karri Russel

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Who doesnt :#marseylaying:

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Kerri Russell

Apparently, being Welsh and appearing in a TV show with her gives you a shot

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>be welsh

>be not attracted too sheep*ssy

>get noticed by the world

It's that easy

@ObamaBinLaden say this as a feminist ally

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Me n who?? 😫😫

https://i.imgur.com/fz6GODO.gif https://i.imgur.com/iRmIfZc.gif https://i.imgur.com/TLmk0Ho.gif

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showere scenee

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This is even better :marseygenetakovic: than the "Tenet Media" site the Russians made to finance :marseycalebhammer: propaganda in the west and its fake jetsetting investor Eduard Grigorian

What a fun time of global conflict :marseynoyouoccupy: this is :marseypopcorn: So much espionage :marseytf2spy: and propaganda ops running :marseychaser: around

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How Daré you? :#fancywithwine:




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creating reality collectively

Reality is merely an opinion. Specifically, my opinion.

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whyd they go out of their way to support trump though...?


cue xfiles theme

:marseyilluminati2: :marseytinfoil2: :marseyilluminati:

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I genuinely love Israel so much it's unreal :marseysaluteisrael:

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I wonder who the technology came from to do this? Where do they say 'always assimilate & rely solely on the chinese'? I know Mohammed didnt invent the pager :marseyclueless:

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its been possible since cellphones came around in the 90s and has been used for isolated glowops but never even close to this scale so the two main theories are the main company is lying and shipped the dummy company the batch which they wired up with boom boom putty or alternatively they had some technical license from the parent company to copy everything from scratch for plausible deniability,

the latter seems less plausible though because why make it all from scratch when you can just hack something into the device easily enough. that jives with the walkie talkies stuff too, much less work to insert a bomb than make a working device whole cloth

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It's so insane that Hezbollah didnt do any hardware audits. When AWS/Microsoft build govcloud they dissect all the hardware involved to find the very clever Chinese spyware that always gets slipped in at the hardware level

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Weren't the bombs hidden in the batteries? You'd not notice that on a tear down (unless you cut one open)

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Wait. Did they replace some of the batteries in the cell with explosives?

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there's various speculation but it its still unclear

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I don't know why but I imagined they just hid it in some nook. Never considered they'd replace batteries.


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I read that the batteries were actually half sized with the remaining space willed with explosives

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If it's actual critical stuff you should be taking at least a few of them apart under a microscope to find bugs/tracking devices/hardware-level backdoors

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Jews are dramatic people.

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have been was magic'ed into existence by spooks about 6 years ago and is somehow an expert at literally everything

This is a very common strategy there's whole swathes of fake people that can be created with verified education amongst other background history than promoted to enter key locations.

There's numerous fake people with large pull that control the narrative. :marseyschizowall:


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The US has a department dedicated to making airtight fake personas with verifiable backgrounds

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I love mossad!

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Neurodivergents who somehow end up in military are the ones who usually become spies cuz the army wants nothing to do with tism spergs. Even the combat ones are the fit Pyschos. They are definitely troll pilled

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This is fricking hilarious I love Israel :marseysaluteisrael:

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Imagine not posting the part in "Arena" where the Gorn lock onto Spock's tricorder and make it explode. That's way more appropriate.

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LMAO she even does the happy merchant pose

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girlboss, gentilecide, good luck lmao one of the most lopsided conflicts i've ever seen. almost feel bad for everyone fighting the israeli chads.

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Is it common for terror groups to hire consulting firms? That's the really bizarre part to me tbh

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Now THIS is good drama

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Whose the better glowie CIA or Mossad?

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Sook Madiq













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