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:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Vance :surewalz: dunks on bongs :marseybritbongitsover:, 1000 comment struggle session ensues




JD Vance slammed the UK as "some random country that hasn't fought a war in 30 years"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741093677XKxXeQ2zxx5Zfg.webp JD 'say thank you' Vance has gone for the extremely feminine tactic of 'literally who'ing the country that gave him his language, ethnicity, land and culture

I'm sure this :seethejak: ing is not on behalf of his poojeta wife :marseyclueless:

Despite Vance's comment, the UK has been involved in several military interventions around the world since 1980, and some of the most brutal have been with the US.


As usual the UK sub lets the curryfricker :surewalz: live in their heads rent free

Deliberate antagonism. He's trying to escalate tensions. He's a dangerous fricker.


Didn't Two Tier just 'antagonize' Trump? :marseyhmm: Well, only if you count begging him for more gibs as antagonistic :marseyshrug:

Christ, we literally fought in America's two biggest wars in that time period. For them.


>:soycry: but we fought your wars for you!

No refunds :marseydarktrump!:

Back when we were brother in arms, UK/US forces served, fought and bled together for a common cause.

>common cause

you mean the fake WMDs? :marseyrofl:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741093678ZXpN7OXvD86RNw.webp I did that!

Has Vance said thank you to the UK for their military support even once?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741093678VzNafO18KXk9LA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17410936782CzXD5Z7eakf3Q.webp


Have they paid our bill?


There is a lesson here, the US is no longer a friend to the UK.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741093678-9sosq3XZGXndQ.webp LIVE ENOCH REACTION

The line of history is long, but it bends towards Enoch Powell.

The USA hasn't won a war on its own since forever as far as I know.

:soyjakanimeglasses: heh you lost

:soymad: but I would never ever ever ever ever ever never make fun of a third world country for losing to us

The Americans have really voted for some dumb fricks this time.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17410936788yXJHTINhXIwgw.webp we would never

Russians were paying random influencers millions, wonder what his payout is.

'rational and well-educated' liberals don't believe in lurid conspiracy theories the second your own failures need to be explained challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

These people hate us and hate our country.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741093678XQIPbXvZ-EGlfA.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741093678KExjLnbpDS7JFg.webp

Neighbor the call is coming from inside the house :marseygossip:

Community Note by @Raditz

Did you know that hamsters can store food in their cheek pouches? :marseyserioushatfact:

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Solve both issues at once

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I remember this having marsey in its name :#boomermonster:

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My favorite :mersya: marsey :marseyfallenangel: !dinochads

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He said sorry already


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Neolibs fell for it again

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Most of Europe had some sort of involvement in Afghanistan so it's still pretty insulting whoever he intended it to be about tbh


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Ukros sent troops to Iraq lol.


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Who cares about countries like Turkey or montenegro

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You see me making a big deal about it? You see it on the list? No?

Frick off roach

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Don't worry bubu he can never steal your Trojan heritage

:#marsey300: :#marseymedusa:

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That is a hilariously lazy medusa marsey lol

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my age of mythology army @mithrandir

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Have you played the remaster?

The Hades' sulphur poppers and "virgin" olive oil lube upgrades for the G(ay)reek units are pretty OP :marsey300: :marseycoveryourass: :marseyflaggreece:

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Winston Churchill, Erich Ludendorff, Nikolai Romanov, and Mehmed Resad


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>uhm uhm the past :#soysnoo:

what's next, you're going to tell me the roman empire is going to rise again? :#marseysal:

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I'm trying to say that the only people who cared about turkey are dead

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All dead btw

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shit I'm soooo late for work

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Armenian comparing Turkey and Montenegro

just butthurt from them making you guys a territory?

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They won't see this bro

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Kang did :marsey:

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ah dang true

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I'm a US citizen, these are DBZ colors neighbor

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:marseyshushing: i wuz here

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they already replied and I told them to frick off.


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But Montenegro is the homeland of Alexander, and Turkey is Trojan. Where's your love for the classics?


