Holy shit people are still using this fricking agrument against bmi

This measurement is bullshit because it doesn't account for less than 1% of the population who are professional athletes.

Here is the link if you want to make fun of then for still using this stupid argument in 2024


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Haha what a fricking r-slur, linemen do not have <= 10% body fat. Average lineman body fat is 24.8%, 25% body fat is considered obese for men. Linebackers Linemen :marseybrainlet: are less healthy than even the general public, and it states that 60% of them have metabolic syndrome.

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:marseyconfused: Linebacker is a different position than lineman.


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You're right, I got terminology confused :marseydunce: , though I suspect that Redditor did as well and was also thinking of linemen. (Linebacker average statistics are almost identical to average NFL player statistics.) From the statistics I saw, linebackers have an average body fat % from 15-19 (perfectly fine numbers) and are, on average, 6'2 and 240 lbs (with the new BMI calculator that's a 29.4 BMI). So yeah BMI is inaccurate for them but they are the elite of the elite, and their BMI is at highest around 30.

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Lineman doing stuff

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I thought a lineman was the guy who goes up telegraph poles

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Wingback =/= fullback for the soccercels.

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25 is obese? That's a healthy :marseyvaxxtroll: number for a proper lads peak bulk.

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It's also considered "overweight" not "obese" :marseysquint:

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25-30 BMI is overweight, 30+ BMI is obese, 25% body fat for men is considered obese.

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It's quite high when you also do roids.

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You could argue that being sub 10% body fat is unhealthy. This b-word is cray.

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What is metabolic syndrome bb?

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Roided to the gills Arnold barely made it into the obese category


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The test is bad because how could you tell whether this man is muscular or fat? There's no way to differentiate the false positive.

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The science will be trusted

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Frank Zane had bmi of 28.


Ronnie coleman had bmi of 38. But he ended up in wheelchair.

Life after bodybuilding has not been a joyride for Ronnie Coleman, the 8x Mr. Olympia who had to undergo about 13 surgeries in his life. After various injuries and physical conditions snatched away his ability to walk

The bodybuilder who had previously talked about his treatment procedures and how he had turned to stem cell treatments

Frank is 81 years old. Healthy as ox.

Sounds like bmi worked quite well

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Wonnyie is in a wheelchair because he was abswowlutewy fweak idiot stwong and twainyer like a cwompwete idiot, his BMI had nyothing two dwo with it. Mass mwonster era bwodybuilders in genyerwl have nyot fared weww.

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i find it very hard to follow your words :marseybeanannoyed:

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Vewy wude twing to say nyaa

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Press "view source" my digga

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He wanted to increase his body mass as big as possible. And he did it. Bmi of 38 at 1% bf.

But now he is paying price for it.

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He is, but nyobwody wiww ewer fworget Wonnyie. Ewery day, swome bwodybuilder yewws yeah buddy or light weight in a gym, pwoving themselves unfwit two be awound nyormies.

The last twuwy likable guy in bwodybuilding.

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Rich Piana said that all muscle or all fat, there's nothing healthy about weighing 300 lbs

Ronnie is example of that. Even if he became legend

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I dwon't reawwy think his BMI was at fault fwor his pwesent state - I think it was his insistence on twainying as a pwowerlifter. While I agwee with Mr Dead Tiny Bawws sentiment regarding being massive, I dwo nyot agwee with it in terms of being lean - it is EXTREMELY hard two be twoo lean two be healthy. Mwodern research tends two suppwort the idea that u can be as lean as u want two be year wound withwout much risk. Nyot like Mr Owwympia but u can twotawwy stay at 5-6% aww year.

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You don't get it. Which is sad.

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Wonnyie was swowlidwy obese thwough

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Google says his competition weight was between 220-240lbs. At 6'2" that would put him between 29-31.

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they always use football players, body builders and strongmen as examples, but ignore the increased cardiovascular risk factors associated with those groups

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Espesily when considering how bmi is actually less accurate toward females. But not in direction they like to think


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Not surprising, since most foids dont want a muscular definition ( :marseycry: ) so if they train its mostly light cardio (nothing wrong with that :marseyturnedon: ) and just watch their weight by food intake. The trend to fat asses ( :marseyn!o: ) probably exacerbates that further.

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they just want to get


Ishygdigyy :marseyishygddt:

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I'm generally fond of the New BMI calculator but that helps account for BMI being too generous for shortlets (IIRC it's too generous for any height <= 5'8). For 6'2 men it only increase the healthy range by about 10lbs, so even with tall men the ones bitching about BMI are still going to be fatties. And unless you do as much physical activity as a coal miner, it's still going to be too generous.

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>60 percent of women are over 35% BF

Please be only America please be only America

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Best part is it's strongMEN not waman

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Bwodybuilders are the onyes whwo skew thwose nyumbers. We have the secwond shwortest lifespan of any gwoup of athletes.

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You die early because you're all midgets and god hates you

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Lou Ferrigno called you a mamaluke

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Like I care what an Italian has to say

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Nobody ever really did

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The times when BMI is inaccurate are incredibly self obvious because said person is busy running a 5 minute mile while carrying a car

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imagine how confused he will be when he learns he is overweight doe

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It's like saying a test for AIDS is useless because you could have AIDS and run a marathon! Uh the test is just checking if you have AIDS. Measuring your BMI is just checking if you're obese dipshit.

