

!jidf prepare yourselves for the incoming invasion! :#platysalute: :#carpgunner:

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  • HailVictory1776 : Come to a Christ's One True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. He is risen. Alleluia
I, a lifelong atheist, have started to sense the presence of God

A bit about me (38M).

I was raised in a Christian family and got dragged to church and Sunday School as a kid. I hated it and never believed in God, but was brought up under Christian values and knowing a bunch of Bible lore.

I haven't been a "militant" atheist since my early twenties, but have always believed there is no God.

My grandad is dying, and he's been a devout Christian since he got baptised in his early thirties. I asked him if he could share any life advice, and he said no but that finding God and becoming a Christian was the best thing that ever happened to him.

I'm not sure if that's opened my mind up more to the true nature of God or what, but recently I've started noticing certain things and the concept of "God" has clicked with me -- God as a silent guiding hand who acts through us.

I keep noticing the beauty of things. I keep noticing and being aware of how my actions and speech have an actual impact on events. Like people actually listen to what I say and my words impact them.

When I am stressed and see no way forward, I feel humbled and ask silently to nothingness for help ... and it's been forthcoming.

The atheist in me says this is just human nature at work. But whatever is awakening newly in me says "and that's what God is".

Thoughts? Atheism is the absence of belief and therefore I have no shame in "acquiring" belief and ceasing to be an atheist.

But is this what belief is? Or do people literally believe in a man in the sky?

!christians any thoughts from you would be good as well.


!ifrickinglovescience !atheists Donkey Kong says Trans Folx are keyed and science pilled :#donkeykongtransrights:


In this house, we do NOT believe in bigger rights :#anarchy: go cry in the corner to your tallcel gawd legfrickers! :#shotty:

gigachad ancestor :donkeykonghearteyes:

ape togather stromng :#monke:

average r/minioncels user :marseyminion:




:soyjakfattalking:Reminder that Jack Posobiec made his entire post-2016 career from stanning for Trump, including attempting to livestream a child's birthday party because of pizzagate :marseynoyoupedo:

Chill out bro

Another chud (he's more focused on anti-DEI from a New Atheist perspective) is surprisingly brave enough to call out an eceleb with more followers than him

Colin Wright then parodies Jack Posobiec's tweet with a comparison to show how fictional Christianity is:


Make no mistake, our nation is under spiritual attack. Politics isn't just politics… it's a battle of good versus evil, spiritual warfare. I'm glad Pres. Trump recognizes this. May God have mercy on our nation.


We are literally in a battle between good and evil.

The above 2 are extreme examples of :marseywingcuck:, note the reference to "spiritual warfare", it looks like she wants to return to Satanic Panic level christian hysteria. And why do "meme magic" tards almost always end up being uncritical Trump stans:marseynoooticer:?

A live-streamer and dream SMP member replies with an unfunny wholesome boomer meme (It's literally 2024, 2 lines of impact font are outdated)

do you have any idea just how ridiculous you sound

And Jeff Tiedrich was just beginning to end his twitter addiction, unfortunately Trump has forced him to relapse with a reply

I can see him almost giggling when his team told him they were going to start posting stuff like this.

It is such an (almost blatant) joke.

:marseycope:Clearly it had to be a joke, ignore the fact that most of his fans will take it seriously

I pray for your conversion to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Mr. President.

:marseygroypertalking:I'm surprised I had to scroll this far to see No True Christianity, this time it's from a

6'5. 131 IQ. GROYPER. Catholic integralist. 1 wife, 3 kids, 2 dogs.

who's current twitter banner is a selfie with Nick Fuentes


God Wins

The racist cartoonist sto-Ben Garrison responds with an extremely overused Qanon catchphrase

He is very powerful. Pray, and he will provide protection.🙏

Please protect all of our military personnel. 🙏🇺🇲

Thank you all for your trust, faith, and patriotism.

We are privileged to serve you.

Please PRAY for those who would lay down their lives to protect our FREEDOM.

You are safe.

