Nerd of all trades. Bacon connoisseur. Sexytimes liker. Currently watching Fallout on Amazon Prime
1d ago#7882235
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Fun fact: Adderall in it's original formulation was sold and marketed as Obetrol, a weight loss drug !nooticers
Nerd of all trades. Bacon connoisseur. Sexytimes liker. Currently watching Fallout on Amazon Prime
dramasexual 7hr ago#7887834
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I the FBI & ATF
1d ago#7882929
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My teen years were spent in the PEAK of the media portraying extremely normal looking women as morbidly obese, which fricked all millennial women up haha.
I remember the 2000s. No one called normal women fat. We called fat women fat. We called physically fit women hot. There's a difference.
when I tried dieting by cutting out carbs, my body would panic and make up for it by impulsively binge eating everything in sight to try and regain that lost dopamine source.
It wasn't me shoving food in my facehole. It was my body. Not my fault.
!male feminists should use this excuse. I did not r*pe that woman. It was my peepee. Not my fault!
I’m 100% certain that at least half the mods do not have Faith or the Holy Spirit.
Monke 8hr ago#7887729
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my body would panic and make up for it by impulsively binge eating
The idea of controlling their base instincts, the only thing that separates humans from animals, is completely lost on them.
Join !friendsofsnappy 1d ago#7881805
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I am a thirty three year old American who has lived on the West Coast most of his life. I find tattoos very attractive on women.
To get all weird and philosophical about it, I feel like we're all minds driving around these meat bodies. When I look at a stranger, I can see meat things like their height, their eye color, whether their teeth are straight, all kinds of stuff, but we don't choose that stuff, and it doesn't say anything about who we've chosen to be, just who we've had to be.
Tattoos we choose for ourselves. Looking at someone's tattoo isn't like looking at their eye color - it tells you something true about a person and their thoughts. Of course, sometimes it's a pretty trivial thought, like a tattoo of a favorite beer or sports team. But even trivial tattoos represent the mind taking some secret thought and pulling it into the world and giving it a physical shape. It's almost magic.
I find that attractive. I find myself drawn to women with tattoos, they seem more real and vivid.
You will never have a real eating disorder. You have no angst. No delusion. No compulsion. You are a skinny person twisted by self-improvement and health into a crude mockery of true thinness.
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/u/carriondawns you needed pills to give you the willpower to eat less. You're the poster child of "fat people have no willpower"
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Fun fact: Adderall in it's original formulation was sold and marketed as Obetrol, a weight loss drug
No trans lives matter
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well it DOES work
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Too busy gooning
or longposting
to eat 
No trans lives matter
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This is probably why so many middle-aged moms were getting themselves diagnosed with "ADHD" before Ozempic really took off as the weight-loss drug.
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I remember the 2000s. No one called normal women fat. We called fat women fat. We called physically fit women hot. There's a difference.
It wasn't me shoving food in my facehole. It was my body. Not my fault.
!male feminists should use this excuse. I did not r*pe that woman. It was my peepee. Not my fault!
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The idea of controlling their base instincts, the only thing that separates humans from animals, is completely lost on them.
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She got on Adderall, stopped craving high calorie food and magically lost weight. Which is proof somehow that that's not how weight loss works
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Maxwell's Demon
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Listen to your body is meant to be paired with actual food and not American slop diets. Stimulants just make you not eat lmao
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I am a thirty three year old American who has lived on the West Coast most of his life. I find tattoos very attractive on women.
To get all weird and philosophical about it, I feel like we're all minds driving around these meat bodies. When I look at a stranger, I can see meat things like their height, their eye color, whether their teeth are straight, all kinds of stuff, but we don't choose that stuff, and it doesn't say anything about who we've chosen to be, just who we've had to be.
Tattoos we choose for ourselves. Looking at someone's tattoo isn't like looking at their eye color - it tells you something true about a person and their thoughts. Of course, sometimes it's a pretty trivial thought, like a tattoo of a favorite beer or sports team. But even trivial tattoos represent the mind taking some secret thought and pulling it into the world and giving it a physical shape. It's almost magic.
I find that attractive. I find myself drawn to women with tattoos, they seem more real and vivid.
Snapshots: (click to archive)
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