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clearly paris is my ancestor, i got my simp side from him

montenegrin history was stolen by macedonians :marseyflagmontenegro:

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I don't live in the past anymore.

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What did they do? Sit around in bases all day? :marseyconfused:

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Vance did too! He was a POG who spent six months taking pictures in Iraq.

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That sonuvab-word. :marseymad:

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Except france and Britain are the two countries that stated they would consider participation in that mission.

Its like talking about the the enemies of america during the revolution and then pretending he didnt mean the UK.

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Its like talking about the the enemies of america during the revolution and then pretending he didnt mean the UK.

That would clearly be a reference to the Mohawk and Seneca nations :surewalz:

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Uhm this is a lie. When I talked about countries sending peacekeeping troops to Ukraine being trash, I was NOT talking about the countries who just announced sending peacekeeping troops to Ukraine. Libtarded lamestream media strikes again

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>heh, clearly I wasn't talking about Britain and France, I didn't even mention them

ok who were you talking about?



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He was obviously talking about useless leafs.

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Hey now, there were plenty of brave Canadian soldiers who were killed in Afghanistan. Granted, they were killed by Americans, but...

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The Pat Tillman Action Ribbon

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He could be talking about any country other than the US they all fit the criteria

Trans lives matter

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Get the leafblowers ready. We're moving in.

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He should've doubled down and threatened to nuke us :marseyshy: and then actually done it :marseyblush: :marseyflirt: hehe

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nuking british cities would disprotionally harm minorities and brown people, this is not something that the US can do

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741106346dpwsuXflUWHUXA.webp lol i liek 2b random

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You are a traitor to your country. Britain needs to school the current US administration.

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How to !Britbongs:

✔️ Arrest straights for burning Pride Flags unless they are Muslims

✔️ Arrest gays for displaying Pride Flags from their own windows in front of Muslims

✔️ Arrest whites for getting in the way of a Muslim swinging a knife

✔️ Arrest abortion protesters for praying too silently in front of an abortion clinic unless they are Muslims

✔️ Arresting children for participating in Muslim child s*x trafficking


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I wish Muslims had 10% of the freedoms you seem to think they have in the UK.

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A dude was arrested for getting stabbed for simply burning paper with ink on it that he bought with his own money


I need to find the article about the couple that was forced by police to take down their pride flag after Muslims registered a complaint over being able to see it

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If you are a Muslim can you burn your own Quran in public, barring fire safety?

what stops someone from quickly converting to Islam, burning their own Quran, then deconverting right after?

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Converting from Islam is conveniently also punishable by death.

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He found out

Shut it down


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Yes, that's bad. Burning the Quran or whatever else shouldn't get you arrested. That is, unless you're doing it to deliberately provoke people, in which case you absolutely should get at least a talking to from police, not for the burning, but for trying to breach the peace.

You too can burn a Quran in the safety of your own home today in the UK and unless you're using it to rile up discontent nothing will happen even if you get reported to the police.

EDIT: 183 coins! :!soyjakwow: Even the RNG Gods agree with me!

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Britbongistan is not his country.

The world he grew up in no longer exists

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Never forget Doggerland


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Uh oh sinky


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>You are a traitor to your country


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he's a muslim immigrants btw

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You know he's talking about the Germs lol. UK and France actually do have respectable armies, no one gives a frick about the Alemania Armada

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Uk does not have a respectable army lol. Those news headlines weren't jokes.


The British army is the smallest its been in 200 years.


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In terms of effectiveness they're still pretty good, only really behind France in Europe. Most US soldiers that served alongside UK troops only have good things to say about them.