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As long as you do not think that you need to lose weight.

My BMI puts me as obese, I have a lot of fat on top of the muscle. But otherwise healthy.

I think a better measure of health would be how fast you can walk/run 10k.

Lmao every fricking time.

"I know I'm obese but I am also sure BMI doesn't apply to me because I've got a lot of muscle under the 100lbs of fat"

I am dying to know his 10k times.

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45 minutes.

He would be faster, but he has to charge his scooter after 5k :muttscooter:

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you can have a healthy BMI and get no exercise and not be able to walk up stairs

:marseysmirk2: :marseydisabled:

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Well, you can if youre terminally skinnyfat or just terminally sedentary. But we're talking "woke up after years comatose" levels of sedentary if a healthy-weight person can't walk up a flight of stairs.

And anyone without an excuse like that is extremely unlikely to stay skinny for long in the face of the overabundance of highly processed, highly caloric-dense and addictive foodslop.

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Ha-ha! It's only accurate in 99.9% of cases so that makes it 100% false.


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I'll have you know that I have the same BMI as Travis Kelce


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Even those linebackers should :marseynorm: lose a few pounds in the off season :marseyautumn: imo

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>literally handful of people at the very edge of niche physical condition, supervised individually by physical trainers and dorctors on call

:#marseychonkmaxx: ssseeeeeee? Im still health-ACK

Also, arent Linebackers still pretty darn fat? Regardless of muscle and general condition, theyre definitely not at 10% bodyfat, nowhere close.

I gurantee you that :marseychonkerfoidpuke: has no idea what 10% bodyfat looks like. She (i assume) probably would see a 20% bf dude and think its single-digit.

Here is what 10% bodyfat looks like. Site looks tarded, but the pics are about right.

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Daily reminder that BMI measurements alone is far more likely to fail to detect obesity than falsely detect it, when compared to other body fat determination methods.

Second daily reminder that BMI is mostly a cost saving tool, and basically, you'll know a fatty when you see one. Doing a real test costs time and money, but punching your height and weight into some 200 year old neurodivergent frenchman's formula is free.

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Beauty of bmi is that all you need is your eyes to determine if bmi is right tool.

Dose this person look like he works out 5 times in week.

And even if someone is muscle bound and massive. There still should be concersation is it really healthy to be so massive.

Guys who break bmi arent themselves healthiest of people.

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Daily reminder it was created for men.

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I just don't eat anything after 5:30pm :marseyshrug:

Being slightly hungry isn't life threatning lol. This also forces your body eat away at visceral fat overnight while you are asleep: it takes energy to simply be alive, and your body will use the stored visceral fat as a source of energy in the absence of other energy sources.

!chuds :marseyskinny:

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People should just vitaminpillmaxx if they worry about not eating enough and drink water to suppress cravings.

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>be me


>have food cravings


>drink water to suppress it


Occasional fasting for a day really helps. So does not drinking alcohol, but that's no fun.


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Trick your body into feeling full


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That's right! I'm such a stupid stalker child.


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:marseycheerup: stalker. I've been trying to get into swimming again :marseysurfing:

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I got :marseyinjured:, so I can't rely on weight lifting or cycling to maintain a good weight. Swimming is probably what I should do too...

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This is wrong. It takes 18 hours for your body to digest food. Not eating after a certain time is meaningless. Overall caloric intake thoughout the day, and throughout your life really, is what matters.

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Lets see your body fat %


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In extreme cases yeah BMI is not an indicator of health, like NFL players, but for the vast majority of people it is extremely accurate, and I hate reddit so much and its EVERYTHING

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indicator of health, like nfl players

Are you sure? Becouse nfl players arent known for their health.

Nfl players have lower rate of type 2 beetus. But highly increased risk of cardiovascular issues. Highest among linemen and those who had bmi over 30 during their active career.

You shouldn't throw away indications of health just becouse they are nfl players.

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Its effect of roids. Very few people on earth can get 30 bmi without being fat or roided

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Its effect of roids.

Sure, but it still means BMI works

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For foids it's double effective

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So what. Bmi is statitical indiaction of health risks. If you have bmi of 30. It dosent matter if its fat or roids. You are still at elevated risk.

bmi works even in these nfl cases

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That was my point and if 6'3 guys have to get roided to hit bmi of 30 while being lean. Then there is no fricking way an 5'3 foid can get to bmi 30 and be healthy. Since the standard of bmi is 5'9 miner worker

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*for all waman it's extremely accurate

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:marseywave2: How are you doing okapi


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Doing pretty well now that finals are done

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Glad to hear it :marseyfluffy:


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Hi trappy ive missed you

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Just compare bmi to seat belts. Dont wear it because it doesnt have 100% success :marseyoutried: rate.

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Just eat once a day.

Eat the normal amount of calories minus 200.

There ya go. You have intermittent fasted.

That easy.

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@WeihnachtenSalvador it's your time to shine

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People who type these shit are just pure fat.

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Frankly, your paladin said that he was going to commit genocide. That's a lot. Especially coupled with how you have described orcs as being tribal and shamanistic and humans as being settlers, it gets into colonialist vibes really fast. Indigenous Peoples' Day was Monday in the US, so depending on the bard player's demographics, things could be particularly raw.



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My BMI is in the overweight category but I'm an outlier fr

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