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They're both wrong.

I dunno if the Sacred Band really were gay or whatever, that's not a period I'm particularly knowledgeable about. But at least the story of them being gay goes back to ancient times. Maybe it originally was like "these bros totally loved each other" but it really seems that pretty soon it was understood to be sexual.


On the other hand, this isn't evidence for gay s*x among Greek soldiers to be common. It's evidence that this was considered unusual and noteworthy, maybe even a little titillating. For example, Plutarch isn't writing about normal people doing normal things. He's writing exaggerated caricatures of exceptional people doing exceptional things.


The true, centrist answers to these questions:


It was not common for Greek soldiers to bugger each other, but it was not considered incredibly shocking that they sometimes did.

The myth of all Greeks being gay was not invented by a conspiracy of homos in the 1970s. It was invented by a conspiracy of homos in the late 1800s. British academia and the Anglican church it was intricately tied to were dominated by gays. They were pulling the strings behind the scenes, but there was still a "don't ask, don't tell" policy where you couldn't just announce it openly. So they saw in the classical languages an opportunity to let themselves go wild. They could write whatever they wanted about buttfricking each other as long as it was in a Greek or (more commonly at the time) Latin poem. The common people had a pretty good idea what was going on but were okay with it as long as they didn't have to find out the details. When the homostocracy went too far and got out of line, like in the telegraph boys scandal or the Oscar Wilde situation they would get slapped back, but classical studies remained their turf. Since everything in the field believed in the 1800s pretty much became written in stone, we're still living the consequences of that today.

As the capy-appointed Official Historian of rDrama, I declare this to be the unquestionable truth.



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Enjoy being exiled, longie. :marseywave2:

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@Aevann make an exception for LPB

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exiles dont work on LPB lol

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I kneel :#marseybowing:

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Yes, sexual degeneracy came often as a result of bursts of societal development :marseyshrug: But it was short.

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I didn't realize how much buggery went on back in the day, that's very interesting.

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Don't feel so out of place :marseyminipixel: now?

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It wasn't a lot lol, it was in a few very isolated places.

But those who sought to do evil acts often congregated around sources of inherent good.

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The type of homosexuality being promoted by the church was classical pederasty that they still practice to this day but the idea that they practiced modern homosexuality was made up in the 70s. Otherwise you are 100% correct.

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is it hard to ask men not to r*pe boys?

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Yes :marseyfeminist:

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Tbf im pretty sure in Ancient Greece that statutory r*pe didnt exist so im sure some of it was considered consensual

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Peepeees were present. They were not used for reproductive purposes. Sad!

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Everything everywhere all at once.


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:#soysnoo5: reddit the movie

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Imagine being such a butthurt contrarian that you decide if a movie is bad based on whether redditors like it. I bet you don't like kittens and puppies either. :marseysmug3:

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yeah it would be more fair and more accurate to call it what it is, chink rick and morty the movie

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Yeah, I'd agree, that's the genre that it's in. But it's way, way better than Rick & Morty.

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consider this:

boring slop characters, but they are in le wacky bread dimension, where they are bread! now they are in le wacky bubbles dimension, with bubbles! here's some jangling keys!

if you enjoyed this, consider also trying cocomelon and yo gabba gabba

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Consider :marseygigathonk: this


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You might try not being massive cute twink? :marseyshrug:

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BIPOC please. You know exactly what genre of that movie is and redditors liking good movies isn't an impossibility.

I've only ever heard irl people call this movie mid/trash/boring/pseud nonsense.

It's only online that creatures like redditors jerk off to it

And just because this movie has chinks/gooks in it, doesn't mean you have to like it lmao. Cool it with the yellow fever neighbor

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I don't know where the idea comes from that it has to convey more wisdom than Jesus in order to be a good movie. Nothing else gets held up to that same standard. It's like Israel: Anyone who likes it or hates it too much is a weirdo.

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Factcheck: This claim is 100% true.

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!pinggrouplovers, !dramatards, !besties, witness the power of !pings! I wasn't even trying to get these !r-slurs fighting; I just threw out some random pings, and that was enough. :marseytroublemaker:

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Pinging is the best

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Then why aren't you letting me back into metashit you BIPOC

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I don't respond to negging

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This post rests on native land

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Being willing to help the bros nut isnt gay if youre not attracted to them and its basically masterbaiting with extra steps :marseyindignant: . Even some libs recognize it but they try to turn it into a sexuality ('heteroflexible') instead of recognizing that coomers gunna coom.

Being so horny youll bust in anything with a warm hole is one of the most masculine things I can imagine as well.

In summary, if theres no kitty around, yet you still reject the bussy, you are gay. !hornyposters

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Agree with this.

Have you ever helped a buddy put up a fence? Or tear down a wall? Was that gay?

Of course not. Helping your friends is not, nor has it ever been, gay. It's actually behaviour that holds the fabric of society together.

So if I have a buddy who's down on his luck and is painfully horny, yes I will help him with that problem.

People who think that is gay are, frankly, immature and don't understand male friendship.