Donald J. Trump 🇺🇲🙏

If the "Donald J. Trump" part of this tweet wasn't included, I'd think she was referring to Michael with "He is very powerful. Pray, and he will provide protection.🙏"

!nonchuds !atheists


!besties !nonchuds /h/Atheism says trans christian lives matter :#carpexcited:


:marseyban#ana: :marseyg#oatse:


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  • Nightcrawler : I follow you btw so you don't need to ping to summon me :marseyflirt:



SO SISTERS. Jesussianna Feetwashing is on the DOWNRISE in recent years, partially due to the NEW competing religion of adolf trumpler... :#lappschemin: so i was wondering, seeing as christoid feetwashing is almost DEAD AS SHIT :#brookslaugh: what would YOU WANT in EXCHANGE of joining the feetwash sisters? :#marseylovegigaorgy:

personally, here's MY list! :#carpcarphug:

1. Retcon Straightan to be a smoky hot boob chick with great hair, glowing eyes and cool sword :#shadowrage:

2. canonize Jesussianna's MTF transition on the cross :#marseyagreefast:

3. instead of like being bad make heck a comfy warm beach resort where everyone can have fun and like do the limbo and shit, also replace christians going to heaven with Jewish Alphas cause they're nicer than christians plus they knew god longer :#chadjew: also so they don't have to see hitler in heck with them, AWWWWWKWAAAAARD :#brookscringe:

4. make all the bad straggots turn into demon s*x slave girls for the trans sisters for a limited period(t)(as long as the stacies NEED :#donkeykongdrag:) instead of eternal torture, like periodt :#carpagreefast:

and 5. make all jesussianna feetwashers INCLUDING JESUSSIANNA renounce xeir idoltry of jesussiana and admit they were wrong and jews were right and hashem is the one true god and no one else :#marseykneel:

oh and i SO want to se jesussianna and straightan do some strag patrolling during a tea party teamup that would be SOOO much soren sisters :#derpinasnickering: but these are the bare minimum changes i want to see if i wanted to go back, i want to pluck the bones out of Adam's peepee for being such a FRICKING strag ridden disgrace to the universe but apparently god can forgive straightanists so... :#conflictingemotionsguy:


what did he mean by this?

Islam allowed r*pe : DebateReligion


Yikes. This hecking wrongthinker should be dealt with!

It's not just catholics. Everyone wants to hide their shame




The thing is I'm (obviously) atheist but also gay. And I live with my partner and her husband. And my trans kid. I don't hide any of this and talk about it as things naturally come up in conversation just like any other family. I refuse to hide people I love for someone else's comfort.

i cant imagine "i take it up the butt while my boyfriend's husband watches" coming up naturally in conversation but ok





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This kills the christcuck
Rappin For Jesus

Original with out me messing with audio lol

This was hard to get because of it being protected on YT


jesussiannist feetwashers, not even once :#bitchplease:



They told me to give birth as a 13yo and take the consequences. They told me animals I ate will retaliate on me along with that embryo I will abort. The 婴灵 (baby spirit) would haunt me because it lost a chance of being born with a fleshly body. I was even more horrified. They told me to get up 5 am and not to sleep, keep 诵经 (praying with various sutras) and 放生 (release animals into the wild) despite I know the speech won't work and releasing invasive species will make more harm than good. They told me I was an butthole because I ride horses and they called me a slaver of horses. They even told me I can pray the pregnancy away and eventually I will miscarry and I should tell the "baby" to come back later.

release animals lmfao

Veganism is bodily abuse (especially in children who get malnutritioned from it (at worst I've read about cases where toddlers die from a vegan diet)) and I gave up on Buddhism because of how much purity spiralling there is on /r/Buddhism about HAVING to go vegan in order to "minimize suffering" (meanwhile in the real world outside of the religious mind, rodents and insects get killed from farming practices whether the consumer is vegan or not, studies now show that plants too can feel pain somewhat etc)

plants can feel pain :marseyxd:

There's a new r*pe island :marseyflaghongkong: for sale!

Chip in to help catholic :marseynun: priests molest :marseypedobear: children :marseychildclutch: in private :#marseynun:




Religious memes for demonic beings part 1

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The conception of Jesus
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