Cluster B women in shambles, there will be NO gay shipping :marseyhomoitsover: from My Hero Academia

You know with every long spanning manga, there's women who make gays ships between charactes who have no chemistry between each other, such as Eren x Levi or some other wierd butt coupling.

WELL, the author decided create a final epilogue (CH 431) for the final volume (See this post by @Stoicpeace

Basically, the Ochako and Deku get together in the end

This is very upsetting to fujos and gay shippers who :marseycope: and immediately start making their own stories and endings

Cope post One

Cope Post Two

Cope Post Three

Cope Post Four



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Still 8 years of no contact with everyone, NTR won, BBC won.

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>Apparently long awaited romantic pairing is finally happeneing

>MC kind of declares his 'love'

>FMC kind of agrees

>Predator handshake


What the heck is this shit Japan :mar#seylaughpoundfist:

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The usual acknowledgement "yeah yeah they get together and whatever let's move on" type of ending very endemic to almost all boi-facing stuff. It happens even in romance type shit too, where in the end it's implied the guy/grill get together (not even showing them kiss, just wearing a ring or some shit). Don't worry, they think this type of vague affirmation is the most romantic proof of love you've ever seen and anything beyond it is just way too much embarrassment for any reader :marseyblush:

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She needed the time to discover herself ok

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:#marseyfujogenocide: :#marseyfujogenocide: :#marseyfujogenocide:

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You know with every long spanning manga

My friend, they do it right from the start for every single piece of media ever that has more than one guy in it. If there are two dudes discussing car insurance in a 15 second ad, foids will fantasize about them getting gay married.

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If only that was how reality worked :marseyitsover:

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@Merryvann can we get NSFW thing for signatures? I use this website in public BIPOC

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People actually look at signatures?


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I don't get it :marseysad:

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Yes you do :!marseyindignant:

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I spoilered it just for you sweaty, now stop being a fricking :marseytom: homophobe :marseychuddance:

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Thank you bb you always listen to me :sob:

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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fujos are not ok

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The foids are making homosexuality GAY :marseyjones:

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I thought it ended awhile ago when everyone was making the Deku cuck memes.

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This is the additional chapter for the volume release, which is usually done to get the reader to buy them.

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Everyone must have really hated the original ending. If the author decided to create an epilogue chapter lol.

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I've never read a manga without an epilogue chapter. (I've only read 4 complete manga)

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Yeah, not all mangas are "complete" when they conclude. Mangas tend to get cancelled early or the writer gets bored a lot. But I don't keep up with mangas there are too many and I'm trying to be less of a shut in lol.

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Idgi Is Deku hallucinating that Toga is still there wearing Ochako's skin and his ride or die bword? Bpd veterans have been ROBBED.


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She put all her blood in that chick so she wouldn't die

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We were ROBBED of a wholesome bpd redemption romance. :marseygiveup:

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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Total Fujo Death

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Why? :marseyconfused:

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!nooticers Jap are so terrible at same facing that I can't tell if the girl in panel 3 is the one from panel 1 or 2

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: This is because the girl in panel two can transform herself into other people by drinking their blood and stole panel one girl's body with a blood transfusion.

Panel 3 is hinting at this by making them look more alike !nooticers :marseyschizowall:

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:marseyagreesuperspeed: This is because the girl in panel two can transform herself into other people by drinking their blood and stole panel one girl's body with a blood transfusion.


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Her gimmick is that she really likes stabbing people and stealing their bodies to impersonate them but the fandom pretends she's a good person for whatever reason beyond obvious !moidmoment simpery like with that Japanese stabby woman.

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Other people read this and don't see any opportunities. I read this and see that you can work at host club in Japan and even if you're not very attractive you can probably pull some psycho into dropping money for "drinks".

Oh come on, am I really the only guy who has considered becoming a gigolo? :marseysmughipskorean:

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Oh that's where :marseydrama: that photo :marseyirl: comes from? :marseyshook: I thought :marseymindblown: that was Dasha since it's the /h/redscarepod side bar image.

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I remember the memes :marseycdmai: about dude being a cuck

1st panel chick is who the dude likes but got cucked :marseytoad: by

2nd panel chick likes cuck boy

4th panel is the 2nd panel chick disguised as 1 panel chick?

Tried watching :marseyoperasmug: show but dude was so fricking :marseytom: whiny

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:marseyindignant: It is my headcanon. I will die on this hill. I did not read most of the comic because the main character is shit and never stopped being a b-word about things.

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I have no idea who any of these people are other than dude is a cuck from the memes. I'll take your word as gospel

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I just don't understand why the guy's onion skin is peeling.

Also, if you're having trouble with faces, it's because you're :marseyautismpat:.

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Also, if you're having trouble with faces, it's because you're :marseyautismpat:.

lmao I actually got told this enough on this site that I took some tests. I aced one and did poorly on the rest so I just hang on my hat on the one I passed


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:marseycry: I was holding out hope that deku would kill himself in the epilogue or at least an AFO being his father confirmation

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I wonder if the author saw the negative feedback and gave this in response. Oh well, at least it's not a depressing end.

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Yeah, embarrassed to admit this but this gives me some peace. I did no watch beyond season.... 5(?) of this, and never read the manga, but I was invested on Deku+Ochaco since I had a crush on her

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I thought this ended already with the deku cuck chapter?

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Based, fujos are a plague and deserve to not be catered to.

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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(click)Bait Idea: gay guys react to foids writing gay male characters

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Spoiler alert: all the dudes act like pooners, no masculinity in sight anywhere :pooner:

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The foids just get defensive and :marseylongpost: about how they're valid and are actually being supportive by making every character gay. Yes, they become massive hypocrites.

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>defensive hypocrites





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But fujos are the only ones able to write :marseychingchongnotes: gay characters? :marseyconfused:

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Why? :marseysad:

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All the MHA charas are underage

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Everyone? :marseyshook:

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Deku getting cuked was the only memorable part of the ending. :marseyyawn:

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I hate gay shippers

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cute twinks

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Fujos should be tested for in the womb and aborted with extreme prejudice.

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Why? What happened? :marseyshook:

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I didn't understand any of this

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What happened to the fox woman I thought that was his consolation prize

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Fox woman? :marseyconfused:

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"GRINCHES could be here" he thought, "I've never been down this chimney before. There could be GRINCHES anywhere." The fetch wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE GRINCHES" he thought. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town reverberated his entire sleigh, making it pulsate even as the $9 eggnog circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of grinches after Thanksgiving. "With magic reindeer, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.




December 1, 2024:


December 1, 2024:

December 1, 2024:



December 1, 2024:

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!shippers !proship

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!shippers !proship edited this comment :marseysoypointtrips: its now a poll

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i wish everybody in the world was attractive like the characters in these stupid cartoons

ugly fat people are so offensive i don't know where to begin, just going outside is almost suifuel

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