Truly ahead of their time !oldstrags

white extinction is long overdue

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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this was art at the bottom of /r/shitredditsays

insufferable :marseytrain: internet history at a glance

something awful






SRD invasion (takeittorcirclejerk spergging out at davidme for saying :marseytrain: referring to a car transmission as a joke)



literally everysingle metareddit being captured by these people

/r/drama exile

2x, trollx, every lesbian subreddit being taken over by :!marseytrain:s with the now classic "are trans welcome here?" posts and their fallouts



reddit as a whole being captured by these people

rdrama.net exile





fact check my rough history

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fact check my rough history

:#marseydetective: Hmmm....

:#marseyexcited: Your history suggests that you are indeed a cute twink.

!metashit, long-time redditor flexes about how much of a cute twink he is. Gaze upon his cute twinkry. :marseyopera:

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I'm sorry! I was only joking!


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Topmindsofreddit used to be a sub for exclusively for laughing at /r/conspiracy weirdos. It had maybe one or two posts every few days until it became /r/LiberalSneedSubreddit#209

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What happened to /r/conspiratard? They had the better subreddit name

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Their head janny went full magatard, joined the Daddy Defense Force (DDF), and started banning content and people who dared to question daddy's honor. I suspect since they almost exclusively dunked on /r/conspiracy and they were terminally magabrained as well, there was no content for /r/conspiratard to post and the subreddit died out.

tl;dr It was killed slowly by a reddit janny being a reddit janny.

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:#marseysneed: (You)

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I don't either, but I upmarseyd it (just in case it's good).

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The bag says "my internet points"

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On the subject, DAE remember that "Reddit Circlejerk" youtuber that would make SRS-adjacent meme videos? He made a whole rap video making fun of /r/atheism, made a parody of the CGPGrey reddit video, did a video documenting a hoax where he got a Hitler quote to the top of /r/atheism by attributing it to Neil deGrasse Tyson (which was itself a likely hoax and dunk on the viewer since there was no evidence of the post ever existing). It looks like he deleted the channel some years ago and now I can't find a trace of it. Probably the only cultural content of note to ever come out of reddit - which says a lot.

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No, I don't remember such a cute twink. Maybe an rdrama redditor can bolster your memory with a dildo up your butt.


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This is great, I can really feel his seething through the screen

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he's :marseyraging: but he's not wrong

white extinction is long overdue

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The kill-shot to the obsessive Circlejerkers and SRS drones was, is, and will always be: If reddit is so terrible, why do you spend all of your time here complaining about it?

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No, that's the twink from the zelda games


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I used to be a regular there in 2012 :ohgodwhy:

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To be fair, they were basically a lefty rdrama and had an incredible ability to generate massive sneed among redditors. At the time, chudiness still reigned supreme so it was easiest way to be contrarian. That said, I would do anything to have chud Reddit back compared to the bland, corporate ghoul it is now :marseysad:

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Corporate? It's an ideological shift from its owners and jannies. A large part of reddit is essentially far left /pol/. If you delve into the r-slurred arguments of /pol/, you will see equally r-slurred arguments on reddit. Communists and fascists are two sides of the same r-slur coin. :marseyserioushatfact:

Then you have your overlap with progtards, and the rest are Democrats. In the early 2010s, reddit was 75% Democrat and 25% Republican. Today, I've yet to see a poll, but I would assume it's a 90-10 split between D and R.

There's nothing corporate about it as far as the content you see on there. It's from their own, and like media companies, it produces such content that they favor.

!metashit !oldstrags, reddit lore. Look upon this zoom-zoom and see a beffudled twat. :marseylaugh:

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>There's nothing corporate about it

>It's from... media companies

Maybe you were making a point in your head, but on the post it came out like :marseyretard2typing:

White extinction is long overdue

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:#!marseycontemplate: Hmmmmmmm.....

:#marseyviewerstare2: I have considered your argument and found it r-slurred. You, sir, are therefore an r-slur.

:#marseyhmmhips: Another internet argument. Another victory.

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they won



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Pretty good, but there needs to be more :!marseytrain:s on the right side (of history). When I think about it, the lack of trans people in this comic is deeply problematic.


white extinction is long overdue

I see you've been chudded already, so I'll spare you a "trans lives matter :marseytransflag2:."


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Is this a shittywatercolour drawing?

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2014 core

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