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Fatties of reddit :marseyraging: over a potential soda tax




>Id like to quote I think Aubrey "is there anything middle class people love more than telling poor people mcdonalds is bad for them?" thats what I feel like the soda tax is.

Because eating dogshit food that cost more then real food from grocery store would actually help out their financial situation.

>I'd like to learn more about the reasons against soda taxes

Me too, but because I literally don't understand how this would be a negative whatsoever.

>Boston? I just saw they're considering it and got immediately bummed out. There's already so much anti-fat sentiment here.

It's like they are almost self aware to see the connection that caring about soda = bring fat

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Illinois or Chicago tried doing that but they included sparkling water, diet soda, and a bunch of other non-sugary drinks or actual sodas in the proposal.

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I think it was Cook County (where Chicago is located). It was called the "sweetened beverage tax". It included anything with sweeteners, even non-sugar sweeteners, like diet sodas. It did NOT include drinks that are naturally very high in sugar like fruit juices. It did include sodas you'd get from restaurants (it was a per-ounce tax, based off "final product", so restaurants that use soda fountains discovered that they were paying more in taxes on their syrup cartridges than the actual cost of the cartridges, which was insane).

Oh also Starbucks bribed lobbied to be excluded on the grounds that their beverages were "customizable" and that apparently was enough to get you excluded from the tax. Those fancy soda fountains where you can make your own blend of soda "flavors" on a touchscreen were not excluded, apparently fast food joints didn't bribe the right politicians.

Oh here's another fun fact - the woman behind that tax is ALSO the woman responsible for the decision to close down all of our forest preserves during COVID. Yep that's right, the big open outdoor spaces got closed down due to COVID.

Anyways frick that ladygarden.

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the woman responsible for the decision to close down all of our forest preserves during COVID.

Why do you want squirrels to catch COVID and die

They should have sent drones after nature zone violators like they did in the UK

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It's always the vaginal jew

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Diet soda is just as bad as real soda.

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No it isn't you moron.

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Aspartame breaks down to methanol and formaldehyde. Can we at least say aspartame is more than likely bad in high amounts? Why would you defend such a disgusting sweetener

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Sounds like woo science to me. You know that thousands of people die every year due to dihydrogen monoxide?

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I like the videos when they jump in the dihydrogen monoxide and can't swim :diddykongswimming:

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Shut up coon fricker.

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That's all you've got because you know you've fallen for "nutritionist" bullshit.

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Just drink beer, it's health food.

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t. pathetic alcoholic.

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Nah, it's health food, coon fricker

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Get all your calories from oatmeal stouts because oatmeal is healthy. And a giant steak once a week.

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I dunno Secret Eaters mentioned how diet soda can condition you to consume excessive amounts of high calorie snacks within 30 minutes of drinking it

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Secret Eaters? Lmao. You really "dunno" it seems.

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He doesn't have his diet soda license.

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I'm sorry my shitpostong on rdrama isn't up to your academic standards?

4 digit user ID

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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Its worse, both in taste and your health.

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No it isn't. Prove it. Sugar is what feeds the bacteria that harms your teeth.

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I do not doubt your family loves diet soda. :marseyxd:


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Not technically

Diet soda has preservatives and artificial sweetners that have been linked to cancer and other issues.

But do you know what has an higher chance to give you those issues, processed white cane sugar.

So diet is less healthy then water, but better then full sugar soda. And thats not accounting for the calories that add up over time.

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The cancer shit was way overblown for aspartame fyi

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I know, its like a 0.5% increase risk at most which probably isn't even true because of other unaccounted factors lol

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>IARC classified aspartame as a Group 2B carcinogen

>Other 2B carcinogens: "hairdressing" and "carpentry"



>Group 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans. Limited evidence in humans. Less than sufficient evidence in experimental animals

>This classification does not indicate the level of risk associated with exposure (risk assessment)

Lol lmao

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That's ok. I'll still keep drinking that garbage.

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I drink so much diet coke and have for nearly 20 years. If it caused cancer I would have it.

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How many do you drink a day? 1 or 2 isn't going to kill you, probably not even 6 a day. But fatties are guzzling 12 packs and 2 liters like it's health elixir.

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You probably have cancer and are also fat.

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Isn't the real issue w/ diet sodas that they increase your hunger, causing you (if you have no self control which fatties don't) to overeat?

