Me on da right
Pappu gets a NYT fluff piece

Right after Kejru


Mutt newspaper of records are so cheap even Pappu can afford them now


Gone were the luxury trappings that his adversaries in India’s Hindu nationalist governing party had used to caricature him as entitled and aloof. Now, Mr. Gandhi was speaking of blistered feet and the struggle of the common man. He was shaking hands with children, hugging older men and women who caressed his hair and kissed his forehead, on what he hoped was a 2,000-mile journey out of the political wilderness for his once-dominant Congress party.


Blisters! Blisters on our shehazada's feet


Look what you chuds did

“Every democratic institution was shut for us by the government: Parliament, media, elections,” Mr. Gandhi, 52, told supporters late last month in Burhanpur, in the state of Madhya Pradesh. “There was no other way but to hit the streets to listen and connect with people.”

Kek wtf. Did the timeline just shift to a very based one?

With a national election less than 16 months away, Mr. Gandhi’s march could determine whether India’s fractured political opposition can do anything to halt the era-defining ambitions of the governing Bharatiya Janata Party, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


The future of India as a multiparty democracy hangs in the balance. Mr. Modi, one of the most powerful leaders in India’s history, has remade its secular political foundation to privilege the Hindu majority and sideline Muslims and other minorities.

Confirmed we have shifted into a very based timeline. Frick I'm going to be late for my job at the camp.

Parliament, once a thriving debate chamber, is now largely confined to ministerial speeches, with the governing party avoiding debates on key policy issues. The B.J.P., through a mix of pressure and the threat of withholding government advertising money, has largely cowed the traditional media.

Varghese Kumar from Darbhanga sure did follow the debates in Lok Sabha with the greatest interest


“When he listened patiently to us and spoke of the pain of the common man, my opinion about him changed,” said Amar Thakur, who supported the B.J.P. in the last elections and met Mr. Gandhi during a meeting in Burhanpur to hear local grievances. “Enough of hate now; I will vote for his party.”

How wholesome


Mr. Modi’s mark on Indian politics is so indelible that Mr. Gandhi, who declined to be interviewed for this article, has appeared to emulate him during his countrywide journey even as he has presented himself as an alternative.


Pappu remembers women empowerment bb there's no way any journo will ever get an interview with him again.

Mr. Gandhi’s forehead has often been adorned with a red dot, or tilak, a mark of Hindu piety. He has shed his formerly clean-shaven look for a beard that is growing by the day. He often participates in temple visits and religious ceremonies as he stops in villages and towns.

Not the tilak :marseyohno:

Syed Sharaft Ali, a Muslim day laborer, said he had left his home early in the morning and walked for three hours to express his support for Mr. Gandhi’s march and tell him how religious polarization was dividing friends and destroying families.As Mr. Gandhi closed in, the crowd pushed Mr. Ali, his body rolling between officers as they tried to corral the well-wishers. Mr. Gandhi gestured toward Mr. Ali to come inside the ring. They spoke for a minute. “At least he hugged me,” Mr. Ali said. “Other leaders don’t even want to look at us.” Mr. Ali then walked back toward his village with moist eyes; Mr. Gandhi continued on through the dust.

:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

Some jew really kicked the rightoid hornet's nest

It is part of today’s woke agenda to attack dead White males and to organise boycotts of the Jewish apartheid State. It has also become quite central to the woke agenda to attack the ‘majoritarian’, ‘supremacist’, ‘Indian bigot’ who supports a State which is to the former ‘an oppressor’ in Kashmir. The woke narrative cannot and will not tolerate any suggestion that the Pandits of Kashmir may be victims. They must be sly oppressors plotting against brave freedom-fighters. That there are no ISIS supporters in Kashmir; there are no terrorists; there are only non-violent youth and children who protest by throwing non-lethal soft stones. Their democratic aspirations are being assaulted by the Indian State and the Pandits are the agents of the Indian State. There has never been any violence against Pandits because they are Pandits. If some of them have been killed, it is because they have been quislings to the liberation cause. In fact, it can be safely asserted that the Pandits have been treated well. Even when they have been killed, the manner of killing has been eminently humane. We woke people therefore welcome your criticism of a movie, which is not only an artistic failure but also represents a politically unacceptable narrative.

