
That’s some epic anime foreshadowing

This is Nyn flying :marseymouse:


























New Chainsawman went crazy
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Weekly Anime Post 55

After watching Lain last week and finding it Meh, this week I watched 'Texhnolyze'... And also found it pretty Meh. Especially the beginning was super exhausting because it could have been explained in 5 minutes (or 1 episode max), but is dragged out to like 3 episodes. And barely anyone talks in these episodes. The upside of those episodes is that you get to watch an r-slur suffer I guess?

Anyway, the middle part is better, but still not super interesting. Made the impression of a more or less generic mafia movie to me. I usually enjoy stuff like that, so that part was okay to watch. But the anime really only gets interesting towards the end, when they resolve some story stuff. There still is some stuff that made no sense to me, for example why the chopped of limbs dude joined oonishi in the first place, after literally wanting to murder him only seconds prior. Seemed like a random 180 turn to me. Also, after they discover that the outside world is only by ghosts (were they literal ghosts or some kind of computer projection), why not take the rest of the hole people up and repopulate that world? Just because a tunnel collapsed? The doctor could have saved the hole people but chose to rather indulge in her own suffering.

This might sound pretty negative, but I didnt hate the show. I dont know if I would recommend it to someone, but if you plan on watching it you should know that it gets better after the first couple episodes, and the last few episodes are the best part of the anime.

After texhnolyze I also watched the first 'Ghost In The Shell' movie, I liked it and will probably keep watching. I also think about watching 'Ergo Proxy', any thoughts about that are appreciated.


Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan which is a Battle Shonen series set in 1878 of the Meiji Period in Japan. The manga started in 1994. Battle meaning violence, Shonen meaning the series is marketed to young boys/teenagers.

I will shorten it to Rurouni Kenshin and it was written by Nobuhiro Watsuki who was convicted with child pornography. Source. Source. He then got fined $1,870 or 200,000 yen for violating Japan's CP law. Source. He had hundreds of DVDs.

Now we get to today where he gets a new Anime series announced:

I cannot wait to see the discussion threads when it eventually airs lmao

In addition to the "source material corner:, the mods should add a "p-dophile bashing corner"

How is this series getting new projects when the author is literally a convicted p-dophile?

Also because all the big battle shounen mangaka fell in line to defend his butt.

I remember Oda being the big one Imgur link of signed battle shonen author signatures Twitter link of more

Oda is like his best friend

Oda being Eiichiro Oda being author of One Piece.

Well just look at the comment section here. "Fans" don't seem to care at all and it's them that's keeping him successful. They should treat him like a pariah but they don't.

Being the 17th most popular manga of all time might have something to do with it.

Because the anime industry is filled with them.

throw a stone

Because the manga is awesome

For context for those who don't know: Basically Watsuki had CP when it was legal, it became illegal, and he had one year to turn it in and avoid punishment. Instead he held onto it for four years, got caught, and only had to pay $1,500.

By pretending nothing happened and people kept buying the merch.

Japan let a p-dophile off with a slap on the wrist.

I don't get why people hating on the anime because of the authors crime

P-do draws adult characters, people mad. Non p-do draws sexualized lolis, people not mad

Lotta you need to learn to separate the art from the artist

Only on r/anime will you get downmarseyd for calling out p-dophiles.

I'm hoping r/anime can tell the difference between: "This is just a drawing" And "The author is a convicted p-dophile" If you defend actual nonces your argument that loli hentai is as harmless as videogame violence goes out the window

My internal childhood is squealing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't let the author know that

No way the p-do getting more money



I am still adding considering the post is currently at 800+ comments and ongoing

This is Cirno
The truth about your waifu

Bullying is nature fixing autism:

Not a single kid should ever be bullied even if they’re different or weird. Goes to show even kids will check you if you try and step out of line for even a second

No I think mild bullying is a good thing. It teaches you social skills and how to not try to go super saiyan in the middle of class

Animephobia is the last acceptable type of prejudice:

Anime fans, the highschool ones, maybe even the adult ones, always had dirty fingernails. Their breath was always sour smelling, they themselves was sour smelling. Always had cotton mouth. Very misogynistic & sexist. Always expected you to take a test if you liked anime as a girl

This is the equivalent of saying "not all men":

Ok there were them neighbors and then the majority of us who loved the nerdy shit. As soon as we spoke of it, we were associated with the weird neighbors that did try to go SS3 in gym class during the 1 mile exam. Bullying is bullying.

Word play!:

No seriously, coming to school with an akatsuki jacket and speaking to each other in broken Japanese. And you expected to leave school everyday in one piece???? (see what I did there. Sorry ignore that)

Black animecels are the transfolx of the black community:

I thought it was common knowledge to only try the sacred arts of Dragonball Z amongst homies you watched it with and within the confines of your own home….never have I ever tried to do a Kamehameha or turn super Saiyan infront of the hoes but common sense ain’t common lol

This is Cirno
Two Anime Girls Talk About Brazilians :marseybrasileiro:
Cirno hyperborea


Weekly Anime Post 54

Well, this week I watched netflixs' 'Cyberpunk Edgerunners' and it was alright, if you want something short to watch Id recommend it.

Afterwards I was in the mood for more cyberpunk shit, and I rewatched bladerunner 2049 which is not an anime. I also watched 'Serial Experiments Lain' and I honestly dont really know what to make of it, so if you watched it definitly share your thoughts about it here.

Idk if its because Im r-slurred, drunk or because the anime is just made that way, but a lot of stuff that happened just seemed pointless and only tangentially connected to the plot. Honestly, after watching it I wonder what even happened in those 13 episodes.

For example, wtf was wrong with the sister? Or what was the deal with her whole family anyway? Who put her in that family if she is just a program? I guess it was the god dude? And were her family all just programs too?

What would even have happened if the wired and the real world connected? Apparently she already has godlike powers in the real world anyway.

This is just some random stuff that came to my mind as I type this out. That doesnt mean I didnt enjoy the anime, because I did, but it just feels like they wanted to send some deep message about life and came of a bit pretentious I guess.


There are probably thousands of characters since her debut people would consider attractive, but something about her stands the test of time. What is it? I must know


FELIZ JUEVES (pantsu ripper)
Is this cirno?


Certified kino
Watch Cyberpunk Edgerunners

That is all


Nekobit Dox :marseyneko:

@nekobit pay me 20000 dc in order to have this removed

the dumbest b-word in any anime ever

god i hate hange so fricking much

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Just do it
MSG Witch from Mercury Trailer 2

I am seriously hyped for this.

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