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USA citizenship test

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It's all misshapen squares to me.


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>"What is the EU Island nation in the Mediterranean Sea that is South of Turkey?"

>"Idk, Belgium?"

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Playing Paradox games for years as an American has unironically made me better at European and Asian geography and history than American. :marseyitsoveryall:

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paradox interactive single-handedly continuing European colonization :marseyredcoat:

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I am a map staring expert lol

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Edit: tried europe versio but got mad when they asked kosovo.

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The correct answer is greece :#marseyflaggreece:

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Greece aint an island homie

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Greece has many islands, including Cyprus.

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including Cyprus.


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Kosovo? :marseyflagserbia:

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Captain America: Civil War

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somewhere in yugoslavia. the smallest

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Not bad for a leaf and I misclicked on Maine because you can barely see the fricking thing

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Lmao i posted the result for yruop. I got like 56% after 5 minutes for burgerstan.

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I didn't notice there was a Europe one. I tried it and the first country was San Marino. I've never even heard the place.

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Same, but I'm not american

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A perfect 36!

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You're an idiot, or the US education system sucks.

Here's what I got as a Leaf:

(granted I spend at least an hour a day on Google Earth...)

Honestly, the one useful thing I've ever learned from Reddit was this:

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I'm not a burger you dumb cuck. Imagine knowing the states of a country you don't live in.

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I've always had an interest in geography... :marseysad:

At least it's more useful than your areas of expertise, such as Pokemon trading cards, League of Legends lore, and lolicon characters.

(And how the frick don't you know where Maine is, you ignoramus)

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:marseysaluteusa: burgerland has colonized my brain. I should get a fricking US passport for that.

Also: frick Delaware. I refuse to acknowledge its existence.

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Delaware was the first state and it will be the last.

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Nothing and no one interesting enough are in Delaware for it to be ever attacked. At least the Dakota's have resources and the flyovers have farms.

Delaware has expensive gated communities, hopelessness and suffering. It's where dreams go to die.

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88% at 2:40. if i took my time like you would have been 100%

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Avoiding misclicks took more time than remembering what state went where. !dramatards are just !r-slurs, as always. :marseyawardretard:

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Maybe dont name your fricking states Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, and then make them all squares somewhere in the middle then :marseyindignant:

How the frick are you supposed to tell them apart, especially when theyre all irrelevant.

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You can remember because Illinois is where the dramneurodivergent capital of the world !chiraqis live and the rest are pointless HFCS factories.

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Idaho - potatoes and mountains

Iowa - the farmiest, south Minnesota, on the Mississippi

Indiana - west Ohio, has Mississippi and Ohio river

Illinois - corn and joliet and chicago

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None of that helps me figure out which of the 50 squares any of them are :marseysipping:

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You really don't know where Chicago is? I thought we were the one's supposed to be r-slurred with geography.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Iowa - potatoes and mountains

Illinois - the farmiest, south Minnesota, on the Mississippi

Idaho - west Ohio, has Mississippi and Ohio river

Indiana - corn and joliet and chicago

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Don't mix us up with the corn people please.

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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Not bad it could have been worse

I swapped a couple look-alike states and who the frick has even been to Missouri?

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Excuse you, I live in missouri :marseymad:

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I will say I briefly forgot Wisconsin exists and almost labelled it Minnesota and also was totally guessing between WA and OR

My bizarre knack for maps and geography is one of my few redeeming qualities

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I will say I briefly forgot Wisconsin exists and almost labelled it Minnesota and also was totally guessing between WA and OR

Are u frickin serious? There is only three west coast states how could u mix them up?

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:marseyeyelidpulling: I live on the diagonal opposite side of the country, they're roughly the same shape, and I can't consistently remember which one is on top of the other. They should've used a north/south name like the dakotas and carolinas to make it easy for me. The only reason I don't get VT and NH similarly mixed up is that I was briefly a berniebro.

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Fair enough idk why I was so appalled, I think I was fricked up when I wrote that comment it just seemed unbelievable. You really gonna confuse a great state like Washington for a dump like Oregon? !pnw

anyway I guess I can't judge. No matter how hard I try I will never remember which one is Vermont and which one is New Hampshire.

The entirety of the West is easy af, the Northeast is ez (besides vermont-new hampshire) and the majority of southern and midwest states are easy besides a couple

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To be fair, I'm not a burger. (I didn't get Hawaii right on the first try, because I misclicked.)

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Knowing where Kentucky is but not Arizona is a, choice

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I knew it, because I knew Kentucky looks like KFC chicken strip :amerimuttfastfood:

What the frick happens in Arizona anyways?

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I can't believe I got a better score in the one continent I have never stepped a foot in than my own country I have lived my entire life.

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Lmao did you fail Uzbekistan?


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As a European im obviously well versed in geography.

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Second try, first one was like 76%. I live for this shit.

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leaf btw. Fricked up because my brain went autopilot and mixed up Virginia and North Carolina with their alternate orientation neighbors.

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I'm not American, burgers better not score lower than this.

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100% 1:13

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89% 03:42 bay bee USA! USA! USA!

:#parrotunitedstatesofamerica: :#imwhite: :!#parrotunitedstatesofamerica:

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