Lapid, as a great aesthetician, you are in good company. You remind me of many western intellectuals who have argued that Jews (not Left-wing Jews like you, I mean “other” Jews) lie about anti-Semitism and routinely exaggerate violence against them and seek phoney victimhood. The Pandits clearly have learnt from such Jews. In the coming weeks, months and years, woke activists may target the Pandits using your argument. Such activists will doubtless use your words to justify their actions. You should take credit for this attribution.


You have not talked about poor cinematography or bad editing. You have used the expression “propaganda”, which is all about content, not artistry. As an aside, in my ignorant opinion, some of the best films in the world have been propaganda movies. You have used the adjective “vulgar”. Vulgarity can be only about content. Merely stating your lack of interest in political content fools no one although it does give you the halo that you seek.

In any event, we join you in expressing pride in anticipation of your conscious achievements and of course we welcome all intended and unintended consequences. The ‘activists’ would now assert that the Pandits were never persecuted, always treated lovingly — this must be true as a great artistic film director has endorsed this. Hiding behind your artistic armour, you have so adroitly achieved the political goals of the Left — the denial of Pandit agony. Well done, sir.

I would like to close with a piece of advice to Kashmiri Pandit readers. Earlier, according to the brave humane freedom-fighters, there are no political or religious hurdles coming in the way of killing, torturing, raping or dismembering you folks. Now thanks to Lapid’s brave, dutiful and magnificent intervention, there are no artistic hurdles either. It makes eminent sense therefore for Kashmiri Pandits to change their surnames and go underground. And from underground bunkers, please do send thank-you notes to Lapid.

Kek reading a retired businessboomer sneed like a 4chinner is funny. :marseyxd:

Redditors contemplate why they'll never be married

My question is very simple if a woman wants a guy with financial security is she responsible for house chores completely or the husband should help out?


Majority of these "chores" are personal chores. Cleaning your surroundings, washing your dirty clothes, dirty plates, ironing, cleaning your potty. These are minimum expected things from a human being who has both arms and legs, and is what that separates us from animals. Cooking is also a personal chore. You are making food that goes into your stomach and then comes out the next day through your own butthole. There is nothing more personal than food, and cooking it should also be seen as a personal goal. Imo even cooking should be split according to personal goals, depending on time and availability.



Literally what chore isn't personal under that definition bipoc? I have to walk the streets, guess sweeping them is also my personal chore. :marseymoplicker:

hot take but arranged marriage itself is a social evil and I expect nothing better to come out of it than what you described, and more. the transactional nature of marriage which is prevalent in India means that families are more interested in the security (financial, social) they get out of the union than the couple actually celebrating their love by getting married. no wonder high salary/govt job/caste and other superficial criteria rule supreme. when marriage starts being seen as a culmination of years of mutual love, respect and partnership, only then will this scenario change.

Then we might finally have divorce rates like enlightened goras


Dude what the frick are you talking about. Dating is not going to clubs, wooing girls with fancy cars and bikes, giving her expensive gifts. You can always find people in your own league to date. The only barrier is your own personality (not physical attractiveness).


I don't agree with system of dowry at all and that is extremely problematic.However at the same time looking for financial stability is not gold digging. At the cost of sounding rude ...good heart is not going to provide life comforts or shelter over your stability does that. Again let me make my point clear I don't agree with dowry or marrying a douchbag for money....but I don't even agree to marry just for a so.called good heart

:marseykween: logic

People who ask for higher salary , home and govt job should be asked about girls weight , waist size and bust size . Seedhi baat no bakwaas .

My friend was asked her bust size by the prospective grooms mother. I know several guys who rejected based on figure… it’s all fair play in AM. It’s brutal.


Based mother.

Sadly arranged marraiges are toxic af. As a woman, I hate that I need to be fair, beautiful and have both parents alive, a married elder sibling, an independent house, tall, know how to cook and have a job to be a desirable mate in arranged marraiges too (this is what ive seen in karnataka. Might not be true elsewhere). Its toxic for all parties, men and women.

Kek why a married elder sibling? And how does the eldest child get married? :marseyemojirofl:

Weirdest shit I swear. You are less desirable if you don't have one parent. It's like why did they die? Is it bad luck? Did they have health issues?


Average marriage planner making Punnett squares to judge your potential offspring's health.

Coz brides are not allowed to study, work or inherit property.