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If only I was willing to speak on the matter outside of online forums where no one knows who I am we could improve the situation, but alas i am haunted by a rain of mental "no homo" post-scripts

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@littlebane bullshit

@Grue stand with Israel

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Gay s*x is a transaction of power just like heterosexual s*x. However unlike heteros the male naturally does not wish to submit to those weaker than them, ergo to have gay s*x you must be physically bested by another man

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>more comments x24

lol it keeps going!


@Miffin's such a cutie. I should probably make alts for trolling dramaturds here. I can still snag a few, but my name's too obvious for the non-r-slurs.


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No, they were pederasts and the idea that they practiced what was nearly an entirely new form of homosexuality being promoted in the 70s by having groups of like aged soldiers bang each other was made up based on using garbage sources that were going off a hypothetical situation brought up in plato's symposium.

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Yes, Plato himself made up every story of Greek 'homosexual' heroes.

Is Xenophon's Symposium also a hypothetical situation? Contemporaneous

And the Sacred Band would've probably been pederastic also

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believing a work attributed to Xenophon is actually by him


The guy who wrote in Hellenica that there's a really good book about this cool guy named Xenophon (the Anabasis) by Themistogenes of Syracuse? And wrote the Cyropaedia which required pretty detailed knowledge of Persian culture? And wrote the Cynegeticus, a guide for new dog owners?

You've gotta be incredibly naive to believe these were all written by the same guy just because that's what it says on the spine on the copy that came to you.

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I don't really see a reason to disbelieve Xenophon wrote the Symposium. Who else could have (and even if it was someone else, why not contemporaneous)? There was a habit of falsely attributing works to authors back then, for sure, but polymathic authors still existed.

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I'm not saying he wasn't a polymath. I'm not saying one of the particular works wasn't by him. I'm saying that just internally from the Hellenica it's clear that Xenophon the soldier, the author of the Hellenica, and the author of the Anabasis are three different people. We're left with the lesser known works which are totally different from each other in content and style. At that point I'm not even 100% convinced the guy was literate.

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I don't really see much evidence that the author of the Anabasis is not the author of the Hellenica, other than the statement of the latter. But Themistogenes of Syracuse is not a real person.

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Oh ffs come on. It's rare that we actually get information about the author from within the document, and when we finally do you just ignore it in favor of... I dunno? How far can we even trace back the claim that Xenophon was the author?

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OK, that's fair. And we can trace it back to Plutarch.

But why would Xenophon make this citation? And why is this Themistogenes so scantily mentioned? Why is he not mentioned more in, well, the Anabasis? Why was there disagreement over this in the first place? Wouldn't have Themistogenes been mentioned in some collection, or catalogue, so that there would have been awareness of his existence later on?

EDIT: Technically, the earliest source for quoting the Anabasis as Xenophon's is Strabo, but it's not really explained like in Plutarch.

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I don't think we necessarily would have seen him mentioned. Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I don't know where you'd go to get reliable information about authors going that far back. I've looked up a lot of them in Suda and it's just bewildering. According to the Suda everyone in history has 5 possible origin stories and in 2 of them they aren't even Greek. :marseydizzy:

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Leave me alone i want to talk to non r-slurs

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Can you at least mention who this "gay dude from the 70s", the mastermind of the homosexual agenda of the classics, is supposed to be?

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That is where basically every modern idea of greek homosexuality co es from and is an incredibly flawed book. Though i was wrong about the author being gay.

Also yes Xenophon's Symposium is the same type of hypothetical work as plato's symposium

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The given excerpt is serious about something actually occurring in real life. Xenophon claims to have attended, it's a work partly apologetic of Socrates, why would he tarnish the legitimacy of such a work with an off-hand comment? What use would there even possibly come from making up such a story, when there were already stories of pederasty involving Thebes? So, it's still not something made up by a gay, or not gay dude, from the 1970s. You even have material evidence, which is rare for such a thing, which I alluded to with the picture- the Chaeronean grave. There is much more evidence for the view of its existence, and some kind of homosexual practice, than that it was somehow single-handedly made up by Plato, and his circle; certainly not by a dude from the 1970s.

You can criticise the work, but Dover did not originate the idea of the homosexual Sacred Band, and similar. Those are directly from classical texts. To say they're all somehow made up (even if we reject eg. the Sacred Band), is just conspiratorial.

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You have literally never heard of this shit until i just brought it up to you so how about you shut the frick up and stop pretending like you now what you are talking about?

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As a matter of fact, I had, but whatever. Otoh, you falsely claim that Dover is the originator of all these ideas, because you read it online- a ridiculous apologia I am also familiar with, as I have seen this claim enough times, in the form of low quality infographics shared to 'debunk' homosexual practice in ancient Greece.

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They're Greek. The answer is yes.

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@doombro what say ye

@Grue stand with israel

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I'm not smart enough to know about this topic but like many other "funny" historical anecdotes it's probably false


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I'm gooning to your picture my darling ex-gf

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The tale of history forms a very strong bulwark against the stream of time, and to some extent checks its irresistible flow, and, of all things done in it, as many as history has taken over, it secures and binds together, and does not allow them to slip away into the abyss of oblivion.

-- Anna Comnena

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