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Those studies were debunked.

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Diet Coke literally raises your IQ

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Why would you tax sparkling waters? That's actually r-slurred

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Including diet soda is good. They're just as bad for you if not worse than full octane.

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Factcheck: This claim is both true and false.

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@WootFatigue guess we'll have to call this one a draw, the 8ball has spoken

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Wrong, r-slur.

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Funny how it's only ever X people who say "eliminate X people"

It's the same with disability activists. You could invent a painless instant non-intrusuve cure for deafness with zero side effects and distribute it for free, and these 'people' would get mad at you for improving people's lives.

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>My body is "obese". Nobody knows how to make it not "obese".

/u/Dandibear, have you tried drinking water instead of soda and eating a sensible amount of food?

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I have a dream where obesity is treated like smoking was. Ad campaigns. School campaigns. Sin taxes. Have you bought a pack of cigarettes in a blue city in a red state? It's like $40.

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It's funny how the "progressive" thing for restaurant to do now is to not include calories for their food, which is annoying as frick since I count my calories and I don't know if the pasta you served is 600 calories or you slathered it in butter and made it 1100 calories

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i use nutrition information on menus to determine which entree has the most calories for the least amount of money :chadjew: :marseyautism:

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No decent restaurant has ever listed calories

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Well yeah, but I don't ever eat out on my own time, only when I'm dragged someplace. So I'm not talking about nice local places.

For most chains it was standard to include calories, but recently millennial-ran chains have gotten rid of it even though it was the standard because showing calories "discourages" them from ording products. But they run it under the guise of "this is being inclusive to people with eating disorders"

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By law they theoretically have to be able to tell you still. Calculating all the stupid nutrition facts for the once a year some butthole would ask about it was the worst part of being in charge of a kitchen.

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why not just do this about actual candy

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no? it's like $11 a pack?

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:#marseyhealthy: now thats the most misleading subreddit name since twoXchromes.

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I wonder if this tax is being introduced due to declining alcohol sales rather than promoting healthy diet.

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Taxing soda is dumb because refined sugar/HFCS is bad no matter the product, so you'd need too tax almost every processed food. Why pick on soda? @FishyMan420 suppose it's a first step, and soda is probably the biggest source of sugar for people.

What we really need is shame on all levels of society like Japan does. "Thicc" is not sexy, it's obesity and disgusting.

Vaccines work at making profit just like sugar.

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If it were up to me I wouldn't tax soda, I would make it so you couldn't get it on food stamps.

I could be wrong but I remember a study they did and it revealed like 20ish% of food stamps (or each states equivalent) went towards soda alone.

So much fricking empty calories when you could get real food with that money.

I also know first hand families in the south who have it with every single meal, and like 90% of the family is obese or worse.

Depressing stuff :marseydepressed:

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You shouldn't be able to buy any processed foods with food stamps.

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Agreed :marseyagree:

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The existence of food stamps is the real mistake.

Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons?

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You should be able to buy cigarettes with food stamps.

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Try to drink the tap water in florida and you will know why people are drinking soda or beer with every meal. Lmao.

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I'm no fan of taxes, but this is making fatty redditors seethe so I'm all for it :marseyderpthumbsup:

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i fully support just banning soda. literally no benefit to drinking highly processed sugar water.

at least cigarets are actually psychoactive, and will give u a 15 min buzz if u ain't a total addict.

sugar water is just a nasty habit.

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We have this here in bongland in the form of a sugar tax and the main thing it did was make all soft drinks taste of aspartame except full fat coke which just pays the tax. It did make the scots sperg out though when Irn Bru went from being at saturation point with sugar to still extremely sugary.

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Sugar taxes are meaningless if you don't also tax diet sodas, because people just drink those instead and don't get healthier.

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I believe The Science™ currently believes anyone under 22% bodyfat (it might be 27% for women) is more or less equally healthy, statistically. There aren't horrible weight related problems generally associated with people who are 22% bodyfat and under. Personally, i think this is unacceptably high, but who am I to disagree with The Science™.

I think it's only logical to tax all food purchases by men over 22% body fat and women over 27%. This is science based econo-fitness policy

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>Tax soda

>Worship obese :marseykween:

The duality of :marseymerchantsoy:

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I hate r-slurred taxes like this

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I mean it's just an extra tax for healthy people too? Why not just tax people for being fat

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