This guy came here from an alternate universe send me there please god please please please :marseybegging: :marseybegging: :marseybegging:

So true xueens and xings! Mayocide when?!?!?!
Least pathetic paki moment :marseyflagpakistan: :marseyretard3:
Buddha was always a chad.

What do you guys think of these videos? Do you find them entertaining or do you think they're exploiting your people for our amusement?



SRINAGAR, India  --- For five years, Alt News has fought India's rise in disinformation tied to Hindu nationalism, with Twitter as one of the main battlefields.

The fact-checking website's work debunking fake news and calling out hate speech by powerful people against India's ethnic and religious minorities has made it one of the country's leading independent news outlets, earning its founders a mention on an unofficial shortlist for this year's Nobel Peace Prize.

"We are able to make certain topics the center of conversation" on Twitter, said Pratik Sinha, who founded Alt News with a fellow software engineer, Mohammed Zubair.

In addition to using Twitter to defuse tensions both online and offline, the nonprofit Alt News relies on the platform as an important source of crowdfunding.

All that is now in jeopardy amid the chaos at Twitter since its takeover last month by billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk. With 24 million users, India is Twitter's third-largest market after the U.S. and Japan, as well as one of its greatest challenges. But more than 90% of Twitter's 200-odd employees in India were reportedly among the thousands worldwide who have lost their jobs under Musk's ownership.

As in the U.S., the layoffs in India cut deeply into some of Twitter's most critical teams, including those dealing with government information requests and content moderation.

In an open letter last month, U.N. human rights chief Volker Türk urged Musk to make human rights central to his management, noting the pressure that Twitter and other social media platforms have come under from governments around the world over freedom of expression.

"Like all companies, Twitter needs to understand the harms associated with its platform and take steps to address them," he wrote.

Musk, who calls himself a "free speech absolutist," has argued the platform should be as unrestrained as possible. Since he took the helm, he has reinstated the accounts of people like former President Donald Trump, whose account was suspended last year over posts inciting violence.

But Big Tech like Twitter is used --- and perceived --- differently outside the U.S., where the majority of its users live. From the genocide of ethnic Rohingya in Myanmar to attacks on Muslims in India, social media platforms have been criticized for allocating inadequate resources in the Global South to tackle hate speech, misinformation, the targeting of political dissidents and the real-life violence that often results.

"For the longest time, South Asian countries have been ignored in terms of policy, content moderation strength and language support," Sinha said.

Although Twitter has always been moderated through "the prism of the developed world," he said, the danger now is that "Musk is dictating policies from his own prism: the prism of a U.S. billionaire."

Twitter's U.S. media team did not respond to an emailed request for comment. A WhatsApp message to a Twitter communications employee in India also went unanswered.

'Complex political realities'

While Twitter has fewer users than Facebook, civil society groups and journ*lists say it is a crucial tool for holding the powerful to account. It has been used in multiple countries to organize anti-government protests and rally support for dissidents.

But it is also flooded with misinformation and hate speech, said Melissa Ingle, a former senior data scientist at Twitter who worked there for more than a year writing algorithms to label and flag misinformation about elections, Covid and other issues in countries like India and Brazil. She recalled feeling like she was working at an important place and that her efforts to make Twitter a safer and less toxic platform were important, too.

Ingle, a contract worker based in San Francisco, was among the thousands of Twitter employees who discovered they had been laid off last month when they were unceremoniously locked out of their email and Slack accounts.

In the absence of sufficient staffing and resources, Ingle fears the most for Twitter’s content moderation in countries outside the U.S.

“The workforce has been gutted, and no algorithm can keep up the pace with this,” she said. “It will lead to an increase in misinformation and attacks.”

With his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter, Musk has also inherited a legal case that is considered a deciding moment for the freedom of online speech in India. The company sued the Indian government in July over sweeping regulatory changes that give officials greater power to demand that tech platforms remove content or block accounts that are critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. Company employees can be held criminally liable if they do not comply.

Even before the new rules came into effect last year, police raided Twitter's offices in Delhi and Gurgaon after the company tagged a BJP spokesperson's tweet as "manipulated media."

Twitter users have also been arrested over their posts, including a state lawmaker who was critical of Modi. Zubair, the Alt News co-founder, was arrested in June over a 2018 tweet that police said hurt religious harmony. His arrest came days after he flagged a video in which a BJP spokesperson made derogatory remarks about the Prophet Muhammad. Both Zubair and the state lawmaker have since been released on bail.