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Ukraine is a vehicle too funnel money too European elites. Any news you hear is paid by the same grift including a bunch of generals talking good about each other

Trans lives matter

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How do you have a respectable army with no ability to project that power in any meaningful way without help from the US? I get the UK or France is far from the most guilty of this, but the reality is, if it would only take 20k troops to secure things, why haven't they already done it? The Europoorans have been telling us how important it is to stop Russia, who is having trouble fighting hand me down weapons in the hands of a smaller military force. Why don't they stop Russia? I'd stop talking shit about the whole continent if they did

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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:marseyzelensky: would actually have to agree to a ceasefire for that to work. He's already canceled elections because he knew he'd lose to that guy talking about a ceasefire. He wants to keep fighting; otherwise, he'll have no power.

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I hate how they say they are saving democracy / standing with democracy when Ukraine cancelled the elections.

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Elections canceled! :marseyindignant:

A recent poll found that just over half of Ukrainians now believe their government should negotiate a ceasefire with Russia — more than double the figure at the start of the war. But many Ukrainians told CBS News that, while they want peace, it cannot come without conditions


Anyone running on a ceasefire platform would have had a good chance of winning the election. :!marseyindignant:

And of course, there's :marseyzelensky: always clamoring for continued fighting.


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Germany didn't offer to send troops though and barely pretends they want anything else than to turn the gas back on. The three NATO countries that did commit troops are Bongland, Frogland, and Turkeyland. Turkey actually has a big army and does a lot in Syria and I doubt he knows they're in NATO anyways.

He likely was talking about all of Europe in general but is so clueless about his job that he didn't realize that his words would only apply to UK and France. Remember, this guy is only a couple burgers and a heart attack away from the big red button.

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what was his statement, word for word

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Speaking about the proposal, Vance told Fox News: "The very best security guarantee is to give Americans economic upside in the future of Ukraine.

"That is a way better security guarantee than 20,000 troops from some random country that hasn't fought a war in 30 or 40 years."

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Oh. Yeah that's not highly diplomatic but way better than I expected. How dramaphobic of him. :marseyindignantwoman:

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Is that relevant?

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>in the pool with a t-shirt



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The rare Vances all look like Amos from The Expanse


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He's not wrong though. New India isn't the powerhouse it was a hundred years ago.

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Operating System:

Windows XP vs Windows 7

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India gonna r*pe Bongland then !bharatiya

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One of your carriers is a Soviet ship from the 70s that killed 2 people with sewage

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4 of your SSBNs(all of them) have nukes you can't use without a foreigner's approval(right now orange man)


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>source is anti-nuclear cranks

From the House of Commons

Decision making on the use of British nuclear weapons is a sovereign matter for the UK. There is no requirement to gain the approval of the United States or other NATO allies for their use and only the Prime Minister can authorise an instruction to fire.

From the UK defence journal

Contrary to the belief that the US can prevent the UK from using Trident missiles or that the US controls the system's targeting, the UK retains full operational command. The Trident missiles utilise a stellar sighting guidance system and inertial navigation, independent of GPS, negating the possibility of external "shutdown".

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>Implying US wouldn't build backdoors into weaps they build and maintain


Troo on further reading that bit does seem to be fake news but still pretty funny your entire seaborne nuclear deterrent is foreign leased tho



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I believe what Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) have to say.

In reality;

>The current UK Trident warheads can also be launched by a submarine commander with the support of his crew without any code being transmitted from the chain of command.

>The British missiles are controlled through the Royal Navy chain of command all the way up to the Prime Minister. In reality the Prime Minister would make the launch decision in concert with whatever was left of the British government.

>The key point here is that the British deterrent does not have permissive action link control, which means it does not rely on the use of codes to fire the system.

This is more terrifying;

>The UK's Trident fleet relies purely on military discipline to prevent a launch.

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Three Pakis aboard one have the chance to do the funniest thing ever

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Or 3 Indians

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>compromises rather than asserts

It's a bit neutral. It's like little brother holding big bro's sword. :marseyshrug:

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Hindutva, I kneel.

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The Indian navy is just to fire their citizens onto English shallow waters

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He's wrong in the sense that the Pakistani Dominion of England has indeed prosecuted a war in the last thirty years, but he's right in a much truer sense: it annoys bongs :marseyagree: :marseyflagukgenocide:

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