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in case its not clear, feedback is always welcome on my art shit! i know the hair is bad, the Philtrum is weirdly shaded, and the lips are wonky
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Recently I've been watching this hoe
I like her vids, though I watch them more for the fluff than tutorials or shit
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Last weeks prompt:
Card games
Submissions from last thread:
This weeks prompt:
As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.
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Didn't want to not draw today so I did this in ~15 minutes or so
Yes, I love chicken scratching because it masks the flaws, how did you know?
I might go back to this tomorrow to fix the biceps, the right arm, the rightside trapezius, the waist, abs and the chest
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never actually posted this in a big post lats month for coin
also I don't know how to do layers
I make a fricking flat color layer and when I try to select the colors to make masks for shading layers
there's always a line of pixels that either gets included or excluded from both layers, making it way too dark or bright
I just want one clean line that I can magic tool select and it picks the same pixels every time
it's making my images very crusty
I should just stick to animation not only does the simple style look better but its better for attentionmaxxing
this ---> is the cleanest thing I've ever made and it's the path forward.
even is making waves
I juyst don't like actually animating.
I can sit there and shade a bird leg for 5 hours without thinking a single thought. but when it comes to just seven (7!) frames of bird leg moving as above, its a mental trudge.
I try to process in my head how a bird moves in 3d space but all I get is a photorealistic apple spinning
where do !birdposters think the future of bird lies? am I delusional, misguided? r-slurred?
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Putting eyes on heads is hard. Maybe I should take a complete break from heads until I return to Loomis.
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Spent all day playing Opus Magnum, I feel like it somehow made me worse at drawing
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Was gonna save this for when the weekly prompt is "crystal" (if that's next week's prompt I'll literally kill myself)
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Finished the boxes yesterday. Drew a lot of these laying on my stomach, so that impacts the line quality.
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Last weeks prompt:
Draw bees and/or bee related things
Submissions from last thread:
Honorary mention to @FeynmanDidNothingWrong for the bee emojis he has contributed to the site
This weeks prompt:
Card games
As always if you have any feedback on these threads I am all ears.
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I am having a bit of a hard time visualizing the contors of a ball. This is a busy week for me, so I still haven't finished th remaining 25 boxes, lol.
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Spent the entire day playing stardew valley, so a couple of quick ones