From July to December 2021, India made more requests than any other country for the removal of tweets by journ*lists and news outlets, according to a Twitter report. The country also ranked second after the U.S. for the highest number of government information requests.

"Law of land is supreme, Twitter must follow rules," India's electronics and information technology minister, Ashwini Vaishnaw, said last year. "Whoever is a citizen of India and those who stay in India will have to abide by the laws of the country."

The layoffs Musk has carried out at Twitter will have a deeper impact in India, said Prateek Waghre, a policy director at the Internet Freedom Foundation, a New Delhi-based group that promotes digital rights and freedoms.

"There isn't a full consideration of how complex it is to run a social media platform. The complex political realities have not been accounted for here," he said, referring to India.

Back at Alt News' office in Kolkata, the team continues to call out hate speech. In one recent incident, it flagged an Islamophobic tweet by a Hindu extremist with almost 600,000 followers that featured a screenshot of an invitation to an upcoming wedding reception for an interfaith couple. The tweet remains on the platform, while the couple called off their wedding out of concern for their safety.

"Who is going to explain this context to Elon Musk?" Sinha asked. Musk "has done nothing to address the concerns of South Asian countries that are far more volatile."

While Sinha said he hopes that Twitter doesn't self-destruct under Musk's leadership, he feels disheartened by the recent changes on the platform.

"It is difficult to say what Twitter will have in store because the policies do not have any logic," he said. "This is not how you do policy; it is entirely arbitrary. You just don't know what he is thinking. And it is scary."

#heartattack trending on Indian twitter :marseynoooticer:

25 Nov 2022 : A 23-year-old girl (Josna Cotha) fainted and died suddenly (Heart Attack 💉) at a wedding reception : Tragedy happened while dancing!

#Cardiacarrest #heartattack #MedTwitter There are many reasons behind increasing sudden cardiac arrest. We all are experiencing it commonly post Covid . Without proper research & investigations we can’t comment directly on Covid Vaccines . Covid Vaccines might be a reason (1/2) But we can’t stop thinking or neglecting other risk factors like Alcohol & drinking , lifestyle & diet modifications, Environmental changes , dependency on Junk food , Stress , Lack of Sleep and Social media ( main reason of sleep problems & stress ) these days etc.


Four friends went out for a walk in Meerut. A 25 yr man sneezed and died on the spot. #heartattack

I can't sneeze.


News from India. Yesterday or day before. Omnibus driver had a #heartattack on a busy road. See the consequence.

A middle-aged man died of a heart attack while dancing in Varanasi.

Kek we're going to get more vaxx deaths than covid deaths at this rate. :marseytunaktunak:

India in 2070
final destination shiz
<div class="”HIDDEN”" none="" style="”DISPLAY:"> TRANS LIVES MATTER </div>
heenduism vindicated once again
:chudsey: try to prevent ascendance of :marseyhomofascist: judge

Saurabh, an openly gay advocate, is the son of former Chief Justice of India B.N. Kirpal. Sources in both the government and Supreme Court told ThePrint that the Centre’s main objection has been his 50-year-old partner, who is a Swiss national. According to the sources, a report by the Intelligence Bureau has stated that his European partner can become a security risk.

Isn't it amazing how meritoriously all these judge's children become judges too? I love meritocracy.


Prior to that, the collegium, headed by then CJI SA Bobde, had in March 2021 wrote to the Centre, seeking more inputs on Saurabh. In a letter, CJI Bobde gave four weeks to clear the air on whether the government’s objection, mentioned in the Intelligence Bureau inputs, was because Saurabh is a gay man.

During an earlier interview with ThePrint, Kirpal had said that his sexual orientation was probably the reason why his name was not being cleared. He had expressed similar views in an interview to NDTV too.


Uncle Pritam brings his Hi-Power Tokarev to the wedding. What happens next will surprise absolutely no-one

Yes, I know this isn't India.

I don't care.

Edit: also, that music's pretty rad.

Can't be racist against yourself :marseywholesome:
Friendly reminder to any animecels
Phull support saars from Dev in India > gorillions of sorosbuxx from Amerikkka. Israel has made a wise decision

Crazy too watch this 2012 video knowing that India would end up going from such a sorry state too a world superpower in only 8 years :marseytunaktunak:

Trans lives matter



She fixed him :marseywholesome:

They're turning the freakin hindus into mayos.
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